View Full Version : Bye bye Psu

Sep 19, 2012, 01:53 PM
I dont know about you guys who played psu on the xbox 360 Im kind of sad its ended im mean the japanese players are so lucky they got theres extended i mean in the uk it just ended like that... but the last day was pretty epic with edward lol.. i will miss it i just wish they would keep it going even untill pso2 comes out for the 360 or somthing. make it free even and leave it they way it is..

who agrees with me?

and what do you guys think of pso2?

(me thinks its epic because of all the options in charecter creation... and you can jump lol.)



Sep 19, 2012, 08:31 PM
Sad indeed.

As of now, it won't be on the 360 nor on the PS3; It is however currently for PC, Playstation Vita, iOS and Andoid.