View Full Version : What kind of MAG are you making?

Kimil Adrayne
Jun 24, 2012, 03:12 AM
I'm thinking of either a Straight Striking, Straight Ability or evenly distributed between Defensive stats. What seems best for a Hunter?

What are you gonna do? Critic everyone else's MAG ideas.

Jun 24, 2012, 04:05 AM
It's photon blast seems to be the most useful.
And it's stat can be used by all three job class, raising crit and making damage more consistant.

Jun 24, 2012, 04:10 AM
i'm going for a skill mag precisely because of this.

Jun 24, 2012, 04:35 AM
I don't think crit's been confirmed, but it does make damage more consistent.

Jun 24, 2012, 04:45 AM
What do you guys reccomend on feeding your mag to get an ability mag? I know theres a guide thread that explains stuff. I just mean what food do you use so that you can gain ability stats without pushing magic defense up high. (Since back armor seems to push it up a lot)

Jun 24, 2012, 05:01 AM
What do you guys reccomend on feeding your mag to get an ability mag? I know theres a guide thread that explains stuff. I just mean what food do you use so that you can gain ability stats without pushing magic defense up high. (Since back armor seems to push it up a lot)

PA Disk

Jun 24, 2012, 07:35 AM
It's photon blast seems to be the most useful.

Why is that? It seemed to be the least useful when I had it in CBT.

Jun 24, 2012, 07:36 AM
Can't you make a combination to get their third form?

Someone tell me how that works out for them when they do it!

Jun 24, 2012, 10:43 AM
I'm feeding my mag nothing but range weapons that drop or items that increase his range stat.

Kimil Adrayne
Jun 24, 2012, 12:07 PM
Instead of making a new thread, I just changed this one's title and first post.

Explain your MAG plan and get critic by people.

Jun 24, 2012, 12:09 PM
I'm going for 33 points in each attack stat. I don't plan on buying new mags and I want to be able to use it no matter which class I'm playing as.

Jun 24, 2012, 12:18 PM
Right now I'm building heavy range damage.

I'm going to start feeding it discs at around 30-40 ranged stat so that the ability stat can help both my hunter and ranger and not just my ranger.

Jun 24, 2012, 12:23 PM
Pure range for now. I have no issue with buying another mag later on.

Jun 24, 2012, 12:30 PM
I'm going with pure tech attack for my force character. It'll boost his damage and let him use higher level discs faster.

Jun 24, 2012, 12:32 PM
Pure ability.

I'm curious if ability has any defensive aspect, because the google translate of

攻撃に関する能力です。相手より技量が高ければ、ダメージの期待値を上げることができます。キャラクター自 身の値やそのほかの補正が合計された値になります。


Is the ability of attacks. The higher the skill than the opponent, you can raise the expected value of the damage. Correction will be the value of their own values ​​and other characters have been total.

Which seems to imply having high ability might also somewhat reduce incoming damage.

Jun 24, 2012, 12:34 PM
Seeing as i give it strictly guns, i assume itīs raising both Ranged Attack and Ability.
Not to sure how good that is, but at least itīs offensive.

Jun 24, 2012, 12:38 PM
Pure ability.

I'm curious if ability has any defensive aspect, because the google translate of

攻撃に関する能力です。相手より技量が高ければ、ダメージの期待値を上げることができます。キャラクター自 身の値やそのほかの補正が合計された値になります。


Is the ability of attacks. The higher the skill than the opponent, you can raise the expected value of the damage. Correction will be the value of their own values ​​and other characters have been total.

Which seems to imply having high ability might also somewhat reduce incoming damage.

Unless I'm reading it wrong, the Japanese makes no mention of reducing damage.

Jun 24, 2012, 12:48 PM
Pure nothing, like for my skill points. I'll wait until there's a guide about it and if I stick with hunter.

Jun 24, 2012, 12:57 PM
I was going to go pure Tech Attack until I learned about what Ability can do, so now I'm probably going to go for an 80/20 split.

I don't plan on playing more than one class per character.

Jun 24, 2012, 01:45 PM
Unless I'm reading it wrong, the Japanese makes no mention of reducing damage.

What I mean is, if the difference in ability affects your damage, does it also affect monster damage (that is, since it implies they have an ability stat, does it work the same way - does it lead to them doing less damage if you have more ability)?

Jun 24, 2012, 01:47 PM
I'm just feeding it junk items, I'll worry about having a super awesome perfect mag when things (hopefully) get translated and I can buy a second one.

Jun 24, 2012, 01:48 PM
I'm just feeding it junk items, I'll worry about having a super awesome perfect mag when things (hopefully) get translated and I can buy a second one.


Jun 24, 2012, 01:48 PM
What I mean is, if the difference in ability affects your damage, does it also affect monster damage (that is, since it implies they have an ability stat, does it work the same way - does it lead to them doing less damage if you have more ability)?

Looks like it's only how much more damage you do, not how much less they do.

Jun 24, 2012, 01:58 PM
Ranged/ability mag here, whatever it ends up with mostly feeding it ranged weapons and some pa disks.

Jun 24, 2012, 02:01 PM
going 10 Strike 10 Range and everything else Ability.

Kimil Adrayne
Jun 24, 2012, 02:08 PM
My plan is Striking main and Ranged and Magic Defense.

Feed plan:

2 Strike weapons for
+++Striking Attack
-Striking Defense

1 General Armou Item
+Striking Defense
+Ranged Defense
+Magic Defense

Net Gain:
++++++ Striking Attack
+Ranged Defense
+Magic Defense

Good Plan guys? Avoiding Ability like that?

Jun 24, 2012, 02:10 PM
My plan is Striking main and Ranged and Magic Defense.

Feed plan:

2 Strike weapons for
+++Striking Attack
-Striking Defense

1 General Armou Item
+Striking Defense
+Ranged Defense
+Magic Defense

Net Gain:
+++ Striking Attack
+Ranged Defense
+Magic Defense

Bgood Plan guys? Avoiding Ability like that?

Dont think anyone really knows real benefit of Ability, could be a useless secondary stat for all we know so ignoring it certainly is safest route. But I would only recommend going a defensive build if your going Sword/HP build on your HU

Jun 24, 2012, 02:22 PM
My plan is Striking main and Ranged and Magic Defense.

Feed plan:

2 Strike weapons for
+++Striking Attack
-Striking Defense

1 General Armou Item
+Striking Defense
+Ranged Defense
+Magic Defense

Net Gain:
++++++ Striking Attack
+Ranged Defense
+Magic Defense

Good Plan guys? Avoiding Ability like that?

Forget about getting magic or ranged defense. If you get those, you'll be behind on equipping units that require striking defense.

The optimal builds for MAGs are not complicated at all unless you want to make it complicated. Simply focus on the stats of your class.

Jun 24, 2012, 02:42 PM
I'm waiting for the Japanese to find out how to exactly get what Mag. I care more about the design than the stats themselves, honestly.

Jun 24, 2012, 02:44 PM
Right now I'm building heavy range damage.

I'm going to start feeding it discs at around 30-40 ranged stat so that the ability stat can help both my hunter and ranger and not just my ranger.

This, but with force damage.

Kimil Adrayne
Jun 24, 2012, 03:00 PM
Forget about getting magic or ranged defense. If you get those, you'll be behind on equipping units that require striking defense.

The optimal builds for MAGs are not complicated at all unless you want to make it complicated. Simply focus on the stats of your class.

I'm not worried about having too low Striking defense as a Hunter since its already my naturally highest . I'm more worried about my range and Magic defense being too low.

I like having a rounded defense, like how Wartechers played in PSU.

I'm not sacrificing Striking attack for this, just pulling down the ability stat and replacing it with range and magic defense

Jun 24, 2012, 03:13 PM
Raising range primarily. I just keep feeding it all the junk guns i've picked up, up to this point. Ability also seems to be raising, so I guess it's a plus. But for the most bit, I want a pure range-oriented mag since I dun plan on playing other classes much.

Jun 24, 2012, 03:22 PM
I'm not worried about having too low Striking defense as a Hunter since its already my naturally highest . I'm more worried about my range and Magic defense being too low.

I like having a rounded defense, like how Wartechers played in PSU.

I'm not sacrificing Striking attack for this, just pulling down the ability stat and replacing it with range and magic defense

Let me explain further. There are defensive stat requirements for units. By raising S-def, you can equip higher level units and you will obtain great defensive boosts that can replace the balanced defensive stats you are going for without sacrificing multiple MAG levels. Your "naturally high" striking defense will not be enough for higher level units unless you have invested MAG levels into it. This is even more of a problem if you are not HUmar or HUcast since you'll have even less striking defense.

Unless you want to equip units that require R-def/M-def(which would be of lower level) or if you hate optimal armor, then I suggest putting those points into striking defense instead OR getting points into the S-def Up skill.

Kimil Adrayne
Jun 24, 2012, 03:46 PM
Let me explain further. There are defensive stat requirements for units. By raising S-def, you can equip higher level units and you will obtain great defensive boosts that can replace the balanced defensive stats you are going for without sacrificing multiple MAG levels. Your "naturally high" striking defense will not be enough for higher level units unless you have invested MAG levels into it. This is even more of a problem if you are not HUmar or HUcast since you'll have even less striking defense.

Unless you want to equip units that require R-def/M-def(which would be of lower level) or if you hate optimal armor, then I suggest putting those points into striking defense instead OR getting points into the S-def Up skill.

Unless the top ranked S-Def items requirements are high enough you can't reach them with the base Hunter stats, I'll be fine. Without the info on the end-game items and the top level base stats, I can't know for sure yet.

I don't expect it to be an issue. Bit of a gamble I guess.

If I need it, I'll just buy a new MAG down the line.

Jun 24, 2012, 03:51 PM
Pure nothing [...] I'll wait until there's a guide about it [...]
This is my answer, at least concerning my first Mag.

Jun 24, 2012, 04:12 PM
the top ranked S-Def items requirements are high enough you can't reach them with the base Hunter stats

This is the case. There is no need to gamble...

Kimil Adrayne
Jun 24, 2012, 04:39 PM
This is the case. There is no need to gamble...

This is the case? Cool, do you have a link confirming this?

Soul Guardian
Jun 24, 2012, 05:00 PM
I was going to go pure Tech Attack until I learned about what Ability can do, so now I'm probably going to go for an 80/20 split.

I don't plan on playing more than one class per character.

This. I'm not going to play another class besides Force unless I make an alt, so I'll be going for a mostly Tech mag with the rest put into ability.

Jun 24, 2012, 05:12 PM
I'll probably be going for a strike/ability mag...maybe putting some slight defense on higher lvs

I'm very indecise, so I try to always make a balanced build.

my main concern though isn't on the mag's stats...but the evoluiton/PB

I'm between getting the strike or the skill MAG evolution (so either the Unicorn or Ashura PB)

could someone who have one of those PBs point out how useful they are?...and maybe, which of them would be best overall?


I forgot. Besides the PB...could someone who already have those mag evolutions also point out how well their attack auto actions works?...and maybe which would help more a Hunter gameplay?

It seems the striking MAG would tackle enemies around knocking them down. That is useful ont he scenario of having many monsters around you and the MAG neutralizing some by knocking them down, avoiding you to get hit from all sides...however, I can also forsee the frustrating scenario of the MAG knocking an enemy out of a good combo of mine |:

While the ability/skill mag would keep shooting things?...which makes it safer to assume it couldn't mess me up somehow, instead of helping.

could someone who already have those point out their opinions about their PB and auto-attacks?

Jun 24, 2012, 07:44 PM
Anything with ATK+ for me. I'm all for proximity.

Jun 24, 2012, 08:41 PM
100% TATK through Force Weapons and Trimates. Ability is something I'm not interested in having, at least not on my FOnewearl's first mag.

Narue Moon
Jun 24, 2012, 09:22 PM
I don't even know how a Mag works, lol. I have it floating around me everytime doing nothing xD

Jun 24, 2012, 09:36 PM
AlMcFly is going pure ability mag. McFly Bot is experimenting only feeding it moons which raises all three defenses equally.

Jun 25, 2012, 12:18 AM
I was planning to make a tech type mag but after making it evolve I realized i was raising it as a Skill one...


I wonder if there is still time to fix this, I have like... 70 levels left.

Jun 25, 2012, 12:19 AM
because I'm female Newman ranger I need the dex for my mag :D

Jun 25, 2012, 12:20 AM
I'm not touching my mag until there's an explanation of the different photon blast types.

Jun 25, 2012, 12:28 AM
For now I'm going with R-Attack and Ability. But, I'll probably leave my Mag alone once it hits level 50 so that I have room to adjust other stats if that needs to be the case (Whenever a Mag raising guide comes out, that is).

Jun 25, 2012, 12:56 AM
I'm not touching my mag until there's an explanation of the different photon blast types.

Might wanna check the thread I made solely on PBs...though it has no decent info yet...but if people would see it and post what PBs their MAGs have...we could gather some info ;/

because I'm female Newman ranger I need the dex for my mag :D

There's no dex in PSO2...do you mean ranged damage? or ability/skill?

you can't miss attacks in PSO2 (unless you actually physically miss them...but as long as your attack's hitbox hits the monster, it's a hit)

ranged damage enhances your...ranged damage, derp

and skill seems to raise your critical hits ratio, aswell as your minimum damage and maybe your chances to get damaged for only 1...depending on the attacker's skill stat

Jun 25, 2012, 01:07 AM
I'm making a mag evolve. That's all I know

Jun 25, 2012, 01:11 AM
Force mag because I'm a forever force?

Kimil Adrayne
Jun 25, 2012, 01:23 AM
Any strat to getting 100% striking out there? Right now the only items I know to reduce ability add r def and m def. Hence my striking with a side of r def and m def mag.

Jun 25, 2012, 02:04 AM
Any strat to getting 100% striking out there? Right now the only items I know to reduce ability add r def and m def. Hence my striking with a side of r def and m def mag.

Maybe...raise strike...lower ability...then somehow lower rdef and mdef? X'D

just a guess...but that probably wouldn't work

now that you mentioned I'm not sure really

any info from anyone about auto attacks and Photon Blasts though? =/

Jun 25, 2012, 02:24 AM
Primarily Shooting with a side of Ability. Right now it's about 22/9. Depending on how information on evolution and Photon Blasts surfaces, I'm looking to make it 80/20 or 70/30. Not raising defense, and never will on any mag.

Jun 25, 2012, 02:34 AM
Primarily Shooting with a side of Ability. Right now it's about 22/9. Depending on how information on evolution and Photon Blasts surfaces, I'm looking to make it 80/20 or 70/30. Not raising defense, and never will on any mag.

I sorta agree on this point...

PSO2's gameplay is being made in a way that...with enough play skill, strategy and enemy pattern experience...you SHOULD be able to dodge most attacks

you don't necessarily HAVE to tank anything...though ofc, we're not perfect, we will take damage here and there...but focusing too much on defense sorta takes out the play skill aspect in the game to let you play more comfortably...and I like some difficulty in my play to make it exciting

(ofc that having enough defense to avoid getting one hitted by some attacks is always good...better safe than sorry =w=')

Jun 25, 2012, 03:22 AM
Pure defense.

All levels in striking, shooting, and tech defense.

My tree build is also in defense, HP, and Warcry. Basically I'm going to be the guy that punches the boss in the eye to piss him off.

Jun 25, 2012, 03:28 AM
Pure defense.

All levels in striking, shooting, and tech defense.

My tree build is also in defense, HP, and Warcry. Basically I'm going to be the guy that punches the boss in the eye to piss him off.

Also if PSO/PSU are any indication, the end game boss will have tons of completely unavoidable global attacks. So going pure tank is a great idea.

Jun 25, 2012, 04:29 AM
Also if PSO/PSU are any indication, the end game boss will have tons of completely unavoidable global attacks. So going pure tank is a great idea.

And since moons are the only item that raises all three stats at the same time, I've always got extra for those ridiculous God-mode attacks.

Jun 25, 2012, 10:05 AM
This is the case? Cool, do you have a link confirming this?

The information I gave beforehand is straight from the game itself. Look up high level gear in the shop or in mission information(5 star and up) and look at the requirements. Now take a look at these level 40 base stat caps.


There are plenty of 5star units that require around 380 in the respective defensive stat to equip. There are also a good amount of characters that do not reach this number in their highest defensive base stat. On another note, you should not see the current gear as your target goal for reaching their requirements because when the level cap raises to 40, there will be newer and stronger gear available(certainly with higher requirements than before).

So like I said before, its pretty much mandatory to get extra defenses in the category your class excels in or else you simply won't be able to equip optimal armor. The amount you need for your MAG will depend on the race of your character as well as the additional stats from the skill tree.

Jun 25, 2012, 10:18 AM
My HUmar MAG
30 S-ATK
30 Ability
40 S-DEF

As said, meeting the requirements is quite important, and you can always transfer Attack and Ability boost skills to your new higher grade armor.

Jun 25, 2012, 11:56 AM
But how much def does your character recieve per mag level of s-def? is it 1 level = 1 def point to your character?

Jun 25, 2012, 01:34 PM
I'm just feeding my mag whatever the hell I pick up lol... it sounds like I'm going to regret this later on.

I guess I should start putting effort into armor?

Kimil Adrayne
Jun 25, 2012, 08:40 PM
I'm just feeding my mag whatever the hell I pick up lol... it sounds like I'm going to regret this later on.

I guess I should start putting effort into armor?

Could be bad yup.

The Awesomeinator
Jun 25, 2012, 09:38 PM
I've mostly been giving mine melee weapons. Looking to build a mostly physical (maybe bit of range) mag with a little bit of defense if I feel like it.

Might do some ability as well.

Jun 26, 2012, 01:27 PM
I'm trying to raise an Ability MAG, I've fed it nothing but discs for 20 levels, what else should i be feeding it?

Jun 26, 2012, 05:06 PM
I'm trying to raise an Ability MAG, I've fed it nothing but discs for 20 levels, what else should i be feeding it?

if you want pure ability, then keep feeding disks...but I guess you should also put some points on the kind of damage of your class (strike if you're a Hunter, ranged if you're a Ranger or Magic if you're a Force) for an offensive MAG...or maybe some defense of each kind if you want to go a bit more defensive

Jun 26, 2012, 05:07 PM
if you want pure ability, then keep feeding disks...but I guess you should also put some points on the kind of damage of your class (strike if you're a Hunter, ranged if you're a Ranger or Magic if you're a Force) for an offensive MAG...or maybe some defense of each kind if you want to go a bit more defensive

Well, so far I've been playing with all 3 classes so I guess I'll have to level them all ^^;

Jun 26, 2012, 05:07 PM
I'm trying to raise an Ability MAG, I've fed it nothing but discs for 20 levels, what else should i be feeding it?

More Discs.
I start to notice that i do more crits because of my ability Mag and i only have a level 17 mag.

Jun 26, 2012, 05:17 PM
Call me crazy but... I know I WANT to make a shooting mag with my hunter (if I ever make a hunter). I dunno, seems like it could come in handy. Just as long as for it to be ''a shooting type'' I don't have to sacrifice too much striking perks/invest too much in shooting-related skill boosts I won't ever use...

... mind you, I don't have the game so I'm just INTERESTED in getting a shooting mag for a hunter, if that can't work/is far from an optimal choice than I'd definitely stick to a striking mag.

Jun 26, 2012, 05:35 PM
this one+^_^+
but i don't want to muck it up and accidentally create this one...
they are both shooting mags+^_^+ so ima wait for a more complete guide for the one i want+^_^+

Jun 26, 2012, 05:39 PM
My Fornax mag came with a new skill. Not sure what it is, but it has a J on the end of it. No mention of HP or anything either.

Jun 26, 2012, 06:01 PM
this one+^_^+

omg that looks awesome, ME WANTS.

Jun 26, 2012, 06:47 PM
omg that looks awesome, ME WANTS.

lol yeah, but keep in mind the other one is also a shooting mag, and i don't know what makes it look like one or the other, so i can't feed mine until i know (which is gonna put me behind a lot of players that are already halfway to the level 99 cap)+^_^+

Jun 26, 2012, 09:53 PM
Call me crazy but... I know I WANT to make a shooting mag with my hunter (if I ever make a hunter). I dunno, seems like it could come in handy. Just as long as for it to be ''a shooting type'' I don't have to sacrifice too much striking perks/invest too much in shooting-related skill boosts I won't ever use...

... mind you, I don't have the game so I'm just INTERESTED in getting a shooting mag for a hunter, if that can't work/is far from an optimal choice than I'd definitely stick to a striking mag.

Ability type MAGs have a ranged attack. You should aim for an ability MAG so there will be synergy between your class and MAG.

Jun 27, 2012, 12:59 AM
My Fornax mag came with a new skill. Not sure what it is, but it has a J on the end of it. No mention of HP or anything either.

I think I've gotten this skill too. Away from gaming rig now, will try to post pics later.

Jun 27, 2012, 01:44 AM
I made mine a striking mag and I only feed it swords. It may not be the highest out there but I've seen mine hit between 1600 to 1700 on a boss. I also still have 16 lvls left to go.

Jun 27, 2012, 01:50 AM
I made a striking one as my force. Crazy? Maybe, but better than having a fish for photon blast, thanks. Unicorn > all. <_<

Now, for reals, I tend to play a lot with my gunslash, and I really like hybrids, so being a FOnewearl I'd say I'll do decent damage without the mag boost. It shouldn't be too bad to have some level spent on striking, and then start off with technic.

My main concerns are that, seeing it now, I could have left it at level 20 striking or so, then start raising tech and I'd have gotten the same mag anyways, but I was a bit careless; and I don't wanna swap photon blasts and lose the current one, so I'm not sure what to do. I have it at level 35, 26 attack and 9 defense, so I guess I should just leave it as it is till we get more info and I know that I can feed it wands without swapping blasts.

Jun 27, 2012, 01:56 AM
I love my turbo PP from the fish photon blast! My mag is lvl 31 and looks kind of like a kitty, its the tech one.

Jun 27, 2012, 03:42 PM
I think I've gotten this skill too. Away from gaming rig now, will try to post pics later.

Here's my Mag's 'stat page' - including the skill ending in "J" we were speaking of.
Translation, anyoNE?


Jun 27, 2012, 03:44 PM
All the way striking pretty much.

Jun 27, 2012, 03:47 PM
this one+^_^+
but i don't want to muck it up and accidentally create this one...
they are both shooting mags+^_^+ so ima wait for a more complete guide for the one i want+^_^+

Both have a ranged attack, but one looks like a plane and the other one a mage.

Range vs ability mag?

Those are the level 100 evos, if I'm not mistaken, right?

I'm willing to be a victim of experimentation since I plan on switching to the English servers when they release.

Jun 27, 2012, 03:54 PM
Im feeding mine just guns

Jun 27, 2012, 04:46 PM
I'm feeding mine discs, then once it evolves I will feed it force weapons. I mainly just love how that photon blast looks with the slapping and all with the multiple arms.

I don't mind not being as efficient, if I can look super awesome the way I want while doing it. :D

Jun 27, 2012, 05:14 PM
I jacked my mags abilty back up to try out the sixarmed PB. I actually like the unicorn better, but wont be able to switch back until level 100. Bleh.

Jun 27, 2012, 06:13 PM
It checks its applicable evolution in level multiples of five, I believe. You shouldn't have to wait until 100 as long as your Striking is high enough.

Jun 27, 2012, 06:37 PM
It checks its applicable evolution in level multiples of five, I believe. You shouldn't have to wait until 100 as long as your Striking is high enough.

I know, my mag is maxed out at 99.

Jun 27, 2012, 06:41 PM
50 tech, the rest ability personally. The extra consistent damage is nice.

Jun 27, 2012, 09:00 PM
Currently mine is pure ability at 43 or so. Considering adding some ranged defense, since most of the attacks that actually land on me (even as hunter) are such. (Or I don't know - not entirely clear on what the black lightning under Ragne is, fairly sure his random bolts are tech damage and thus not a concern as much for a newearl).

I'd do offense, but there's not enough overlap between the three types outside of Ability, and I've already got a bunch of that.

Also, watching the six-armed PB flailing away at enemies never gets old. Not to mention when he just teleports to the next enemy.

Hoping someone figures out what drives PB damage. No IQ stat this time.

Jun 27, 2012, 09:16 PM
I already have my mind set, right now my mag is a (67/0/0/25/0/0/0) - goodness only knows how much more strike would be added to the human hunter when he is at 40. Course this is a way to gain access to stronger weapon earlier, if you have them.

I am alternating between strike weapons and monomates to raise the rest of the strike.

Jun 27, 2012, 09:20 PM
I already have my mind set, right now my mag is a (67/0/0/25/0/0/0) - goodness only knows how much more strike would be added to the human hunter when he is at 40. Course this is a way to gain access to stronger weapon earlier, if you have them.

I am alternating between strike weapons and monomates to raise the rest of the strike.

Thats the build im useing to lol tho im purley useing swords etc to raise it. I mean thats one way to clear my invy.

Jun 27, 2012, 11:38 PM
The information I gave beforehand is straight from the game itself. Look up high level gear in the shop or in mission information(5 star and up) and look at the requirements. Now take a look at these level 40 base stat caps.


There are plenty of 5star units that require around 380 in the respective defensive stat to equip. There are also a good amount of characters that do not reach this number in their highest defensive base stat. On another note, you should not see the current gear as your target goal for reaching their requirements because when the level cap raises to 40, there will be newer and stronger gear available(certainly with higher requirements than before).

So like I said before, its pretty much mandatory to get extra defenses in the category your class excels in or else you simply won't be able to equip optimal armor. The amount you need for your MAG will depend on the race of your character as well as the additional stats from the skill tree.

Wait, would this mean that if you're a Ranger, then only the ranged defense will help you equip the highest level armor?? If so, then these moon atomizers aren't helping at all!

Jun 28, 2012, 12:36 AM
Standard post-mission procedures:

1. Open Mag menu
2. Feed it any melee weapon that doesn't have Power or Soul on it
3. Save the ones that do in storage
4. Sell the rest
5. Check the weapon dealer for weapons with Power
6. Buy nine
7. Make three Power II
8. Try to combine into Power III

Which is a roundabout way of saying SATK and Ability. Because I'm too lazy to try to stop Ability from rising.

Jun 28, 2012, 12:50 AM
Giving my mag straight max ability despite playing Force, because I know eventually I will play the other classes as well and if I need stat boosts for a weapon I will get it from unit abilities or vice-versa.

Jun 28, 2012, 12:54 AM
Strait Satk and Ability. Not going for pure Satk because the extra crit and max/min damage from ability is very nice.

Alena Zouryx
Jun 28, 2012, 12:57 AM
But how much def does your character recieve per mag level of s-def? is it 1 level = 1 def point to your character?

I tested that, and that's correct. 1 MAG stat level = 1 stat point for that attribute.

Jun 29, 2012, 08:36 AM
Anybody know how to choose the photon blast?
I have a force mag and he only use the brogile Photon blast.
Its random or i forgot something?

Jun 29, 2012, 08:48 AM
Anybody know how to choose the photon blast?
I have a force mag and he only use the brogile Photon blast.
Its random or i forgot something?

I've been scouring the internet and have yet to find the answer. :(

Jun 29, 2012, 10:23 AM

Ability fro more consistent damage and Striking for photon Blasts, It deals more damage, once it gets to around 4-600 damage a hit im gonna then focus on Ability, already level 53 though :D

Kimil Adrayne
Jun 29, 2012, 10:50 AM
Straight Striking, 100%, And I found out how:

Striking Weapon
+++ Striking


I am genius, Yes? Yes.

I might regret not having anything into Ability later on, but what ev's, Can always make more MAGs later.