View Full Version : [UPDATED] Sakai's april 30th mesage+^_^+

Apr 30, 2012, 09:48 AM
i know it's crappy google translator, but its good enough+^_^+ after reading this i think we'll get to play sometime after the 7th+^_^+

Source; http://pso2.jp/cbt/bbs/?mode=detail&gid=31038&forum=100

"Sakai producer
2012-04-30 23:18:10
14465 views: 1 /: number of replies

Sakai is a producer ("PSO2" below) "Phantasy Star Online 2".

All dates, "PSO2" closed β test with a 23:00 (Mon) has ended April 30.

After the solution had continued into the first day from 19 to 26, the communication delay, problems with disconnected lines, after the server maintenance from the 27th, we conducted approximately 71 hours of continuous operation as Phase 2.

We thank you for everyone who join us during the testing period, despite the closed β test, I woke up a big problem
We apologize again that, there were many times you are not playing to satisfaction.

Even though major problems to some extent have seen the resolution, and a slight delay, small bug, such as problems caused by the environment or disconnection are still remaining. We will also endeavor while your report, to be able to resolve as much as possible towards the future.

For a plethora of access, followed by a very heavy state Players site, I am sorry also.
Specifications can also be a bug report, it seems there were many that you can not report on heavy Players site.

In spite of such a state, the bulletin board, we had various opinions.
Comments on charges and scratch play, I know that some with a variety of opinions has been well understood.

Does not mean that we also think this is the best.
I think that the free play, charges that there is no fundamental change, and whether there will continue to operate in part, will by changing variously.

We believe everyone while receiving feedback, both in game content, play fee, you could go and enjoy making a style acceptable to as many people as possible.
However, for the part has set "the core of the game is not imperative to charge" that the first number does not change, we will try.

also changes from the α2 test, a variety of feedback Again, We have received your request.
I will strive to have some parts already working on refurbishment, become better beacause of your opinions .

To everyone who participated in the closed β test, I think it is seeking a questionnaire to 16:00 (Mon) May 7, and if it is possible answer means.
Players on this site, we will close once with a 20:00 (Mon) May 7.
Future plans, please visit, etc. So we will inform the official Twitter blog or official Phantasy Star at any time.

In addition, the game software of "PSO2" that you have this time installed is scheduled for subsequent testing for our customers, even in the official service by the update. There is no need to re-download and we ask you not to uninstall.

PC game Niokimashite Festa "Akihabara" "PSO2" briefing 2nd in fan, which will be held, the new field and new boss, and since the new system is implemented in the next test, you can enjoy more (Thu.) May 3 elements will be published.

The venue, so also in the live relay of smiling, please visit.

To everyone who you come to the venue, so there are many to question corner and talk show, or show you the video secret, and can provide a souvenir in the second part, elements also enjoy unique venue, with your time I think if it is possible and how to come visiting us.

As for the future, It was scheduled to open relatively early testing when β was originally, it is expected in view of the status of the closed β test that occurred this time of the major problem to make some schedule changes.
This time, we have to wait to schedule the open β test until the devolopment team varifies issues caused by network equipment do not recur, depending on the results, seperated by a short period of time before the open β test, it is possible to start the test again.
For here, I think it we will continue to consider the future, and if it is possible Stay tuned.

However, for service in the early summer there is no significant change in status quo.
I think that you be patient to everyone who can also have high expectations for the services in an open β test .

We believe the service was approaching finally official, and you want to in the title "PSO2" continued to grow under the demands of everyone always satisfied to a greater number of people.
Thank you for your cooperation in testing and formal service, if subsequent.

The future, thank you the support to the "PSO2" and Phantasy Star series."

ty for thread merge+^_^+ I'll be sure to remember specific URLs i visit+^_^+

Apr 30, 2012, 10:35 AM
I was just about to post this. Sakai wrote more on the blog as well.

4月30日(月・祝)23:00をもって、『PSO2』クローズドβテストの全日程が終了いたし ました。

初日の19日から26日まで続いてしまった、通信遅延、回線切断の問題が解決後、27日のサーバーメンテナ ンス後からは、フェイズ2として約71時間の連続稼働を行いました。

テスト期間中ご参加くださった皆さんに感謝するとともに、クローズドβテストにも関わらず、大きな問題が起 きてしまったため

大きな問題はある程度解決を見たと言っても、若干の遅延や、細かい不具合、環境による不具合や切断などはま だまだ残存しています。皆さんのご報告もいただきつつ、今後に向けてできるだけ解消できるように努めていき ます。

またアクセス過多のため、プレイヤーズサイトも非常に重い状態が続き、申し訳ありませんでした 。
不具合報告しようにも、プレイヤーズサイトが重くて報告できない、ということも多かったようで す。

プレイ料金やスクラッチに関する意見については、色々なご意見を持った方がいらっしゃることがよくわかりま した。

基本無料というプレイ料金が変わることはありませんが、運営を続けていく中で、色々と変化させていく部分も あるかと思います。

皆さんのご意見を受けつつ、ゲーム内容、プレイ料金ともに、できるだけ多くの方に受け入れていただけるスタ イルを作っていければと考えております。
とはいえ、最初に掲げている「ゲームの根幹には料金をいただかない」という部分は変化しないよう、心がけて いきます。

すでに改修に取り掛かっている部分もありますし、皆さんのご意見をいただいてより良いものになるよう努力い たします。

クローズドβテストに参加された皆さんには、5月7日(月)16:00までアンケートを募集しておりますの で、ぜひお答えいただければと思います。

このプレイヤーズサイトは、5月7日(月)20:00をもって一旦クローズさせていただきます 。
今後の予定については、随時ファンタシースター公式ブログや公式Twitterなどでお知らせしていきます のでご覧ください。

また、今回インストールしていただいた『PSO2』のゲームソフトは、アップデートにより次回以降のテスト 、正式サービスにおいてもご使用いただける予定です。新たにダウンロードし直す必要はございませんので、ア ンインストールをしないようにお願いいたします。

5月3日(木・祝)に開催される「『PSO2』ファンブリーフィング2nd in秋葉原PCゲームフェスタ」におきましては、次回テスト以降で実装される新フィールドや新ボス、新シス テムなど、さらにお楽しみいただける要素を公開する予定です。

■「ファンタシースターオンライン2 ファンブリーフィング2nd」

会場にいらっしゃった皆さんには、第2部においてトークショーや質問コーナーに、マル秘映像をお見せしたり 、お土産を用意したりなど、会場ならではのお楽しみ要素もたくさんありますので、お時間のある方はぜひご来 場いただければと思います。

■第5回秋葉原PCゲームフェスタ「ファンタシースターオンライン2 ファンブリーフィング2nd」

今後についてですが、本来でしたら比較的早い時期にオープンβテストを行う予定でしたが、今回大きな不具合 の発生したクローズドβテストの状況を鑑みて、若干のスケジュール変更を行う予定です。

次回はオープンβテストの予定とこれまでお伝えしてきましたが、ネットワーク機器の問題などが再発しないた めに開発チーム内で検証を行い、その結果によっては、オープンβテストの前に短い期間を区切って、もう一度 テストを行う可能性もあります。

今回のテストでオープンβテストやサービスインに対して期待を持っていただけた皆さんももうしばらくお待ち いただければと思います。

いよいよ正式サービスが近づいてきましたが、『PSO2』は常に皆さんのご要望を受け成長を続け、より多く の方に満足していただけるタイトルにしたいと考えております。

今後とも、ファンタシースターシリーズおよび『PSO2』への応援をよろしくお願いいたします 。

Abridged translation:

They're accepting questionaires until 5/7 4pm JST.
Check out Eclipse's thread here for more (http://www.pso-world.com/forums/showthread.php?t=194605)

They plan on updating the current client for further releases. So you dont need to uninstall or download a new client.

More information will be released in Akihabara 5/3 about more areas and up coming bosses.
You can watch on this link (doesn't specify what exact time it will be at)

Also anyone attending the game festa at Akihabara, it's looks like they're going to have a PSO2 corner with a video and some goodies (souvenir) to take home.

Also a last note, Sakai said he was planning on moving in an open beta, but with all of the network problems from the closed beta, they're going to take some time, test and make sure it's working as to not cause player's any grief.

Apr 30, 2012, 10:45 AM
These infos brings tears to my eyes :)

Apr 30, 2012, 10:50 AM
Looks like I need to go to Akihabara on Thursday.

Apr 30, 2012, 10:51 AM
I have to work T_T. Maybe i'll see if i can get off.

Apr 30, 2012, 10:57 AM
Dammit, I'm busy on 5/3... I wonder what goodies they will have...

Apr 30, 2012, 11:03 AM
If I go I promise to take pictures of the goods :D

Apr 30, 2012, 11:18 AM
会場にいらっしゃった皆さんには、第2部においてトークショーや質問コーナーに、マル秘映像をお見せしたり 、お土産を用意したりなど、会場ならではのお楽しみ要素もたくさんありますので、お時間のある方はぜひご来 場いただければと思います。

For those who are able to come, in the second talk show corner area. We have a secret video, souvenirs and other fun stuff.

Apr 30, 2012, 01:45 PM
someone mail me some goodies here? plz? with cherries on top? +^_^+

Apr 30, 2012, 04:29 PM
Wish I didn't live on the other side of the world sometimes.

Apr 30, 2012, 07:25 PM
Meaning it does not have. Confused I am the very.

Apr 30, 2012, 07:27 PM
Meaning it does not have. Confused I am the very.

We hope you should reading in the fan expectedly.

Apr 30, 2012, 07:30 PM
To make a long story short, "Thanks for participating in the beta, we're pushing back Open Beta but still plan to open the game up to everyone early this summer. Join us at the Niokimashite Fest in Akihabara to show off new content"

Apr 30, 2012, 07:31 PM
For those of you who do not speak Google Translate, let me translate further.

"I made this game, and this is a formal message."

That's what I got out of it.

Apr 30, 2012, 07:32 PM
More specifically, they are holding off on the open beta until they are sure they fixed the network issues completely. Delay the game as long as you need to, it will make the final product that much better.

Apr 30, 2012, 07:35 PM
Does not mean that we also think this is the best.
I think that the free play, charges that there is no fundamental change, and whether there will continue to operate in part, will be varied variously.

That part, right there..

Not sure how to interpret that..

Apr 30, 2012, 07:41 PM
Wait for a translation done by an actual person.

Apr 30, 2012, 07:42 PM
To make a long story short, "Thanks for participating in the beta, we're pushing back Open Beta but still plan to open the game up to everyone early this summer. Join us at the Niokimashite Fest in Akihabara to show off new content"


Apr 30, 2012, 07:51 PM
He said basically that they are working on the problems that arose and give them a little bit of time for Open beta so that they can make sure things work instead of having a repeat of what happened at the beginning of Closed beta. He also went on to say that this caused a slight change to the schedule as far as release, but not a significant one.

In other words
In Closed Beta we found some problems that we predict will take longer to fix than the pre-scheduled amount of time so we have altered the schedule. This Alteration while it will delay the release it will be something like a day or a week and not some crazy amount like a month or a year.

or in even shorter words
We right on... Wha? oh ok... Schedule... mostly.

Apr 30, 2012, 07:58 PM
Can we get a direct link to his post (or at least the post in Japanese pasted here)?

Apr 30, 2012, 08:12 PM

Considering it's a summary of the message, wouldn't read too much into it.

Could mean either case... unless someone who knows the language can say for sure?

Apr 30, 2012, 08:26 PM
This is good. We don't want a repeat of the PSU launch.

Apr 30, 2012, 08:31 PM
PSU launch... What happened again? All I remember is doing dragon C for hours on end.

Apr 30, 2012, 08:32 PM
ok i get it, i did my own translation of Google's translation, as an IT major i get the gist that an idiot unplugged a cable or 2 (my moneys on a klutz tripping behind the server rack and *tearing* patch cables out+^_^+), well i updated the OP so hopefully it's a little clearer+^_^+

Apr 30, 2012, 08:33 PM
PSU launch... What happened again? All I remember is doing dragon C for hours on end.

Thank god the CB wasn't as repetitive as that.

Apr 30, 2012, 08:39 PM
Uhm, isn't this what Kion already translated... here (http://www.pso-world.com/forums/showthread.php?t=194659)?

I'm not usually one to say these things, but... someone already made a TL;DR translation of that message, in a thread you created, as the -second post- of your thread... and you make a new one posting a google translation?


Apr 30, 2012, 08:43 PM
lolz, i had no idea that was the same page, and the second post didn't look anything like what Google puked out+^_^+ it's all moon-speak to me+^_^+ either way my thread is complete (it hints at incompetent IT professionals being the cause) at least and I'd rather the one you linked get deleted instead, if deleting is called for+^_^+

Apr 30, 2012, 09:07 PM
+^_^+ +^_^+ +^_^+ +^_^+ +^_^+ +^_^+

Apr 30, 2012, 09:10 PM
+^_^+ +^_^+ +^_^+ +^_^+ +^_^+ +^_^+

+^_^+ ©® by me+^_^+ i post it in every post of every forum, just look at them all in forum..epicgames..com and pcsx2..net/forums +^_^+ (i must have thousands......+^_^+)

Apr 30, 2012, 09:38 PM
Just hope the delay won't be long

May 1, 2012, 01:43 AM
Mayhaps I missed it, but is there any translation available of the questionnaire page? Can't even get a Google translate of it to work.

May 1, 2012, 02:01 AM
Eclipse translated that here:

(i'll edit this link into my post)

Dark Emerald EXE
May 1, 2012, 02:16 AM
Just did mine. I like that they like to hear our feedback

Mayhaps I missed it, but is there any translation available of the questionnaire page? Can't even get a Google translate of it to work.

Send you a message btw lol

May 1, 2012, 02:18 AM
Eclipse translated that here:

(i'll edit this link into my post)
Much obliged. :-)

May 1, 2012, 06:56 AM
lol what i got from that is...

That they will end the questionnaire replies on the 7th? Doesnt say anything about possibly playing again soon after the 7th. In my opinion from reading this, I'm figuring a big delay before we play. Specificly a big delay before open beta. Although they might release another Closed beta for us to test out the new changes.. I doubt a OB is coming anytime soon. Lets pray i am wrong.

PSO Addict
May 1, 2012, 09:39 PM
Looks like based on google tranlation of the recent Twitter post, they have bags to give away and there is a picture of a bag here... so my logic tells me this is the giveaway.


Go wild! Send me one.

May 1, 2012, 09:43 PM
Well, at least we know who's paying the production costs of the bags...

May 1, 2012, 09:49 PM

I'd like a bag. >3> Any PSO merch would do. I got a figure randomly out of a grab bag at a con. RAcaseal with Akiko's Wok. So tempted to get the new pink RAcaseal that just came out. Complete with meseta and rare box.. *-*

PSO Addict
May 1, 2012, 09:53 PM
I would proudly display that I was an Ark! I'd just turn the advert side in.