View Full Version : JP PSU Rare mission?

Jun 20, 2012, 12:51 AM
I tried to look for answers to this... but maybe I'm just a goob S:

I was running the post-event version of Heaven Earth Man and believe I received a Rare Mission flag (bright red text scrolled up the side). I am a free user and from what I know free users cannot play Rare Missions. However I went to a normal mission gate and found that I could select it and the 'initiate mission' option was available. (I didn't press it though cause I'm a low lvl nub and I don't wanna potentially use the Rare on a C run :/ )

So was there an update I didn't notice that allows free users to run Rares? Or will I get rejected if I press the initiate button..? Or maybe this is some bonus from Heaven Earth Man?


Jun 20, 2012, 01:16 AM
Lol I was debating on answering your question because you have no courage =P

I was in the same boat as you, but I said "f*** it! ima just see if it lets me do it..."

You gotta take a risk sometimes :)

Anyways, i'll tell ya. Yes you will get rejected, it will not let you start it even if you "select" it.

Jun 20, 2012, 01:21 AM
Lol I was debating on answering your question because you have no courage =P

I was in the same boat as you, but I said "f*** it! ima just see if it lets me do it..."

You gotta take a risk sometimes :)

Anyways, i'll tell ya. Yes you will get rejected, it will not let you start it even if you "select" it.

Ha ha this ^

Jun 20, 2012, 01:24 AM
*giggle* but risks are scary >o<

Alright.. I knew it was too good to be true.. thanks ^-^ ... for answering my question AND taking the risk. d:


Jun 20, 2012, 01:46 AM
Lol NP.

I thought the very same thing. "Did they patch it so that free mode players can play the rare mission?"

I even got excited because it almost lets you pick it xD However when you press "start mission" it wont let you. I was like lame!! xD

Jun 20, 2012, 02:38 AM
Lol I was debating on answering your question because you have no courage =P

I was in the same boat as you, but I said "f*** it! ima just see if it lets me do it..."

You gotta take a risk sometimes :)

Anyways, i'll tell ya. Yes you will get rejected, it will not let you start it even if you "select" it.

What was the point of that?