View Full Version : Which Defense is best?

Aug 31, 2012, 06:57 AM
Since I can't get more AC I decided to throw the rest of my AC into getting 2 more MAGs and 1 i intend to build for defense... Which defense is the bet defense (or ability) to throw stats into. Any opinions on the matter? I think Strike is the most likely and would help the class i like to play mainly the most i guess, but what are everyone's thoughts on this? Are there enough ranged attacks and magic attacks to justify a lot of Tech/Range defense?

Skyly HUmar
Aug 31, 2012, 07:03 AM
Strike is the most common type of dammage so i would go with that. Future updates may change that though.

Aug 31, 2012, 07:31 AM
where would you rank the other two and how much of a difference would you say there is? between each

Aug 31, 2012, 07:58 AM
Units requirements are really strange, highest 9 star S-DEF units require either T-DEF or R-DEF, highest S-DEF 8 star units require S-DEF, it's hard to say which defense is best to pick with the requirements all over the place.

Aug 31, 2012, 09:02 AM
If you want to focus on def, it is best to focus on the def for your class, so that is S-Def on hunter, R-Def on ranger and T-Def on force. The reason for this is because of units.

Units usually come as a set and you can tell what classes that they are aimed towards by the requirements. So while you can put points in other defences, the best one is your class' defence.


Are they really that strange? Those units always looked like units to give S-Def a massive boost on rangers and forces. Regular force units give you massive T-Def boost, modest S-Def boost and a bit of an R-Def boost. The uncommon units give less of a T-Def boost and more of an S-Def boost, but your S-Def is still pretty low even after that. The ranger units give a similar kind of defence boosts. Hunters have a pretty wide selection of common and uncommon units in the first place (double the amount of rangers and forces) so is it really surprising that rangers and forces can get more rare units?

Aug 31, 2012, 12:24 PM
I get hit my ranged attacks a lot more than the other types.

Aug 31, 2012, 12:37 PM
/Russian Accent
Strike defense is best defense

Aug 31, 2012, 12:38 PM
Units requirements are really strange, highest 9 star S-DEF units require either T-DEF or R-DEF, highest S-DEF 8 star units require S-DEF, it's hard to say which defense is best to pick with the requirements all over the place.

This is because each class has its own atk stat as its highest def stat. Those units are meant for those respective classes.

Aug 31, 2012, 01:06 PM
Just increase the defense correspondent to your class.
FO > T-def
HU > S-def
RA > R-def

On the most important defense? Eh, it depends. Quartz dragon will murder you with his grants if you are lacking in T-def, and Mizer will one-shot you with his missle barrage, and so will vader with his giant laser beams if you are lacking in R-def. Overall, I think it is just best to pick a unit you like and +10 it. Being well-rounded is more efficient.

Aug 31, 2012, 08:27 PM
The only truly dangerous non-S-ATK attacks are Vol Dragon's death fireball, and Quartz Dragon's lasers from the sky. If you can avoid those (not a difficult feat) I'd say best to invest in S-DEF for now.

Maybe future areas and bosses will change that, who knows.