View Full Version : It's been since the end of the DC servers

Jan 27, 2012, 12:33 PM
But my fond memories go futher than that.

Fast forward to now, I can still vividly remember those crazy days in Oberon 1.

I still remember my first day Feb.14th 2001. Yeah the love day lol. When I met someone who later become a close friend of mine(she's now long gone though).

Having played 8 years of FFXI, ...2 years of PWI, 4 crappy years of PSU. None of them was able to match up to the memories and fun times of PSO ver 1.

Jan 27, 2012, 04:06 PM
I've had about 5-6yrs without PSO.. the answer is..

Well I can't talk about it.

Having played 8 years of FFXI, ...2 years of PWI, 4 crappy years of PSU. None of them was able to match up to the memories and fun times of PSO ver 1.

Contradiction? Perhaps... but welcome back to playing PSO :D

I myself played a wealth of games including MMOs since putting down PSO, but none of it compared to playing PSO in 2012 with a friend. The game was simple yet deep at the same time and provided tons of entertainment despite only having so many areas.

Jan 27, 2012, 09:00 PM
The only games I've played since PSO were Final Fantasy titles, Phantasy Star Portable, and as much as I'd hate to say it... Maple Story.

Jan 27, 2012, 09:49 PM
PSO and FFXI is about it for me. Still on FFXI. PSO I'm done with forever.~

Jan 29, 2012, 12:21 PM
The one thing I've regretted from the DC era of PSO v.1/v.2 is that not getting online and joining up with my guildmates from Ragol Raiders (later Ragol Hunters) due to the fact that my DC was in one room and my PC was in another, which stinks folks, and my dad didn't want to purchase a long ethernet cable (that time I was considering getting a DC BBA) for fear of viruses, malware, the whole nine yards, that would otherwise force him to reinstall WinXP in case it happens.