View Full Version : Just deleted my character

Jul 12, 2012, 10:57 AM
And apparently the storage is intact, good to know I guess.

Jul 12, 2012, 12:11 PM
Heh, I just tested this last night lol.

I leveled a character to Hunter 5,Ranger 11,Force 5 and then discovered that you need AC to respec, upon that discovery I figured I should start over and plan my talent build beforehand.

But I stashed up a ton of tech discs and weapons, all still intact after deleting it :)

Jul 12, 2012, 12:16 PM
oh nice. Now there's always the option to recreate :D

Jul 12, 2012, 01:03 PM
I think it only stays put if you re-make a character on the same ship. I had a character on ship 10, then when the lock on 2 was lifted early on I deleted him and made a character on ship 2. Did not get to keep anything that was in my storage.

Jul 12, 2012, 01:26 PM
I think you can transfer some items from ship to ship via Temp storage, but I'm not sure. Never used it. Storage is ship locked, meaning all the storage in the game is per ship. Which means if you were to have 10 characters spread across 10 ships and temp storage did transfer between ships you could theoretically have 20,030 storage slots.

I also think temp storage erases the items in it if you don't take them out after a certain amount of time or after log out a second time or something like that, but like i said i haven't tested it.