View Full Version : Xbox 360 Is it worth it?

Dec 19, 2011, 12:01 PM
I am a veteran of PSU I was one of the first that played the demo of this game and one of the first that got this game when it first came out but this game got repetitive for me and a lot of people do not play well with others that are not in their friends list or, in their clans so I was wondering is it worth paying the $10 and change a month any suggestions? and what new in the world of PSU: AOI thanx in advance :)

P.S. I do play well with others just to let anyone know lol :)

Dec 19, 2011, 07:01 PM
don't do it, the community is awful, i quit two months ago after a 4 year haul and i don't regret it one bit.

Dec 20, 2011, 01:53 PM
Yeah I quit like 4 years ago too I was just wondering I would like to get good people to play with in PSU but apparently even this place is dead :( I really do miss playing this game :(

Dec 20, 2011, 02:38 PM
Everyone that was smart enough quit the Xbox servers and moved to JP PC due to the ridiculously large content gap between the two regions.

Dec 20, 2011, 03:49 PM
There's an event on now for the next 6 weeks that will level you quickly and meet a lot of people. The UPPA and Remmy's new group, found on the official forums, can provide quality players to run with but randoms can be fun. Despite the defections for whatever reason this version is still well supported.