View Full Version : JP PSU Few questions~

Feb 20, 2012, 05:22 PM
Hey guys, I've found myself with a little more spare time on my hands and I'd like to go premium on my JP account again, mainly because I have like 50 Gravidions in my room that need grinding for the next boost that should follow this upcoming event. Before I reactivate it though, I did have a couple questions regarding some rods~ I can tell I missed an event where the Shadow Taker was dropping, I was just curious to what the going rate for those are right now? Also my second question... What is this? That's quite a bit of TP for a Rod, just curious of the name and location.


Feb 20, 2012, 05:41 PM
That rod is a Ryuhojido (http://psupedia.info/Ryuhojido), also the cheapest Shadow Taker is 72 gold bars at 2/10.