View Full Version : Caves client order bug?

Jun 22, 2012, 07:27 PM
I think this is a bug but without being able to read the Japanese description im not entirely sure, apologies if im completely off ;)

I've finally reached the cave levels. I noticed alot of the npcs have the blue box above their head indicating a new client order is available. When i talk to the npc, the new quest is displayed as complete (yellow/crown) task . i think its over written the client orders i completed from the forest levels.

If i select a completed client on the npc, it will then start the caves client order and the symbol will change to blue.

Is anyone else finding this bug?

can anyone submit a ticket for this, as i'm useless with Japanese ;)

Rough repro steps:-
1. complete all forest based client orders and selectable conter missions.
2. then progress the matter board 1 to the second yellow cycle (including all selectable quests before it completed)
3. then complete the forest free mission twice (2nd time within time limit) unlocking caves.
4. then simply go to each npc in the quest lobby (not shopping area) that have a blue marker above their head and look at the new client orders available.
5. All client orders appear completed (yellow/crown icon), but if you select them they start the new caves client missions.