View Full Version : PSO2...if it comes will it really be worth all the wait and hype?

Nov 14, 2011, 04:14 AM
First off I must sincerely apologize to everyone on these forums and currently on PSU US/EU and all who defected to PSU JP because I know there are some things that I am going to say that have already been said, but I will try not to sound like I am on a rampage of anger or frustration and base it clearly off of observations of the past and present to see exactly where our future as guardians will be.

First off I only have a paltry 2400+ hrs on the 360 PSU from February '11 to present. This is after my now countless hrs on the PS2 servers since the game first appeared in 2006 and now shut down. Be that as it may I have recently joined the JP servers and after only 2 hrs within their cove I have come to the conclusion that Sega has given the rest of the world the "beta" version of PSU and kept the "omega" version to themselves.

You can immediately see the difference in the version just by logging in to select your character where instead of 4 characters you have 2 slots with 4 characters each so you can make 1 of each race and gender. When I went premium I was immediately greeted to a Sonic decoration in my common box. Not that i didnt want to say Happy Birthday Sonic in a lobby to receive one, I cried when Sonic and Tails left uni 20 dammit, the fact remains for things we have to wait for they automatically get. Within 2 hrs people, I viewed everyone's weps and armor and sad as I am to say this but no one had below 40% ANYTHING, every single wep 10/10 and the clothes....OMG THE CLOTHES. Granted their version is a very simple game, it does not have the challenge that comes along with being special, its the same game that we all love just ALOT simpler to level everything, better pa's, better weps, better missions, easier grind systems, titles for every lilttle thing you do including just walking around, better drops(what I mean is I was only lv 16 when i found my first photon fluge, photon booster and the strongest whip on the game) and I havent even started on the guardians cash content, but you get the point.

Now with that out of the way I will tell you that I have cancelled the 360 license and I have to wait a whole month to cancel the JP license because of this. No I am not being sarcastic nor did I do this out of anger. I did this because if the past dictates the future then PSO2 will be no different and we will all have to join the JP servers in order to gain the full experience of PSO2. They did this with every single one of the phantasy star series. Sure other companies in Japan have this with their games where they either change content or not include it internationally but not on this type of scale, Sega has quintessentially given the rest of the world only 25% of what PSU is supposed to have and be. We can all come up with reasons why they did this whether it was for financial purposes or because of the attention spans of fps americans and europeans losing interest in this action/mmo but I believe that these are all cop outs due to the fact that you still brought the game out overseas. Why couldnt you just bring out all of the content? You know what people, dont anyone answer that question. I dont need to be responsible for another hate thread or another person at sega or many of the other sides to Edward coming out and giving another diplomatic political answer as to why Sega did or did not follow through on service and product. Hell all of us lie to ourselves as to why they did it. Here's one and let me tell you, you guys will probably call me crazy for this but I keep telling myself that they did this with all of the PS franchise thus far to see what it is that the rest of the world will pay for and what they will bitch about and then build it up for the release of PSO2 and announce that not only will it be dual server support but they will also have mirrored translation software so that way when you type in english the Japanese players will see it in Japanese and vice versa so we can all have fun together...I keep telling myself this to have faith in Sega but after joining the JP servers...my faith has diminished, because if PSO, PSP and PSU are any indication of what to expect, if your expectations were low before...expect even less.

Even when PSO2 comes out, Japan will still have a lead on game content of anywhere between 6 months to a full year which in reality translates into light years of content compared to what they will release and what they will keep for themselves. Once I get over all of the PR campaigns to promote a game that will potentially never see the light of day off shore from Hakata, I can finally see the clear picture. Its not that Sega doesnt care...its not that the Japanese game conglomerates are elitists for their own...and its not Sega risking a financial meltdown due to gamer trends. It is similar to the reality a drug dealer gets when he has got you hooked on his crack...it doesnt matter what im selling to you...YOU WILL BUY IT, LOVE IT and KEEP COMIN BACK FOR MORE. Harsh reality to face myself when I am still a crack addict for this franchise.

So in conclusion I am not going to play psu. I am not going to touch anything Phantasy Star until we confirm 1) if its coming to the rest of the world, and 2) if they will support a worldwide server regime that guarantees equality among the guhral races whether they be Japanese or "Other". Now I will tell you that the latter will be even easier to implement if they released the game worldwide at the same time which you know as well as myself that THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN! So in the meantime I will start to do P90X and Insanity Workout to lose all the weight I have gained since starting back on PSU...I dont want to end up like those souless people on the GAMEFLY commercial. You know the fat white kid with the bad haircut and who is clearly still a virgin, or the mixed black guy who obviously could not survive in the hood because of the way he talks about videogames in a hardcore fashion, and lets not forget the asian kid who thinks he is cool enough to talk about videogames because he has a semi-decent haircut even for an asian:-P. Not to sound racist but come on, they picked the most stereotypical looking people to be the gamers who subscribe to Gamefly...I bet the people that made this commercial clearly took notes from Sega's PR staff cause they know who will pay for that SHYTE:-D

At any rate, once again I apologize to everyone that sat through those paragraphs of mine, I know it took time from you running the gbr on 360 or the snowcap screamer gbr on jp...or wait any of the other multitude of missions that they have. I love you all for reading this, playing with me online and supporting one of the best games around but for me things have got to change before i give that title to a game that will eventually become a dichotomy of sorts in the long term, which means PSO2 = GREAT GAME/INCOMPLETE GAME. Im out...hopefully our prayers will be answered. THANK YOU!!!!ARIGATO!!!!

Nov 14, 2011, 04:56 AM
paltry 2400+ hrs on the 360 PSU from February '11 to present.

"Paltry"? That's almost 10 hours a day :-o

Nov 14, 2011, 05:00 AM
Thanks Selphia, ikr and whats amazing is the fact that within 5 hrs on the jp servers I accomplished more in my opinion lol

Also just in case some jp server people need this thread in japanese:

最初から私は心からこれらのフォーラムで、現在はPSU US / EUの全員に謝罪し、私はすでに言われていると言っしようと思っているいくつかのものがあることを知ってい るのでPSU JPに亡命者すべてが、私はしないようにしようとする必要があります私は保護者として私たちの未来がになる 場所を正確に確認することを明確にオフに過去と現在の観測のそれ怒りや欲求不満の大暴れをし、基本朝のよう に聞こえる。

オフ最初の私は存在する3月'11から360 PSU上のわずかな2400 +時間を持っている。ゲームは2006年に最初に登場し、現在はシャットダウンので、これはPS2のサーバ ー上で私の現在数え切れないほどの時間後です。それは私が最近、JPのサーバに参加している可能性があり、 それらの入り江内でわずか2時間後に私はセガがPSUの"ベータ"版世界の残りの部分を与えているという結論になってきたとする"オメガ"のバージョンを保持としてことになる自分自身。

あなたはすぐにちょうどあなたがそれぞれの人種や性別の1を作ることができるように、4文字ごとに2つのス ロットを持っている場所ではなく、4文字のキャラクターを選択するにはログインすることで、バージョンの違 いを見ることができます。私はプレミアムを行ったときに私はすぐに私の共通のボックスにソニック装飾に迎え られた。私が1つを受け取るためにロビーでハッピーバースデーのソニックを言って望んでいないではないこと 、私はソニックとテイルスはくそ、実際に我々は彼らが自動的に取得するのを待たなければならないことのため に残っているUNI 20を残したときに叫んだ。私はこれを言うのですが、誰も何も、一つ一つのWEP 10月10日と衣服.... OMG衣料品40%以下を持っていたとして2時間の人の中で、私はみんなのwepsと鎧と悲しいを見る。そ れらのバージョンを付与することは非常にシンプルなゲームです、それは特殊な物と一緒に来る挑戦を持ってい ない、我々はすべてのレベルのすべてのもの、より良いPAの、より良いweps、より良いミッション、簡単 に挽くのシステムに単純なだけでLOTを愛しているその同じゲーム、あなただけの、周りの歩行より滴(私の 言いたいことは私は私の最初の光子fluge、フォトンブースターとゲーム上で最強の鞭を見つけたときに私 が唯一のLV 16歳のさ)と、私も保護者の方で開始haventを含めていないすべてのlilttle事のタイトル現金 コンテンツが、あなたはポイントを得る。

今道のその外に私は私は360ライセンスをキャンセルしていると私はこのためにJPのライセンスを取り消す ために一ヶ月待たなければならないことを教えてくれます。私は怒りのこの外には私は皮肉であることもない午 前もしませんでした。過去が未来を規定するならば、PSO2が異なるNoのどちらでもなるので、私はこれを 行なったし、我々はすべてのPSO2の完全な経験を得るために、JPのサーバに参加する必要があります。彼 らは、ファンタシースターシリーズのすべての1つ1つでこれをした。彼らはどちらかの内容を変更したり、こ のタイプの尺度で国際的にではなく、それを含んでいないところ日本では他の会社が彼らのゲームでこれを持っ ていることを、セガは、典型的な世界の残りのPSUがあるとすることになっていることの25%だけを与えて いる。私達はすべてそれが財政の目的のためにため、またはfpsの注意力のアメリカ人やヨーロッパ人、この アクション/ MMOに興味を失っていたが、私はこれらはその事実のためにすべての警官の死であることを信じるかどうかを 彼らはこれをしなかった理由を思い付くことができるそれでも海外のゲームをもたらした。なぜあなただ​​け のcouldntのコンテンツのすべてを引き出す?あなたはどのような人々は、誰もがその質問に答えるいけ ない知っている。私はエドワードが出てくるとセガがやったかのサービスと製品を介して従っていない理由とし て、別の外交的政治的な答えを与えることにセガで別の憎悪のスレッドや他の人の責任またはその他の側面の多 くである必要がいけない。地獄私達のすべては、彼らがそれをした理由として自分自身にうそをつく。ここでは 一つだと私はあなたを教えて聞かせ、皆さんはおそらくこのために狂気私を呼ぶだろうが、私はこれまで、世界 の残りの部分はお金を払うことが何であるかを確認し、どのように彼らはPSのフランチャイズのすべてでこれ をやったことが自分自身を伝える続ける英語で入力すると日本人選手が日本でそれが表示されますそのようにで きるように、彼らは約雌犬としPSO2のリリースのためにそれを構築するだけでなく、それは、デュアルサー バーのサポートとなるが、それらはまた、ミラーの翻訳ソフトを持っていると発表する予定と我々はすべて一緒 に楽しむことができるように...私はセガの信仰を持っている自分にこのことを伝える維持がJPのサーバー に参加した後、その逆は...私の信仰は、PSO、PSPとPSUが何を期待するの徴候である場合ので、低 下している、あなたの期待を前に低くした場合...さらに少ないと予想。

PSO2が出てくる場合でも、日本はまだ彼らが解放されるものにし、彼らが自分自身のために維持されると比 較して現実の変換のコンテンツの光年に通期の6ヶ月の間にどこかのゲームコンテンツのリードを持つことにな ります。かつて私は、潜在的に博多から沖に日の目を見ることはゲームを促進するためのPR活動のすべてを乗 り越える、私は最終的に明確な映像を見ることができます。そのセガは、日本のゲームのコングロマリットが自 分のためにエリート主義なのではないこと... ...介護をdoesntの...そのしないセガは、ゲーマーの動向に起因する金融危機を危険にさらしてい ないこと。それは彼はあなたが彼のクラックに夢中に持っているときに麻薬の売人が取得する現実に似ている. .. ...それはあなたに販売イムどんな問題をdoesntの...それを購入し、それを愛すると読みに戻って COMINキープ。私はまだこのフランチャイズのコカイン中毒者です時に自分に直面する厳しい現実。

そう結論で、私はPSUをプレイするつもりはありません。私たちは1を確認するまで、その世界の残りの部分 に来る場合)何もファンタシースターを触れるつもりはありません、2)彼らは日本語または"その他"になるかどうかguhral人種間の平等を保証する世界的なサーバの体制をサポートする場合。今私は、後者 は彼らがあなたにも私のようなそれは決して起こることのないことを知っていると同時に世界的なゲームを公開 した場合に実装するのはさらに簡単になることを教えてくれます!だからその間に、私はPSUに戻って開始し てから得ているすべての体重を減らすためにP90Xと狂気ワークアウトを行うために開始されます...私は 、ゲームフライ、商業上のものsouless人のように終わることほしくない。あなたが悪いヘアカット、ま だ明らかに処女である、または明らかにするため、彼は筋金入りのファッションのビデオゲームについて語る方 法をフードの中で生き残ることができなかった、とアジアを忘れないことができます混在黒人の男と脂肪の白い 子供を知っている彼もアジアのための半まともなヘアカットを持っているので、彼がビデオゲームについて語る のに十分クールだと思っ子。人種差別的な音がでてくるためではない、彼らはほとんどのステレオタイプを探し ている人々がゲームフライを購読ゲーマーになるために選んだ...私はセガの広報担当者からメモを取った明 らかにこのコマーシャルを作った人々は彼らがそのSHYTEに払う金額を誰が知っている原因賭 ける

いずれにせよ、もう一度私は私のこれらの規定を通じて座って皆に謝罪、私はそれはあなたが360またはJP で山頂の雪クリーマーGBRでGBRを実行しているから時間がかかった知っている...またはそのミッショ ンの他の多数の任意のを待つ彼らが持っている。私はオンラインで私と遊んだり、周りに最高のゲームのいずれ かをサポートする、これを読んでためにすべてのあなたを愛して私にとって物事は私が最終的には長期的には、 あらゆる種類の二分法になるゲームにそのタイトルを付ける前に変更する持っているPSO2 = GREAT GAME / INCOMPLETE GAMEを意味します。もうやめるよ...願わくば私たちの祈りに答えてくれる。ありがとう!!ありがとう !!

Nov 14, 2011, 11:19 AM
yes...end of story

Nov 14, 2011, 02:11 PM
It's not really about hype or wait. Hardcore fans will play it regardless. Just look at what happened to the PC/PS2 servers, it was so dead they had to shut it down. But that didn't stop people from wasting $10 a month just to play with the same 5 people over and over.

Powder Keg
Nov 14, 2011, 02:15 PM
Global servers or pretty much no sale with me. Unless there's no drip feed content and pretty much everything is out at release like PSO was.

Nov 14, 2011, 04:30 PM
It's not really about hype or wait. Hardcore fans will play it regardless. Just look at what happened to the PC/PS2 servers, it was so dead they had to shut it down. But that didn't stop people from wasting $10 a month just to play with the same 5 people over and over.

Well that is exactly what I am talking about, look Im the same way after they closed down the ps2, I was on that server every day until they shut it down and I still forked over $10 a month on 360....why?...CAUSE I AM A CRACKHEAD JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE STILL PLAYIN but from this point on Im in rehab until the drug dealer can provide a the new designer drug with no side effects and no need for rehab.

I now have to switch needles to Eden Eternal for the time being and then I still have to pray that Square will actually release FFXIIIvs which I also believe will never make it off shore.


Nov 14, 2011, 07:28 PM
Will it be worth it?

lemme get my crystal ball brb

Nov 15, 2011, 06:38 PM
To each his own, some people might and some won't.

Nov 15, 2011, 08:04 PM
2501 used WALL OF TEXT against Vintasticvinn! WALL OF TEXT 1KO Vintasticvinn! Vintasticvin fainted.

Nov 16, 2011, 01:19 AM
Have you not seen footage of the alpha? Why would you ask this.

Nov 16, 2011, 05:57 AM
What shall I say about this, you are right...
Plain and simple right.

Log into PSP2 US and PSP2 JPN or go even further and play PSP2 US and PSP2i JPN, you will know immediately that Sega doesn't "love" it's US / EU community.

Nov 16, 2011, 06:22 AM
TBH I'll probably look at initial reviews and wait six months to a year or so before getting PSO2, possibly with the game going from P2P with flooded servers and queues 2000+ players long to maybe F2P by the end of year 1, while patching a host of bugs, exploits, balance and pacing issues.

In that regard online games are kind of like wines. It doesn't pay to be an early adopter because you're pretty much forking out cash to beta test a game. However, they may taste like crap at first but get better with time. Except they usually die after 5-10 years.

Nov 16, 2011, 01:36 PM
queues? When has this ever been an issue for the PS MMO series?

Nov 16, 2011, 03:01 PM
What shall I say about this, you are right...
Plain and simple right.

Log into PSP2 US and PSP2 JPN or go even further and play PSP2 US and PSP2i JPN, you will know immediately that Sega doesn't "love" it's US / EU community.

Yeah, at least on PSP2i I feel safe going into random games.

Nov 16, 2011, 05:51 PM
queues? When has this ever been an issue for the PS MMO series?

When PSOBB opened its beta people had to wait 40mins to log in =/

Nov 16, 2011, 06:53 PM
when PSUJP first launched, there were almost 100k people on day 1. 50 universes and a 30 minute wait to get into your room. with the room server crashing over and over. it made the game go from retail to beta again. It wasn't pretty at all, and i hope the same isnt going to be true for PSO2, assuming i even bother to play it.

Nov 17, 2011, 10:06 AM
Wow...First off, I must apologize again because this is going to be another long ass post from yours truly, but I only do this to show how much I love this community and this game. I really do hope you read this in its entirety. Trust me when I tell you though that this will greatly benefit the PS Community in the long run, for I have seen and heard a multitude of views on various topics...some critical, some logical and some just down right idiotic. Its fine though cause that's what the internet is for...feedback:-D. And really as a whole that will be the subject matter, not only to Sega JP but to the PS Community.

I love the fact that we all bring up interesting points, but I think that we all have a feeling that most of our complaining goes unheard and in reality it does because feedback should not always be delivered as complaints. I believe this comes from not what we say but how we say it and we sometimes do not factor in how that message will be received. Also I think alot of it comes from the fact that in our messages we only come from a consumer standpoint. I think now is the time to attack or assess the situation from a business standpoint to get a clear picture of how Sega JP base their critical decisions and kinda cut them some slack now. NO not to kiss ass or to sugar coat the situation, believe me far from it, but to put in perspective how to overcome the obstacles between corporation and consumer.

First off lets take 2 of the more important departments at Sega concerning PSO2...the R&D Department and Finance Department. Not only does R&D research for game content, story, graphics, source code and technology used to run a smooth game, it also researches consumer trends and demand. In the case of the finance department, not only does it fund such vast projects but it also forecast and project numbers on possible loss/gain of such projects which are based off of consumer trends and demand. They have to ask themselves in the equation "Is this worthwhile to burn through company budget to provide to the international consumer?", cause lets face it people no one wants to take a loss, and in Sega's case they probably cant afford to take any risks internationally on such a high profile franchise. From a consumer stand point there is no real risk to reward factor there is only reward.

Now in the case of these two departments, if there is any misinformation on research or lack of communication between them, things can get ugly. Sega has seen the "ugly" in the console wars of the 90's and now they are a software company ONLY. So from that alone you can see why internationally they do not wish to take risks but to basically keep the international as an "investment protector". What I mean by this is, the way Sega has protected its Phantasy Star Franchise is reserve the best for a guaranteed domestic audience and give less to a not so guaranteed international audience...why? Because they know that if they gave us less we would still pay the same price if not more. They also know that usually US/EU audiences will lose interest at some point when something "new" or "better" comes along which creates a real loss, so generate the highest gain from the international market which is short term to keep budget for their "real" market which is constant in the long term. This in my opinion is a masterful chess move on Sega's part to protect their investment by keeping capital pouring in without having to do much as far as maintenance and manpower. Not to say this to take anything away from Sega or to bash them, I base this solely off of the facts from the history of the franchise comparison when it comes to domestic/international content and the success of the franchise within their initial market.

Now us as the international audience are saying to Sega "Hey, we want global server support because we have a community dedicated to this franchise and we would love to have the same support as Japan". Im here to tell you that this statement could have fallen on deaf ears due to the facts that 1) Our consumer market only supports "certain" games for a limited amount of time, 2) most of us use these channels such as forums, email, facebook, etc to complain with unproductive criticism, 3) we as a community and consumers rely to heavily on the moderators of these channels to convey our message to them, which I will add is probably hard to do when the messages are 70% negative and sarcastic(my posts included), and finally 4) Most of the brilliant ideas to get our voice across to Sega has been shot down due to 80% of our US/EU community spirit built on the idea that "our voices will go unheard so it is pointless to even try." I say this because on this forum alone has a large community, but only a low percentile of us actually try their best to get valid, logical and meaningful points across all the while being shot down by a high percentile of us that do not want to waste their breath on anything else but complaining or trying to make each other look stupid.

Now this next statement/question is purely an observation but I will add my personal connotations to give some color to the severity of the situation our community has unconsciously created. "We have internationally 30k+ players who own PSU on 360(not to say that all of them are paying for a license), and do not forget to mention how many players have or are still playing any of the PSP series or the players who are on the JP servers of PSU....IF WE REALLY HAVE A LARGE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY, HOW IS IT THAT ON THE LARGEST 'ADVERTISEMENT/CONSUMER REPORTING WHORE SOCIAL NETWORK IN THE WORLD' - CALLED FACEBOOK - DO WE ONLY HAVE A PALTRY 4K+ PEOPLE RESPONDING TO A PETITION TO GET THE GLOBAL SERVERS ORIGINALLY ASKED FOR BY, WAIT FOR IT, THE WHOLE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY!!!" If I were the CEO of Sega....wait let me back up, if I was just the director of even the finance department I would look at this and say "Hmm, there really is no international community dedicated to our franchise". Because the numbers do not lie and those numbers I am sorry to say can easily be perceived from a business perspective as a bad joke. Sure you can ask yourselves the question "well what about all the subscriptions they had from us in the past, surely they can see that we support the franchise?". Well if you look at the trend reports those subscriptions tabulated in the past, the trend will probably show that at the most only 40% of those original subscriptions lasted longer than 6 months and then another 40% of that 40% lasted an additional 3 to 6 months(which by the way is probably being conservative for an international market)with the exception of old subscribers renewing their subscriptions at a later date because they love the game. You always have to factor in new games coming out where they can potentially lose an audience to something that consumers deem "better".

Now contrary to popular belief, business' and corporations DO listen to consumers because we are their "real investment". Without us, their products and services would be pointless, and Sega would not create a game or start/continue a franchise if they did not believe there is an audience or an untapped market for it. Which brings me to the point of the PR shown to us about PSO2.

At this particular point in time we are anywhere from 6 months to a full year before this game even hits the Japanese market in full stride, and maybe another 6 - 8 months before it hits the international market if they decide to release it outside of Japan. We already have their full media coverage of the game's Alpha test results and presented to us as if the game is going to come out tomorrow...why? Because the R&D Department and the Finance Department at Sega needs consumer feedback from the international community to make an important decision on the future of Gurahl or in the case of PSO2: "SPACE" outside of Japan.

We still have time to convey this feedback in more positive ways people. I personally am now going to recant my initial statements made when I started this thread(hey politicians do it all the time:D) and I would now like to commend the following...Edward@Sega, Aaron Webber, EspioKaos and PSUPEDIA Staff, Shou, Tycho Grouwstra, everyone at PSO-WORLD and anyone else that I have failed to mention due to my "noobness" on these forums, allow me to commend all of you for your efforts to keep our hopes alive that this game will see the light of day, but now its time for the international community to TRULY make an effort to let Sega know how much we will make their investment worthwhile. Cause the problem is not only Sega, its also "US". Consumers make or break an investment and as ashamed as I am to say this, but we have had the power all along to change the outcomes in the past but were to naive in the way that we thought as consumers of a product that we know and love. And Im sorry but the reality is, some of those same individuals I commended have to walk on eggshells sometimes to deliver a diplomatic answer to our petty complaints because no one can accept the truth about what Sega or any other videogame company on the planet do for us as consumers...TAKE A BIG ASS RISK ON SPENDING ALOT OF MONEY TO PROVIDE A KILLER ASS WAY TO PASS THE TIME TIL WE DIE!

Even if all the things I have said are complete BS about the market, what do we have to lose? Clearly its not BS as far as our outreach to Sega about what it is that we want, but in reality the BS is when and if they do provide us with what we want, how well will the international community will hold its promise of ACTUAL SUPPORT TOWARDS THE FRANCHISE in the long term.

Maybe my post will fall upon deaf ears and we all go back to the sarcastic rantings of angry consumers and say things an angry consumer would say as an argument like: "Hey Sega, we gave Japan Snoop Dogg in his entirety, with no missing content and no reskins(ummm...no racial pun intended^^;). He preached a code that even a Guardian can morally live by...'IT AINT NO FUN, IF THE HOMIES CANT HAVE NONE!', so please make PSO2 available for everyone and not just Japan to enjoy."

What we really should be asking is "Hey Sega, we know that we have let you down collectively with our low attention spans in the past. If we can somehow promise you a real effort to give you our full support in the long term, will you provide us with the same service and product in PSO2 as you do Japan?" hmmm....

And Im out - class dismissed!

Nov 18, 2011, 04:55 PM
Here is the Japanese equivalent....MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

うわー...これは本当にあなたから別の長いお尻の後に行っているのでオフまず、私は再び謝罪しなければな りませんが、私は私がこの地域とこのゲームを愛するかどの位示すためこれを行います。私は本当にあなたが完 全な形でこれを読んで望みます。これは非常に私はさまざまなトピックについて意見の多数を見たと聞いたこと があるため、長期的にはPSのコミュニティの利益になることも私はあなたを伝える時に私を信じて...右ば かげたいくつかの論理的およびいくつかのちょうど下に、いくつかの重要な。しかし、その罰金はのインターネ ットのためのものであること...フィードバック引き起こす。そして実際に主題となる全体としてだけでなく 、セガJPへしかし、PSコミュニティへ。

私たちはすべての興味深いポイントを持ち出すという事実を愛しているが、私たちはすべて私たちの不満のほと んどは聞いたことになるとフィードバックが常に苦情として配信されないようにする必要があるため、現実にそ うであることを感じていると思います。私はこれが我々が言うことではないから来ていると考えていますがどの ようにそれを言うと私たちは時々そのメッセージが受信されるかを考慮しないこと。また、私はそれの多くは私 達のメッセージに我々は唯一の消費者の観点から来ているという事実から来ていると思う。私は今は攻撃したり 、評価するような状況をビジネスの観点からどのようにセガJP基地、重要な意思決定を明確に把握し、ちょっ と今、それらいくつかのたるみをカットする時期だと思います。お尻にキスするか、または砂糖のコートに状況 を、はるかにそれから私を信じて、企業と消費者との間に障害物を克服する方法を視野に入れにしないようにな し。

最初のオフPSO2に関するセガでより多くの重要な部門... R&D部と財務部の2を取ることができます。だけでなく、円滑なゲームを実行するために使用されるゲームコ ンテンツ、ストーリー、グラフィック、ソースコードと技術のR&Dの研究を行う、それはまた消費者の動向や 需要を研究。財務部門の場合には、それはそのような広大なプロジェクトに資金を提供しないだけでなく、それ はまた消費者の動向や需要に基づいて作成されたこのようなプロジェクトの可能性のある損失/利得を予測し、プロジェクト番号。彼らは、方程式で自分自身を尋ねなければならない"これが国際的な消費者に提供するために、会社の予算を通して書き込むことがやりがいですか?"、原因は、人々は誰も損をどう持っていきたいの現実を直視でき、そしてセガのケースでは、おそらくカントい ずれかをさせる余裕国際的にそのような高プロファイルのフランチャイズに関するリスク。消費者からのみ報酬 がある要因に報いるために本当の危険はない点に立っている。

今この二つの部門の場合には、それらの間の研究やコミュニケーションの欠如上の任意の誤報がある場合、物事 は醜い取得することができます。セガは、90年代のコンソール戦争の"醜い"を見ていると今では唯一のソフトウェア会社です。彼らはリスクを取ることが基本的には"投資保護"として国際的に維持したくない理由国際的にそうそれだけでは見ることができます。私がこのことで言いたいの は、セガがファンタシースターフランチャイズを守ってきた方法は、引当金は、保証された国内の聴衆のための 最善の方法ですので保証するものでは国際的な聴衆に少なく与えている...なぜ?彼らは私たちにあまりを与 えた場合、我々はまだそうでない場合より多くの同じ価格を支払うことになることを知っているので。彼らはま た、通常はUS / EUの観客は"新しい"または"良い"何かが本当の損失が作成されてやってきて、ある時点で興味を失うことがわかっているので、そのための予算を 維持するために短期的である国際的な市場から最も高いゲインを生成する長期的に一定である"本当の"市場。これが私の考えでは限りメンテナンスや人材などのあまり何もすることなくに注ぐ資本を保持することに より、その投資を保護するためにセガの部分で見事なチェスの動きです。それは彼らの初期の市場 の中で、国内/国際的なコンテンツとフランチャイズの成功に来るとき離れてセガから何かを取ることや、それらをbashに これを言っているわけで、私はフランチャイズの比較の歴史からの事実の、これはもっぱらオフ基 づいて。

今国際的な聴衆として私たちは"我々はこのフランチャイズに特化したコミュニティを持っていると我々は日本と同じサポートを心よりお待ちし ていますので、ちょっと、我々はグローバルサーバーのサポートをしたい"セガに言っている。 IMここにこの文はその1の事実に起因する耳に落ちている可能性があることを伝えるために)私たちの消費者 市場は、時間の限られた量の2"特定の"ゲームをサポートしています)私たちのほとんどは、フォーラム、電子メールとしてこれらのチャネルを使用、 Facebookは、非生産的な批判と文句を言うなど、3)我々は地域社会や消費者として私が追加され、そ れらに私達のメッセージを伝えるために、これらのチャネルのモデレーターに大きくするために依存して、メッ セージが70%負の場合、おそらく実行することが困難であるそしてセガに渡っ私たちの声を得るために素晴ら しいアイデアのほとんどを)(私の記事が含まれている)皮肉、そして最終的に4が原因で私たちの声が聞こえ ない行く"というコンセプトに基づいて開発私たちのUS / EU共同体意識の80%に撃墜されていますのでそれも試しても無意味です。"このフォーラムに単独で大規模なコミュニティを持っているので私はこれを言うが、私たちの唯一の低パーセン タイルは、実際にはしたくない私たちの高いパーセンタイルによって撃墜されているすべての時間にわたって、 有効な論理と意味のあるポイントを得るために彼らのベストを尽くすしかし、不満やお互い外観は愚かにしよう として何か他のものに自分の息を無駄に。

今この次の文/質問は純粋に観察ですが、私は我々のコミュニティが無意識のうちに作成された状況の厳しさにいくつかの色を 与えるために私の個人的な含蓄を追加します。 "我々は、+ 360(それらのすべてのライセンスに対して払っていると言うことではない)でPSUを所有するプレイヤー が国際的に30K持って、そしてどのように多くのプレイヤーがあるか、あるいはPSPシリーズのいずれかの プレイヤーを再生して言及することを忘れないでくださいPSUのJPのサーバー上で....私たちは本当に 大規模な国際的コミュニティがあれば、それは世界最大の"世界の広告/消費者報告の娼婦のSNS上のその方法、IS - FACEBOOKと呼ばれる - 我々だけわずかな4Kをお持ちですか+人々それを待つ、元々に依頼GLOBALサーバの情報を取得する請願 に応えて、国際社会全体!"私はセガの最高経営責任者(CEO)....私はちょうど私がこれを見て"うーん、そこに実際に私達のフランチャイズに特化は、国際社会はない"と言うとしても、財務部門のディレクターだった場合、バックアップ私を聞かせ待っていた場合。数字は嘘をつ かないと私は言って申し訳ありません、これらの数字は簡単に悪い冗談のようにビジネスの観点から認識するこ とができるので。確かにあなたは"よく何過去の彼らは私たちから受けたすべてのサブスクリプションについては、確かに彼らは我々がフランチャ イズをサポートしていることを見ることができる?"たち自身を質問することができます。あなたがトレンドを見ても場合、過去に集計し、それらのサブスクリプシ ョンを報告すると、傾向は、おそらくそれらのオリジナルのサブスクリプションの最もわずか40%が6ヶ月以 上続いたし、その中の別の40%は40%にさらに3を続いたことが表示されます6ヶ月(どのような方法によ ってか、おそらく国際的な市場のための保守的)彼らはゲームが好きなので後日、そのサブスクリプションを更 新する古い加入者を除いて。あなたはいつも、彼らが潜在的に消費者が"良い"と判断するものに聴衆を失うことができるところ出てきて新しいゲームを考慮する必要があります 。

我々は彼らの"本当の投資"であるため、人気の信念に反して今、ビジネス"と企業が消費者に聞いてください。私たちがなければ、自社の製品およびサービスは無意味になる、と彼らは聴 衆またはそれのための未開拓市場があると信じていなかった場合セガはゲームを作成したり、フランチャイズを 開始/継続されません。これは、PSO2についての私達に示すように、PRのポイントにいってみまし ょう。

彼らは日本の外でそれを解放することにした場合、それは国際市場に当る前に8ヶ月 - このゲームも完全ストライドで日本市場を打つ、そしておそらく別の6までの時間のこの特定の時点で、我々は 6ヶ月から1年間にどこかです。我々はすでにゲームのアルファテスト結果の彼らの完全なメディアの報道があ り、ゲームが明日出てくるに起こっているかのように私たちに提示...なぜ?日本の外で"SPACE":R&D部門とセガでは財務部はGurahlの将来についてやPSO2の場合に重要な決定を行うために国際 社会から消費者のフィードバックが必要となるためです。

我々はまだ多くの肯定的な方法で人々にこのフィードバックを伝えるために時間を持っている。私は個人的に今 私はこのスレッドを開始したとき、私の最初の文が作られた(ちょっと政治家はすべての時間を行う)と、私は 今、次のことを称賛したい撤回するつもりです...エドワード@セガ、アーロンウェバー、EspioKao sとPSUPEDIAスタッフ、翔、ティコGrouwstra、PSO - WORLDの皆さんと私はこれらのフォーラムで私の"noobness"のために言及して失敗したことを誰が、私はこのゲームは、光を見ることが私たちの希望を生かしておくために あなたの努力にのすべてを称賛することができます一日の、しかし、今、国際社会に対して、その時は本当にセ ガは、我々は彼らの投資を価値あるものにどのくらい知っているように努力をする。問題は唯一セ ガ、そのまた"米国"ではない原因。消費者は、伸るか反るかの投資をし、私はこれを言う時ほど恥ずかしい、しかし我々は過去の転 帰を変更するにはすべてに沿って力を持っていたが、我々は製品の消費者として考えられている方法で、ナイー ブにいた我々が知っているとしている大好きです。とImは残念ですが現実は、私賞賛は誰もが地球上のセガや その他のビデオゲームの会社がのために何をすべきかについての真実を受け入れることができないので、私達の ささいな苦情への外交的な答えを提供するために時々卵の殻の上を歩く必要があるものと同じ個体の一部です。 私たちは消費者として...人は死ぬティル時間を渡すためにキラーASSの方法を提供するたくさんのお金を 過ごすBIG ASSのリスクを負う!

私が述べてきたすべてのものが市場について、BSを完了している場合でも、我々は失うために何がありますか ?明らかに、そのBS限りそれは私たちが望むことは何かについてのセガに対する我々のアウトリーチとして、 実際にはBSは時であり、彼らは我々が望むものを私達に提供する場合、どれだけ国際社会は、実際のサポート の約束を開催する予定ではない長期的にはフランチャイズに向けて。

多分私の記事は耳が聞こえない耳に落ちるだろうと我々はすべての怒りの消費者の皮肉なrantingsに戻 って、怒っている消費者のような引数として言うことを言う:"セガねえ、私たちは日本がノーミスの内容で、彼の全体にスヌープドッグ与えたとはreskins(ummm . ..意図しない人種しゃれ)。彼はさらにガーディアンは道徳的で生きることができるコードを説教. .."のhomiesはカントNONEを持っていなければ、ITは、NOを見るとあまり楽しいことで はない!"、そのためにPSO2を利用できるように設定願います皆ではなく楽しむために日本だけ。"

私たちが本当に求めてすべきことは"セガやあ、我々は過去に私達の低い注意力をダウン総称をさせていることを知っている。我々は何らかの形であ なたにあなたに長期的には私達の全面的な支援を与えるための努力を約束できる場合は、予定です。あなたが日 本を行うようにするには、PSO2で同じサービスと製品を提供してくれる?"うーん....

と出IM - クラスは、却下!

Nov 18, 2011, 04:59 PM
You have trumped even the worst of my post lengths with this. tl;dr is an understatement interesting stuff though.

Nov 18, 2011, 11:43 PM
I think the Best investment Sega can do is to have the Global Support in a forum of an automatic Translator in there Japanese version of PSO2. That way they have only one release to worry about and only have the Japanese Server's to worry about too, without to much risk on there part. Also it will bring out those who are really the long term of the Franchise in the international side. I know this is not the most popular idea but the most sound in a business side of things for Sega and when it comes to us here in the international community to get the best results. Thank You Sega for respectful games that has bought me many great memories and loads of fun, that I hope will continue thru generations of time どもありがとわ:):rappy:

Nov 19, 2011, 03:29 AM
I think the Best investment Sega can do is to have the the Global Support in a forum of an automatic Translator in there Japanese version of PSO2.

I could not agree more, the truth is more game companies should invest in something that is towards "mirror translation software" similar to the auto translators for web browsing. This should be easy to implement because we are referring to purely text based translation and not voice. In my honest opinion I tend to watch anime/live action foreign films with subtitles because a dubbed voice usually sucks with the exception of GANTZ and Ghost in the Shell features. Hopefully they will get the picture.

Also I see that they have started up a new mailer for PSO2, I strongly urge everyone in the international community to get involved in this because this is exactly the type of PR campaigns that they are gearing towards the internationally community, so please everyone try to sign up for it. The entire sign up for the Sega ID is in Japanese but there is online translation software available for you to navigate through this. I have already urged the 200+ players that I know in my own town to do this. Hopefully all of them will follow into this, and hopefully they will spread the message to others that I do not know. The more international names that go into that mailer.

Also if any moderator is reading this post please try to submit the link as well on facebook and other social networks where other guardians may reside.

Nov 21, 2011, 06:49 AM
Get used to the Beta version cause its what US/EU is going to get as the final product

Nov 21, 2011, 12:15 PM
That's funny, I don't remember there being anything announced about region information.

This thread is about as good as all the OMG PSO2 ON XBOXWII PLZ threads.

Nov 21, 2011, 02:55 PM
I think Omega-Z brought up a valid idea. I personally do not have any qualms towards importing the game in the first place. It would be nice if they would implement the "mirror translation" technology. If they did have only one release, it would save them some trouble. I mean they could combine the markets into one more so how it is like on today's PSU JP server. All of us importers who are determined enough are only helping to contribute to a domestic market that they already have in place. If they made a single release in Japan that would be easier for more people to import without the daunting language barrier, they would have the security of their local market as well as the added bonus of international buyers. Not to mention everyone getting the same "drip-content" or "lump sum" whichever it becomes. However one can only hope.

I at this point have pretty much owned up to having to import straight from the get-go after our prior experiences with SEGA's US servers on various platforms. I'm sure many people may feel the same way and some of our closer-knit importing communities may stay together as well as developing new friendships. Not everyone is as eager as I am to learn the Japanese language and try my luck with the natives. But even without a globalized server, I'm sure determined coders will find another translation solution as simple as the good old copy & paste to Google Translate or a program similar to Essens (which has pretty much been reduced to nothing seeing as how google charges developers to use their API's and it was a free resource, but I digress)
I have joined the petition for global support, but have accepted the fact that importing for me is nearly inevitable. Like many of us here I have been addicted to the crack that SEGA has dealt me for 10 years and love the game more than the politics.

Thanks for listening. I am usually very silent, but this is an issue I felt deserved my ˘2

Nov 21, 2011, 06:03 PM
I think everyone agrees with you. We all are customers and we all want equal treatment. If Sega is going to give me poor service compared to another customer (for whatever reason) then they won't be getting my business. The difference between our servers is a huge insult to me and I just won't even put up with it for the next game. Treat me the way you treat your JP players our don't expect to see any of my money ever again Sega.

The sad thing is that there are a lot of people all over the world that love these games not just their JP players. They should respect all their customers and treat them the same. They would make more money and help their reputation. Also, I feel like with all the technology we have today there's no reason why global servers and support couldn't be possible. And it actually adds a lot of fun to a game where people from all over the world can interract and get to know each other. That makes it a much more fun game with a larger, more diverse community.

I think most people have this opinion now anyway: Global servers or I'm not buying.

Nov 21, 2011, 10:44 PM
That's funny, I don't remember there being anything announced about region information.

This thread is about as good as all the OMG PSO2 ON XBOXWII PLZ threads.

HAHAHAHAHA I responded to this type of post way before you unoriginally posted it. Thanks for adding fuel to the hate fire that already exist on these forums.

Plus if you would have read earlier posts you would have never posted the smart ass remark on anything being announced about region information or automatically assumed that this is what I was posting about. You probably read that then immediately looked up if they announced something lmao.

The time you spend wasting on trying to be quick witted or sarcastic, you can easily use to make an effort to actually read some of them and then logically post a reply based off of facts from earlier posts like or figure out new ways to get our voice across to Sega to try and get everything we ask for.

Big ups to Shiink and PSW4L for positive input. I couldnt agree more!

Nov 21, 2011, 10:46 PM
As long as the game doesn't have internal biases. I'll give you an example.

All you do is code a String Array with a list of ISPs. These ISPs need only be the first 2 blocks of digits. Like 24.16.*.* being an example. You put that in the code for initializing a map or the code for picking up a drop....

then follow it with the following statement

for (int i = 0; i < ispArray.length; i++ && ISPregion == jpn)
if (player.PrimaryISPstring == ispArray[i])
PickUpWeaponPercentage += 0.1; //increase by 10%
Player.DropRate += .5; //increase by 50%

where the primary ISP string comes from the player's IP address being converted to a X.X.*.* address, then compared to the array itself.

Think about it this way...If I can code it as a single person, they can code it in spades.

A simple section of code like this can be used to give any Japanese Player a drop advantage and pickup advantage.

One reason I don't run heavy TAs is because I know the way Japanese people roll. They choose to create an environment where they have the advantage and then challenge people to face them in their own servers, along with code that gives challengers disadvantages and themselves the advantage.

This is the same thing as playing a shooter and having some kid who can't kill anyone in a match say "Be a man and fight me in my own server where you get 50 - 100 ping and half the netspeed and I get triple the netspeed (due to LANSPEED) and 0 - 20 ping (0 if its non-dedicated)"

What I want is a fair game where people can play with the same drop rates, similar ping without all the cutthroat BS. I also don't want any part of Sega of America or Sega of Europe to run the game since SoA for many reasons.

Nov 21, 2011, 11:38 PM
You have trumped even the worst of my post lengths with this. tl;dr is an understatement interesting stuff though.
At least you don't use machine translation.

Nov 21, 2011, 11:40 PM
why the hell would they alter the droprates based on the IP of the player's computer? That doesn't even make any sense. It would do absolutely nothing.

And how on earth would JP time attacking on PSU be any different than time attacking the same stage on US/EU unless the stages/stats of the characters were somehow different? It's not like the clock is going to magically run faster.

I think you're paranoid for no reason, Keilyn.

At least you don't use machine translation.

I figured he machine translated that.

utterly pointless; anyone from Japan reading this will either a) understand English or b) be using a translator anyway.

Nov 22, 2011, 12:31 AM
Nice Keilyn, im glad that you point out the level of elite status the jp servers have over the rest of the world with the drops alone. This by far is exactly the preferential treatment that SOJ has exhibited in the past that players should not tolerate, my opinion is is that if they do this with PSO2 then they should not even PR to the rest of the world about the game let alone bring it out.

Nov 22, 2011, 12:34 AM
Only thing I recall when to comes to altering Droprates for certain people was PSZero.

I believe that was an Anti-Piracy Measure.

Nov 22, 2011, 12:38 AM
I figured he machine translated that.

utterly pointless; anyone from Japan reading this will either a) understand English or b) be using a translator anyway.

So what you nitpickers? All you guys do is criticize someone for posting things that you think is pointless. With all the posts that you guys have done have you ever post anything that was positive or productive to the cause of getting the game?...Probably not.

But everyone is entitled to their opinions and views no matter how idiotic or which idiot posts them, myself included.

Being as how that I am an idiot for thinking that such people actually gave a damn about anything except to degrade other people.

Nov 22, 2011, 01:49 AM
why the hell would they alter the droprates based on the IP of the player's computer? That doesn't even make any sense. It would do absolutely nothing.

And how on earth would JP time attacking on PSU be any different than time attacking the same stage on US/EU unless the stages/stats of the characters were somehow different? It's not like the clock is going to magically run faster.

I think you're paranoid for no reason, Keilyn.

I figured he machine translated that.

utterly pointless; anyone from Japan reading this will either a) understand English or b) be using a translator anyway.

You're kidding me right? Rather than be mean, I will explain it you.

When you play a network game of any kind you connect to a server. This server can be anywhere in the world. The farther away you are from a server, the higher the base latency you get on any given connection. (This is expressed as milliseconds, called PING)

This means if you are an American connecting to a Japanese Server, your latency is going to be a lot higher to the point of it being noticed in gameplay, specially when the Japanese player you are playing against lives in the same city as the server itself.

The base latency you get affects every single thing you do. From Changing weapons in-game, to using items (such as trimates) to attacking enemies and even timing your just-counters and just-attacks.

To one who lives close to the server, the effect is almost instant due to low ping. To an American or a European playing in Japan, you fire off a trimate and you will see how it takes some time for it to work. The same is true with switching back and forth between weapons.

The same is true if a Japanese Gamer visited an American Server.

The way "Global Servers" work in online games is as follows:

A server is launched in each different region and are unified together. When characters are created the system detects the closest server to your location with the lowest response time and puts you in there in games that do not let you choose a server outright.

What then happens is in some games you have a drop down list or a way to access other channels. Each Channel is its own server.

In Phantasy Star Online you had American, European and Japanese Ship Blocks linked together. Players could join each other (and have better or worse performance) but it was possible and that aspect was what made the game good. The reason this WORKED so well was because the save data was handled by VMUs (dreamcast) or Memory Cards (Game Cube). This is also what created a lot of hacking in the game. Players hacking data offline and then bringing it online.

What happens in some MMORPGs is that companies launch servers and your character data is stored online through the location you registered your account in. What then happens is from a drop down list you are able to actually Choose a region to play in and the servers of that region, effectively putting you through those servers. You face greater ping but its nice to meet new people and have some fun you know..

SEGA could do the very same thing in Phantasy Star Online 2 if they wanted to:

Create your character and your character data is in its regional database, linked by account and not where you play. You could then traverse from server to server. Hell, Sega could do this for Phantasy Star Universe but it chooses against it, probably due to the language localization and costs...

Now I was asked why would the Japanese ever do this:

I believe it was the Governor of Tokyo who said it best when he said "The Earthquake occurred as punishment from God for Japanese Egoism" which later he publicly apologize for it. This was the same person who said that "Hiroshima and Nagasaki getting nuked was divine punishment" and this person has served multiple terms with his language....

From my own experience, hype is evil because it causes you to expect a lot more than normal from a game. Once you get it you might find it not as spectacular as the hype, so the hype itself can kill it.

I just want to see how this turns out before I buy into it, because if its anything like PSU I feel there will be an in-game cash shop and if there is one I would have to analyze how severe the cash shop is to the game itself before getting in over my head.

the jpn servers have a grind-boost currently and a reason I havent spent tons on GC compared to others is because PSO-2 is around the corner and I am waiting on the Holiday Steam deals to arrive which are very good.

Nov 22, 2011, 01:57 AM
I....doubt you have to explain latency to anyone on this forum board. If you're talking about LAG then your statement was even more hilarious. Time Attacking on PSU probably isn't "fair" for you because....well, ill just stop here, because i dont care much for time attacking in the slightest, as nothing about PSU ever so much as slightly resembled being a game i'd consider worth time attacking.

What im talking about is the ridiculously redundant code that the ELITIST Japanese will supposedly impose on the servers that...scale the drop rate based on your IP address? What the devil do they possibly gain from going out of their way to piss off American/Eurpoean players?

So what you nitpickers? All you guys do is criticize someone for posting things that you think is pointless. With all the posts that you guys have done have you ever post anything that was positive or productive to the cause of getting the game?...Probably not.

But everyone is entitled to their opinions and views no matter how idiotic or which idiot posts them, myself included.

Being as how that I am an idiot for thinking that such people actually gave a damn about anything except to degrade other people.

I never said your manuscript of a post was pointless, i just said it was massive. And uh, yeah, Mike is one of the most useful people on this forum.

But what was pointless was the Google Translate moonrunes. If Japanese players are coming here, then they probably have their own translator doing it as they surf...in fact it's a good chance it's Google Translate anyway.

It's not like anyone insulted you.

Nov 22, 2011, 02:28 AM
Just to throw my thoughts into the pot, does anyone remember the LUA scripting that was data mined out of the alpha's files?

That could be our salvation. Even if Sega were to not build a translation, we have a dedicated translation team currently working on either PSUPedia, or PSP2i. With the inclusion of LUA scripting, it opens the possibility of a fan translation coming through a addon that works inside the game. All the tool would need to do is look at what text is currently being displayed and either overlay those words with no transparency or put the translation off to the side somewhere. (I think the first would be preferable especially for menus.)

There's still a lot of time left as well and we're still not even at alpha 2 yet. It's possible data mining could reveal English text in the files and if that does happen, it's a sure bet they're working on the translation.

Nov 22, 2011, 03:47 AM
I....doubt you have to explain latency to anyone on this forum board. If you're talking about LAG then your statement was even more hilarious. Time Attacking on PSU probably isn't "fair" for you because....well, ill just stop here, because i dont care much for time attacking in the slightest, as nothing about PSU ever so much as slightly resembled being a game i'd consider worth time attacking.

What im talking about is the ridiculously redundant code that the ELITIST Japanese will supposedly impose on the servers that...scale the drop rate based on your IP address? What the devil do they possibly gain from going out of their way to piss off American/Eurpoean players?

I never said your manuscript of a post was pointless, i just said it was massive. And uh, yeah, Mike is one of the most useful people on this forum.

But what was pointless was the Google Translate moonrunes. If Japanese players are coming here, then they probably have their own translator doing it as they surf...in fact it's a good chance it's Google Translate anyway.

It's not like anyone insulted you.

1) To even ask "What the devil do they possibly gain from going out of their way to piss off American/Eurpoean players?" um lets see have you jumped on the JP servers?

2) Mike's usefulness has nothing to do with the smart ass remark he posted in conjunction with a post I did. From the remark on his post he clearly did not read all of the previous post, otherwise if he did he would realize that I was not implying that they released some information regarding a beta or region information. It was clearly an indication that if they do release it to the world it will probably turn out to be the same with the other parts of this franchise which is limited like a beta version.

3) What was really pointless about my google translate was the fact that you pointed out the obvious in stating that the japanese players will either know english or use a translator. I know this and clearly the japanese players know this but what you didnt know is is that I used that translate program just to show how serious I am towards my passion in getting the game here.

4) Yes you & Mike insulted me by assaulting my intelligence when it comes to using a translate software program to post on an english using website to convey my passion towards the game, and if you read earlier posts I have already addressed these types of post where they are really unproductive.

So im sorry if you thought that I thought that I was insulted because you thought that my manuscript was pointless. No. I am insulted by you pointing out the obvious and thinking that that was my intention.

On another note we do as international players tend to sound paranoid so I will agree with you there. But the contrast between jp servers and the rest of the world...how can you not sound paranoid?

Nov 22, 2011, 03:54 AM
Just to throw my thoughts into the pot, does anyone remember the LUA scripting that was data mined out of the alpha's files?

That could be our salvation. Even if Sega were to not build a translation, we have a dedicated translation team currently working on either PSUPedia, or PSP2i. With the inclusion of LUA scripting, it opens the possibility of a fan translation coming through a addon that works inside the game. All the tool would need to do is look at what text is currently being displayed and either overlay those words with no transparency or put the translation off to the side somewhere. (I think the first would be preferable especially for menus.)

There's still a lot of time left as well and we're still not even at alpha 2 yet. It's possible data mining could reveal English text in the files and if that does happen, it's a sure bet they're working on the translation.

Thanks Jonathan. I really hope that this will be a course that we could take if push comes to shove. I know I would be really grateful if this happens in the end.

But my question is(and this may be a stupid question but) if that be the case would this hinder us from gaining the full content of the game outside of japan?

Nov 22, 2011, 12:31 PM
To 2501. Very decent and legitimate points, but way too much text. I very nearly didn't read your second large post (although I did end up reading it) because after feeling a sense of accomplishment inside from reading your first post, I felt a twinge of anger at seeing another enormous wall of text. Kind of like back in school when you are given homework, and you get 9 of 10 questions done, and you just know you are almost done. But then you flip the page only to realize question 10 is a 10 part question that will take you as long as questions 1-9... Something like that.

Anyway, again decent points, and there is nothing wrong with having the long extended version of your points like you have. However, I would consider making an abridged, tl;dr version as well. At least if (as you say you are) you are trying to make a statement to motivate others to take a stand, and to show how serious you are. Just like you pointed out in your post, most American players have short attention spans, and that includes for things such as reading walls of text. You could actually increase the amount of players that will read your post by many times over by doing this. I know I don't have much room to talk as this post is a little long, but I know you are the kind of patient person who will take the time to read it. Really hope you don't take offense, just trying to offer a helpful suggestion.

Nov 22, 2011, 01:48 PM
Kind of like back in school when you are given homework, and you get 9 of 10 questions done, and you just know you are almost done. But then you flip the page only to realize question 10 is a 10 part question that will take you as long as questions 1-9... Something like that.

Thats when i say "f**k this" and either a) cheat or b) take a 90.

Nov 22, 2011, 02:32 PM
I haven't read the 42 walls of text in this thread so I'ma just answer the thread title...

There are a lot of online games that people expect to like and get hyped over, then end up disappointed.

This game won't be perfect, so part of how good it'll be will probably be measured by how much of a fan you are.

If the game some how ends up mediocre, I'm sure everyone here will be glued to it the first few months eitherway.

For any new players, they'd either be brushed off instantly like PSU, or fall in love with how unique it is like PSO and become part of the cult following.

OR the game will be a FF14 killer(LOL Impossible even if FF14 sucks because that's just how people work.)


TL;DR(Or at least getting to the point) : I don't think this game will be all that, outside the fans. But to the actual fans? They're going to force themselves to love it and or find the good in it. Even the "hurt" fans that say "If it doesn't have X or it's not like X I won't play this game nyeh nyeh nyeh" and It'll probably take at least a couple of months before they actually quit. AFTER complaining, of course.

Nov 22, 2011, 05:30 PM
I will be playing the game, regardless of how good or bad it may turn out. How long I actually play will be based solely upon how fun the game is.

My mind would be blown if they don't release this in the US, so even if it hasn't been "formally" announced, I think there is about a 99% chance that we will see a release state-side. (Especially considering the fact they have been posting announcements in English on their Facebook page)

Nov 22, 2011, 07:59 PM
I dont know why people ignore that. It's not like they're doing it for fun. They're doing it because they know we're looking.

Them going out of their way to even slightly include us, just to give us the shaft would be asinine.

Them showing the game in Korea translated already means they must be translating as they develop. Hopefully they're doing it in english too, although i don't have any kind of idea why they wouldn't.

The whole IDEA of PSO was a fun online game that was accessible to everybody. Them not including US/EU support would seriously be retarded, especially considering they're on PC now, and don't have to deal with a platform popularity dilemma affecting sales like on the PSP.

Nov 22, 2011, 08:53 PM
Thats when i say "f**k this" and either a) cheat or b) take a 90.

Believe me, I took that 90% many a time back in the day. Hated it when teachers got smart and decided to weight that question more than the others, so it would be more like taking a 70-80%.

I haven't read the 42 walls of text in this thread so I'ma just answer the thread title...

There are a lot of online games that people expect to like and get hyped over, then end up disappointed.

This game won't be perfect, so part of how good it'll be will probably be measured by how much of a fan you are.

If the game some how ends up mediocre, I'm sure everyone here will be glued to it the first few months eitherway.

For any new players, they'd either be brushed off instantly like PSU, or fall in love with how unique it is like PSO and become part of the cult following.

OR the game will be a FF14 killer(LOL Impossible even if FF14 sucks because that's just how people work.)


TL;DR(Or at least getting to the point) : I don't think this game will be all that, outside the fans. But to the actual fans? They're going to force themselves to love it and or find the good in it. Even the "hurt" fans that say "If it doesn't have X or it's not like X I won't play this game nyeh nyeh nyeh" and It'll probably take at least a couple of months before they actually quit. AFTER complaining, of course.

You see OP, this is exactly my point. Many people won't read those walls of text. No offense Mike, I don't blame you at all for not reading them. Very nearly didn't myself. Just making a point.

Anyway, this is how I feel. As long as it is released stateside (which I'm positive it will be), I will play the game. I enjoyed playing PSU with my friends before the PC servers went down, and even though PSU had its' flaws, it still beats point and click MMORPGS in my opinion. Just looking for a game that will provide a similar experience that I can share with my wife and friends. If we like the game, then awesome. We'll have a new game to waste time on for months on end. If we hate the game, we'll quit playing. We would quit playing eventually anyway, just because online games get boring to me after a while no matter how good they are.

Nov 23, 2011, 01:45 AM
why the hell would they alter the droprates based on the IP of the player's computer? That doesn't even make any sense. It would do absolutely nothing.

And how on earth would JP time attacking on PSU be any different than time attacking the same stage on US/EU unless the stages/stats of the characters were somehow different? It's not like the clock is going to magically run faster.

I think you're paranoid for no reason, Keilyn.

I figured he machine translated that.

utterly pointless; anyone from Japan reading this will either a) understand English or b) be using a translator anyway.To give jpn an overall better experience by having better stuff overall. They have a higher priority to the jpn at the expense of Non jpn.

Nov 23, 2011, 04:19 AM
Honestly, if PSO2 is as good as the current PSU or PSP2 is, I'll be completely fine with it.

The only problem with PSU in my opinion is that it had a really disappointing launch with a lot of locked content due to the fact that it was on PS2 as well as PC. Now with it being released just on PC, there won't be any locking of content that already exists, or so we can hope. :P

Nov 23, 2011, 09:53 AM
To give jpn an overall better experience by having better stuff overall. They have a higher priority to the jpn at the expense of Non jpn.

I could be really naive here, but I just can't see professional game designers actually going out of there way to program new lines just so that JPN players will have an edge over non-JPN players. It is not that I have the faith that they love and care for us, far from it, but why would any professional take extra effort to hurt their profit margin?

I could definitely see that they might give JPN players an edge if it were a matter of laziness or resources, because if it comes to choosing, of course they will choose JPN players. For example, I could see them NOT putting forth the effort to fix latency issues for American players, I could see them NOT providing good customer service to American players while still providing it to JPN players, and I can see them NOT taking into consideration feedback from foreign players. I could see a JPN player, or any player for that matter, rigging their private server to give them an edge against everybody else, but for professional game designers to do it? Again, maybe I am naive towards this whole Japanese elitism thing.

Nov 23, 2011, 01:37 PM
I could be really naive here, but I just can't see professional game designers actually going out of there way to program new lines just so that JPN players will have an edge over non-JPN players. It is not that I have the faith that they love and care for us, far from it, but why would any professional take extra effort to hurt their profit margin?

Exactly, this just sounds like the result of some salty PSUJP Time Attacker that is angry he can't equally "compete" with the other guys because of latency issues (something that will never change.) I wouldn't expect the Japanese to cater to you just because you're lagging. That's not elitism, and thats not the Japanese players "PLAYING DIRTY". That's called not slowing your row to the speed of the slowest boat. I don't want to compete with you if i have to go out of my way and pick dipshit maps and regulations just because you're lagging, especially when i have a whole server full of people who don't, who speak my language, and are far more abundant.

The ONLY logical reason i can see them going out of their way to alter droprates is, like you said, content and resources. The JP servers have probably double or triple the amount of playable content available on their servers thanks to them pretty much getting everything from the PSP games aside from the better gameplay. In that situation, they can safely alter the rates and not have the players run out of shit to obtain too fast.

Assuming they do it out of some kind of spite is just...ridiculous to me. Even if they did it as a measure to discourage foreign players from fogging up their servers, trying to pin it on some kind of elitism is just sad to me. What kind of elitism can you possibly get out of oppressing foreign players?

Sorry, it just sounds like complete bullshit to me, on an overly paranoid level. Nobody is that stupid, and i highly doubt the developers of this game would go out of their way to translate the game, allow the two playerbases to mingle together, but give obvious advantages to those who are playing in japan. It's the dumbest shit ive heard here like, ever.

With the inclusion of LUA scripting, it opens the possibility of a fan translation coming through a addon that works inside the game. All the tool would need to do is look at what text is currently being displayed and either overlay those words with no transparency or put the translation off to the side somewhere. (I think the first would be preferable especially for menus.)

LUA scripting?

Oh GOD these guys are idiots...

Nov 23, 2011, 01:58 PM
LUA scripting?

Oh GOD these guys are idiots...

W-Why what is this? o_o

And unlockable door for "script kiddies"? Or something that doesn't exist?

Nov 23, 2011, 01:59 PM
its actually a great idea from what they were probably using, but if they aren't careful....we'll see some amazing things pop up.





I guess it depends on how much they can access using it....?

Nov 23, 2011, 05:15 PM
Really it wouldn't hinder us. It would be on the shoulders of whoever is making the add-on though to keep it up to date whenever new missions or weapons come out. Plus honestly if you've played a game in english and then you try to play it in japanese, it's not really that different. Seriously the only time you're looking at text to begin with is if you're looking at the name of an item or for a plot element. The gameplay remains the same regardless. That's how I was able to transition from US to JP easily.

Also even if the add-on wasn't up to date, the japanese text would still load fine. The translation just wouldn't be there.

Nov 23, 2011, 05:42 PM
its actually a great idea from what they were probably using, but if they aren't careful....we'll see some amazing things pop up.

Super Mario Bros 3 - Lua Script: Rainbow Riding - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3HMqQGnVRso)

Counter Strike Source Aimbot+Wallhack UPDATED vac undetected *HOT* - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEdZ8dZHrsk&feature=related)


I guess it depends on how much they can access using it....?

Oh god...

Oh god...

Oh god no...

We're so screwed. D:

Nov 23, 2011, 05:43 PM
I just can't make that transition. It really urks the hell out of me when i can't read stuff, no matter how minute of a detail it is. It just feels like im missing out on so much.

It's not really like PSU was ever a game where reading gave you any advantage because of how straightforward everything was. But still, you know?

And about LUA, it's great they're using it, but the moment the features using it gets compromised, we're gonna see a shitton of crap.

I was looking at the PSO2 Datamine thread on that forum over there >> and broomop himself said that's probably where the worst of the exploits this time will come from. And he was able to do some ridiculous (read: hilarious) shit on the PSU online servers.

Lets just hope they keep the engine solid enough to withstand shit like that.

Nov 23, 2011, 07:22 PM
This thread, holy crap dude. Comparing worries over the dropcharts to the natural disaster in Japan? Whoaaaaaaaaaaaa.

PSO2, if it comes will probably let the most hyped down at least somewhat. I'm personally looking forward to it; however, I'm not on the go global or Sega can just leave boat. I'm cool with what they do either way, I would prefer unified servers worldwide, but I don't demand it. I can see them doing that to effectively have less costs and have a similar model to FFXI. The PC-only thing makes me think that slightly even more(even though FFXI was on the 360, PS2, and PC I believe.) Consoles as MMORPG platforms are just kind of fading across the board anyways.

Now, I understand that in some of the current PS handheld games the droplists changed slightly since we didn't get the online DLC and all that, but they wanted to still include some of the items. But how in the world is lag going to affect rare drops? It won't. Two, it's not even like the lag will make that much of a difference since the game takes place in lobbied instanced zones- if you're running with people that aren't complete ninjas I think it isn't going to be a problem. There is not some conspiracy theory in which SoJ is going to make sure international players get crappier or different drops altogether in a global server situation.:P

Nov 23, 2011, 07:50 PM
A distinct section of a piece of writing, usually dealing with a single theme and indicated by a new line, indentation, or numbering.
Arrange (a piece of writing) in paragraphs.

OK. Now that we got that out of the way I will elaborate further. I understand your desire to put your thoughts out there for us all to read and understand and also that you wish to sway our opinions to your side. Wouldn't you be taken more seriously if you could use proper sentence structure?

ONWARDS! I see a basic lacking of understanding in terms of international business practices in this thread. People assume that coders do not cost money and that a company(in this case Sega) can just go ahead and release their games globally. Sadly this is not the case. It is a monetary investment in each individual country they release to with its own ups and downs and potential sales.

So if we know that it costs a lot of money to release a game in another country, why would a company release that content in a less than perfect state? They clearly know their own people but other countries are different; who is to say that Europe or America would accept a buggy product just because it has the Sega trademark? So the logical thing to do is a local release, fix the bugs, and tune the content in preparation for a global release.

Right now I imagine most of you are thinking, "What about XYZ feature or place that we never got??" or some other similar statement about content not being entirely shared. Now there could be multitudes of reasons they could intentionally do this and some of them are not as bad as you may think. The thing is, an MMO company has access to so much statistical data that they are able to use that and find out what exactly people like. Long story short those numbers are different for every country.

Does this mean that you dont want cash shop in the US but they do in JP? Who knows. But I will say this: The people who meet online to discuss a video game and the playing of said game are the VAST MINORITY. We me all have like minds, but the problem is that does not relate us to the average player.

In conclusion I would say that every piece of content they do or do not post to other countries is a purely profit driven endeavor(which is logical). While the local servers(world beta release servers if you ask me) get more experimental and user driven content because the developers are in more control. It would be nice to see better US localization in JP within the games, but once again it all comes down to profit. Even if the game were in English on JP servers, they wouldnt justify the expense because there arent enough Gaijan in Japan.

Nov 23, 2011, 07:58 PM
I could be really naive here, but I just can't see professional game designers actually going out of there way to program new lines just so that JPN players will have an edge over non-JPN players. It is not that I have the faith that they love and care for us, far from it, but why would any professional take extra effort to hurt their profit margin?

I could definitely see that they might give JPN players an edge if it were a matter of laziness or resources, because if it comes to choosing, of course they will choose JPN players. For example, I could see them NOT putting forth the effort to fix latency issues for American players, I could see them NOT providing good customer service to American players while still providing it to JPN players, and I can see them NOT taking into consideration feedback from foreign players. I could see a JPN player, or any player for that matter, rigging their private server to give them an edge against everybody else, but for professional game designers to do it? Again, maybe I am naive towards this whole Japanese elitism thing.I believe that it is so. I believe that they feel that it is in their interest to purposely give JPN a better experience. I also believe that they feel their profits will be adversely affected if they don't.

I remember the dreamcast, and pre dreamcast actions of sega. Back in the day sega would treat the game stores in america poorly, and made them hate sega before the dreamcast came out. They did not do that to jpn stores That example is just the tip of the iceberg of years sega..

Nov 23, 2011, 10:03 PM
This entire thread is one tl;dr FUBAR

Nov 24, 2011, 12:32 AM
I would make my girlfriend get out of the kitchen once just to watch me play this game.....So yeah, it's worth it.

Nov 24, 2011, 01:19 AM
I would make my girlfriend get out of the kitchen once just to watch me play this game.....So yeah, it's worth it.

I KNOW you're expecting someone to say "Why would you want her out of the kitchen?"

Nov 24, 2011, 06:44 AM
Frankly, the drops seem equally terrible whether I'm playing with Japanese players or English, unless the players use Drop Rate +50%s and Megaholy or something.

Nov 25, 2011, 12:40 AM
I dont know who the hell started up this whole drop segregation crap, it baffles my head. Are some of you seriously so salty at the JP population because you lag and they dont that you assume they've imposed some kind of conspiracy to keep you from getting good drops?

Nov 25, 2011, 12:56 AM
A good ole case of 3P...

Perfect Phantasy Paranoia.

Nov 25, 2011, 11:38 AM
i'll get hyped once the game really comes out. so far im not hyped.

Dec 21, 2011, 02:31 AM
Plenty of alpha videos out there, watch them and be the judge if it looks worth it to you or not.

Dec 16, 2012, 05:42 PM
Moon Atomizer!

Gold Saw
Dec 16, 2012, 08:19 PM
Moon Atomizer!

Why do you mean!!!!! What? You've been saying this in multiple threads. My brain!!!

Dec 16, 2012, 08:32 PM
Why do you mean!!!!! What? You've been saying this in multiple threads. My brain!!!
Basically he's reviving really old topics for no reason (note the date of the post before his, it's from 2011). :x

Dec 16, 2012, 09:21 PM
Haha. Moon Atomizer. I get it.
Throw in some Star Atomizer too.

Dec 16, 2012, 09:26 PM
Haha. Moon Atomizer. I get it.
Throw in some Star Atomizer too.

Hey, don't go around encouraging this.

Dec 16, 2012, 09:28 PM
From what I hear, they want to release content in the JP, NA and EU versions at the same time.
By the time NA is released, JP will have proper endgame content, and NA/EU is meant to get both of these off the bat.
If SEGA can do this then I have hope that they'll keep all the regions up to date.

Blizzard do it with World of Warcraft (at least both NA and EU servers, China are a few years behind from what I understand but Korean is about the same as NA and EU), so SEGA now has a little pressure unlike 7 years ago.

I'll be staying on the JP servers for a few extra months after an English release while I wait to see what happens. If SEGA pull a fast one I'll just stay on the JP servers.

Dec 16, 2012, 09:31 PM
From what I hear, they want to release content in the JP, NA and EU versions at the same time.
By the time NA is released, JP will have proper endgame content, and NA/EU is meant to get both of these off the bat.
If SEGA can do this then I have hope that they'll keep all the regions up to date.

Blizzard do it with World of Warcraft (at least both NA and EU servers, China are a few years behind from what I understand but Korean is about the same as NA and EU), so SEGA now has a little pressure unlike 7 years ago.

I'll be staying on the JP servers for a few extra months after an English release while I wait to see what happens. If SEGA pull a fast one I'll just stay on the JP servers.

Is this post about PSO2, PSU, PSOBB, or PSODC/PC?

Because they've said that about every single other online PS game at about this long before launch, so I'm genuinely confused about whether you're serious or copying a post from 2004.

Dec 16, 2012, 09:40 PM
They said that about PSO2, and this time they have a little competition as most online games try to keep content updates VERY close together across regions. SOA/SOE wont be getting a penny from me if they fail to keep their promise this time.

Dec 16, 2012, 09:47 PM
Hey, don't go around encouraging this.

awww sorry I hurt your feeling :(

Dec 16, 2012, 09:55 PM
Stop it, Drop it, Pop and lock it!

Shake dat ass with all your might, dance dance dance or fight!

Open the Door, get on the floor, everybody do the dinosaur!

Dec 16, 2012, 09:56 PM
awww sorry I hurt your feeling :(

General forum rules.

Dec 16, 2012, 09:57 PM
General forum rules.

Oh okay then... sorry rules :(

Dec 16, 2012, 10:01 PM
Scape doll'd

Dec 16, 2012, 10:05 PM
Well, this is surely a blast from the past.

Kind of amusing, too, to look back on it and see all the expectations people had...

Dec 16, 2012, 10:10 PM
Oh okay then... sorry rules :(

Was still funny. Seeing you yell Moon Atomizer.

Dec 16, 2012, 10:14 PM
Was still funny. Seeing you yell Moon Atomizer.

Thank you :) Try not to do it to all the old thread, because I know "SOMEONE" will take it personal.