View Full Version : What do you call enemies

Feb 7, 2013, 12:09 PM
Now enemies may have difficult names to remember so you call them something else. So post what you call them. Here's some.

Micda: Koopas
Krabahda: Kingler
Cyclonehda: Twilight Princess ball in chain
Kuklonahda: Big Eye
Zeshrayda: Bowser
Rigshrayda: Giga Bowser
Predicahda: Kabutops
Falz Arm: Master Hand
Oodan: Mankey
Za Oodan : Primeape
Nordiran: Nidorino
Fordoran: Nidoking
Windira: Aerodactyl
Baridran: Totodile
Nordiransa: Nidorina
Fordoransa: Nidoqueen
Gilnach: Ed boys

And many more I think


Feb 7, 2013, 12:28 PM
Small Darker thing with the red orb.
Big Darker thing with the shield
Green Cockroaches
Small Yeti
Big Yeti
Darker Thing with the Sword
Fish Darker
Spider Darker

After PSO, enemy names became to complicated to remember so I just give them a name that describes them lol.

Feb 7, 2013, 12:30 PM
I'm gonna be the douchebag that says "YOU COPIED THIS THREAD!!"

Then I'm just gonna say that I still call the monsters by the same names I made up in the previous thread.

Even if this game was in english I'd still give all the monsters fucked up nicknames.

Seravi Edalborez
Feb 7, 2013, 12:32 PM
I call the fish "fish" because I can never remember which is "shu" and which is "cha". Other than that I remember everything.

The Walrus
Feb 7, 2013, 12:35 PM
I typically call them by the names they have in the patch or a variation of it with random er's thrown in. Like Kertergert for Kartagot

Feb 7, 2013, 12:35 PM


I also call anything with gulf in its name 'Fucking wolfs' but apart from that, i just call them all by their normal names. Although the ragne for me will always be 'That giant scarab tank thing'

Feb 7, 2013, 12:38 PM
Lol fun.

Dark farts
Cater - Snake
Windira - Flying shiz
Aiginis - Flying shiz numbah two
Dragon with the *equipment* thingy
Cyclops with Gogo Yubari's weapon
Snow kitties
Forest kitties

Feb 7, 2013, 12:38 PM
I call Caterdra'n "Spaghetti Dragon."

Feb 7, 2013, 12:40 PM
lol..i dont call them anything... except Rappies..i call them Rappies... lol

Feb 7, 2013, 12:41 PM
I call the dagash family fishies.
I call caterdra'n slinky.
I still refer to Big Vardher as Vader. It stuck.
Zeshryedra = turtle.

I usually call them by their original name, but sometimes I can't help myself.

Feb 7, 2013, 01:03 PM
There's a few I default to now and again, but I tend to use the original names. If in doubt, something insulting will be used instead.

Snow Banther, Snow Banshee, Fang Banshee, Fang Banther, any rare variants: 'Banther'
Diggnuttz: Deezenutz
Vol Dragon: I don't have a name for him as such, but I tend to say 'ALWAYS ANGRY, ALL THE TIME' quite often when I run him.
Gawonda / Guwonda: 'Shieldbros'
Dagan: 'Spiderbro'
El Dagan: 'Angry Spiderbro'
Sparzyle: Assplode-bots
Signogun: Any reasonable rage-filled insult I can think of
Signo Beat: Sinow
Signo Blue: Sinow Blue
Guardine: Canadine
Gilnach: Heal-bots
Daghash family: Fish (Nero is 'rare fish')
Krabahda: Krabby or Kingler, depending on if I feel like evolving it

Feb 7, 2013, 01:05 PM
Oh yeah I forgot. I call the banthers the Big Kitties.

Feb 7, 2013, 01:09 PM
See if you can guess what is what. (Shouldn't be TOO hard.)

Rolly things
Laser seat
Shield dude
Sword dude
The other dude

Edit: While not enemy, the chocolate EM will forever be known as Ravi!! for me.

Feb 7, 2013, 01:31 PM
Quartz: Blue-Eyes
Cyclo: Black men with big balls
Wolgada: Blackbear
Zesh: Blastoise

real original

Feb 7, 2013, 01:46 PM
Lets see...

Banther and Banshees = Snow/Fang Kitties/Cats
Vardha = Vader Because funny initial "translation" was funny
Dagash and other variant = Fuckin' fish Because I don't feel like calling them much else
Cycloneda and other variant = Cyclopses
Windira = Flying dragon things because I never remember the name.
Udan = Little/small monkeys
Za Udan = Big monkeys
Gulf = wolves
Fangulf = big wolves
Zeshreida = Blastoise/Bowser That Blastoise-esque rapid spin makes me think of it every time.
Wolgada = Reskin Rockbear on crack or something to that effect for obvious reasons
Tranmizer = Trannies out of laziness
Dark Ragne = Quad amputee spider
Ga/Guwonda = Shield dudes because screw that name
Kurabahda or whatever = Crab things because again, screw the real name
Caterdraans = Elastic/stretchy Lizards

...and that's all I can think of for now. I'm sure I'll find more nicknames for whatever comes out in the future.

Requiem Aeternam
Feb 7, 2013, 01:54 PM
Usually I just use the species' japanese names to refer to them but I do use alternatives for most of them. If anything is missing from the list I just use its japanese name. I also call groups of similar enemies by the same name.

Dagan/Dagan Nero/El Dagan - Dagans
Kartagot - Kartago
Gwanahda/Gwanahda Nero - Gwanahda
Dark Ragne/Dark Agrani - Dāku Ragune/Agurani
Micda/Mi Micda/Ol Micda - Mikuda
Dahgash/Dahgash Nero/Dagacha - Fish
Krabahda - Crabs
Cyclonehda/Kuklonahda - Cyclops
Falz Hunar - Hyunāru
Falz Arm/Dark Falz Elder - Same way the announcer says Falz

All types of Rappy - Rappies
Mr. Umblla - Mr. Umbra

Oodan/Za Oodan - Apes
Gulf/Gulfur - Galf
Fangulf/Fangulfur - Fongalf
Fang Banther/Fang Banshee/Bantha Ong/Bantha Donna - Giant Tigers
Yede/King Yede - Yetis
Malmoth/De Malmoth - Mammoths
Snow Banther/Snow Banshee/Bantha Oran/Bantha Elena - Snow Tigers

Digg/Diggnutts - Digg
Dinian/Sol Dinian/Sil Dinian/Sadinian/Set Sadinian/Sol Sadinian/Sil Sadinian - Dinians
Nordiran/Nordiransa - Nodiran
Fordoran/Fordoransa - Fodiran
Caterdran/Catadraal/Caterdransa - Catadran

Machines in general - F***ing machines!
Spardan A/Spargun - Spardans
Sparzyle - Sui-bots
Gilnas/Gilnach - Gilnas
Tranmizer/Tranzexia - Transmizer
Big Vardha/King Vardha - Vardha

Feb 7, 2013, 02:04 PM
Oodan = Ohhh Damn!
Micda = Tops
Cyclonehda = Clamidia
Krabahda = Crabs
Gilnach = Gilsnatch
Aiginis = Birds
Dahgash = Fish
Kuklonahda = It's more of a noise so cannot put it in words

I could keep going and going and going, we have loads of fun when playing.

Feb 7, 2013, 02:52 PM
Almost always their actual denomination.

Ocassionally Rockbear is Rocky, Ragne is Raguneechan frequently, Agrani is Agraniichan sometimes, Gwanahda becomes Gwanardo (a pun with a Spanish denomination of penis), a Rappy is a Pollo, and the other day I called Ol Micdas, Ol' Mikus.

Oh! And infected enemies become "Angry [enemy_name]", but in Spanish "[enemy_name] cabreado" sounds better to me xD

Feb 7, 2013, 03:17 PM
Micda: Koopas
Krabahda: Kingler
Cyclonehda: Twilight Princess ball in chain
Kuklonahda: Big Eye
Zeshrayda: Bowser
Rigshrayda: Giga Bowser
Predicahda: Kabutops
Falz Arm: Master Hand
Oodan: Mankey
Za Oodan : Primeape
Nordiran: Nidorino
Fordoran: Nidoking
Windira: Aerodactyl
Baridran: Totodile
Nordiransa: Nidorina
Fordoransa: Nidoqueen
Gilnach: Ed boys

Gorungas: Slugs or rollout
Rockbear: Hulk hogan (he uses hogan wind up punch)
Kaltergots: Convoys (They look like the front of a semi)
Diggs: Diglets
Kradhas: Ing (they look like ings from Metroid prime 2)
El Adha: Gigadramon from digimon
Big Vardha: Vader from wwf
De Malmoth: Person wtih Down syndrome trying to run
Snow Banther and Banshee: Gururumon from digimon
Transmizer: Machinedramon from digimon
Gu and Ga wonda: Gay rondas
Quartz Dragon: Chris Benoit (He uses nothing but flying headbutt. If only he could put you in crippler crossface)
Mi Micda: Koopa Troopa
Wolgada: E Honda (He uses nothing but rapid iron palm and body slam)

Sega steals from everything.

Feb 7, 2013, 03:50 PM
mechaturtle for zeshreyda
red/blue slinky for caterdan
insect for gwana

A friend of mine calls falz "Dark Fag" and hunar "Fake Falz".

Feb 7, 2013, 03:55 PM
za odann-big monkey
gilnas-robot a splist when it dies XD long inst it
dahgahs- fliying pirahnas
quarz dragon- anoying piece of shit dragon
banshe&banshe- tigerwolf things
transmizer- transformer
dagan- black spider
krabadha- gay crabs

and those thing that apear on avoid-fliying bleeding testicles.

Feb 7, 2013, 03:56 PM

Feb 7, 2013, 04:15 PM
Oh yeah, Falz Hunar is Captain Falcon. FALCON KICK.

Feb 7, 2013, 04:26 PM
I call the rockbear Lou Dobbs.

Feb 7, 2013, 04:57 PM
Most of them I just call their actual names. But, some of them-

Krabahda: Crab Battle
Zeshrayda: Turtle Shadow (in-joke)
El Ahda: Falz Jr.
Gwanahda: Gwana/Gwanner
Ga Wonda/Gu Wonda: Turtle Shieldos (in-joke)
Garongo: Dodongo
Nordiran: Nidoran
Fordoran: Nidoking
Burn Draal: Burnie
Crys Draal: Cryssie
Gilnas: Legs (in-joke)

I'm usually screaming it over Skype though, when they piss me off. Most of the time, it's just regular names.

Feb 7, 2013, 05:33 PM
Ain't nobody got time for calling them by longer names so I call 'em by they names /toge hurr!
or at least shorter version of their names (wolfs are gulfs, banther = every banther unless rare, cater, vol, ragne, falz, hunar, etc) the only exception is Gwanadha which I call it cockroach and maybe dinian calling them pigmen

Feb 7, 2013, 06:08 PM
I'll call them target practice when I play the game because they are just going to get whaled on as I experiment with each weapon.

Feb 7, 2013, 06:26 PM
Now enemies may have difficult names to remember so you call them something else. So post what you call them. Here's some.

Micda: Koopas
Krabahda: Kingler
Cyclonehda: Twilight Princess ball in chain
Kuklonahda: Big Eye
Zeshrayda: Bowser
Rigshrayda: Giga Bowser
Predicahda: Kabutops
Falz Arm: Master Hand
Oodan: Mankey
Za Oodan : Primeape
Nordiran: Nidorino
Fordoran: Nidoking
Windira: Aerodactyl
Baridran: Totodile
Nordiransa: Nidorina
Fordoransa: Nidoqueen
Gilnach: Ed boys

And many more I think


I don't have time for a full reply right this second, but I approve this thread.

Feb 7, 2013, 06:32 PM
Not one person refers to Zesh as Gamera? ...Or Zesh?

Community gets a -1

Feb 7, 2013, 06:35 PM
I've called him Zeshy before

Feb 7, 2013, 06:45 PM
Not too original ones but we usually call them like this when we're to busy to remember their names. <_<

Krahda: Baby Ragne
Dagan: Spider
Dagash: Fish
Oodan: Monley
Za Oodan: Big monkey
Gulf: wolf
Fangulf: big wolf (duh <_<)
Aginis: Bird
Garongo: Slug
Yede: little Yeti
King Yede: Yeti
Malmoth: lolophant
De Malmoth: Big lolophant
Dinians: Damn asshole ingrateful lizard of hell die already fuck (specially during Amudiscia TA)
Nordiran: horn lizard
Fordoran: two horn lizard
Windira: Pterodactyl
Bardiran: lizard monkey
Spardan/gun/zyle: Spiderbot
Guardine/nane: Alarms

Feb 7, 2013, 06:47 PM
I like calling

Zeshreida = Gamera
Dulk Falz (all type's) = Falzy Ballz
Bather (both)= (Jungle/Ice) Cats
Vandha = Vader
Cat/dragon's = (cave's/Island's) Stretchy Dragon
Wologda = Frog
Quartz = Q - Jet
Del manmonth = Dumbo
Gawanda = Ant Lion
Tanszer = Transbot
Ragne = Stink Bug
Crome = Brass Monkey
Rock Bear = Floppsie

everything else is just off there specie's.

Feb 7, 2013, 07:05 PM
Oh yeah.


Feb 7, 2013, 07:08 PM
Gwanahda - Gwanadadadnanadadnanana

Feb 7, 2013, 07:32 PM
Oh! And Quartz's nick is sometimes "Hyperactive dragon".

Feb 7, 2013, 08:04 PM
Usually, like most from what I'm reading, I use whatever they're named; But I noticed Zeshrayda is a lot like Rainy Turtloid, and when I'm pissed I call him "Turtloid ripoff"; Also Rocket Turtle.

Dagash are FUCK OFF in my mind. Because that's all I ever want them to do when I see them.

Malmoths = Steed when I'm bored. Jump on his back and fire grenade shells in TPS mode.

Oh and random boss spawns are FUCK YOU RNG. I usually solo.


Feb 7, 2013, 09:23 PM
krada - pissants
dagans - dagans/dagan nero/el dagan
kartagot - kart a go/ride on
breeda - breeder/balloon
gwanada - antlion
dark ragne - ragne
micda family - chocolate covered cherries
gu/gawonda - shieldage
dagash/cha - fuckin fish
krabada - crabs
cyclonehda - ball n chain
kuklonahda - club
wolgada - dark bear
zesryda - rainy turtloid/godzilla
dicahda/predichda - praying mantises
rappy - chickadee/chickens
odan family - monkies
gulf family - wolves
aginis - birds
garongo - rolly polly
fang banter/banshee - tigercats
king/yede - king/yeti
malmoth - elephants
snow banther/banshee - snowcats
digg - candy corn
baridran - skygator
signogun - gun with legs

Feb 7, 2013, 09:29 PM
Vol Dragon: VD
Quartz Dragon: QD
Dark Falz Elder: DFE
Gwanada: Belly-chan (belly referred to when Gwanada exposed it belly)
Krahda: zergling
Zeshraida: gamera
Rigshraida: rare gamera

Feb 7, 2013, 10:35 PM
ウォルガーダ = e.honda
キュクロナーダ =dildo
サイクロネーダ = ball arm
ゼッシュレイダ = kamera
リグシュレイダ = transam kamera
ロックベア   = bear (i know ur gorilla,but still)

Feb 7, 2013, 11:03 PM
I call Snow Banther/Banshee -> Liger Zero <3

Sometime I call Burn Draal, "Golden Rooster" because of his roar sound.

Infinity Series
Feb 7, 2013, 11:27 PM
wolgahda = jumping frog
falz arm = fap arm
gwanahda = giant ant / tentacle monster
cyclo = ball of steel
dahgash/dagacha = fuckin fish
zeshyrida = turtle
catedran = worm dragon
gulf = fuckin wolf
rappy = duck
signo beat = ninja
predicahda = zealot
malmoth/delmalmoth = sniper
sparzyle = terorist