View Full Version : Akaimizu Lerns to Draw.

Dec 21, 2012, 11:40 PM
But not how to spel.

Anyway. I wanted to really tackle the one Fine Art I never jumped whole heartedly into as of yet. Drawing. Since a lot of activities all rewards the visual art, and that's what I never did, I figure I should really put forth the effort to try my hand at it.

Anyway. My goal is to get a fan comic going based on Phantasy Star. Being that this particular day is my character Tynselle Nbareh's birthday. 12/21. It will be about her. Anyway, I did a drawing of her head based on a pose Qoxolg did of her for me. Something a bit simplified, but I'm trying to go for character with my lesser skills.

Without further adieu, here's my first pic of her.


Dec 22, 2012, 01:24 AM
Is this with a mouse? Don't be afraid to use a larger sized mark to fill larger areas.
A valient first step!

Dec 22, 2012, 01:41 AM
Yeah, dont forget to use the draw line tool as well then kinda make it curvy with the circle or do it yourself ^_^

Dec 22, 2012, 07:24 AM
Actually, this is with a stylus. I did this on a tablet as my pictures tend to truly suck unless I can kind of sketch it out with mini-strokes. My true issue will be perspective. Give me a 3D program and I can manipulate to create great 3D people of my design, but trying to visualize then in a 2D plane and things go pretty awful for me. I want to also get past that hurdle eventually. Anyway, thanks for the pointers. I do have the programs to edit these with a mouse, afterwards, but I'm getting my start on fully featured art programs using a drawing pen first.

Do you recommend mouse post-editing?

Dec 22, 2012, 09:52 AM
No i prefer the stylus over a mouse.
But a drawing tablet is #1.

I'd say sketch and fiddle around with your gear before doing a legit finished work so you can get use to your program (which i imagine is courtesy of your tablets apps?

Dec 22, 2012, 10:53 AM
Hey! she looks familiar!

So what are your goals? You wanna draw digitally or traditionally? For digital I suggest getting a tablet. Using the mouse I'd only use it to make some adjustments to colors and levels.

How good you can draw doesn't have much to do with your hands or any coördination (my handwriting is terrible and never got better when I started with drawing). You draw with your brain and it has everything to do with knowledge (how does '..' work/look like), understanding (how do you draw 3 dimensional objects on a 2d plane and creativity (what to draw?, composition, expression, meaning, etc.).

If you lack any of those, drawing will be very hard.

Most non prof artists lack the first two, myself included, but also lots of pro artists lack the understanding part. You can see that in their use of reference or the inability to draw any kind of subject. Someone that understands 3D forms will have no trouble to draw characters, cars, robots, landscapes or airplanes. All they need is a little knowledge of how those things work, but in the end it's just a bunch of boxes, spheres and cylinders.