View Full Version : PSO2 LiveStream

Jun 14, 2012, 07:32 PM
Alright, I decided to set up a livestream beginning tomorrow at 5:50 to 11:10 AM where I essentially play Phantasy Star Online 2 and share the experience for laughs and general fun. I know you guys are pretty much going to play the game during the stream, so I will be uploading it in editted parts on blip.tv.

I read there may be a thread on this sort of thing on the forums, but I cannot seem to locate it. I know there is a Closed Open Beta video project, but I do not know if there is a similar one for the Pre-Open Beta.

Keep in mind this is my first time doing this, so mess ups are inevitable.

For those interested in taking part, please consult the Community chat forum about setting up Mumble. After all, talking to myself for 5 hours will get kinda...weird for my roommate. I'll be on Mumble throughout the duration.

I always wanted to do a community contribution and always wanted to do something of a Let's Play. I've only been here on this site briefly, but I figured I'd do something fun.

I'll answer any more additional questions you may have.

Link to the LiveStream:


If this is not permitted, feel free to let me know.

The livestream will be filmed with Camtasia. My Username is Thadan on the server and my character's name will be Miaren, a Newman Hunter.

Jun 14, 2012, 08:30 PM
I think most of us will be too busy playing to want to watch someone else play..

Jun 14, 2012, 08:41 PM
Yeah, that line of thinking crossed my mind as well about five minutes after posting this. I'll probably be posting the runs on blip or something and have the occasional conversation on Mumble or something. I guess more of a Let's Play type of deal would be more accurate given everyone will be playing?

Jun 14, 2012, 09:16 PM
I'll watch! I only get to play for a couple hours before I have to go to work. Luckily, I have dual monitors in my cubicle, so I get to use one for non-work sometimes.