View Full Version : JP PSO2 15 minutes, 4 Big Vardha kills

Dec 6, 2012, 04:13 AM
I think SEGA realized that it was silly so they decided to buff Megaman and make him a lot more durable. Anyone else realized this too?

edit: we just went on another run and he was back to his ezpz self... I think theres a threshold based on number of players where either hes super strong or just his normal weak self o_O cause our first party had more players like 10 while our 2nd party had only 6.

Dec 6, 2012, 04:31 AM
King Varder can appear during this mission, too.

Dec 6, 2012, 04:32 AM
King Varder can appear during this mission, too.

It wasn't king vardha for either run for clarification.

Dec 6, 2012, 04:36 AM
Maybe your old run didn't have very good players?

Dec 6, 2012, 04:57 AM
Maybe your old run didn't have very good players?

but our 2nd run consisted of the same players from the last party with a few missing.

Dec 6, 2012, 04:59 AM
I have also experienced Vardha fights with wildly variable HP. Some just seem to be much, much hardier than others.

Dec 6, 2012, 05:05 AM
Could be a boosted Vardha, or that people weren't in their usual playset for the the first run and got into it after. It does happen.

Dec 6, 2012, 05:05 AM
There is a bug which makes Vader have like 10 times more health than he usually has including all the parts. Also, no, it's not the infection boost because when it happens he usually is at lvl1 boost so yeah.

Dec 6, 2012, 05:08 AM
An unit that makes you look like a galaxy? Kind of neat~

Dec 6, 2012, 05:09 AM
Yeah, for once I think jooz is right. Since this same thing happened to me in the past.

run 2: "why isn't he dying?" /noob MPA fails

run 3: /he dies in like 5 minutes /same noob MPA

Dec 6, 2012, 05:11 AM
With the way it sounds, it sounds like Sega is derping. Again.

Dec 6, 2012, 05:57 AM
This bug at least as old as the Vader EM.

Dec 6, 2012, 07:58 AM
Was it a "titled" Big Varder? I've noticed that titled versions of any boss/mini-boss are much stronger than a lvl 1 infected version. A combination of both just makes things worse.

Dec 6, 2012, 10:22 AM
Good vardha needs a massive hp boost, that is when in mpa mode. i wonder how much falz will have hp wise

Dec 6, 2012, 11:23 AM
The Vadar EM in general is just very very buggy. Here's a list of all the "abnormals" I remembered getting while on that EM:

- For a minute or two no one in the map can attack anything. Not even jumping.
- After the initial animation before the fight, you're back to the prep room and have to take the teleporter again. (This is probably lag.)
- Vadar seem to have doubled/tripled HP. Everyone was pretty much "Vadar have this much HP? ._." at the beginning.

Was it a "titled" Big Varder? I've noticed that titled versions of any boss/mini-boss are much stronger than a lvl 1 infected version. A combination of both just makes things worse.
EM Vadar is always titled and boosted.

Dec 6, 2012, 11:37 AM
EM Vadar is always titled and boosted.

Is that so? I never noticed that it was always titled in the EM. I guess I should pay more attention.