View Full Version : Question about rare thumbnails on mission select?

Aug 6, 2012, 01:51 AM
So i'm curious if anyone knows what the rare thumbnails seen before selecting a mission/field is?

I did notice that they change periodically, but i mostly would like to find out whether these rare's drop from the enemies or the boss of that field? it's hard to gauge because if it's the enemies that drop them, i can farm the multi-party area, if it's the boss i can do speed runs, and right now i have no idea...anyone know by any chance? I've tried looking at PSO2 blogs, google searching and can't seem to find anything on it.

Aug 6, 2012, 01:53 AM
I believe the game just picks out two recently dropped rares for display. The weapons on display are not always from the bosses, it can be from any enemy inside the mission. Check out the pso2 jp wiki for the drop lists if you want to know what drops what, or an english identical if one exists.

Aug 6, 2012, 01:56 AM
I believe the game just picks out two recently dropped rares for display. The weapons on display are not always from the bosses, it can be from any enemy inside the mission. Check out the pso2 jp wiki for the drop lists if you want to know what drops what, or an english identical if one exists.

ah jeez, i checked all the english wiki's and i forget to check the jp wiki lol. thank you.