View Full Version : Does anyone else here keep re-rolling their character over and over?

Radical Dreamer
Jul 31, 2012, 12:43 AM
I've re-rolled my character seven times now, and I'm thinking about re-rolling again even though my latest guy, a male CAST, just reached level 24. I just can't help myself. I'll find something a little off about my character's appearance, or I'll want to rebuild my MAG, or I'll think to myself "No, no, you shouldn't have put a point in that skill," etc, etc. I know I could fork out some cash to get some character slots so I wouldn't have to keep restarting over and over, but... Eh.

On a separate note... If I put items into the Storage Box, will they stay there even after I delete my character and restart with another one? I got some pretty decent items and a lot of meseta this time around, and I don't wanna dump them down the drain.

Jul 31, 2012, 12:46 AM
I've re-rolled my character seven times now, and I'm thinking about re-rolling again even though my latest guy, a male CAST, just reached level 24. I just can't help myself. I'll find something a little off about my character's appearance, or I'll want to rebuild my MAG, or I'll think to myself "No, no, you shouldn't have put a point in that skill," etc, etc. I know I could fork out some cash to get some character slots so I wouldn't have to keep restarting over and over, but... Eh.

On a separate note... If I put items into the Storage Box, will they stay there even after I delete my character and restart with another one? I got some pretty decent items and a lot of meseta this time around, and I don't wanna dump them down the drain.

I've rorolled at lvl 34, yes, your items stay in storage. Just make sure you're really REALLY prepared to level again.

Jul 31, 2012, 12:52 AM
Actually, you can have another option to change just the part you dislike with AC too.

Radical Dreamer
Jul 31, 2012, 01:04 AM
Actually, you can have another option to change just the part you dislike with AC too.

I know, but I don't want to deal with the sketchy credit card stuff/web money whatever that I have to go through in order to get the AC in the first place, and I don't really like spending money on free to play games... Especially when it's just to change the size of my character's nose or something little like that.

Jul 31, 2012, 01:04 AM
Actually, you can have another option to change just the part you dislike with AC too.
That costs money though. Deletion and recreation is free.

EDIT: Love getting sniped by seconds. Anyways, I tweaked and tweaked and tweaked and tweaked some more with the CC so I wouldn't have to pay to change the physical aspects of my character before the game came out. No recreating here.

Jul 31, 2012, 01:16 AM
Well I reset my character through all the beta phases with minor alterations, so I'm pretty satisfied with my character.

If I'm still enjoying the game by the next few level cap increases, I might just spend the $5 to ungimpify my character. did way too many client orders to restart now

Jul 31, 2012, 01:21 AM
Was sort of known for doing it on PSU, same for a lot of friends. I finally got the parts I want, but now the paint scheme is all screwed up and it's been buggin' the hell out of me. Not to mention a few things about the size.

I considered buying another slot, just to make another character so I wouldn't be so focused on getting one perfect, but waiting for other games to get released is driving me crazy.


Jul 31, 2012, 01:27 AM
I made sure my characters were as close to how I imagined them (or at least how I draw them) as I could get them. I feel like 8-bit's face is TOO shota-like though, from a lot of angles... But there's no way it could look any more accurate... Even at the cost of the personality it looks like he has because of that toddler face...

Ehn... I dunno.

Otherwise Rock looks accurate, but restarting the character from scratch? LOLOLOLOLfuckthat.

Jul 31, 2012, 03:14 AM
I redid my character a billion times because while they looked fine in character creation, they didn't look quite right in-game (sadly a common problem with these games).

In the end, I discovered that the proportions look totally different and awful when wearing the rare costumes. Now I'll have to buy one of those appearance tickets. Wouldn't be surprised if they do that on purpose.

Jul 31, 2012, 03:35 AM
I redid my character a billion times because while they looked fine in character creation, they didn't look quite right in-game (sadly a common problem with these games).

In the end, I discovered that the proportions look totally different and awful when wearing the rare costumes. Now I'll have to buy one of those appearance tickets. Wouldn't be surprised if they do that on purpose.

This is what happened to me. I thought my char's face and body looked perfect in the CC. But when she popped up in-game and I looked at her close-up, I was like. O.o But I ignored it and leveled to cap... then hung out in lobby and noticed prettier characters and I'm like :O Must.... fix... -charges AC- -fixes- Star is beautiful now. ^^ But I wouldn't hesitate to fix her again if I felt she needed it.

Jul 31, 2012, 04:20 AM
AC is just for a choice. SEGA never force you to do it.
but I really not mind spend some money to support their game. and I don't like to start over just for little fix.

Jul 31, 2012, 04:25 AM
I like how my character looks though you restarted like 7 times? I wouldn't be able to do it.

Jul 31, 2012, 07:12 AM
I'll probably end up remaking my Ship 7 character. I didn't realize there was a body toning slider (because I can't read anything on the CC) and with bathing suits coming out.... :(

He's only level 24 though. I'll mostly just be annoyed with the fact I'll have to re-do all of my client orders.

Jul 31, 2012, 07:21 AM
^Get the CC demo that has the english patch.

And I've re-rolled 3 times(but I had to make 3 accounts since I guess you need AC to delete..). Am happy with my 3rd result.

Rappys' character looks cool.

Jul 31, 2012, 07:28 AM
I probably will. First time I tried to make my character I clicked the random button at the end .___.

At least I'm not as bad as my friend. He's remade 5+ times. About 3+ in 2 days.

Jul 31, 2012, 07:30 AM
no because my character is too cute

Jul 31, 2012, 07:30 AM
I do like switching colours often on my Cast, wish though it were better ways to do it.
I wanna save my money for something else!

But i´m gonna stick with my red-black for a while now, until we get more (and cheaper) options. Then i´m gonna try blue again and i curse makeover shop for tricking the lighting.
Some things just looks better there, but then when you go out and you go...FFFFFF!
Yeah that hurts.

They should make a way to see the changes on the lobbies and maps without leaving makeover shop just to see how it looks in all lights.
Overcomplicated, but w/e..something throw me a bone.

Jul 31, 2012, 07:36 AM
This is what happened to me. I thought my char's face and body looked perfect in the CC. But when she popped up in-game and I looked at her close-up, I was like. O.o But I ignored it and leveled to cap...

Pretty much this, except I'll probably keep the current look. It has grown on me :-?

Jul 31, 2012, 07:45 AM
This is what happened to me. I thought my char's face and body looked perfect in the CC. But when she popped up in-game and I looked at her close-up, I was like. O.o But I ignored it and leveled to cap... then hung out in lobby and noticed prettier characters and I'm like :O Must.... fix... -charges AC- -fixes- Star is beautiful now. ^^ But I wouldn't hesitate to fix her again if I felt she needed it.

Seen some people talk about their avatar's looking different in the creation menu than in game since the creation menu has different lightning and such than the game has in its areas and lobby.

Pretty much satisfied with my look for now, did like 2-3 changes from closed beta, pre open beta to open beta.

Jul 31, 2012, 11:09 AM
I've given my characters a few make-up jobs. I still don't think they're perfect tho, but I'll keep trying lol.

To me, it's easier to make up the $5 to buy a remodel ticket then it is to waste 25+ hours on a character I've put work into.

Sebastian & PSO
Jul 31, 2012, 11:21 AM
That's just insane, make your character right from the start and try to be more wise with your skill tree and mag level up selections. God I'm finding it difficult to reach level 25 (because I get so bored after playing for an hour) and there's people 're-rolling' their level 30 characters -.-

Jul 31, 2012, 12:18 PM
I only re-rolled once, and that's because someone convinced me to play on Ship 2 with them. Then they doesn't even log on all day aside from an hour or two in which they solo. I feel like a neglected housewife or something.

Jul 31, 2012, 12:28 PM
I just can't help myself. I'll find something a little off about my character's appearance, or I'll want to rebuild my MAG, or I'll think to myself "No, no, you shouldn't have put a point in that skill," etc, etc.


Aug 2, 2012, 01:29 PM
Do accessories stay intact in all characters?

Silver Crow
Aug 2, 2012, 02:10 PM
Wow you'd throw away hours of work for a minor appearance adjustment? That's just silly o.o

Aug 2, 2012, 02:43 PM
I got to Lv.39 and I just re-rolled yesterday...I think it was a good decision. I made a perfected character in my eyes and because I actually enjoy playing the game, it shouldn't be too hard to get back to where I was.

I remember in PSO1 I would re-roll all the time even at Lv.80+. It's just something that I have a habit of doing.

Aug 2, 2012, 03:33 PM
Haven't reroleed and won't do that. I love my cutie loli. If I will decide she has messed up stats or anything, I'll just get AC item. Actually it's my type of playstyle - I level whatever I want and cprrect mistakes with irl money. Or sometimes you just switch stats at higher levels.

I may roll alts to try other classes and for a change of pace, but that's all.

Aug 2, 2012, 03:33 PM

I have two characters: a racaseal and a fonewearl. I remade the racaseal at level 31 and my foneawearl at level 17. Both were remade because I screwed up on the mag, skill tree, looks of the chars. I noticed from playing 4 charecters up to level 20 (2 of those up to 25+), leveling up to have tundra access is RRRREEEEEEAAAAALLLLLLYYYYYY boring. Good god that grind just makes me want to relive the first 10 levels in the game by making and remaking characters.

Aug 2, 2012, 05:50 PM
I re-rolled once after I saw the character I spent so long on in the character creation in the actual game. I only got to level 5 on the first day though. Love everything about it now and I haven't wanted to change anything other than things I can change without AC.

Aug 2, 2012, 06:08 PM
I rerolled 1 char at the start of live and play it almost 100% of the time. My old beta force ugh.. Yeah its fun, just not fun enough to do all the 25-30 crap again.

Aug 2, 2012, 06:10 PM
I rerolled 1 char at the start of live and play it almost 100% of the time. My old beta force ugh.. Yeah its fun, just not fun enough to do all the 25-30 crap again.

That is why I will never reroll my main if I don't have to.

25-30 was absolutely miserable.

Aug 2, 2012, 06:16 PM
I've basically decided to live with whatever mistakes I have. My mag is evenly built to help all classes I change to so I will always be weaker than normal, I screwed up 8 skill points on ranger, so ill have to wait till lvl 50 cap in order to use Strauss and Spread legacy, etc etc. But so far as a Force my character is just fine and he is a boss. I've never once thought about rebuilding his appearance.


I think I nailed the facial expression I wanted him to have, and too afraid to try and re create it.