View Full Version : Offline Rappy suit offline?

Apr 12, 2012, 09:48 AM
Is the rappy suit available in the offline mode of AoTI?

Apr 12, 2012, 10:25 AM
I don't think so. It has been awhile since I played.

Apr 12, 2012, 01:22 PM
Yes there is. You may have to play through several chapters....maybe even beat the story. (Unlocking all missions and S level.) I don't know for sure what the exact requirement is but the suit eventually shows up in the shop on the 3rd floor. I wish I could tell you exactly when but I wasn't tracking it. Just noticed it was there one day and bought one for the heck of it.

Incidently, I'm pretty sure that if you make a 2nd character (or more), everything in the shops that your first character unlocked will be available from the get-go (but probably way too expensive and there's no common box to transfer meseta between characters).

I've dabbled in offline mode since the PC/PS2 server shut down. It's a lonely, dead world and rare maps are extremely hard to come by. I did get a couple Holy Rays but still have not seen a Jigo Booma, Delnadian, or Lotus Jigga in offline mode yet. And my chars are lvl 196, 135, and like 84. Just got a bit redundant I guess.

good luck on your rappy suit quest!

Apr 12, 2012, 01:44 PM
I heard something about beating electro brain on S and it unlocks the rappy suit and some other things as well.

Apr 12, 2012, 04:20 PM
If that is true, then you must beat the last chapter of the story (Episode 2). Only then will the mission Electronic Brain and S-level missions become available to you.

There's nothing really that hard about the story missions (offline only goes through Episode 2); but beating Ebrain on S-level might actually present a little challenge depending on your character's level. If you have to S-rank the mission (Ebrain on S level), that's a significant challenge at first unless your character is high enough level. Well....maybe that's because I do like to take my partner machine and Laia. The AMF soldiers with the lasers can torch the npcs pretty quickly.