View Full Version : I feel like an ass when partying with JP players...

Jul 21, 2012, 02:21 PM
Now that i'm in the desert missions the need for me to be in an active party and not just slugging along by myself are rising and, unfortunately, english speaking people arent always in the missions I need to be doing or want to do, so I have to party up with Japanese players. I don't speak a lick of Japanese which makes me feel like a total asshat because I become one of those players who joins and doesn't speak. I've used google translate to throw together some basic sayings. Is there anyone around who speaks Japanese who could just check these don't say "Hello your mother is a beautiful prostitute" or something?

I don't speak Japanese. Sorry, excuse me.
Thank you for including me!

Jul 21, 2012, 02:24 PM

Jul 21, 2012, 02:24 PM
I think this thread may interest you: http://www.pso-world.com/forums/showthread.php?t=195616

Jul 21, 2012, 02:26 PM
Oh, i'm blind thank you for the link guys :) Which would you recommend using? the Kanji, Hiragana or Romaji?

Jul 21, 2012, 02:28 PM
Oh, i'm blind thank you for the link guys :) Which would you recommend using? the Kanji, Hiragana or Romaji?

A combination of all, with their right respective/proper usage in the sentence.

Jul 21, 2012, 02:28 PM
I use the hiragana and haven't experienced any problems yet. I'd definitely use either the kanji or hiragana though, for maximum communication.

Jul 21, 2012, 03:01 PM
Oh, i'm blind thank you for the link guys :) Which would you recommend using? the Kanji, Hiragana or Romaji?

no use english text otherwise we will "think" you understand" SOME" japanese and start talking to you.

Jul 21, 2012, 03:07 PM
no use english text otherwise we will "think" you understand" SOME" japanese and start talking to you.

This is true, lol. Some of my autowords went off on my alt (I have them set up like English / Japanese) and the party member started typing in Japanese, apologizing for not chatting and I was like, "Oh, it is just autoword", then they laughed and said okay.

If you start using Japanese like that, they will assume you know some. I'd probably just stick with using it for autowords for a greeting or a shortword to let everyone know where a boss is on the map (you know, <pos> and all that) and thank them for the party.

Jul 21, 2012, 03:35 PM
すみません。私は日本語を話せません。 is good enough for the second one. It sounds like you're about to tell them you ran over their puppy too.

Also, that one about including, I think people would think it weird if you said that. In that context just plain ol' yorosiku onegaisimasu is usually best.

My EXTENSIVE EXPERIENCE PLAYING JAPANESE MMOS (lololol) tells me that you basically only need to know:
yorosiku (onegaisimasu): entering party or someone comes in
arigatou: whenever a thanks is in order
sumimasen: sorry
mata yorosiku (onegaisimasu): for when you or others are leaving - don't say sayonara, it's a little strange in this context
omedetou: congrats
That covers most of the civility you need, and I wouldn't worry too much about the politeness levels and such if you make it clear that you can't speak more than that. Stick smiley faces after them or something.

And yes, outside of auto-words (which aren't much fun if you can't have SOME fun with them), try to stick to roman letters if you can't really communicate. It's SO awkward when everyone's stuck in a "uh well now what" silence. I've been on both sides of that fence, so trust me on that. Although in areas where partial fluency is fairly common (like on Ship 2) they might be a little more aware, Japanese generally have a very strange concept of the difficulty of their language, so they immediately assume you are a native speaker if you use like, any amount.

The rest you can just GAIJIN SMASH it to victory. Like asking for friendlist and such, just send the thing and don't worry about being polite. If they want to accept they'll accept, and if they don't want to they'll just be like uhawww poor gaijin wwww and ignore it. And if they already hate you and ignore it then it's not like you can do anything about it anyway!

Jul 21, 2012, 03:42 PM
Just don't speak. All you need is a macro with <pos> to call out your location for codes.

Jul 21, 2012, 03:42 PM
すみません。私は日本語を話せません。 is good enough for the second one. It sounds like you're about to tell them you ran over their puppy too.

Also, that one about including, I think people would think it weird if you said that. In that context just plain ol' yorosiku onegaisimasu is usually best.

My EXTENSIVE EXPERIENCE PLAYING JAPANESE MMOS (lololol) tells me that you basically only need to know:
yorosiku (onegaisimasu): entering party or someone comes in
arigatou: whenever a thanks is in order
sumimasen: sorry
mata yorosiku (onegaisimasu): for when you or others are leaving - don't say sayonara, it's a little strange in this context
omedetou: congrats
That covers most of the civility you need, and I wouldn't worry too much about the politeness levels and such if you make it clear that you can't speak more than that. Stick smiley faces after them or something.

And yes, outside of auto-words (which aren't much fun if you can't have SOME fun with them), try to stick to roman letters if you can't really communicate. It's SO awkward when everyone's stuck in a "uh well now what" silence. I've been on both sides of that fence, so trust me on that. Although in areas where partial fluency is fairly common (like on Ship 2) they might be a little more aware, Japanese generally have a very strange concept of the difficulty of their language, so they immediately assume you are a native speaker if you use like, any amount.

The rest you can just GAIJIN SMASH it to victory. Like asking for friendlist and such, just send the thing and don't worry about being polite. If they want to accept they'll accept, and if they don't want to they'll just be like uhawww poor gaijin wwww and ignore it. And if they already hate you and ignore it then it's not like you can do anything about it anyway!

well said but let me correct one place

for when you or others are leaving

you should say [[Otsukaresama desu]] meaning thanks for the hard work or rest well in a work-format.
add in [Sumimasen Osakini Shitsurei Shimasu]. which means Sorry i have to get going now so i will be leaving ahead in formal format.

[Sumimasen Osakini Shitsurei Shimasu, Otsukare Sama Desu] is best if your leaving
[Otsukare Sama Desu] if someone else is leaving.

Jul 21, 2012, 04:00 PM
some of those things don't sound the way a casual JP is when they join a party with other japanese.

when you enter a pt:

ask if its ok if u play with them:
あなたたちと遊ぶ良いですか? OK?
then they can say OK or not say ok

say this when its not the pt u want and u wanna leave
すみません ノシ
the last little icon is a hand wave lmao

Jul 21, 2012, 04:08 PM
some of those things don't sound the way a casual JP is when they join a party with other japanese.

when you enter a pt:

ask if its ok if u play with them:
あなたたちと遊ぶ良いですか? OK?
then they can say OK or not say ok

say this when its not the pt u want and u wanna leave
すみません ノシ
the last little icon is a hand wave lmao

ask if its ok if u play with them:
incorrect sentance

change it to
日本語分かりませんけど,ご一緒してもいいですか? ok?

says i dont understand japanese but can i party with you

Jul 21, 2012, 04:10 PM
Out of curiosity; How many players have encountered japanese player trying to communicate with them using google translate english?

I met a nice jp player and we have been able to communicate some -- but early on they mentioned something about google -- and I feel so bad for not having a clue what they are trying to say in the english google's translation gives them.

I usually reply in japanese that I don't understand, and get back the response "please do not mind" -- which makes me feel bad I couldn't make sense of it.

[I just find this interesting since from what I could tell google translate is something a lot of the english use to try and decipher the japanese -- nice to see it sometimes goes both ways]

Jul 21, 2012, 04:13 PM
ask if its ok if u play with them:
incorrect sentance

change it to
日本語分かりませんけど,ご一緒してもいいですか? ok?

says i dont understand japanese but can i party with you

except u dont really wanna bring in the whole i dont understand japanese thing. just ask if its ok to pt with them

Jul 21, 2012, 04:16 PM
...Why would you even ask if you can party with them? Are you asking in the lobby? Whispering someone? DOING IT AFTER YOU'VE ALREADY JOINED THEIR GAME? LOL

Jul 21, 2012, 04:18 PM
If they say no, then you would just leave.

Jul 21, 2012, 04:26 PM
I wouldn't be too worried about not being able to speak japanese.
There are only 5 basic things you have to be able to say:
(But you can also put all of these in macro in chat setting)
よろ or よろしく(です or ー or nothing) - when entering party. If you don't say it, Japanese people will assume you're impolite/unfriendly.
あり(です、-、or nothing) - thank you. Say it when you get mooned, etc.
おめでとう、おめです、etc. - to congratulate. you can macro it
お疲れ様でした - at end of quest, when leaving, when other people are leaving.
またよろですー when leaving pt, when other people are leaving.

As being Japanese myself, I rarely hear other people say things beside those.
Also, I would suggest asking if anyone wants to speak english a little. Sometimes, people would want to try out there english in games, especially middle-high school/college people.

Jul 21, 2012, 04:31 PM
I wouldn't be too worried about not being able to speak japanese.
There are only 5 basic things you have to be able to say:
(But you can also put all of these in macro in chat setting)
よろ or よろしく(です or ー or nothing) - when entering party. If you don't say it, Japanese people will assume you're impolite/unfriendly.
あり(です、-、or nothing) - thank you. Say it when you get mooned, etc.
おめでとう、おめです、etc. - to congratulate. you can macro it
お疲れ様でした - at end of quest, when leaving, when other people are leaving.
またよろですー when leaving pt, when other people are leaving.

As being Japanese myself, I rarely hear other people say things beside those.
Also, I would suggest asking if anyone wants to speak english a little. Sometimes, people would want to try out there english in games, especially middle-high school/college people.

So do Japanese people have the same attitude toward English players joining their game and going "english?" as English players toward BRs joining their games going "BR?"

Jul 21, 2012, 04:36 PM
I remember back when I would play PSO and PSU with the nipponese, I would just start talking to them in english. A good amount would actually talk back in english which was pretty cool. Although rough.

My favorite is when I would have one way conversations with them, like they would say something in hiragana and I'd be like "Yup, I was thinking the same thing!" or just responding to with whatever I felt like talking about. Good times.

Edit: I add a Texan or country accent to my inner monologue of my chats to complete the feeling.

Jul 21, 2012, 04:41 PM
I think I ran into like 11 japanese players in an MPA and they were all wwwwing at me as soon as I showed up (i'm a funny guy what can I say) and then were nice after I mooned them and it turned out I was actually useful and knew how to play the game.

They even wound up mooning me a couple times when I got megastomped by a barrel then ragne AOE, and I think I surprised them when I said arigatou in their crazy squiggly language.

Jul 21, 2012, 04:56 PM
Now that i'm in the desert missions the need for me to be in an active party and not just slugging along by myself are rising and, unfortunately, english speaking people arent always in the missions I need to be doing or want to do, so I have to party up with Japanese players. I don't speak a lick of Japanese which makes me feel like a total asshat because I become one of those players who joins and doesn't speak. I've used google translate to throw together some basic sayings. Is there anyone around who speaks Japanese who could just check these don't say "Hello your mother is a beautiful prostitute" or something?

I don't speak Japanese. Sorry, excuse me.
Thank you for including me!

i just say basic stuff like

yoroshiku (onegaishimasu)
gomen, watashi no nihongo ha yokunai desu (my japanese isn't good)

or if i cant read certain kanjis i copy pasta it into google translate really quick. for the "i don't speak japanese" don't say that long ass sentence. just say "nihongo ga wakarimasen/hanashimasen"

Jul 21, 2012, 05:21 PM
So do Japanese people have the same attitude toward English players joining their game and going "english?" as English players toward BRs joining their games going "BR?"

I dont know what BR means. But as with in any MMO, theres wide variety of different population of Japanese people.
If it's casual game players, these people often are looking for community and something new in community might entertain them.
If it's hardcore players, then they might look away. It's all luck.
Usually, as long as you don't do anything impolite, (like isolating yourself from party to farm, not mooning others, etc.) partying with other people wouldn't be an "ass".

If you are speaking english, i would stick with the most plain/basic english without any acronym.

Jul 21, 2012, 05:27 PM
So do Japanese people have the same attitude toward English players joining their game and going "english?" as English players toward BRs joining their games going "BR?"

if you play normally then it would be no problem.

some things to keep in mind,

do the break offs on bosses before you hit the core,
if its a hunting party follow in grops dont wonder off.
dont use rude language.

other then that we treat the english palyers the same.

just respond to peoples chat if they call your name or they will kick you thinking your a Bot.

BR for Brazil i believe

Jul 21, 2012, 05:30 PM
I dont know what BR means. But as with in any MMO, theres wide variety of different population of Japanese people.
If it's casual game players, these people often are looking for community and something new in community might entertain them.
If it's hardcore players, then they might look away. It's all luck.
Usually, as long as you don't do anything impolite, (like isolating yourself from party to farm, not mooning others, etc.) partying with other people wouldn't be an "ass".

If you are speaking english, i would stick with the most plain/basic english without any acronym.

Brazilians. Often disliked by English players in NA games because they would join your games and first thing they do would ask if you're Brazilian. So how are you suppose to start a conversation with Japanese people in English? Join a game and ask them if they can speak English? Feels kind of rude to me.

Jul 21, 2012, 05:32 PM
Brazilians. Often disliked by English players in NA games. So how are you suppose to start a conversation with Japanese people in English? Join a game and ask them if they can speak English? Feels kind of rude to me.

its rude not to say anything,

start off like a reguler conversation

hello? hi?

i can only understand english etc

Jul 21, 2012, 05:35 PM
its rude not to say anything,

start off like a reguler conversation

hello? hi?

i can only understand english etc

I say よろしくー when I join. They'll say よろしく back and it'll be silence for the rest of the mission. I just think it'll be weird if I ask them if they can speak English out of the blue

Jul 21, 2012, 05:36 PM
Lagnarok if you can explain

効率重視 and game Local Rule

thats also another thing to keep an eye into

Jul 21, 2012, 05:37 PM
I say よろしくー when I join. They'll say よろしく back and it'll be silence for the rest of the mission. I just think it'll be weird if I ask them if they can speak English out of the blue

i think its just you,

it doesnt sound wierd to me, id respond back.

Jul 21, 2012, 05:37 PM
It has probably been said before but, oh how I miss selective chat.

Jul 22, 2012, 12:14 AM
So do Japanese people have the same attitude toward English players joining their game and going "english?" as English players toward BRs joining their games going "BR?"

.JP and English pretty much are in the same boat.

But there's a special place in hell for BR

Jul 22, 2012, 12:39 AM
.JP and English pretty much are in the same boat.

But there's a special place in hell for BR

Brazilians, brings back a lot of very bad Gears of War 2 memories..... people south of the border a measly 2K miles away lag harder then New Zealand people I've played with+^_^+ no issues with JP players though, almost all of them know enough basic English to talk to+^_^+ but try your best to understand them, they get real quiet and even leave if you insult their poor English or overemphasize any corrections you make to what they say+^_^+

"please do not mind"

1000 internet points says JP player typed moon-runes for "it's aight" (it's all right) and Google said "Please do not mind"+^_^+

Jul 22, 2012, 11:53 PM
Out of curiosity; How many players have encountered japanese player trying to communicate with them using google translate english?

I did on several occasion. My Japanese is limited thanks to my friends and some elders I met while helping them encouraging me to learn more.

When I told them I am from Vancouver, majority of Japanese players were surprised, enthusiasts and tried to talk to me with broken English while I did the same with broken Japanese Some of them teased me a lot. We are a lot of fun we ended befriending.

Jul 23, 2012, 10:11 AM
The Japanese players I've played with usually take the opportunity to reach out to me in English, after they realize I type "domo arigato gozaimasu" or something similar.

I get the feeling too, that somehow I'm guilty of something. So I try to be as polite and cordial as I can. Helps with the goodwill that I'm a Force who spams resta. :p

Jul 23, 2012, 03:37 PM
Like everything, it can be a hit or miss so don't be afraid to strike up a conversation or ask to add them as friends. After the initial stage, most japanese players are quite friendly and curious about westerners. I've also met alot of hk players who are bilingual.

but yea, outside of the basic phrases mentioned before, stick to english or else they'll assume you are fluent and then assume you are rude if you keep silent.