View Full Version : WTB WTB Angrif Armour set (for males)

Jul 10, 2012, 04:04 AM
Name your price, I'll gladly spend all my money, my weapons and my stuff just to own that set.
The Angrif Armour set (for males) is sold on the Arc Cash Shop as a common item (one star) from the Arc Scratch, but sadly it won't accept my Italian credit card. :(

So I need for someone to sell me that item!! Please!! Here's how it looks like; look at the items in this list: http://pso2.jp/players/catalog/scratch/ac/

I want the ones named:




If someone is interested in the trade, contact me here:

Ship: 2

Username: lunare

Character name: C64

Jul 10, 2012, 06:38 PM
Just check the player market, it goes for super cheap. I got mine for maybe 10k all together, and that was before prices crashed even harder since so few people seem to play cast.