View Full Version : PSO2 Japanese language users

Jul 3, 2012, 11:43 AM
I am curious how many of you who will play PSO2 actually can read and write Japanese?


Jul 3, 2012, 11:52 AM
*raises hand*


Jul 3, 2012, 11:56 AM

Jul 3, 2012, 11:56 AM
I can read and understand a bit, but I'm not too much into kanji. In any case it gets me enough to be able to work with the huge amount of katakana in the game. xD

Jul 3, 2012, 11:57 AM
Except my kanji is shit and I know like 50 kanji.
furigana ftw!

Jul 3, 2012, 11:57 AM
You can learn more as you go through the game.

Jul 3, 2012, 11:58 AM
*raises hand*


あなたもそう思うですか? 良かった、一人じゃないね。


Jul 3, 2012, 11:58 AM
I usually study between patients at work to keep my kanji knowledge up to date.

Jul 3, 2012, 11:59 AM
I don't have the time as of now but i mostly know romiji spellings of things and i can understand some words when spoken.

Jul 3, 2012, 12:00 PM
多くはできません。20と21は、まさにこの理由のために存在しています。私はGoogle翻訳を使用する 場合は、私が日本語を話すことができる午前唯一の方法です。

Jul 3, 2012, 12:00 PM

Supervamp78, do you live in Japan?

Jul 3, 2012, 12:01 PM
此方日本語が出来ます (b ゜○゜)b


Eh. I've never been to Japan, so I'm rather terrible at Japanese. I play Japanese online games all of the time and practice speaking Japanese with natives via both text chats and voice chats, so I'm getting better, I guess.

Jul 3, 2012, 12:01 PM
多くはできません。20と21は、まさにこの理由のために存在しています。私はGoogle翻訳を使用する 場合は、私が日本語を話すことができる午前唯一の方法です。


Jul 3, 2012, 12:03 PM

埼玉県に住んでますけど、就職活動中だし、アパートの契約も切れるし、今度は東京の近くに引っ越すつもりで す。

あなたもそう思うですか? 良かった、一人じゃないね。



Jul 3, 2012, 12:03 PM
I can read and understand, but if you want me to communicate with Japanese in real time I start sweating funny sweat. :'D</chicken>

Jul 3, 2012, 12:05 PM
Don't worry Alenoir.


Jul 3, 2012, 12:06 PM

Jul 3, 2012, 12:06 PM
I can read and write katakana and Hiragana, but not any kanji currently. I know a fair amount of Japanese (studied by myself for 2 years). Can talk pretty well, as long as its topics I know haha

Jul 3, 2012, 12:06 PM
少しい読めるですが、たくさん単語が分かりません。とにかく、PSO2をするのでひらがなとカタカナが分か るはけっこですね。

Jul 3, 2012, 12:07 PM
I am able to read katakana and hiragana perfectly fine, some kanji, but most of it will trip me up. It's enough to get by for the most part without translations.

Jul 3, 2012, 12:07 PM

どんな会社に翻訳者で勤めでいますか? 僕の夢の仕事は翻訳のことです。

Jul 3, 2012, 12:08 PM
I can read and write katakana and Hiragana, but not any kanji currently. I know a fair amount of Japanese (studied by myself for 2 years). Can talk pretty well, as long as its topics I know haha

That is good, so many people are closed minded and lazy to new languages!!

Jul 3, 2012, 12:09 PM
when the game is in full screen is there a shortcut to switch between hiragana and katakana and us keyboard?

Jul 3, 2012, 12:10 PM
when the game is in full screen is there a shortcut to switch between hiragana and katakana and us keyboard?

Alt + Shift to switch between languages and Alt + ` to switch between input modes.

Jul 3, 2012, 12:10 PM
You just press space bar before pressing enter.

Jul 3, 2012, 12:10 PM

It is, but I am smart enough to know why and how it messes up sentences. Particularly with pronouns and such for starters.

Ok ok, so I know a "bit" of Japanese ^.^..... Not enough to handle it on my own though :< ..

Jul 3, 2012, 12:13 PM
That is better than most who assume Google Translate does a perfect job!

Jul 3, 2012, 12:15 PM

Jul 3, 2012, 12:16 PM
when the game is in full screen is there a shortcut to switch between hiragana and katakana and us keyboard?

Default for the Japanese IME is hiragana, with F7 converting the entire selection into katakana. You can change the binding if you want.

As shikage said above, alt ~ will switch between a romanji input and hiragana default. Alt Enter will switch entire keyboard layouts, generally omitting the use of Japanese. (Can be useful if you have a German keyboard or otherwise non-standard qwerty setup).

Jul 3, 2012, 12:17 PM

Jul 3, 2012, 12:18 PM

Chinese and Japanese do share a lot. So yea...

Jul 3, 2012, 12:19 PM
On a side note, Google Translate did a damn fine job translating that Chinese into English. I'm surprised.

Jul 3, 2012, 12:22 PM

Simplified Chinese. Saying the same thing..

Jul 3, 2012, 12:24 PM
少しい読めるですが、たくさん単語が分かりません。とにかく、PSO2をするのでひらがなとカタカナが分か るはけっこですね。

Woah bro

Jul 3, 2012, 12:27 PM
Know some JP , and played alot of FFXI on JP client b4. But still learning. And this is just an awesome way to learn more ;)

Jul 3, 2012, 12:28 PM
On a side note, Google Translate did a damn fine job translating that Chinese into English. I'm surprised.

English and Chinese both share the same sentence structure of subject-verb-object, whereas Japanese uses subject-object-verb. For example, I like reading books can be translated into Chinese word for word in their same positions in the sentence as 我(I)喜欢(like)读(reading)书(books)

Jul 3, 2012, 12:33 PM
私は二年間日本語を勉強した。200ごろ漢字が分かる。PSO2の日本語はむずかしいけど、面白い。たくさ んすてきな日本人が会ったよ。


Jul 3, 2012, 12:45 PM
I'm working in Japan, so yeah.

I can speak Japanese and it's the main language I use everyday at work, but my Kanji reading is a little weaker. Enough to get by everyday life (and of course play PSO2), but more complex stuff is still difficult for me.

If you copy and paste something in Japanese to me I can probably help translate it for you with no problem though ^^

Jul 3, 2012, 12:47 PM
皆の日本語の能力はすごい!本当に羨ましいな。もう何年間に日本語を練習しても下級の日本語だけ出来るのに 、2年間以内そんな等級で日本語が出来る人がいる!!

ええ・・・日本に行きたい・・・マジいきたい。行ったら、多分僕の日本語の能力も10倍になるかなw 今い つもJisho.orgと言う英和・和英電子辞書に頼んでるwww最低だなw

今からねますかなぁ  おやすみ!

Jul 3, 2012, 12:53 PM
皆の日本語の能力はすごい!本当に羨ましいな。もう何年間に日本語を練習しても下級の日本語だけ出来るのに 、2年間以内そんな等級で日本語が出来る人がいる!!

ええ・・・日本に行きたい・・・マジいきたい。行ったら、多分僕の日本語の能力も10倍になるかなw 今い つもJisho.orgと言う英和・和英電子辞書に頼んでるwww最低だなw

今からねますかなぁ  おやすみ!

Goodnight! And awesome link, thanks

Jul 3, 2012, 01:43 PM
I study Japanese at the university... and exams are already next week ;_;"
I'm still not perfect, especially when it comes to writing in kanji... for me, it's a lot easier to read a text than to write one myself XD"

Anyways, so far I'm fine... I only have trouble with characters like Reda >_>"

Jul 3, 2012, 01:56 PM
No i don't but i learn from the translation tips on anime and manga and i have rossetta stone and i do play alot of japanese games not just online so ive picked up a few phrases.

Jul 3, 2012, 02:00 PM
*raises hand* Though I still have a long way to go, I can understand quite a bit.

Jul 3, 2012, 02:04 PM
i study japanese, but beginner in kanji, but i stay in usa :D:D

Jul 3, 2012, 02:15 PM
The little japanese i've been able to learn is thanks to PSOBB when I decided to play the game online for the very first time in 2004 there I made great frienships with japanese players that had last over several years and still by receiving visits from them here in Spain where I live, and because of that i've been able to learn at least to read and understand a basic japanese conversation mostly through text with the use of the three alphabets along with some common use kanji and vocabulary.

Still I want to keep studying japanese and learning it because i'm very happy i've meet such wonderful persons over the years and I would love to impress them by learning JP properly i'm sure they will be very glad^^

Jul 3, 2012, 02:16 PM
lol, I can read Kanji and some phrases that had been used by other JRPG or some sort.

Jul 3, 2012, 02:17 PM
I don't know the singlest little thing in the Japanese language. I can't even make much use of the 'survival Japanese phrases' in that thread around here since I've no idea what they reply to me with. Unless I alt+tab out for some quick and googley translating.

The one Japanese fellow I did play with was courteous about it, though. When I used the stock phrase "I'm a foreigner and I know nothing" he said "I see", and when I thanked him for the party and wished him good bye he replied with "It is I who should say thanks ^^", although I didn't know what he was saying until after I had left the party and had time to google it.

So far, so good. :-P

Jungo Torii
Jul 3, 2012, 02:31 PM
Nope...I have no idea how to read Japanese at all, whether it's Kanji, Hiragana, or Katakana.

I don't really have any way to study it at the moment since my high school doesn't offer any Japanese language courses or anything.

When I get to university though, it'll likely be a different story.

Or, of course, I could just stop being lazy and try to learn it by myself.

Jul 3, 2012, 02:39 PM
That is good, so many people are closed minded and lazy to new languages!!

The reason i'm learning Japanese is not for this game though. The reason I am learning Japanese is because I plan to move to Japan sometime. Actually I have plans to teach English as a second language there starting either this year or next :)

Jul 3, 2012, 02:42 PM
こっちの日本語がすごく流暢だとよく日本人に言われてるから自分でもそう思い込ませられてきた なぁ

I've been told by Japanese people that I'm very fluent so I've been made to believe it myself.
But I don't have the confidence to take on JLPT 1... wat2doooo D:
I'm actually aiming to become an interpreter or translator, but first I need to graduate from college `-`

Jul 3, 2012, 02:53 PM
I myself can recognize the symbols when seeing them enough times, but its a case of understanding the general idea of what it means, not the actual word or a more direct context. it isn't NEARLY Sufficient for actual communication, it is image based pattern recognition at best, for me.

The language for some reason doesn't register as letters but as small pictures in the way my brain analyzes them, and I've tried for years to get around that...it is slow progress.

SO, I have a shortcut set up for PSO2 warning in Japanese that I am attempting to communicate by translator, both in trying to speak to them and in trying to understand what they are telling me, so responses from me will be slow in coming and rather messed up and distorted due to the flawed translation program.

generally got good results when I kept my own statements to four words or less and the others did likewise, aside from one or two cases where one of the japanese players was talking in what I presume to be their version of ...."txttlk" (all that came up there were translations of individual sounds the letters made, and not an actual message, even the other japanese players were telling him to speak normally), and a case where it turned out the player was speaking in Cantonese, which threw off Google like crazy until I thought to try a different language Heh.

It is no substitute for actual fluency in the language though, I know that much already, but it's the best I have to work with, for the moment, so I have to make use of what I have available for the moment.

That is good, so many people are closed minded and lazy to new languages!!

There are a LOT of people who are unwilling to even try, or put any effort toward it, this is true.

And then you get the people who only don't know because they lack the resources or the ability to procure the resources needed to learn. I get the impression most Here, fall into this category. WHat makes the difference is that the people in this one are trying, and the others just don't care.

Jul 3, 2012, 03:00 PM

I've been told by Japanese people that I'm very fluent so I've been made to believe it myself.
But I don't have the confidence to take on JLPT 1... wat2doooo D:

Japanese tend to say "your Japanese is good" even if you can do basic greetings.
Also even Japanese people say JPLT 1 is hard.

Jul 3, 2012, 03:36 PM
Japanese tend to say "your Japanese is good" even if you can do basic greetings.
Also even Japanese people say JPLT 1 is hard.

ってかそのため大阪大学で留学したんで模擬試験を受けて8割ぐらいで成功したんだけど・・・緊張するから本 番ときたら苦手かもしれない

Japanese people are really too nice! But you can tell if they're just giving you the lip service...or at least supposed to be able to tell. XD
Anyways I studed abroad at osaka uni for the sole purpose of passing that test, and now I get about 80% on mock exams but...maybe I'm just bad wen it comes to the real thing because I get nervous.

Jul 3, 2012, 06:18 PM
I can understand Japanese, but really sucks at actually using it

Jul 3, 2012, 06:26 PM


Indignation Judgment
Jul 3, 2012, 06:29 PM
I used to have a private teacher. Within a few months, my teacher agreed that I assimilated syntax, and so started studying vocabulary in a pretty intensive mean.

But then I moved. The new city had the prices super rosen. All my current knowledge is but a remnant of these times due to lack of practice, mostly.

Lumpen Thingy
Jul 3, 2012, 06:30 PM
I can't read 1 word of Japanese but dam I enjoy this game too much to care.

Jul 3, 2012, 06:32 PM
This thread terrifies me.


...Ironically, even though I use kanji for my character's name. But whatever, s'all good. I'll resume my studies eventually...

Jul 3, 2012, 06:32 PM
Grats to everyone that studied Japanese. Be gone with all of you google translators..


Jul 3, 2012, 06:34 PM


Japanese is too quite sometimes. and people on ship 2 talked a lot.
Sometimes I just felt Japanese players got scared off..
I always can chat non-stop on mission with people.

Jul 3, 2012, 06:40 PM
Kanji is so hard... read and write
I have been struggling in the Japanese

Japanese is too quite sometimes. and people on ship 2 talked a lot.
Sometimes I just felt Japanese players got scared off..
I always can chat non-stop on mission with people.

You really good at Japanese ..
Yeah, Japanese people English but in many cases and vigilance

Sorry, possibly my english so bad.
because I use google translation :「

Jul 3, 2012, 06:44 PM
Grats to everyone that studied Japanese. Be gone with all of you google translators..


Indeed. I dislike the huge amount of google translators, but it can be useful for certain single words or to learn some new kanji. However, it is definitely horrible at putting together sentence structure.

I can speak and read Japanese decently, but I'm quite limited by my kanji knowledge. I am awful at writing kanji. I never learned stroke orders and I have trouble picturing said kanji in memory, but I can instantly recognize it. I'd have to practice at writing it in a class or something to be able to write it ^^; Typing Japanese is quite simple in most cases though.
In some cases, I do misread and fail to notice a negative affix in a sentence. Then, I look very silly.

Jul 3, 2012, 06:47 PM
Though I do not know the language, I would like to learn, so I can be able to at least read it... I can see people take great pride in this and I can understand but, I feel a bit belittled by this...

Jul 3, 2012, 06:55 PM
I can, but no Kanjis lol. I leave my Kanji to the automatic system that IME has. Then check on google translate if the Kanji I wrote is correct >_<

Jul 3, 2012, 07:00 PM
I can, but no Kanjis lol. I leave my Kanji to the automatic system that IME has. Then check on google translate if the Kanji I wrote is correct >_<

I'm japanese but I do not like KANJI. Haha

Jul 3, 2012, 07:17 PM
I am awful at writing kanji. I never learned stroke orders and I have trouble picturing said kanji in memory, but I can instantly recognize it. I'd have to practice at writing it in a class or something to be able to write it ^^; Typing Japanese is quite simple in most cases though.


I'm japanese but I do not like KANJI. Haha


Jul 3, 2012, 07:27 PM
I've been wondering, since I'm picking up on kana would it be viable to learn japanese words but not the hilarious quantity of kanji? Obviously I'd learn the frequently used characters (things like day, time, locations, and of course insults so I know if I should be offended and such), but for the most part I'd stick to stuff being written out. Or is there a large enough chunk of kanji characters frequently used that I'd pretty much have to study it all to get by in something like PSO2's japanese community?

I figure, I may as well learn something while I'm playing this game. PSO1 taught me a lot about mathematics, probability, rates, statistics, etc. I like to learn when I play games, and I've wanted to pick up a foreign language for a while now, but I won't really have the time to dedicate to learning kanji properly.

Jul 3, 2012, 07:29 PM

I would like to away quickly from google translation. :)

Jul 3, 2012, 07:36 PM
Though I do not know the language, I would like to learn, so I can be able to at least read it... I can see people take great pride in this and I can understand but, I feel a bit belittled by this...

Learning the language takes dedication. If you'd like to be able to at least read it, then it isn't too much dedication (roughly a week of spare time, or less). You shouldn't feel belittled, many will likely help you in getting better if you need the help. Just remember that not everyone learns the same way nor do they pick up the same kanji as others (unless taking specialized classes).

Jul 3, 2012, 07:40 PM
I've been wondering, since I'm picking up on kana would it be viable to learn japanese words but not the hilarious quantity of kanji?

I asked my senpai something similar to this ages ago and his respose was "There's nothing that is ok NOT to know in the Japanese language. Nothing." However, I'm not going to put that weight on your shoulders.

I will say that learning all of the kanji used in PSO2 is a good start. Just commit a few to memory each day and you're on your way for now. Probably all you need to complete mission in the game anyway. Japanese grammar is really easy, but that's a different subject.

I would like to away quickly from google translation. :)

なるほどな。でもこのサイトは役に立つとは。。。とにかくようこそ! 爆笑
Yea, google translation is just bad D:

Jul 3, 2012, 07:49 PM
I asked my senpai something similar to this ages ago and his respose was "There's nothing that is ok NOT to know in the Japanese language. Nothing." However, I'm not going to put that weight on your shoulders.

I will say that learning all of the kanji used in PSO2 is a good start. Just commit a few to memory each day and you're on your way. Japanese grammar is really easy, but that's a different subject.

That's been my basic approach, yeah. Every time I spotted a kana character I didn't know I made a note of what it was. For me most of my mental notes stick, but other people just can't catch on to so many seemingly arbitrary things like I've been able to so far. I haven't hit a brick wall yet.

That was kana, however. Now that I'm branching out into more complex characters it's getting a bit muddier. I'd normally make a note of intersecting lines, like the katakana character for "me" or "ku," but with full blown kanji they're all pretty jumbled up at first glance and it's a bit intimidating to see them all at once. I know many of them are made up of component characters though, so maybe I need to take it from the bottom up.

I guess I'm just creating a problem that doesn't really exist; I can learn the characters AND the spoken words at the same time. I expect to be able to understand it well enough, but probably still write it in a laughably garbled mess.

Jul 3, 2012, 08:03 PM
I've been wondering, since I'm picking up on kana would it be viable to learn japanese words but not the hilarious quantity of kanji? Obviously I'd learn the frequently used characters (things like day, time, locations, and of course insults so I know if I should be offended and such), but for the most part I'd stick to stuff being written out. Or is there a large enough chunk of kanji characters frequently used that I'd pretty much have to study it all to get by in something like PSO2's japanese community?

You can get by just on kana but Japanese is a language that thrives on organization and context (instead of say, using spaces to separate words like English does), and much of the context is in the kanji.

I played 7 years of FFXI in a Japanese super-casual linkshell so my grammar is unfortunately super-casual, but I find that gamers don't really dip into the complicated kanji either unless in heavy conversation.

Jul 3, 2012, 08:04 PM
Speaking of kanji, I really like Kanji Damage's (http://kanjidamage.com/) approach, which is to start with radicals and work your way up. Of course, this means that you don't actually touch on the most commonly-used kanji for quite some time, but on the other hand, you can start to understand a LOT more kanji pretty quickly since you know all their component parts.

Now if I could just stop getting distracted with games and work...

Jul 3, 2012, 08:15 PM
I guess I'm just creating a problem that doesn't really exist; I can learn the characters AND the spoken words at the same time. I expect to be able to understand it well enough, but probably still write it in a laughably garbled mess.

PSO2 is not very helpful to learners as you can't copy/paste anything outside the log window into a dictionary so you will have to stretch that pictograph memory and look things up by their radicals (parts) which can be annoying at times. Don't worry so much about writing it, writing is so pre-2001. Listening is really easy in PSO2 so definitely focus on it ^_^

Speaking of kanji, I really like Kanji Damage's (http://kanjidamage.com/) approach, which is to start with radicals and work your way up. Of course, this means that you don't actually touch on the most commonly-used kanji for quite some time, but on the other hand, you can start to understand a LOT more kanji pretty quickly since you know all their component parts.

Kinda beat me to it. Kinda D:
You could learn the radicals of commonly used kanji (since you're really just learning what they look like) + the kanji at the same time XD

Jul 3, 2012, 08:26 PM
Playing PSU JP taught me a lot of Japanese, considering I had almost no knowledge of it back in 2006 when I started, I'm thankful for the wonderful learning experience I had there. However, there's still much more to learn.

After taking a few formal Japanese classes in college, I've only scratched the surface and I look forward to learning more even if it comes from simply playing PSO2 and independent study thanks to the wealth of resources available on the internet and well...working at a library helps as well :p

Jul 3, 2012, 08:30 PM
Indeed. I dislike the huge amount of google translators, but it can be useful for certain single words or to learn some new kanji. However, it is definitely horrible at putting together sentence structure.

I can speak and read Japanese decently, but I'm quite limited by my kanji knowledge. I am awful at writing kanji. I never learned stroke orders and I have trouble picturing said kanji in memory, but I can instantly recognize it. I'd have to practice at writing it in a class or something to be able to write it ^^; Typing Japanese is quite simple in most cases though.
In some cases, I do misread and fail to notice a negative affix in a sentence. Then, I look very silly.

Indeed, I only use it for very brief statements. Four words or less, Four even is pushing it, most I commonly use are two words.

Thank you, Help Me, I'm Coming, Wait here...things like that. No way is it anywhere close to useful for anything other than the most raw of communication attempts.

As far as telling people like me to go away (In response to the one you quoted and responded to, mhjc, not to you, DreXxiN specifically.)....to be honest that is more than a Little insulting, we have as much right to play as you do, and not everyone of us has had the time, money, or opportunities you have had, to actually Learn the language, so we have to make do with what we have available. My apologies for the harsh tone but...there it is.

Jul 3, 2012, 08:41 PM
Indeed, I only use it for very brief statements. Four words or less, Four even is pushing it, most I commonly use are two words.

Thank you, Help Me, I'm Coming, Wait here...things like that. No way is it anywhere close to useful for anything other than the most raw of communication attempts.

As far as telling people like me to go away to be honest that is more than a Little insulting, we have as much right to play as you do, and not everyone of us has had the time, money, or opportunities you have had, to actually Learn the language, so we have to make do with what we have available. My apologies for the harsh tone but...there it is.
I agree. It's pretty silly how some people who know a little Japanese feel the need to act so superior to others. They'd fall flat on their face trying to learn my language! ^^

Jul 3, 2012, 08:42 PM
Speaking of kanji, I really like Kanji Damage's (http://kanjidamage.com/) approach, which is to start with radicals and work your way up. Of course, this means that you don't actually touch on the most commonly-used kanji for quite some time, but on the other hand, you can start to understand a LOT more kanji pretty quickly since you know all their component parts.

Wow, this is incredibly useful thanks for the link. o.O
I planned on just looking at a few then bookmarking it for later but the humorous examples for it's meaning put together with it's pronunciation helps me to remember it better and makes me keep clicking "next" for more XD

Soon I'll be able to know what the hell to do for quests without looking up every single one. >_>

Jul 3, 2012, 08:46 PM
私自身は日本語を教えています。 趣味なので、上手じゃありません。 それでも、日本語が興味深いだろうか ら, 楽しんでいます!

EDIT: not sure why it put that space in between から ...

Jul 3, 2012, 08:48 PM
I agree. It's pretty silly how some people who know a little Japanese feel the need to act so superior to others. They'd fall flat on their face trying to learn my language! ^^

Indeed. There are other languages out there, that take more than a little effort to master. I've got all the room Japanese would have filled taken up by English anyway. That is my own second language, the primary one? русский язык.

Zyrusticae, that link is going to prove QUITE helpful, thank you for that!

Jul 3, 2012, 08:53 PM
PSO2 is not very helpful to learners as you can't copy/paste anything outside the log window into a dictionary so you will have to stretch that pictograph memory and look things up by their radicals (parts) which can be annoying at times. Don't worry so much about writing it, writing is so pre-2001. Listening is really easy in PSO2 so definitely focus on it ^_^


Kinda beat me to it. Kinda D:
You could learn the radicals of commonly used kanji (since you're really just learning what they look like) + the kanji at the same time XD

I was able to partially decipher something I couldn't copy because I recognized some of the radicals, and then just sifted through the list of related kanji on wikipedia. It sounds like radicals are definitely what I'm starting with, thanks a lot for the help.

And this site is great, it's really simplifying the whole thing. I already knew a few characters from a pictographic kanji book I have somewhere (It's the only reason I know the difference between katakana ma and mu, ha ha), but found it to be difficult to retain the information without exposure. Thanks for the link, I'll be looking at this a lot in the near future.

Jul 3, 2012, 08:58 PM
私自身は日本語を教えています。 趣味なので、上手じゃありません。 それでも、日本語が興味深いだろうか ら, 楽しんでいます!

EDIT: not sure why it put that space in between から ...


Jul 3, 2012, 09:11 PM
I agree. It's pretty silly how some people who know a little Japanese feel the need to act so superior to others. They'd fall flat on their face trying to learn my language! ^^

At the same time, you're playing in a predominantly Japanese game with zero English support from the Sega of Japan side. That's why it's helpful to take a little bit of time to at least grasp the basics of the language so you're less dependent on websites and other people and more dependent on yourself.

Yes, the community can help you out and you can limp by on translations and whatnot, but it really can help you with this game if you're willing to take the extra step to try to just learn it instead of just feeling like it's hopeless and/or saying you have absolutely no time to do it. Especially if you plan on playing this game for the long term. It's understandable if you were playing this for just a quick one month jaunt - the amount of time you spend trying to figure the language out wouldn't be worth it, but many of the players in this forum here look like they'll be playing this game for quite awhile.

Also, I find it really great to see native Japanese players posting here at PSOW. This game has helped more people connect across oceans. :)

Jul 3, 2012, 09:12 PM
I tried writing this is Japanese, but my english and Japanese are on completely separate tracks in my brain. I have JLPT level 1 and am going to college in Chiba. I got into the media department rather than entering the international department, so I'm the first generation of foreign students in the department so I pretty much get treated like a Japanese student. For PSO2, i generally play with my classmates, so so far I don't have any problems.

For anyone trying to learn kanji, the only thing i can suggest is rote learning. Most people I see studying kanji try to use flash cards to try and learn them intuitively. Generally people who use that strategy max out at about 250 characters max because it's just not an effective way to learn. You really need to move your hand, I wrote out all of the characters in my textbooks at least 50 times each while saying each one in my head. After reinforcing that with JLPT tests, practice or writing then it sticks.

Like Confusious said, "I hear and I forget, I write and I remember, I do and I understand".

Jul 3, 2012, 09:22 PM
Speaking of kanji, I really like Kanji Damage's (http://kanjidamage.com/) approach, which is to start with radicals and work your way up. Of course, this means that you don't actually touch on the most commonly-used kanji for quite some time, but on the other hand, you can start to understand a LOT more kanji pretty quickly since you know all their component parts.

Now if I could just stop getting distracted with games and work...

I'd like to thank you for referring me to KanjiDamage. I already enjoyed reading the intro and I will definitely try the KD method to further my learning ^^

Jul 3, 2012, 09:26 PM
I have the reverse problem of most people.

Trouble with katakana and hiragana and less trouble with kanji (in term of understanding meaning while reading). Still in early stage of learning Japanese.

The only way I know that can help studying kanji fast is... Write it 30+ times. If don't remember still, double it. There is no short cut. Only hard work.

Jul 3, 2012, 09:28 PM


Jul 3, 2012, 09:28 PM
At the same time, you're playing in a predominantly Japanese game with zero English support from the Sega of Japan side. That's why it's helpful to take a little bit of time to at least grasp the basics of the language so you're less dependent on websites and other people and more dependent on yourself.

Yes, the community can help you out and you can limp by on translations and whatnot, but it really can help you with this game if you're willing to take the extra step to try to just learn it instead of just feeling like it's hopeless and/or saying you have absolutely no time to do it. Especially if you plan on playing this game for the long term. It's understandable if you were playing this for just a quick one month jaunt - the amount of time you spend trying to figure the language out wouldn't be worth it, but many of the players in this forum here look like they'll be playing this game for quite awhile.

Also, I find it really great to see native Japanese players posting here at PSOW. This game has helped more people connect across oceans. :)
I'm really not limping, though. If I get a client order for the desert it shows on my mission tab. If I go there and kill a monster and it adds +1 to the order objective, then obviously I need to kill that monster, right? The orders show the levels or ranks needed, too. And what's wrong with using websites? PSUPedia was great for PSU.

Jul 3, 2012, 09:53 PM
I have the reverse problem of most people.

Trouble with katakana and hiragana and less trouble with kanji (in term of understanding meaning while reading). Still in early stage of learning Japanese.

The only way I know that can help studying kanji fast is... Write it 30+ times. If don't remember still, double it. There is no short cut. Only hard work.

Ha ha, this is a pretty good method for a lot of things. The morning of an exam I'll get up at 3 AM and write a second copy of ALL of my relevant notes - even some unrelated ones that I think MIGHT be relevant.

And if I can't recall it all off the top of my head, I do it a second time.

Hell, if it's for math and scrap is allowed, I write it all back down during the exam itself as a reference sheet so I can properly focus without having such a jumbled mess in my head. I basically make a cheat sheet during the test, it's pretty handy.

Jul 3, 2012, 09:55 PM
Zyrusticae, that link is going to prove QUITE helpful, thank you for that!

Wow, this is incredibly useful thanks for the link. o.O
I planned on just looking at a few then bookmarking it for later but the humorous examples for it's meaning put together with it's pronunciation helps me to remember it better and makes me keep clicking "next" for more XD

Soon I'll be able to know what the hell to do for quests without looking up every single one. >_>

I'd like to thank you for referring me to KanjiDamage. I already enjoyed reading the intro and I will definitely try the KD method to further my learning ^^

And this site is great, it's really simplifying the whole thing. I already knew a few characters from a pictographic kanji book I have somewhere (It's the only reason I know the difference between katakana ma and mu, ha ha), but found it to be difficult to retain the information without exposure. Thanks for the link, I'll be looking at this a lot in the near future.
Hehe. You're all very welcome! Just don't be like me and abandon your studies halfway through... :(

Jul 4, 2012, 02:04 AM
Wowzers, the thread surely filled up while I was sleeping.
To the person who was asking, I'm freelance but if you google me you should see some of the companies I've worked for.

As for the JLPT1, well, I've looked into it a couple of years ago and it seems to be a pretty much bogus test. Sometimes all 4 answers are correct and you can only find the "true answer" by knowing what kind of answer is expected when the test is using that particuliar phrasing. Which means "if you don't buy the training book, tough luck pal". So JLPT is not *really* about knowing how to speak japanese at all...

(plus it's really easy anyway)