View Full Version : Potentially Interesting Combo Mechanic

Apr 30, 2012, 08:19 PM
Before we, the people of PSO-World, start, I would like to put to attention that the purpose of this thread is to inspire intellectual discussions about what has been discovered, not to create controversy about what may be deemed as broken and game-breaking 'Tech'.

Here we go:


I do not claim to know anything concrete about these mechanics. I am simply stating my theory and analysis of them.

If you haven't yet figured out what has happened after a few watches of the clip, we'll break it down here.
First, the action palette is shown with what looks to be 6 different PAs completely housed into 6 identical weapons. This is the case here. Next, the character is shown stringing together a series of attacks, a combination if you will, but Isn't it strange how the character is able to string together that 'combo' with 4 different PAs when each weapon clearly only houses 1 PA in its entirety? Normally, that would be strange, but that is not what is happening here. Closer inspection of the footage will reveal that the character is actually switching weapons to another identical weapon mid-combo, but with the 'new' weapon housing a completely different PA in its entirety. Since technically, no 'new' weapon has been switched to, no weapon loading animation is enacted upon. This allows the character to follow through with the rest of the 'combo' streaming 'different' weapons housing different PAs along the way without interruption. Simple, no?

I hope you'll have a clearer understanding of what has taken place here now, but lets dig a bit deeper into the mechanics and possibilities, shall we?

Diving Deeper:
As explained earlier, switching to the same weapon will not interrupt you mid-attack to load the 'new' weapon, but what happens when you switch to a different weapon of the same weapon class under the same circumstances? For example, switching from a basic Sword to a Claymore mid-combo. Surprisingly, not a whole lot is different. Switching to another weapon of the same weapon class mid-combo will allow you to continue your combo uninterrupted, yet anyways. Interestingly, switching to the same weapon class mid-combo will allow you to follow through the your attacks until you've stopped and reset to the neutral state, it is at this time where your character will stop to load the models for the new weapon which you have swapped to. To add to that, the game will load up whichever weapon you have switched to last in your combo before you have stopped and returned to neutral. I have not tested any stat changes that may have occurred from switching weapons mid-combo. I will leave that up to those that are interested. I have also not tested the effects of jump/guard cancelling your attacks after switching weapons, but I am sure the game will force you to load the model for your most recently switch weapon at some point where your character is allowed to load up weapon models.

Diving even Deeper:
We now know that switching to the same weapon mid-combo will not interrupt you and will allow for some creative gameplay. We also know that switching to weapons of the same weapon class mid-combo will allow you to continue your combos uninterrupted to a certain degree (when your offence halts, you will be put into the weapon-switching animation). I'm sure some of you may be interested in the possibilities of cross-weapon combos at this point, but alas, it does not work so well. Switching to a new weapon class mid-combo will immediately halt the rest of your combo to load up the model for the new weapon. To illustrate the point, switching to a Sword while performing Slide Shaker with a Partisan will disallow you from performing further actions with the Partisan and commence to load up the weapon model for the Sword.

My Thoughts:
It is unknown to me at this point whether or not SEGA has intended for any of this to be possible, but I feel this would be a great 'technique' for Hunters looking to play a bit less effectively and a bit more creatively varied. As ineffective as combos may be in PSO2, I think that playing with a combo-ing style of gameplay is fun and exciting. Hunters in their current developmental state already hold a lot of potential for this style of gameplay. I think extra value may be added to PSO2 if SEGA chooses to further embrace this style of gameplay. For one, re-adding the passive skill for increased PP-Regen on attacks will benefit this style of gameplay if not only by a bit compared to the boost it would offer to the 'average' style of Hunter gameplay.

While the pacing of the game will remain unchanged from the discovery of this 'technology', I am looking forward to the all the creative and visually stimulating combos that may stem from this. Ultimately, it is up to SEGA what they wish to do with PSO2. I'm am just glad that PSO2 has offered to me an outlet to flex my creative muscles, even if it may just be for a short while longer.

Closing Comments:
While I may assume that most people would either skip or skim though all this text, I must thank you if you have enjoyed reading through whatever amount you have. As stated earlier, my purpose in posting all this is to stimulate discussion about what has been discovered. I hope you will keep that in mind when posting your opinions, theories, or general inquiries on the subject. Thank you, now enjoy some dancing Rappies.


Apr 30, 2012, 08:23 PM
I skipped your text because I figured it out from the first paragraph.

It's an interesting option. Even more freeform PA linking than we already have...? Don't ever expect it from a force though. Already struggle with palette space and choices.

Apr 30, 2012, 08:36 PM
I didn't even think about trying this during CBT. I was using multiple palettes of the same weapon near the end of the testing period too. :(

Apr 30, 2012, 08:56 PM
looks like a combo from Soul Calibur+^_^+ something Pyrrah/Cassandra would do+^_^+
second thing, is how do you have 10 characters loaded in that .GIF? highest the slider would go was 5 in my options......

Apr 30, 2012, 09:41 PM
I noticed the mid-combo thing but didn't care enough because it requires you to to use low-PP cost PAs to actually be able to use more than 3.

And all the ones I like cost 30 or more. Like even if the one extra hit, or maybe two or three, that you pull off get you PP to use another, unless it's against a random trash mob 1v1, I wouldn't have the concentration to do that while paying attention to the boss to see what he's going to come at me with while juggling my already stringent PP along with my Partisan gauge.

Sure it might be satisfying but... I'm already content with my Trick Rave -> Raising Flag -> Zenith Throw combo.

Apr 30, 2012, 10:33 PM
Pretty much what foreignreign said.

Still, just the fact that the possibility exists is very exciting! I pictured this exact thing happening as soon as I learned about how the PA system works, and actually seeing it in action is quite... illuminating.

Apr 30, 2012, 11:13 PM
decent find, but just makes me think they should let us put weapon PA's to the item sub palate bar the same way forces can put techs there.

honestly not sure why the game doesn't already let us do that.

Apr 30, 2012, 11:36 PM
This doesnt really make any bit of difference though because no matter how many PAs you can fit onto one weapon you're still limited by PP consumption. At the most, you're adding room for a single extra PA.

Seems about as useful as Wartecher "combos" from PSU -- neat but ultimately not worth anybody's time. But a nice find nonetheless!

And the game probably forces you to 3 PAs for the same reason it makes you walk before you run. Limitations aren't always a bad thing. They make you rethink your strat before going into a battle. Or at the very least, it'll make you buy more pallete slots.

I personally enjoy being limited to 3 PAs per weapon. It makes it more fun, and further removes the "PA SPAM TRIANGLTRIRNIGNIEGLE" mechanic from the other PSUs by encouraging you to switch it up.

Apr 30, 2012, 11:36 PM
Wow, you really went out of your way to write an essay. Considering the trick's simplicity and the inclusion of a video, I'm not sure the write-up was warranted...

Nice find, but PP limits this pretty heavily. I don't think we'll find much of a use for it as things are now. Thanks for the heads-up, though!

May 1, 2012, 01:04 AM
Wait... I went the entire beta not noticing this quick switch? I always opened the palette to switch my weapon!

May 1, 2012, 01:21 AM
Wait... I went the entire beta not noticing this quick switch? I always opened the palette to switch my weapon!

Scrollwheel for Keyboard and mouse users.

Up and Down on the D-pad for Controller users.

May 1, 2012, 01:25 AM
This will certainly help out any Sword Gear build looking to maximize effectiveness for every situation.

May 1, 2012, 01:29 AM
who is really gonna use this to play this game

no seriously

May 1, 2012, 01:55 AM
Are you using the numpad to switch weapons? I noticed that if you use the numpad to switch weapons the blue circle that encloses you while loading the weapons doesn't appear and you could switch almost instantly.

I thought about trying this combo near the end of CBT, but alas didn't have enough time to try it out. I guesss we'll see in OBT!!

May 1, 2012, 02:18 AM
While I will agree that this is indeed an interesting find, that is as far as I would take the notion. You can certainly string together an interesting looking combo with this; however, the practicality and usefulness of this is just not there. If PSO2's combat was actually combo-oriented where the number of strung together consecutive hits was relevant then perhaps this would benefit the player; however, this obviously isn't the case.

Unlike in PSO1/PSU where the player could only string together a number of consecutive attacks before the game forced you to break your string, PSO2 will allow you to infinitely string moves together until you decide to break your loop yourself. This freedom is even granted to stringing together your equipped PA moves. This of course is only further nullified by what other people in this topic have already mentioned, PP consumption.

So yes, of course this is cool if players ever perhaps decide to hold combo exhibitions, but for the actual benefit of one's advantage in game there is no benefit to be had.

May 1, 2012, 02:19 AM
pretty much. Seems like we're digging a bit too deep into nothing here. The current system is good and it works. Like Taitu said, if we were limited to one PA per pallete then it'd be a big deal, but that just isnt the case.

It's a neat little exploit to be found, but it isn't really worth anything. Just another overlooked exploit. I'd assume the only reason it works is becuase the game doesn't try to load more models/animations when you switch to the same weapon and only loads PAs, so nothing is interrupted.

they could easily patch this, but, like Taitu and I said...whats the point


My Thoughts:
It is unknown to me at this point whether or not SEGA has intended for any of this to be possible, but I feel this would be a great 'technique' for Hunters looking to play a bit less effectively and a bit more creatively varied. As ineffective as combos may be in PSO2, I think that playing with a combo-ing style of gameplay is fun and exciting. Hunters in their current developmental state already hold a lot of potential for this style of gameplay. I think extra value may be added to PSO2 if SEGA chooses to further embrace this style of gameplay. For one, re-adding the passive skill for increased PP-Regen on attacks will benefit this style of gameplay if not only by a bit compared to the boost it would offer to the 'average' style of Hunter gameplay.

** And finally, no, there is no "extra value" to be had from Sega expanding the gameplay in this method. This goes back to the other topic about animation canceling. The system was obviously designed to limit you to 3 PAs per weapon pallete. If they wanted you to use them in random order, they'd have allowed you to subpallete them or hotkey them like Techniques or Bullet PAs. Therefore, it was OBVIOUSLY INTENDED for you to create a combo that's best suited for a situation. If you want to be versatile with the same weapon, then you can simply put the same weapon on the pallete multiple times with different combinations. There is no difference in the exploit shown and regular gameplay. The only difference is that you aren't pausing. But this is a moot point because you're limited by PP and would have to stop after about 3 PAs anyway, and thats with a full PP bar.

If they wanted us to find some super secret magical advanced K-style weapon cancel technique, then im pretty damn positive they wouldn't have put work into designing the different Gear systems oh the weapons to expand their functionality. They also would have allowed hunter weapons to function like Bullets, which do not limit ability accessibility by combo position. Or like Techniques, which are designed for versatility, and can be arranged however you want on your action pallete or subpallete.

I have no respect for game designers who embrace exploits, rather than expand the game based on the way it was originally meant to be played because of low confidence or plain laziness. The game does not need some off-the-wall tedious exploit to have deep gameplay. It simply needs to do what it's supposed to do right. If that means 3 PAs per weapon, then that is what they should stick with until an ACTUAL GAMEPLAY CHANGE does otherwise. If "ADVANCED GAMEPLAY" involves canceling your animations, then i expect a high-level Skill Tree ability to allow us to cancel animations with the press of a button with a cooldown. I dont expect to hold my fingers in some dipshit manner, quickly pressing keys in succession, because that is completely unnecessary. THAT is fake difficulty, and that is fake depth.

May 1, 2012, 03:50 AM
I have combo'd like this already myself as

May 1, 2012, 04:05 AM
Scrollwheel for Keyboard and mouse users.

Up and Down on the D-pad for Controller users.

Nah nah, I knew that. I mean whatever he did to switch without needing to press up or down/scroll-wheel.

May 1, 2012, 06:44 AM
Ya its sad I also didnt know about the quick switch... Well now i do. :-D

Edit :
How do you have 6 in the pallette? I only had 3. I'm obviously missing something here.

May 1, 2012, 06:59 AM
A certain main quest down the line upgrades your number of pallettes.

May 1, 2012, 07:02 AM
A certain main quest down the line upgrades your number of pallettes.

lol shit.
I just did quest till i got my mag and caves opened up on all my characters. Didnt go much past that. =(