View Full Version : Guide Auto Words Option.

Jun 22, 2012, 04:12 AM
Okay so did some work with google. I don't know if its against the rules to post it here but I'll post it anyway. I got this from this link. (http://bumped.org/psublog/pso2-alpha-test-2-auto-words/) The link also has pictures so check it out if you don't know what its talking about on the main menu. Its a very fun feature and I plan to play with it a lot when the servers come back on.

Even though Alpha Test 2 is over, there’s still some features left to discuss. Phantasy Star Online 2 inherited a feature from Phantasy Star Portable 2 called Autowords. These Autowords allow you to say phrases whenever certain things happen during missions.

In the main menu, go to Community, and select the last option, “オートワード設定” and then choose オートワード

The cool thing about PSO2′s version of autowords is that you can say up to 3 phrases in one event, breaking up the monotony of constantly saying the same thing over and over.

Autoword list

There are three tabs, Event, Member, and Action. Corresponding Autowords are underneath these tabs.


クエスト開始時 At the start of the quest.
クエストクリア時 At the end of the quest.
Eトライアル発生 Start of the Emergency Trial
Eトライアル成功 Emergency Trial Completed
Eトライアル失敗 Emergency Trial Failure
PSE発生 PSE Occurs
PSEレベルアップ PSE Level Up
PSEバースト PSE Burst
クエストを受注した Received a Quest
キーを拾った Pick up a key
ロックを解除した: Unlocked (a gate/door)
罠に引っかかった: Caught in a trap
罠から救助された: Rescued from the trap
罠から仲間を救助: Rescued party member from the trap.


自分がレベルアップ I leveled up
仲間がレベルアップ Party Member Leveled up
回復してもらった Healed
補助してもらった Buffed


戦闘不能になった Incapacitated
復活 Revive
瀕死になった Near Death
残りHPが30%未満 HP less than 30%
残りHPが10%未満 HP less than 10%
回復アイテム使用: Used Healing Item
レアアイテム取得: Got a Rare
小ダメージ: Received Light Damage
中ダメージ Medium Damage
大ダメージ: Heavy Damage
アタック: Attack
フォトンアーツ発動 When doing Photon Arts
ジャストガード成功 Just Guard
緊急回避時: Dodge Rolling
スキル発動: Doing a Skill

Jun 22, 2012, 04:29 AM
The way to get to it has change since alpha 2. I'll fix it once I can figure out how I even got to the auto words menu.

Jun 22, 2012, 04:37 AM
The way to get to it has change since alpha 2. I'll fix it once I can figure out how I even got to the auto words menu.


Jun 22, 2012, 05:13 AM
So. whenever someone fails, people can be ass hats :( ?

Jun 22, 2012, 05:32 AM
I was wondering how to do this. Thanks :-)

Jun 22, 2012, 05:34 AM
This guide is going to build a crowd of people who every time they attack they say "Hyaaah!" and the chat log is gonna be long as hell haha ^^

Jun 22, 2012, 05:59 AM
Things like Attack don't activate every time so it'll only be half as long. lol

I personally only use the quest start/end, level up and KOed ones because those are fairly rare and I don't want to annoy everyone with auto words with everything I do. I wish they wouldn't appear in the chat log... Apparently you can disable that in the options. Forget I said anything.

Jun 25, 2012, 08:58 PM
I seem to recall there being an auto word option for joining a mission in progress already.

I would assume this would appear when you invite the player partner to your team, just like you would Maloo, Xeno, etc. Just a little greeting. This isn't the case anymore? :(

PSO Addict
Jun 25, 2012, 11:05 PM
Cool, I was totally thinking to script some nerdy messages about freezing stuff...

PSO Addict
Jun 25, 2012, 11:07 PM
Also, I got thanked quite a lot in the previous test as people auto-chat "thank you" for Resta.