View Full Version : JP PSO2 「ご意見・ご要望」Request & Demand Translation Thread [UPDATED 7.04.13]

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Feb 11, 2013, 04:55 AM
Since most of us are on the Japanese server, we should take this opportunity to request and demand as much as the Japanese player do for the game. They have been doing a good job giving their feedback.

Depending how things goes, I fear that this wont be the case when the game is released for us.

I'm curious to see if any of us have any Request & Demand not already implemented in the game.
We can use this to list, see and translate (TRANSLATORS NEEDED) our Request & Demand then send them to: https://ssl.pso2.jp/players/support/inquiry/?mode=opinion

http://i.minus.com/jbwEMpGLGLVQJA.jpg (https://ssl.pso2.jp/players/support/inquiry/?mode=opinion)

PS VITA Request and Feedback go Here: https://ssl.pso2.jp/vita/players/support/inquiry/?mode=opinion


Please send as many of these to the Request site as you can!

To make translations easy, start off with "I want" or "Allow" followed by the demand or feedback

I'll keep the list up to date as possible.

Categories / カテゴリー選択

Please select
SEGA ID Related
Start Game/Installation Related
Title Screen Related
LogIn Related
System Instructions Related
Character Growth/Progression Related
Enemy Related
Meseta Related
Weapons/Equipment/Items Related
Quest Related
Communication/Chat Related
Lobby Shop Related
My Room/My Shop Related
Official PSO Site Related
Options/Preferences Related
Team Related
AC/FUN Related

Tanslated by Assistance[http://bumped.org/psublog/]


Request in red are most likely can be implemented in some way(and not 100% exact)

Request with [spoiler]censor bar have been RE-TRANSLATED

Character Growth/Progression Related / キャラクター・成長・アクション関連

Make Hunter and Fighter run faster. / ハンターとファイターをより速く走らせる
Remove speed decrease on Hunter and Fighter even when weapon is held / 武器が保持される場合さえ、ハンターと戦士の速度減少を削除します。
Give Hunter the ability to act as a shield or cover system. When behind a Hunter, Ranger and Force are protected. / ハンターのシールドまたはカバーシステムとして作用する能力を与える。ハンターの後ろにいる場合。フォース およびレンジャー、保護されます。
Allow subclass to gain experience. / 経験を得るためサブクラスを可能にします。
Reduce technique range. / テクニックの範囲を縮小する。
Masteries limit Force's tech selection too much. Reward different FO playstyles to stop it from being the "least effort for most rewards" class. / フォースのマステリースキルは、魔法攻撃の種類を限定させてしまう。(PPチャージリバイバル が必須→取っ た頃にはあら不思議、炎系を特化しちゃったー→ラフォで俺つぇぇぇぇ
More content for team and story areas. / チームの機能やストーリー系のクエストの要素を増やして欲しい。
I wish that the next Mag evolution had SUV, Infinity Blast and Nanoblast as new Photon Blasts.
/ 次のマグの進化では、PSUみたいなSUVやインフィニティブラストがあって欲しい。

Quest related / クエスト関連

I want to tell items apart on the radar / 私はレーダー上の項目を区別したい
The drop rate from rare enemies dramatically increased / 敵からのドロップ率が大幅に増加珍しい。
The ability to break out of ice like in PSO1 / PSO1のように氷を打破する能力
I want to rejoin the party when i get disconnected / 私は切断されたときにパーティーに再び参加したい
Other players appear on the map regardless of where they are /他の選手は関係なく彼らはどこのマップに表示されます。
Bring back "floating soul" above player when incapacitated. i want to be able to find incapacitated players easily / 行動不能時にプレーヤー上の "浮遊霊"を持ち帰る。私は簡単に無力選手を見つけることができるようにしたい
Automatic revive player when quest is cleared / クエストがクリアされたときに自動でプレーヤーを復活させる
The ability to break out of ice like in PSO1 / PSO1のように氷を打破する能力
I want to see what my percentage of damage when defeating any kind of boss / 私は被害の何私のパーセンテージ上司の任意の種類を破って見たいと思っています。
"Change party restriction options to: [friend only] [team only] [friends in team only] [friend or team only]" /「次のものへの変更パーティー制限オプション:[友達のみ] [チームだけ][チームだけの友達][友達かチームのみ]」
I want to request assistant from players in the lobby while in camp ship. / キャンプ船にいる間、私はロビーのプレーヤーから補助のリクエストに望みます。
Allow all party members to be able to make player invites while the party leader gives the confirmation. / 党指導者が確認を与えている一方、党員がみなプレーヤー招待を作ることができることを可能にし てください。
I want to search for friends and team members party on other blocks. / 私は友達を捜したい。また、チーム・メンバーは他のブロック上でパーティーをします。
Dynamic quest bonus. "cut all the grass", "destroy all the trees", "load entire map", "kill all enemies that appear"動的な探究ボーナス。「芝生をすべて刈る。」「木をすべて破壊する。」「全地図をロードする。」「現われる 敵をすべて殺す」
I would like Client Orders to be able to be done every 20 hours. / クライアントオーダーは20時間間隔でできるようにしてほしい.
More exploration on ARKS ship and planets. / アークスシップや惑星をもっと「探索」させて欲しい。
Maps with more objects and events you can interact with / マップ上の「イベントアイテム」(スイッチなど)を増やして欲しい。
Gunships being useful as transports/gunships. Maybe even a piloted vehicles like gunships/Transmizer/Vardha to explore/fight in as a new game mode. / ガンシップや特殊な敵(トランマイザー/ヴァーダー)を乗り物にして欲しい(特殊なエリアに到 着させるとか 、マップの近道になってくれるとか)。
Expand core class mechanics like gears, shift actions and JA. / ギアー、シフトアクションやJAの機能や用途を拡張して欲しい。
Make enemies smarter and with more attacks for Ultimate, whenever that comes out. And make them scale for multi party. / アルティメットはいつ配信するのかは別として、せめて敵の挙動を変更して、もっと賢く猛襲させ てください。 後、MPAになると化けるように強くさせてください(←これ難易度問わず欲しいかも)

Enemy related / エネミー関連

Fix Ga Wonda and King Yede flinching / ガウォンダとキングイエーデ尻込み修正
I want more size variations of enemies / 私は敵の多くのサイズバリエーションが欲しい
Make flinching impossible to overlap / 重複することは不可能で尻込みしてください
Allow Boss theme music to play during random encounters and Emergency Code / ボスのテーマ曲がランダムな出会いと緊急コード中に再生することができます
Allow enemies to be weaker to certain PA and techs and bullets / 敵は特定のPAとテックと弾丸に弱いことを許可し

Weapons/Equipment/Items Related / 武器・装備品関連

Make Trimate animation faster / トリメイトアニメーションを速くする
Remove charge time on Ride Slasher / ライド·スラッシャーに充電時間を削除
Send items to storage automatically if your inventory is full / インベントリがいっぱいになった場合、自動的にストレージにアイテムを送信します。
Allow advance capsules to drop in very hard mode / 許可アドバンスカプセルは非常に難しいモードでドロップする
I want to see traps in boxes using Trap search / 私はトラップを使用して検索ボックスでトラップを見たい
When armor and costumes are equipped, remove from inventory. / 甲冑と服装が装備をされる場合、財産目録から移動してください。
Please enable purchase of a color change ticket with one EX cube. / 体色変化チケットを1つのEX立方体で購入可能にしておいてください。
Add weapons from the Phantasy Star series. / ファンタシースター・シリーズからの武器を加えてください。
Add Slicers and Twin Sabers / スライサーおよび一対の剣武器カテゴリーを加えます。
Make item effects last longer for premium players / プレミアムプレーヤーのために長持ちアイテムの効果をする
Add Jellen and Zalure / アグディールとデフディールを加えます。
Make Photon Blast quicker to charge. / 充電するフォトンブラストを高速化する。
Allow some photon arts better for aerial attacks. / 空中攻撃のためのいくつかのフォトンアーツは、より良いことができます。
Weak Bullet is so strong that any Ranger must have it. Balance Ranger skill tree/ or enemy design to make traps and other status effects worth it. / WBは強すぎて、RAには絶対的に取らないといけないようなスキルになってしまった。トラップや特 殊効果の 攻撃の使い道はないに等しい。
Active potentials/set bonuses for weapons and units. / スタンス同様に、武器やユニットのセット効果を発動させるものや特殊効果が欲しい。

Communication/Chat Related / チャット・コミュニケーション関連

I want new mail notification when i log on / 私がログオンしたときに、私は新しいメール通知したい
The ability to prevent Symbol Arts being copied by other players / シンボル芸術を防止する能力は、他のプレイヤーによってコピーされる。
I want to be able to type hyperlinks in chat log / 私はチャットログにハイパーリンクを入力できるようにする
I want Auto words that respond with certain kinds of E-trials / 私はE-裁判の特定の種類で応答する自動単語をしたい

My Room/My Shop Related / マイルーム・マイショップ関連

The ability to preview accessories and hairstyles before purchasing them / それらを購入する前に、アクセサリーや髪型をプレビューする機能
Allow for player shop to be locked and only friends and teammates can enter. / プレイヤーのお店がロックされていて、唯一の友人やチームメイトが入力できるが可能になります 。
Make level 11 Photon Arts discs sell able. / レベル11フォトンアーツディスクが販売可能ことを確認します。

Options/Preferences Related動作環境/環境設定関連

Make Character shaders separate / [spoiler]文字シェーダ、個別の設定を行う キャラクターシェーダは別個作る
Allow us to freely manipulate the camera for screenshot purposes / 私たちは自由にスクリーンショットを目的としたカメラを操作することを可能に
I want haptic feedback implemented for gamepads / 私はゲームパッド用に実装した触覚フィードバックが欲しい
PS VITA: I want to aim with the L trigger. Attack with R trigger / 私はLトリガーで目指したい。R引き金で攻撃
I want a better game protection rather than GameGuard. / 私は、GameGuardではなくよりより良い試合保護を望みます。
I want to bind 1 action to two different keys. / 私は1つのアクションを2個の異なるキーに結び付けたい。
Implement particle effect graphical option. / パーティクルエフェクトのグラフィカルなオプションを実装しています。
Improve lighting in Lobby / ロビーの照明の改良。

AC/FUN Related / ACサービス・FUN関連

Allow more payment types for foreign players / 外国人プレーヤーのためのより多くの支払の種類を許可
I want accessories and voices to applied to all characters on an account. / 私はアクセサリとアカウントにすべて文字に適用声が欲しい。
Allow male casts to change their skin color with a color change ticket without paying AC. / 男性のキャストは、ACを払わずに、体色変化チケットとそれらの皮膚色を交換するようになるべ きです。

Others / その他

Add main Character costumes from the Phantasy Star series. Tribute the 25th Anniversary of Phantasy Star. / ファンタシースター・シリーズからの主役服装を加えてください。賛辞、ファンタシースターの2 5周年記念。
Introduce a Recreational lobby. [soccer or casino lobby] / レクリエーションのロビーを導入してください。
i want smartphone notification for "E-Trial". / 私は、"E-Trial"のスマートフォンの通知をたい。
Minigames and TVs, like in lobby, for My Room. / ロビーやマイルームにミニゲームがあれば楽しそう…


As more and more requests come in, once your request is translated, please help me send them to the PSO2 site.

Feb 11, 2013, 05:03 AM
but monomates and dimates are faster than trimates.

You spend less time "drinking"

However, I do request:

"Remove charge time on Ride Slasher"

Feb 11, 2013, 05:05 AM
Can't really think of anything right now, but I'll come up with something eventually on that, but on your list it says "I want monomate and dimate animation faster than trimate" but they already do have different timings, monomates hold you in place for less time than dimates and dimates take less time than trimates. ^^;

Edit: ninja'd

Feb 11, 2013, 05:11 AM
"plz fix game ok sega ty"

Feb 11, 2013, 07:53 AM
If we can get actual coordinates on the character creation planes that'd be nice.

Feb 11, 2013, 08:07 AM
Oh boy.

I want color-coded loots on the map. (They're all green atm.)

- Red for 7*s and above
- Green for 4-6*s (according to star color)
- Blue for 1-3*s (star color)
I think that sums up everything since all items in-game are ranked by stars. And oh yea..

- Yellow for meseta ?
Guess 11* and above can't be yellow.

Feb 11, 2013, 08:09 AM
-Lower animation speed of Trimate
-If a player is dead upon mission clear, auto revive them. (I cannot tell you guys how annoying this is when you die in an MPA boss and nobody revives you, they all just leave for campship and you miss out on loot)
-Give Hunter and Fighter a RUNNING SPEED INCREASE to help even out the imbalance between Hunter and Fighter's melee attacks compared to ranged slaughter from Ranger, Gunner, Force, and Techer.
-Make it so that if a targeted point is in a wall, you cannot hit it even with techs like Rafoie.
-Give Hunter and Fighter an inherently higher resistance to being knocked down or back as opposed to other classes.
-Give Hunter and Fighter a quick-escape PA like what Rodeo Drive can do for Ranger.

Feb 11, 2013, 08:19 AM
-If a player is dead upon mission clear, auto revive them. (I cannot tell you guys how annoying this is when you die in an MPA boss and nobody revives you, they all just leave for campship and you miss out on loot)
Huh? Just go back in. Deaths after the mission clear don't count towards rank.

Requiem Aeternam
Feb 11, 2013, 08:55 AM
I agree with the Trimate animation speed taking too long. Been beaten so many times cause of it. A few things I would like to see are:
* Recolor Tickets purchasable with AC.
* The ability to break out of ice like in PSO1.
* If you get hit trying to load Weak Bullet and it fails, automatically allow it to be used again.
* More hairstyles unique to male characters.
* More outfits for male characters.
* The ability to preview accessories and hairstyles before purchasing them.
* The ability to trade 10* Weapons.
* The ability to prevent Symbol Arts being copied by other players.
* The drop rate from rare enemies dramatically increased.
* EXP from rare enemies increased.
* Clones to only appear in Very Hard quests.
* To be able to choose the color of the Cat Ears the same way as the eyebrows.
* Other players appear on the map regardless of where they are.

Feb 11, 2013, 09:03 AM
-Lower animation speed of Trimate
-Give Hunter and Fighter a RUNNING SPEED INCREASE to help even out the imbalance between Hunter and Fighter's melee attacks compared to ranged slaughter from Ranger, Gunner, Force, and Techer.
-Make it so that if a targeted point is in a wall, you cannot hit it even with techs like Rafoie.
-Give Hunter and Fighter an inherently higher resistance to being knocked down or back as opposed to other classes.
-Give Hunter and Fighter a quick-escape PA like what Rodeo Drive can do for Ranger.

Running speed is a band aid, at best. Also, Hunter has Ride Slasher and Fi has the dash punch\dagger slash.

Feb 11, 2013, 09:11 AM
But speaking about what I want.
Better enemy AI and design. Make ranged enemies prioritize players that are farther away.
I want to explore what I see in My Room window.
Easier weapon type switch, like sword > spear > talis.

Feb 11, 2013, 11:45 AM
Make 10* rares tradeable
Bring back the original vendor prices
Boost the success rates on grinding

I know these may not work but hell doesn't hurt to try.

Feb 11, 2013, 11:49 AM
..as much as i agree with this idea...i don't think it will start anything but a flame war.. It's definitely wishful thinking.

Feb 11, 2013, 11:58 AM
Huh? Just go back in. Deaths after the mission clear don't count towards rank.

That suggestion is mainly for the benefit of MPA bosses, like Vardha and Falz e-quests. You can't go back in on those.

As for running speed, a bandaid is better than nothing.

Feb 11, 2013, 12:29 PM
The trimate animation thing is there for a reason ya know? Since the prices for a trimate isnt that expensive compared to a dimate or mono, what the hell would be the purpose of monos and dimates existence if trimates were so much better for the low cost? The way it's designed now is very balanced in the sense you have to decide what's best for each situation.

I think you can't just selfishly say, "remove this element of the game because it gets in my way" without looking at the bigger picture. It has to be kept balanced.

IE: If you want the trimate animations to be removed, either they'll have to up the prices for the healing items accordingly, or keep the way it is. But I imagine if they upped the prices people would cry again for losing too much meseta.

I really think the PSO team should stop taking every "selfish" request seriously and actually have a sense of what's a good or a bad idea, what's indeed a flaw or what isn't. When I see some of the requests being addressed, I sometimes wonder if these guys even have a vision of their own. Of course the majority that sucks is gonna ask for the game to be made easier. But should this actually be done? God no

Feb 11, 2013, 12:52 PM
..as much as i agree with this idea...i don't think it will start anything but a flame war.. It's definitely wishful thinking.

Providing everyone is respectful of eachother (I know, I know) and understands that these are what we want, and leaves posts they disagree with alone, this thread could be pretty great.

You might disagree with a person, but going into an in-depth discussion about it (Which would be great in another thread!) would massively derail this pretty simple thread where we just post stuff we'd really like so we can send it as feedback.

For me...

Hunter should have flinch & lift immunity during these effects
Give hunter role bonuses to mate consumption speed, mate capacity, or both
10*'s should be tradable and sellable between players - the game uses on an RNG that will never be 100% fair, and players exchanging items was the only thing that addressed that flaw
Knuckles should recover more PP and deal more damage with normal hits
Daggers should recover more PP and move forward more on the ground with normal hits
Dagger gear should not reset to 0 when you take damage or land on the ground (you should lose 1 bar on damage taken, and it should slowly lose gear like sword gear when you're on the ground)
Knuckle gear should give protection from flinch and lift when using PA's (no gear = no protection - so you're only protected from one hit during a PA)
Remove or reduce Knuckle hitstop (It's so noticeable that hitting two enemies in a swing can move back the JA window as noticeably as wand vs. rod JA casting times)
Wands should have identical casting animation speeds to literally every other weapon in the game

Aside from tradable 10*'s, that's most of the smaller details I take enough issue with to remember right now. These are simple enough to implement and not sweeping class-altering changes, they'd just address a few problems I notice as I play that really should not be the way they currently are (there are better ways to make techers worse at casting than having wands be the ONLY weapon with a different casting time, etc.).

Feb 11, 2013, 01:32 PM
Huh? Just go back in. Deaths after the mission clear don't count towards rank.

you'll miss out on items dropped after you died if you simply head back.

Feb 11, 2013, 01:40 PM
..as much as i agree with this idea...i don't think it will start anything but a flame war.. It's definitely wishful thinking.

i was aware of this happening at first but this needs to be done now and not when the game is in the US.

Feb 11, 2013, 05:40 PM
Having the game actually notify you of new mail the next time you login if you receive mail while logged off, rather than ONLY NOTIFYING YOU if you receive mail while online.

Feb 11, 2013, 06:03 PM
This is a brilliant thread. It needs to be a sticky.

Feb 11, 2013, 06:05 PM
Also, changing element without needing a second copy of the item needs to be possible.

And changing element of a 50 element item.

And adding element to 0 element items.

All without duplicate items.

Grinding 1-50 should still need duplicate items I guess.

Feb 11, 2013, 06:07 PM
Auto-send to storage if your inventory is full.

So annoying picking up during bursts.

Feb 11, 2013, 06:24 PM
Let me search for multiple affixes on the shop. So much of my time pricing things is spent sifting through pages of results. This would really save some time. I think I vaguely recall something like this being mentioned as a definite update, but I don't quite remember.

Feb 11, 2013, 06:37 PM
Affix and auto send to storage would be godsends.


-Make Techs change, not neccessarily get bigger, as they level up.
-Add some techs that are very massive AOE, but only effective on big groups as well ala PSU's lv 41+ gi- and dam- techs.
-Make crest of carnage, brave stance and other satk AND ratk buffing skills also increase tech power. Its silly for melee focused skills to work on ratk as well, but not tatk. Crest of carnage is especially bad for weapons like the Elder Rod.

Oh, and because it can't be said enough, MAKE 10*+ WEAPONS AND 11+ PA'S TRADEABLE.

Feb 11, 2013, 06:38 PM
I would like Fury Stance to boost T-ATK as well.

Feb 11, 2013, 06:56 PM
Cmon guys I was expecting to see AI difficulty boost from each post here -.-

Requiem Aeternam
Feb 11, 2013, 06:58 PM
Forgot to mention something before. I'd also like Accessory and Hairstyle tickets to be account bound like Lobby Actions are. Can't afford to buy the same accessories and hairstyles twice :nono:

Valkyrie Lovrina
Feb 11, 2013, 07:14 PM
Weapon Type Extentions - because I absolutly loath Knuckles on Fighter(I love Double Sabers and Twin Daggers). I never liked Knuckles in any of the previous Phantasy Stars and I still don't like them and would rather have Twin Sabers instead without giving up Twin Mechguns. in fact bring everything from PSPo2/i back. :wacko:

increase Hunter/Fighter running speed - because I dislike Knuckle dashing.

I may have some more to put down.

Feb 11, 2013, 07:20 PM
Cmon guys I was expecting to see AI difficulty boost from each post here -.-


Kind of got distracted by the other posts.

Anyway the AI needs to be a lot more aggressive in general, and more threatening towards ranged classes(those wolf jump attacks are a good example) within a team, and less(to no) flinch with each higher difficulty. The AI is weird at the moment. Not only is it slow and stupid, but they're targeting seems off. It's like they only target the most powerful most damaging character. I don't know really. Maybe it's different with each enemy. But I think they should simply chase the one that's hitting them just like it used to be in PSO1. Though this wouldn't work with how passive the enemies are now. Only if they become more aggressive will this become a more noticeable improvement

Feb 11, 2013, 07:24 PM

Kind of got distracted by the other posts.

Anyway the AI needs to be a lot more aggressive in general, and more threatening towards ranged classes within a team, and less(to no) flinch with each higher difficulty. The AI is weird at the moment. Not only is it slow and stupid, but they're targeting seems off. It's like they only target the most powerful most damaging character. I don't know really. Maybe it's different with each enemy. But I think they should simply chase the one that's hitting it just like it used to be in PSO1. Though this wouldn't work with how passive the enemies are now. Only if they become more aggressive will this become more noticable

Well, we are only fighting level 50ish enemies at the moment. Now, if this continues with the next difficulty level where enemies are all very derp than its an issue, but as it is we're at roughly a 4th of what's probably the maximum level in the game, 200.

Enemies DID get faster between Normal and Hard. Hard and Vhard enemies DID NOT change in speed. Now its possible that they won't change it again, but regardless it would be nice if the lower level enemies became less worthless.

Feb 11, 2013, 07:45 PM
Personally, I think there should be some sort of safeguard in case you get disconnected from Darker's Den or any other rare missions if more come out in the future. Like you could re-join the party during the run or make a new one if you're soloing. I suggest this mainly because it's insane the amount of time one could try to hunt a rare mission and then get an error during the run and lose access to it for an undetermined amount of time.

Feb 11, 2013, 07:48 PM
Personally, I think there should be some sort of safeguard in case you get disconnected from Darker's Den or any other rare missions if more come out in the future. Like you could re-join the party during the run or make a new one if you're soloing. I suggest this mainly because it's insane the amount of time one could try to hunt a rare mission and then get an error during the run and lose access to it for an undetermined amount of time.
Thank you. Seconded from personal experience.

I could go on about what I'd change but they all end with "Sega can't manage shit", so eh.

Feb 11, 2013, 08:17 PM
Well, we are only fighting level 50ish enemies at the moment. Now, if this continues with the next difficulty level where enemies are all very derp than its an issue, but as it is we're at roughly a 4th of what's probably the maximum level in the game, 200.

Enemies DID get faster between Normal and Hard. Hard and Vhard enemies DID NOT change in speed. Now its possible that they won't change it again, but regardless it would be nice if the lower level enemies became less worthless.

So the next difficulty mode, after 200 hours spent through normal, hard and very hard should finally feel a bit challenging huh?

I can't believe how it's so forgiving that modes called hard and very hard feel like easy/normal. The concept of a difficulty was not made to stretch the player's experience superficially. They're there to keep the player engaged and reward them for the skill they've obtained through experience. I swear pso2 has like the most laughable difficulty modes I've ever seen in a videogame........ Excluding the bosses

Feb 11, 2013, 08:42 PM
Thank you. Seconded from personal experience.

I could go on about what I'd change but they all end with "Sega can't manage shit", so eh.

Yes! Auto-rejoin should be standard in online games!

If you drop in a quest, and the quest is still in progress, you should be allowed to rejoin. Period. Time attacks, EMQ's that have expired, anything.

edit: I don't want to see this thread stick to one topic but this warrants a response

So the next difficulty mode, after 200 hours spent through normal, hard and very hard should finally feel a bit challenging huh?

I can't believe how it's so forgiving that modes called hard and very hard feel like easy/normal. The concept of a difficulty was not made to stretch the player's experience superficially. They're there to keep the player engaged and reward them for the skill they've obtained through experience. I swear pso2 has like the most laughable difficulty modes I've ever seen in a videogame........ Excluding the bosses

This is due to the nature of flinch. Enemies can be kept in a perpetual state of flinch pretty easily by even one single player, let alone multiple players. Remove the flinch-happy nature of the game, and things should become incrementally challenging again.

The Walrus
Feb 11, 2013, 08:56 PM
You don't mean remove enemy flinching entirely right?

Cause that would make Darker's Den pure hell.

Feb 11, 2013, 09:00 PM
No, not removing entirely, but not leaving it as it currently is either. I don't have a thought for an exact fix, because I'd rather see melee given some changes and see how things pan out there first before trying to fix a problem that may resolve itself.

Many latter-game enemies have different levels of flinch resistance that may make changes I'd like moot. When comparing something like fordrans vs. gilnas, the bigger threat is the one that can't be flinched, for instance. So just add more stuff like that, and perhaps the rest will be addressed with better enemy distributions in AQ's or difficulty adjustments in ultimate.

Feb 11, 2013, 09:06 PM
There are actually some enemies without flinch I think. Especially the bigger ones. I think it should be balanced is all. A big slow enemy with no flinch makes sense, but a fast enemy should of course have a little bit of flinch perhaps.

But it'd be nice if chances for flinch became less with each difficulty.

But meh. If this was brought forward as feedback, you couldn't be too specific unless you'd be able to write japanese yourself. I think generally the game needs some AI upgrade. Normal is fine I guess, but I wouldn't mind normal to become less of a snooze fest either.

Feb 11, 2013, 09:26 PM
I had a thought, based on Agitated_AT's post.

Perhaps they could make it so that there's a "flinch threshold", which varies between enemies and scales with difficulty. If a player does a certain amount of damage in one strike, then the enemy will flinch. This will make it so that enemies flinch often if they're too easy for you (if you're over-leveled) and uncommonly to rarely flinch if they're around level or hard for you (if you're under-leveled). Then just keep currently flinch-proof enemies (Gilnas, etc.) flinch-proof.

I don't know how hard it'd be to do that, but it looks like an interesting idea (on paper, at least).

Feb 11, 2013, 09:32 PM
If a player does a certain amount of damage in one strike, then the enemy will flinch. This will make it so that enemies flinch often if they're too easy for you (if you're over-leveled) and uncommonly to rarely flinch if they're around level or hard for you (if you're under-leveled). Then just keep currently flinch-proof enemies (Gilnas, etc.) flinch-proof.

Quite afew mobs on pso1&2 had this type of flinching, and it worked wonders and tbh, I am a lil surprised it isn't in the game

Feb 11, 2013, 09:51 PM
Ah, that's a great solution. PSO v2 (or was it only in GC?) had invuln frames after you took 25% damage in one strike.

I'd like to see that return, and enemies only flinch if they take 25%+ damage from a strike.

Face it: The playing field was never meant to be even. This is why enemies keep respawning, and in so many large groups. It's not about 1v1, it's about 4v16 and 4v1. It was never meant to be even. Even if everything was exactly even, players can use levels of advanced teamwork and coordination that computers will never have (or when they CAN do that, games will not be our biggest problem).

edit: Actually, what the hell am I saying. This is a bandaid fix. I'd rather see some other changes implemented and go from there.

Feb 11, 2013, 09:59 PM
Here's my demand: I demand to have all the best equipment with max element, fully grinded, and the best 8-slot affixes. And request it be place it in my special storage.

Can you send that in, please? D:

Feb 11, 2013, 11:48 PM
Nobody even translated crap in this thread.

I think we should get that part done before we throw more, unless it's already been sent to SEGA by some anonymous guy who's yet to say so.

Feb 11, 2013, 11:53 PM
Nobody even translated crap in this thread.

I think we should get that part done before we throw more, unless it's already been sent to SEGA by some anonymous guy who's yet to say so.

The point of the thread seemed, to me anyway, to be to get a general public sentiment to translate, not to translate every single post.

Feb 11, 2013, 11:57 PM
Nobody even translated crap in this thread.

I think we should get that part done before we throw more, unless it's already been sent to SEGA by some anonymous guy who's yet to say so.

In the OP, there's a spoiler box with some of our suggestions translated for use.

Feb 12, 2013, 12:24 AM
i am translating as we speak but i will need more help when more feedback comes in

Feb 12, 2013, 12:25 AM
two AC item's, first that changes one of your weapons to an ALL-Class weapon and another one to allow PA's to be used with it.

Feb 12, 2013, 12:30 AM
Requests some easier way for non-JP to buy AC (AmEx cards, unbanning foreign cards, PayPal, etc.)+^_^+ also, i request that when changing blocks/rooms that the MatterBoard doesn't pop up!! as soon as i see my character i want to move my character, not wait for menus to load so i can close them+^_^+

Feb 12, 2013, 12:39 AM
No, not removing entirely, but not leaving it as it currently is either. I don't have a thought for an exact fix, because I'd rather see melee given some changes and see how things pan out there first before trying to fix a problem that may resolve itself.

Many latter-game enemies have different levels of flinch resistance that may make changes I'd like moot. When comparing something like fordrans vs. gilnas, the bigger threat is the one that can't be flinched, for instance. So just add more stuff like that, and perhaps the rest will be addressed with better enemy distributions in AQ's or difficulty adjustments in ultimate.

There are actually some enemies without flinch I think. Especially the bigger ones. I think it should be balanced is all. A big slow enemy with no flinch makes sense, but a fast enemy should of course have a little bit of flinch perhaps.

But it'd be nice if chances for flinch became less with each difficulty.

But meh. If this was brought forward as feedback, you couldn't be too specific unless you'd be able to write japanese yourself. I think generally the game needs some AI upgrade. Normal is fine I guess, but I wouldn't mind normal to become less of a snooze fest either.

I had a thought, based on Agitated_AT's post.

Perhaps they could make it so that there's a "flinch threshold", which varies between enemies and scales with difficulty. If a player does a certain amount of damage in one strike, then the enemy will flinch. This will make it so that enemies flinch often if they're too easy for you (if you're over-leveled) and uncommonly to rarely flinch if they're around level or hard for you (if you're under-leveled). Then just keep currently flinch-proof enemies (Gilnas, etc.) flinch-proof.

I don't know how hard it'd be to do that, but it looks like an interesting idea (on paper, at least).

Quite afew mobs on pso1&2 had this type of flinching, and it worked wonders and tbh, I am a lil surprised it isn't in the game

Ah, that's a great solution. PSO v2 (or was it only in GC?) had invuln frames after you took 25% damage in one strike.

I'd like to see that return, and enemies only flinch if they take 25%+ damage from a strike.

Face it: The playing field was never meant to be even. This is why enemies keep respawning, and in so many large groups. It's not about 1v1, it's about 4v16 and 4v1. It was never meant to be even. Even if everything was exactly even, players can use levels of advanced teamwork and coordination that computers will never have (or when they CAN do that, games will not be our biggest problem).

edit: Actually, what the hell am I saying. This is a bandaid fix. I'd rather see some other changes implemented and go from there.

So.. for flinching you want it decreased? trying to get a clear translation

Feb 12, 2013, 12:46 AM
I say make flinching impossible to overlap, i.e. you can't flinch during flinch. For enemies AND players. Flinchlocking should be much harder and require intentional timing.

Feb 12, 2013, 12:50 AM
is that similar to when we get blown[flown] away by ground explosion in volcano?

Feb 12, 2013, 12:52 AM
You know when your guy stumbles and you can't do anything for .5 seconds after some attacks? That's flinching. You can inflict it with most weapon types, and enemies can flinchlock you to death through dumb luck (This is mainly a problem for melee users, because they're the only ones close enough to be hit enough). There's also lift, like the ground explosions, and then being knockdown like banther stomps will do.

Feb 12, 2013, 01:06 AM
The drop rate from rare enemies dramatically increased

Why do people complain about RNG? Rares are "rare" for a reason.

Feb 12, 2013, 01:07 AM
is that similar to when we get blown[flown] away by ground explosion in volcano?
That's fling/knockdown, which is different.
Flinch is when you get interrupted during an attack (or not doing anything) by taking damage.

Some attack animations have existing "flinch" thresholds which can be broken either with particular weapons/PA's or certain damage.

My suggestion for flinch on either party : Add a trigger option (a counter, if you may,) that, when activated, attempts your character to force a stun/flinch on the attacking enemy. The success of this "counter" increases based on how much damage you take.
I wonder how AI's will take advantage of this.

Feb 12, 2013, 01:21 AM
Why do people complain about RNG? Rares are "rare" for a reason.

Rare things from a rare enemy which you might only see ONCE a week is still the dumbest concept I've ever heard.

the drop rate of rare items from -rare- enemies SHOULD be dramatically increased.

Normal enemies are fine. leave those be.

Feb 12, 2013, 01:44 AM
Rare things from a rare enemy which you might only see ONCE a week is still the dumbest concept I've ever heard.

the drop rate of rare items from -rare- enemies SHOULD be dramatically increased.

Normal enemies are fine. leave those be.

I'm still for the concept of a rare from a rare enemy, since it makes the value of the said rare very high, thus finding such a rare holds a great sense of achievement. Sure some of those rares don't seem "worth" it, but just finding them and knowing how rare they are feels good.

Sure the drop rate from rare enemies is "dumb", but I do believe that they should only be slightly increased, instead of "dramatically increased". Rares are meant to only be found by those lucky enough. The RNG is perfectly fine by my opinion, it's that everyone wants "MORE MORE MORE", and SEGA is just giving in to us and ruining the game by listening to us too much (other than fixing in-game problems. RNG is not a problem). They're better off surprising us instead of giving in to every little demand. I'm just disappointed that they raised 10* item drops earlier, now I see 50% more Maisen running around.

Increasing RNG only taints the exclusivity of the rare.

Feb 12, 2013, 01:49 AM
Why do people complain about RNG? Rares are "rare" for a reason.

The issue isn't droprates, it's that you can't trade dupes.

Our team leader has 8 elder rods. A few of our members want elder rods, do as many falz runs as him, but can't find even one.

The issue isn't rates, it's the inability to redistribute the RNG's messups.

People just keep saying rates because most of us doubt 10*'s will ever be made tradable.

Feb 12, 2013, 02:07 AM
The issue isn't droprates, it's that you can't trade dupes.

Our team leader has 8 elder rods. A few of our members want elder rods, do as many falz runs as him, but can't find even one.

The issue isn't rates, it's the inability to redistribute the RNG's messups.

People just keep saying rates because most of us doubt 10*'s will ever be made tradable.

Ah I see your point there. But to me, it really doesn't matter. Even if the rates are increased, I guess it still won't change the fact that it's still "rare", but of course (being me) I wouldn't like it, as what I said in my previous post. But nobody can change it, it's Sega's choice. For us it's "tough shit, deal with it." But I guess some people cannot deal with it.

At least keep 11* and Psychowand drop rates to a minimum.

Feb 12, 2013, 02:21 AM
Well, if your issue is with everyone using the same items, that boils down to items only being made unique by their damage stats. Give items different strengths, and players will diversify their weapon selections based on playstyle and personal preference. Then make items drop more often so players can more easily get their weapon of choice (or leave rates as they are and make them tradable). It would benefit the game in the long term anyway, I think. People would want multiple items of the same category because of their different properties, giving more nuance and customization to the whole game. I won't speak to how good/bad active/passive the bonuses would be, the general idea is more important than the details. Some items would, of course, still be very rare.

If your issue is not feeling special, well, I can't help you there.

Feb 12, 2013, 02:29 AM
The problem for me with trading 10* items, was the reason they implemented was because JP players were complaining about item drop rates being crap and it was easier to do MPA's to save up money to buy said rares as opposed to actually find them by looking for them. Sega's response was to prevent the exchange of 10* items and above so that players could "enjoy searching for items".

Pretty lame as in a lot of cases it prevents players from ever getting some items they could otherwise attain by cooperating and trading with other players to get better equipment. They tried to make up for that with the recycle shop, but still that's kind of lame. I think it would be worthwhile at least allowing players to trade 10* items, to encourage people cooperating and communicating to help each other play the game. Like Gigawuts example, there's no reason one person really needs to horde 8 elder rods when they could be helping out their teammates, and their teammates should be able to likewise, return the favor. Not being able to trade and exchange rare items with other player completely defeats the point of the game being online at all.

Feb 12, 2013, 02:43 AM
Indeed, the complaint was that rares were so hard to find that it was easier to buy them.

So they made them even rarer, and impossible to buy.


This is why we need to be very, very specific.

Feb 12, 2013, 03:03 AM
Yea. I don't feel special enough.

Feb 12, 2013, 03:46 AM
Indeed, the complaint was that rares were so hard to find that it was easier to buy them.

So they made them even rarer, and impossible to buy.


This is why we need to be very, very specific.

It's the nature of f2p games with ingame currency. If everything is tradable it becomes a possibility to pay to win. I think many dont realise how not bad it is in pso2 compared to other games. I know f2p games where nothing is tradable unless you undergo drastic and expensive measures.

I think it IS a problem that 10*> are untradable. Maybe they should add these so called drastic measures to trade 10* weps in pso2 as well? The rules for this in the other game is that "unbinding" a wep is expensive to do, hence sellig the wep through playershop becomes a lot more expensive as well, making only the desperate of the desperate actually interested in buying it and kaching SEGA also makes a lot of money

Feb 12, 2013, 03:50 AM
Allow 10* trading and ONLY trading - as in no selling. Premium now has a new feature and you have to be paying sega to get 10*'s you didn't find yourself.

Unbinding should never come into this game.

Feb 12, 2013, 03:55 AM
Unbinding would only inflate the current economy further.

Feb 12, 2013, 04:30 AM
Allow 10* trading and ONLY trading - as in no selling. Premium now has a new feature and you have to be paying sega to get 10*'s you didn't find yourself.

Unbinding should never come into this game.
Isn't it still pay-to-win since you need to get premium?

Feb 12, 2013, 04:35 AM
Allow 10* trading and ONLY trading - as in no selling. Premium now has a new feature and you have to be paying sega to get 10*'s you didn't find yourself.

Unbinding should never come into this game.

A seller could put up anything for whatever amount in their shop for the buyer to buy before/after the trade so you would still be able to sell them. I do agree 100% with the last part.

I'd like to be able to turn off team chat for when I record things and it would be great if tech buffs lasted a bit longer. Usually after entering boss areas the buffs are already halfway gone. =/

Feb 12, 2013, 04:39 AM
Unbinding would only inflate the current economy further.

I'd rather deal with inflation and big prices than deal with shitty drop rates and that purple shit we call Barney Doodoo.

Feb 12, 2013, 04:39 AM
I'd like to be able to turn off team chat for when I record things and it would be great if tech buffs lasted a bit longer. Usually after entering boss areas the buffs are already halfway gone. =/

You can customise the all-chat to not show team chat.
And turn off team chat balloons too.

Feb 12, 2013, 05:56 AM
Allow 10* trading and ONLY trading - as in no selling. Premium now has a new feature and you have to be paying sega to get 10*'s you didn't find yourself.
never gonna happen and u know it

Unbinding should never come into this game.

Why not? It makes the choice towards pay to win a lot less apealing although still keeps the option open within desperate situations when rng fucks you over big time. It works well in the other games ive played.

About inflation. All thats gonna fix that is meseta sinks

Edit: wait theres a premium feature to sell 10*? If thats the case nvm what i said

Feb 12, 2013, 06:41 AM
A premium feature to sell 10*? Never heard of that. Did I misread something on bumped? When will (did) this happen? It also sounds like a horrible idea since that means someone didn't find it him/herself.

Feb 12, 2013, 06:51 AM
wait theres a premium feature to sell 10*? If thats the case nvm what i said
There's no such feature, that's just his suggestion.

Feb 12, 2013, 06:53 AM
And the suggestion was to allow only trading for 10*s not selling. It's definitely an idea I fully support.

Feb 12, 2013, 06:55 AM
I'd prefer selling. >.>

Feb 12, 2013, 11:54 AM
i hope they will add an option to disable dash when we press double tap on direction keys
it gets really annoying when i'm on ra/gu and preparing to hit wb

Feb 12, 2013, 01:18 PM
A seller could put up anything for whatever amount in their shop for the buyer to buy before/after the trade so you would still be able to sell them. I do agree 100% with the last part.

I'd like to be able to turn off team chat for when I record things and it would be great if tech buffs lasted a bit longer. Usually after entering boss areas the buffs are already halfway gone. =/

The purpose isn't to make them unbuyable, there will always be ways around that. Even if you forced things to be 1 10* for 1 10*, pokemon trading style, sellers would get welfare 10*'s and trade those for more valuable 10*'s.

Things would be valued in # of either iritistas, or excubes. That will never be avoidable.

What will be avoidable is selling items to non-premium players with this change. That's the point. We already have pay2win and everyone knows it. My Shop and scratch let you basically create meseta from nothing (in your own wallet, obviously it comes from other players). I see zero issue with free players being at an RNG disadvantage to premium players (who are still subject to the same RNG BS, but are capable of correcting it with coordination), and this would be a positive change in my opinion.

So yes. Another feature for premium. That's the best way to get Sega to like this idea, and AFAIK the JP community came up with it before we did here in the EN community so don't go acting like they won't like it.

edit: By the way, unbinding is more pay2win than permium trading of 10*'s. It's fucking disastrous. Imagine that, instead of unlimited trading during a month's premium, you could only trade once per 2-10 dollars. Yes, that's what unbinding is. You turn a good item you don't want into meseta, and then buy the good item you actually wanted. It's the same goddamn thing, and no it will never be cheap because now you're doing exactly what RMT is, with a fee for each individual item - you're just paying Sega to do it.

So no, unbinding is fucking horrible and much worse than premium-only 10* trading for all the reasons you might dislike premium-only 10* trading.

Feb 12, 2013, 01:30 PM
i hope they will add an option to disable dash when we press double tap on direction keys
it gets really annoying when i'm on ra/gu and preparing to hit wb
That or have a slider for the grace period

From 1 where you have to mash it like you're drilling/hacking a console, up to 10 where you can set up a drinking bird to reliably dash for you every single time (as it is now). 0 would be off completely.

Feb 12, 2013, 02:09 PM
edit: By the way, unbinding is more pay2win than permium trading of 10*'s. It's fucking disastrous. Imagine that, instead of unlimited trading during a month's premium, you could only trade once per 2-10 dollars. Yes, that's what unbinding is. You turn a good item you don't want into meseta, and then buy the good item you actually wanted. It's the same goddamn thing, and no it will never be cheap because now you're doing exactly what RMT is, with a fee for each individual item - you're just paying Sega to do it.

So no, unbinding is fucking horrible and much worse than premium-only 10* trading for all the reasons you might dislike premium-only 10* trading.

Unbinding wouldn't cost actual money if that's what you're getting at, but meseta's instead. That is why I mentioned that the prices for 10* weps would be very steep. Making any player with a lot of wealth question its worth. Of course there'll be a market, and yes those will be pay 2 win cases, but at least finding said 10* item yourself stays an attractive option in the mind even if ones wealthy.

I would suggest separate prices depending on the stars. The more stars, the more expensive to unbind. So even <10* could be sold in that case.

The trade option you suggested - as somebody else mentioned, would be exploited.

And besides, why do you think the 10* items are bound in the first place? I don't think it's just economy related but also simply for the fact of keeping the longevity and the rares, rare within a F2P game. Obtaining things is never easy in an f2p game, and this is sadly one of the parts they will be clinging on. Not only because they think or is profitable, but because it is formula generally proven to be profitable.

The problem now is that 10* are not obtainable at all beside luck. That's the bad part.

Your premium suggestion won't happen for the exact same reason. They don't want 10* to be obtainable just like that to anyone. Yes even if they're paying a premium fee for it. That would benefit them only in short terms, not in the "long run".

I don't know what your experiences are with unbinding features. You seem to be quite pessimistic about it. But it would work very well I think. Even if it'd be impossible for me to ever afford one(because i'm 100% free player), the thought of the option being there would feel right. And if someone manages to farm the mesetas to get that 10* wep, it'll be worth it still because of the equal effort one could have put into finding it.

Feb 12, 2013, 02:38 PM
No, unbinding would not cost meseta. It would cost real money, as it does in most games.

If unbinding merely cost meseta it would still be pretty bad, because 10*'s would then have a premium fee tied to their cost. Not only is there the incredible rarity, but a base cost to even obtain them outside of dumb luck.

Sega wants money. Period. If we make it clear to them they can make more money from premium by making these items tradable than they can by alienating players 1 by 1, they'll do it.

But this is more indepth than this thread warrants, and it's derailing.

Feb 12, 2013, 03:48 PM
I agree. It was an interesting discussion but let's move on topic indeed.

Feb 12, 2013, 07:18 PM
They should rename instances YET AGAIN.

Only this time, they should dedicated ranged to specific lobby setups that aren't boring like that arks ship.

1-5 ship
6-10 Forest
11-15 winter wonderland
16-19 Barren Wasteland
20 Swag Beach
21-25 City

Or at least rotate the friggin lobby with the season. The current lobby is like a morgue.

Feb 12, 2013, 11:42 PM
Category translations are up![on OP!]

Feb 12, 2013, 11:52 PM
Requests some easier way for non-JP to buy AC (AmEx cards, unbanning foreign cards, PayPal, etc.)+^_^+ also, i request that when changing blocks/rooms that the MatterBoard doesn't pop up!! as soon as i see my character i want to move my character, not wait for menus to load so i can close them+^_^+

can't emphasize that more, it's really a major peeve, also, i would like in game headset/mic support like Xbox PSO/PSU had+^_^+

Feb 12, 2013, 11:53 PM
That only pops up when you don't have an objective selected for the matter board.

Feb 12, 2013, 11:56 PM
That only pops up when you don't have an objective selected for the matter board.

does it whether i have a node selected or not, before and after your patch... i always just assumed after that that everyone else was suffering the same thing+^_^+ (still want headsets for random parties)

Feb 13, 2013, 12:05 AM
Then there's a pretty good chance I managed to mess something up. I've checked and double checked version 0.3, so hopefully it works smoothly this time. As a disclaimer though, I really don't actually get a chance to play this game, so I'm releasing these patches for people to test and improve on, which is why there's a zero before the version number.

Feb 13, 2013, 12:36 AM
Things I would like to see implemented:

-More of the game reliant on the Matter Board from 1~35. I mean, nobody does the Matter Board (at least, nobody in our small gaijin community does), and most of the game can be done without touching this, so it causes one to merely call this a storyless Vindi clone.

-Add City as a mainstream dungeon. While ordinarly one may call me crazy for suggesting this, it would make Ragne FAR easier to access if they did this. Maybe they could throw this in between Skylands and Ruins, or perhaps after Ruins? Whatever the case, there are only two places that the City's ever accessed - Chapter 7 during the Darker raid to steal Clarisa, and random EQs.

-A racing minigame. I'm not suggesting Rappy Races, I'm suggesting stuff like the Floader/Lunga from PSU. I mean, the Arks ship we're on can't be THAT small, can it? Our ship doesn't get invaded (from the story quests, the one that gets invaded is Zieg's ship, the Themis-128 - not ours).

-Expanding on the last suggestion, I think we need to have more kinds of things to do in the smaller city areas. Like I said, that colony can't be super small, can it?

-Add Gunslash-based skills to either the Ranger tree or Hunter tree. If you do the latter, then switch Lisa's orders to Ohza. If you do the former, then make it actually count. Because I know that no particular class has the means to take advantage of that weapon - hell, the means don't even exist! The Gunslash is a very underpowered weapon that few people actually take advantage of. It needs to be reworked and given a proper specialization.

Feb 13, 2013, 01:00 AM
I would like to see more Caseal parts from PSU. That game had the best parts =X

Feb 13, 2013, 01:16 AM
make dudu supreme overlord of arks.

Feb 13, 2013, 01:19 AM
make dudu supreme overlord of arks.

What do you mean he isn't already?

Feb 13, 2013, 01:21 AM
what kind a supreme overlord wastes 'is time on grindin' peoples weapons foo. yo he still savin' all that money he steal from u

Feb 13, 2013, 01:23 AM
make dudu supreme overlord of arks.

Would love to see this

other than that, most of these suggestions made me laugh

Feb 13, 2013, 01:45 AM
If we can get actual coordinates on the character creation planes that'd be nice.

You mean a grid display option on all planes?

Feb 13, 2013, 03:19 PM
send as much as you can guys

Feb 16, 2013, 03:31 PM

I'd actually like for the game to have an option to allow us to freely manipulate the camera for screenshot purposes. Having the character always stuck at the very center of the screen gets plain annoying when trying to get good screenshots.

Cyron Tanryoku
Feb 16, 2013, 04:09 PM
No demand for butt slider?
If you get disconnected during a Darkers Den and the rest of the party manages to beat it, your clone should still unlock?

also longer clone times

Feb 16, 2013, 04:11 PM
Safeguards for disconnecting during either Darkers Den or Advance Quests. Like really, it is completely terrible to D/C in either of those.

Feb 16, 2013, 04:29 PM
You mean a grid display option on all planes?

Pretty much. If I'm in quadrant one and want a specific twist to the feature I'm modifying it'd be easier to remake the design in the event that I forget to save the character, and if I want to make a custom character and share its design among my peers it'll be much easier to recreate.

Feb 16, 2013, 05:30 PM
I would like friend requests to tell you what character the player has active at the moment as well as the account name.

Feb 18, 2013, 12:42 PM
I want to see what my % of damage was when defeating any kind of boss.

Feb 18, 2013, 12:48 PM
This thread will be rather useful with those player survey things.

Unfortunately, I can not think of anything at the moment. But it is very nice that there is a translation thread going on. Good job.

Feb 18, 2013, 03:35 PM
-Make weapon palettes also customizable with Mag/Units tied to each weapon slot to allow for hybrid builds to min/max the playstyle of their equipped weapon, even if it means losing Photon Blast.
Alternative: stop automatically unequipping stuff when you change Mags/classes and just "gray" them out (i.e. using said slot would be equivalent to being "naked"). Also add Unit Palettes.

-Give a % damage modifier to chaining different PAs together to incentivize custom combos

-Adjust EXP nerf to allow a difference of 10 levels rather than 5 (specifically for AQ)

-Give a notification for when a Dudu support item actually worked/helped you succeed

-Make Team-related Interrupt Rankings.

-Make some EQs available as normal quests (Fang, Caves), lower the frequency of EQs or replace with more Interrupt Rankings

-Make points for Mission Ranking transparent to users

-Add mail option to people who are not friends (e.g. sending price offers for items on market)

-Give classes a secondary DEF stat rather than just one primary and two bad ones.

-Make damage modifier passives on each skill tree apply to all attack types (e.g. Weak Hit Advance, Zero Range Advance not just for shots, Chase Advance not just for strike, etc.)

-More [universal] weapons with multiple stats that aren't 10* like Coat Edge

Feb 18, 2013, 03:55 PM
^ I'm totally up for the first suggestion. I remember how in PSPo2 they even had an armor palette after everybody complaining in PSU of having to navigate to the menus to swap them, and now they took it again... As a FO/HU that plans on a hybrid build I'd really love having this. I'd even make a second 10* armor set and buy another mag (hell I'd buy two) if necessary for my melee weapons.

Also I agree with the universal weapon suggestion, but pointing out that Coat Edge wasn't class free and that was a real pain in the ass since you don't have any good selection on tech weapons when subbing FO unless you go for crap mock weapons or very rare ones. I originally planned on being HU/FO and had to swap them around so I could have a decent palette of both tech and melee weapons built (thanks to lambda alystein and co.)

Feb 18, 2013, 04:10 PM
plz sega plz stop forsin double tap to dash

Feb 18, 2013, 04:24 PM
balance photon arts. it seems like with every weapon you just use one thing over and over, instead of using different ones situationally or based on preference

Feb 18, 2013, 04:30 PM
yeah Deadly Archer and overend needs nerf

Feb 18, 2013, 04:30 PM
Don't think Over End needs a nerf, it's not that useful in every situation at all. It's fine as it is. However, I do agree more PAs need to be useful, that one should be a suggestion.

Feb 18, 2013, 06:10 PM
i will update this when i get home

Feb 18, 2013, 06:11 PM
I have some new ones

- hyperlinks in Chat log

- more size variation of monsters

Feb 18, 2013, 09:27 PM
Make it so that missions do not end early when the target enemy appears as an Emergency Code target mid-mission.

... assuming that hasn't been acknowledged or addressed already.

Feb 18, 2013, 10:12 PM
Make it so that missions do not end early when the target enemy appears as an Emergency Code target mid-mission.

... assuming that hasn't been acknowledged or addressed already.

There used to be a behavior where the E-Trial from the end of the mission could pop up earlier but it wouldn't end the mission if you completed it (thereby forcing you to go to the last area anyway), but I haven't seen it happen since... Closed Beta, perhaps? Maybe even Alpha 2?

Feb 19, 2013, 01:29 AM
-Give a notification for when a Dudu support item actually worked/helped you succeed
Uhm....what? Explain
-lower the frequency of EQs or replace with more Interrupt Rankings
Previously, people asked for MORE EQ's. Now you ask for less?
IR's should have more variety though.
-Make points for Mission Ranking transparent to users
-Give classes a secondary DEF stat rather than just one primary and two bad ones.

Can't think of any more suggestions at the moment...

Feb 19, 2013, 01:39 AM
^ what's not to understand from there? <_<

Feb 19, 2013, 01:41 AM
How does a dudu support item "fail" in the first place?

Aren't mission points already transparent/invisible to users?

And why have a secondary DEF stat but lose the third one entirely?

Feb 19, 2013, 01:45 AM
How does a dudu support item "fail" in the first place

I imagine the request is to see if your affix/grind worked due to the boosters increase, or if it was successful regardless. Also a dudu support item fails when your item doesn't affix/grind when using a success booster

Feb 19, 2013, 01:47 AM
Come to think of it, I had a suggestion or two that I wanted to make that I'm surprised no one mentioned at all.

-I want Shifta and Deband Advance to have a bigger bonus and/or to change how the bonuses from those skills is applied (aka make it an additive bonus instead of a multiplicative bonus (and maybe balance it from there)).

The way they are now, they're absolutely pointless as they hardly add any real bonus to either Shifta or Deband (since, as the math currently goes, either skill at Lv10 boosts either Technique at Lv14 from 19.3% to 24.125%, and as we all know, that's not a terribly big difference).

-Additionally, I would either like Shifta and Deband to have a longer duration or for their respective Advance skills to increase their duration by a set amount per SP.

We all know that the current 60 second max duration is hardly any time at all for most players, and added with their current range (which may or may not be remedied with the Territory Burst Advance skill that was recently datamined), it's hardly worth trying to keep either Technique up in parties (except for a Deband Cut-enhanced Deband, but even that is questionable due to the duration).

Feb 19, 2013, 02:46 AM
And why have a secondary DEF stat but lose the third one entirely?

Who said anything about losing it? <_<

Feb 19, 2013, 04:36 AM
Who said anything about losing it? <_<
That was the impression given from what he said...
Give a secondary DEF rather than 2 bad ones.

I'm just asking for an elaboration..

Feb 19, 2013, 04:43 AM
I imagine the request is to see if your affix/grind worked due to the boosters increase, or if it was successful regardless. Also a dudu support item fails when your item doesn't affix/grind when using a success booster

It's the first one. While grind protects always "succeed" once you past a certain level for weapons, I think it'd just be nice to see if your 5%/etc booster actually made the difference between success and failure.

@Syklo: Personal opinion, but I find the current execution of EQs very distasteful. I think EQs should be "optional" in the sense there's nothing exclusive about them aside from, say, increased spawns -> more EXP/more loot. Instead, we are seeing EQs with exclusive enemies with exclusive drops. If you encourage SEGA to go in that direction, then the game becomes more random.

During December, when Falz came out, nobody did anything besides wait in lobby for Falz announcements. I really, REEALLY don't want the game to be like this. The game should allow people to play whenever they want.

About secondary stats, if you pay attention to class stats, you'll notice every class has a primary, secondary, and tertiary[worst] attack stat. For example, Hunter has high SATK, medium RATK, and low TATK while Fighter has high SATK, medium TATK, and low RATK.

The problem with defense stats is that it only has a primary stat, the other two being "worst", which reeally limits your options for units if you're not playing a "pure" combo class. Unless you have a race/gender multiplier, you can't equip a lot of things without investing heavily into Mag points and Skill Tree DEF up.

In other words, penalizing people even further for playing hybrid is, well, stupid. Also, having Techer have high SDEF but TDEF Up on the skill tree is one of the most backwards design decisions of the game.

Feb 19, 2013, 04:52 AM
I actually like how EQ's occur randomly, if at all, every hour - probably one of the main highlights of this game for me. Unless no one does them, which would really break the entire concept.

But did people REALLY JUST WAIT IN THE LOBBY FOR FALZ? Oh gosh that's......well......i won't say anything here. EQ's are optional anyway.....but then again, you can't choose when to do it so you have a point there......perhaps let them be regular "Misc. Quests" and every hour or so, have the system put a bounty or something on a particular quest?

@DEFense: So what you're saying is, as of now, there's a 1st/2nd/3rd set of atk stats but not def stats? If so, then I concur.

Requiem Aeternam
Feb 19, 2013, 05:05 AM
Personal opinion, but I find the current execution of EQs very distasteful. I think EQs should be "optional" in the sense there's nothing exclusive about them aside from, say, increased spawns -> more EXP/more loot. Instead, we are seeing EQs with exclusive enemies with exclusive drops. If you encourage SEGA to go in that direction, then the game becomes more random.

During December, when Falz came out, nobody did anything besides wait in lobby for Falz announcements. I really, REEALLY don't want the game to be like this. The game should allow people to play whenever they want.

I totally agree with this. I wish Sega would scrap the way they execute these and make them readily available as normal quests (except Falz, I think that should remain an EQ). I don't think I've seen the Forest EQ with the Fang pair since Falz was released.

I must have been one of the few people who didn't wait around in the lobby for Falz to appear. I don't think I faced him for the first time till after christmas ^^;

EQ's are optional anyway.....but then again, you can't choose when to do it so you have a point there......perhaps let them be regular "Misc. Quests" and every hour or so, have the system put a bounty or something on a particular quest?

What they could also do is make it so these quests are only playable once per hour. It would stop people spamming them but we wouldn't have to wait hours or even days at a time for the EQ we want to appear.

Feb 19, 2013, 07:49 AM
yeah, another issue is the fact that EQs and AQs are incompatible. It has happened to me already a couple times that I've started an AQ without paying attention to the time and then 10 minutes later BAM Dark Falz EQ.

I preferred the system of 1 hour lasting, less common EQs that we had before. The problem is that we have WAY TO MANY EQs. I think some of them should simply dissapear and/or tuern into common free/arks "stunted" missions in a similar way that in PSU we got nerfed MAG missions permanently so we could enjoy them whenever we wanted.

For example, Forest EQ I think is worthless now, and before they added Fang Banther/Banshee as part of Nab II TA, it was a pain in the ass to wait for the EQ to pop for the skillpoints COs. Same with city missions, we got 3 and the only good one now is pretty much Falz Hunar one.

They could be a bit more creative about this. For example, We've been having Falz Elder on rampage for a while now. That should give enough room to justify a permanent city free mission with a Dark Ragne boss that is not an EQ, let's say there's a huge portion of the Arks fleet that got their ships busted because of Falz's attacks.

If we had, say, City/Hunar, Falz Elder and a seasonal EM like valentines EQ only, it'd be much less annoying to follow them.

Feb 25, 2013, 12:34 AM
updated. more are being sent.

Feb 25, 2013, 12:51 AM
more photon arts for the gunslash, techs for all classes, as a tree skill. physics objects (using physX by Nvidia) soul grinders for a semi rare boss drop, balancing, more balancing, make updates less tedious emglish support (not full english support, just item names and game text and cut scene subtitles) .ECT

Feb 25, 2013, 12:57 AM
exp, meeseta, and rare drops based on the average level of the party, meaning with a low level team, on a high level quest, you get more money

challenge quests, (multi block quests with lots of mobs, a couple bosses, and a huge boss? weekly.)

Feb 25, 2013, 12:59 AM
more photon arts for the gunslash, techs for all classes, as a tree skill. physics objects (using physX by Nvidia) soul grinders for a semi rare boss drop, balancing, more balancing, make updates less tedious emglish support (not full english support, just item names and game text and cut scene subtitles) .ECT
Soul grinders?
I disagree with techs for all classes; we already have subclassing for that anyway.

Also, ^^^
We already have advance quests fitting that description (except multi-block)

Feb 25, 2013, 02:08 AM

Requiem Aeternam
Feb 25, 2013, 07:30 AM
There are a lot of good ideas suggested. I hope Sega takes them into consideration.

I noticed a mistake in the Request and Demands part. In the My Room/My Shop Related part the japanese translation for "The ability to preview accessories and hairstyles before purchasing them" is the same as "Remove charge time on Ride Slasher". Just thought I'd let you know.

Feb 25, 2013, 10:39 AM
I have something to add to this:

I want other players' Zonde techs to stop "activating" my Zondeel. (If I can't magnet enemies in a PSE into one point because of someone using Zonde only, those nearly-endless PSE bursts just don't come as often. It should be their choice to do that, it shouldn't affect me.)

Feb 25, 2013, 05:03 PM
I have one more suggestion (Probably might have a few more in the future of course):

I think the capsules for advanced missions should drop in Very Hard areas. To be exact, I think they should drop in the Forest, Caves, and Desert areas respectively. I want to be able to help a friend do some advanced missions, but I'm unable to because I don't have enough capsules for the AQ he/she wants to do, and I don't want to pony up over 500K-700K in order to do that.

Feb 25, 2013, 05:12 PM
There are a lot of good ideas suggested. I hope Sega takes them into consideration.

I noticed a mistake in the Request and Demands part. In the My Room/My Shop Related part the japanese translation for "The ability to preview accessories and hairstyles before purchasing them" is the same as "Remove charge time on Ride Slasher". Just thought I'd let you know.

Edited, thanks!

Feb 25, 2013, 05:14 PM
I have something to add to this:

I want other players' Zonde techs to stop "activating" my Zondeel. (If I can't magnet enemies in a PSE into one point because of someone using Zonde only, those nearly-endless PSE bursts just don't come as often. It should be their choice to do that, it shouldn't affect me.)

Unfortunately this is actually useful as well. If I were in a TA and I were to lay down a zondeel in such a way that I wouldn't have pp to activate it right after or if I wanted to lay down a second one immediately after instead of activating the first immediately for some reason. I do see your point as it bothers me as well, but its fine the way it is.

Maybe a better fix would be for it to continue vacuuming in enemies, even if at a lower rate like uncharged zondeels, so that you're not gimped if you become short on PP.

Feb 25, 2013, 07:06 PM
Unfortunately this is actually useful as well. If I were in a TA and I were to lay down a zondeel in such a way that I wouldn't have pp to activate it right after or if I wanted to lay down a second one immediately after instead of activating the first immediately for some reason. I do see your point as it bothers me as well, but its fine the way it is.

Maybe a better fix would be for it to continue vacuuming in enemies, even if at a lower rate like uncharged zondeels, so that you're not gimped if you become short on PP.

Oh, absolutely. For example, in Desert AQ, I don't mind others setting it off at all. I was picturing a fix like FF11's /blockaid command. By typing "/blockaid on", other players cannot target you with healing or buff spells until you disable the feature by typing "/blockaid off". The intention is that, because players can (possibly unintentionally) troll you by casting healing magic on you under certain circumstances (Stealing hate, preventing you from crafting, preventing you from talking to NPCs), you should have the ability to refuse such "support".

Since they added that option for keyboard double-tap dodges, I'd like to hold a little hope they add an option like that for Zondeel where I can disable other mags and players from activating mine, but only if I want to.

So for the sake of clarity, "I want an option that toggles the ability for other players to modify the effects of my techniques, like Zondeel."

Feb 25, 2013, 07:08 PM
Remove the EXP penalty. Its fucking annoying.

If that won't work then remove it for just the AQs and maybe EMs.

Feb 25, 2013, 08:46 PM
Remove the EXP penalty. Its fucking annoying.

If that won't work then remove it for just the AQs and maybe EMs.

God, this. I'm sure AQ's were balanced with the exp penalty in mind, but change the penalty to be like 10-15 levels instead of just 5 or whatever it is. It's incredibly obnoxious and penalizes teams working together to defeat content way above their level - which is seriously my favorite damn thing to do in games like this.

Feb 27, 2013, 01:01 AM
I want haptic feedback implemented for gamepads/

Mar 1, 2013, 11:46 AM
Allow Trap Search to show Rangers traps hidden in boxes.

Mar 1, 2013, 12:50 PM
"Allow Boss theme music to play during random encounters and Emergency Code / ボスのテーマ曲がランダムな出会いと緊急コード中に再生することができます"


I have no idea why it isn't like tihs yet for all bosses...since this happens with Falz Hunar already ;/.

because of this not happening, I never EVER hear Ragne's theme in-game |:

Mar 1, 2013, 02:14 PM
I also want to add something:

I want to have a bulletin board or similar feature for the team room, so that the team leader can leave messages for his team members there.

I thought about this a couple days ago and thought it would be a really good feature to have.

Mar 1, 2013, 02:42 PM
Increase the proc. rate of revival mag devices.

Mar 1, 2013, 06:23 PM
"Allow Boss theme music to play during random encounters and Emergency Code / ボスのテーマ曲がランダムな出会いと緊急コード中に再生することができます"


I have no idea why it isn't like tihs yet for all bosses...since this happens with Falz Hunar already ;/.

because of this not happening, I never EVER hear Ragne's theme in-game |:

I also want to add something:

I want to have a bulletin board or similar feature for the team room, so that the team leader can leave messages for his team members there.

I thought about this a couple days ago and thought it would be a really good feature to have.

Increase the proc. rate of revival mag devices.


-All of these-

Mar 1, 2013, 07:44 PM
Remove running speed decrease for Hunter and Fighter when they have weapons out. (Hunter/Fighter are MEANT to be melee damage. This means they're supposed to have some kinda muscle behind them, right? So why do they slow down holding something as light as a wired lance is likely to be?)
Give Hunter and Fighter an inherent damage bonus with Gunslashes. (For anyone wondering, if you don't slow down your running speed, and you're firing a gunslash in pistol mode, that means full tilt on the move damage. In particular this helps you at least do SOME damage in midsized MPAs where you're behind the group. Also, this would build PB on the fly.)
Add Jellen and Zalure as techs.
Buff Shifta and Deband so they are actually useful in combat.
Show actual percentage rates of grinding a weapon with Dudu instead of just "Safe", "Warning", "Danger".

Mar 1, 2013, 08:12 PM
Remove running speed decrease for Hunter and Fighter when they have weapons out. (Hunter/Fighter are MEANT to be melee damage. This means they're supposed to have some kinda muscle behind them, right? So why do they slow down holding something as light as a wired lance is likely to be?)
Give Hunter and Fighter an inherent damage bonus with Gunslashes. (For anyone wondering, if you don't slow down your running speed, and you're firing a gunslash in pistol mode, that means full tilt on the move damage. In particular this helps you at least do SOME damage in midsized MPAs where you're behind the group. Also, this would build PB on the fly.)
Add Jellen and Zalure as techs.
Buff Shifta and Deband so they are actually useful in combat.
Show actual percentage rates of grinding a weapon with Dudu instead of just "Safe", "Warning", "Danger".

Bold part is actualy intriguing, and makes sense.
Since bullets spread more while mobile, Boosting damage for shooting while moving makes more sense (even more so with a speed boost).

But science isn't perfect here.

On another note: I have no idea how jellen/zalure worked in previous games, but I'd like them to be available as SE's for weapons too.

Mar 2, 2013, 03:34 PM
Bold part is actualy intriguing, and makes sense.
Since bullets spread more while mobile, Boosting damage for shooting while moving makes more sense (even more so with a speed boost).

But science isn't perfect here.

On another note: I have no idea how jellen/zalure worked in previous games, but I'd like them to be available as SE's for weapons too.

Jellen, when cast in PSO1, reduced the attack power of every susceptible mob within range. At lv30, this was pretty much any mob in any given room. Zalure did the same, but for defense. In PSU, it was like a buff; A circle around you, but the rings going down instead of up, and any mobs within that ring had stats lowered. In PSZero, it was kind of a mix. You could single target an uncharged Jellen or Zalure, or charge it to hit an area around you.

Imagine shifta and deband with inverse effects and used on mobs, not you. Pretty much how it works.

Mar 2, 2013, 04:09 PM
On another note: I have no idea how jellen/zalure worked in previous games, but I'd like them to be available as SE's for weapons too.

If Zalure counted as a SE and could be put on a weapon it would be the SE of choice for FI/HU due to Chase Advance.

Mar 2, 2013, 07:06 PM
If Zalure counted as a SE and could be put on a weapon it would be the SE of choice for FI/HU due to Chase Advance.
Chase advance doesn't work on Jellen, so I don't think the same would go for zalure.
Neither does chase bind.

Mar 2, 2013, 07:19 PM
On another note: I have no idea how jellen/zalure worked in previous games, but I'd like them to be available as SE's for weapons too.

If Zalure counted as a SE and could be put on a weapon it would be the SE of choice for FI/HU due to Chase Advance.

Chase advance doesn't work on Jellen, so I don't think the same would go for zalure.
Neither does chase bind.

It was more of a hypothetical... that's how I took your first post anyways so that's why I was thinking of it like that. They aren't status effects currently so I took your post as "If they WERE status effects" hence why I took into account how it could stack with Chase Advance. ^^;

Mar 2, 2013, 07:26 PM
I meant if J/Z Could be enchanted onto the weapons themselves.

If they WERE affected by chase advance (why aren't they!?), then that'd indeed be awesome.

Mar 3, 2013, 12:57 PM
I meant if J/Z Could be enchanted onto the weapons themselves.

If they WERE affected by chase advance (why aren't they!?), then that'd indeed be awesome.

Doesn't Chase Advance give a damage bonus when attacking mobs inflicted with an SE..?

Zalure already lowers defense; Doing more damage with that in play...I always got the feeling that HU/FIs damage wasn't the issue, it was getting in place to deal out the damage before everything was lolraped.

Mar 4, 2013, 12:14 AM
Doesn't Chase Advance give a damage bonus when attacking mobs inflicted with an SE..?

Zalure already lowers defense; Doing more damage with that in play...I always got the feeling that HU/FIs damage wasn't the issue, it was getting in place to deal out the damage before everything was lolraped.
It does, but currently doesn't apply for mobs affected by jellen (or at least it didn't several patches ago), so presumably it won't work for zalure.

Mar 4, 2013, 09:06 PM
It does, but currently doesn't apply for mobs affected by jellen (or at least it didn't several patches ago), so presumably it won't work for zalure.

Which is only fair, as Zalure's purpose is to lower defense. That + a damage boost brought on by using magic that lowers defense? Potential for overpowering, I'd say.

Mar 5, 2013, 04:39 AM
For PS VITA to give an option for L trigger targetting and R trigger firing!!!! (and vice versa!) when playing in Standard View PLEASE!!!!!!

Mar 5, 2013, 06:40 AM
Increase the proc. rate of revival mag devices.

Not so certain with this one...I have revival set on 3 slots (not sure if that actually does anything) and I feel like it revives me at a decent rate. Increasing the rate more seems like it would greatly deter people to not die.

Probably has been said already (guess it surprisingly hasn't?) but implement class equipment/PA loadout profiles so you don't have to set them manually every time.

And yeah, agree with HU/FI movement speed increase or something related to that.

Implement a more robust player shop search.

Also, support Xinput.

Mar 5, 2013, 07:18 AM
Also, support Xinput.

My Logitech F310 gamepad would like to have a word with you on that. I have it running on Xinput mode and it runs perfectly, just like an XBOX 360 controller with a Playstation controller layout. XBOX 360 controllers use the same API, and I'm pretty sure those work just fine in PSO2 as well (my PS3 controller running in XBOX 360 controller emulation mode worked very well, for instance).

Are you sure you don't mean DirectInput instead?

I'm not trying to be confrontational, mind you. Just curious why you're asking for something that I'm 99% sure is already implemented and works just fine.

Mar 5, 2013, 07:25 AM
My Logitech F310 gamepad would like to have a word with you on that. I have it running on Xinput mode and it runs perfectly, just like an XBOX 360 controller with a Playstation controller layout. XBOX 360 controllers use the same API, and I'm pretty sure those work just fine in PSO2 as well (my PS3 controller running in XBOX 360 controller emulation mode worked very well, for instance).

Are you sure you don't mean DirectInput instead?

I'm not trying to be confrontational, mind you. Just curious why you're asking for something that I'm 99% sure is already implemented and works just fine.


Nope, PSO2 definitely uses DirectInput else we wouldn't have this trigger problem and I'd be able to use this Xinput+ program I found (which doesn't work with PSO2).

Mar 5, 2013, 08:01 AM
Okay, there was obviously an error in communication somewhere down the road, but I'm having trouble pinpointing where exactly it happened. Let's try to clear some things up and see where this goes from there:

Nope, PSO2 definitely uses DirectInput
Source? I get the content of the Microsoft link, but I don't see how that's particularly relevant besides adding clarification to my (rather constricted) statement that XBOX 360 controllers use the Xinput API.

else we wouldn't have this trigger problem
...What? My LT button does my "Activate selected sub-palette slot" action and my RT button does my evasive action, which are clearly two separate actions (where, if this was using DirectInput, I'd only get one unique function out of both buttons, not two, if I understand that page correctly). This was the case with both my PS3 controller and my Logitech F310, and I don't see anything immediately wrong with that unless there's something more to this that I'm not seeing.

Furthermore, when I had a problem with a game (mainly older games like, say, the older Dynasty Warriors Online, which was in development between 2004 and 2006) while using an Xinput-enabled controller (like a PS3 controller in XBOX 360 emulation mode), I couldn't get the triggers to function at all. The game's configuration program didn't even know I was trying to send input to it (I think PSU was like this as well, but I can't remember very clearly at the moment). That clearly isn't the case here (unless, again, I'm missing something important).

Could you tell me what kind of controller you're using and elaborate some more on this "trigger problem"? I honestly have no idea what you're talking about, or else I('d like to think) I would've noticed it by now.

and I'd be able to use this Xinput+ program I found (which doesn't work with PSO2).
May I ask what that "Xinput+" program even is? A quick Google search brought me nothing of value (just a bunch of code-related stuff that didn't seem immediately relevant).

tl;dr: Trigger problem? What trigger problem? Maybe I'm just not understanding what you're getting at here. All I know is that I don't (think I) have whatever problem you're having, and I'll need you to elaborate on what you're talking about to have a better understanding of what it is you're having issues with.

Mar 5, 2013, 08:23 AM
You can argue all you want, fact remains that for xinput Xbox 360 controllers have no trigger issues, for directinput they do.

The triggers share the same axis in directinput. Pull one, go positive. Pull the other, go negative. Pull both, both cancel eachother out.

This problem does not exist in xinput.

This has been a well known issue in many games, and there are custom drivers for wired controllers. There are none for wireless controllers.

edit: Also, most fan solutions for other games will not work with PSO2 because lol gameguard.

Mar 5, 2013, 08:24 AM
If PSO2 only supported DirectInput, if it didn't support XInput, the XBox 360 controller and other XInput controllers wouldn't work.

EDIT: Nevermind this, it's the opposite that is true, a DirectInput controller doesn't work in games that only support XInput. :|

Mar 5, 2013, 08:26 AM

Go get an xbox 360 controller and use it in PSO2. Pull both triggers at once. Let me know what happens.

It's not like I've been using it since the game launched or google will back anyone up or anything like that.

edit: You know, since I doubt anyone will actually bother looking into it, I'll just link microsoft's own site on the topic http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ee417014(v=vs.85).aspx

And wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DirectInput

And XBCD, one of the solutions for wired xbox 360 controllers but not wireless xbox 360 controllers http://vba-m.com/forum/Thread-xbcd-0-2-7-release-info-updates-will-be-posted-here

Mar 5, 2013, 09:06 AM
Hoo-boy. Putting the bulk of this in a spoiler box because walls of text.
You can argue all you want,
If that was directed at me, I'm trying not to. What I'm trying to do is figure out what exactly is being said so I can correct the misunderstanding (whether it be mine or his).

The triggers share the same axis in directinput. Pull one, go positive. Pull the other, go negative. Pull both, both cancel eachother out.

This problem does not exist in xinput.

Go get an xbox 360 controller and use it in PSO2. Pull both triggers at once. Let me know what happens.
Okay, after some testing in-game (I don't have a 360 controller readily available but the Logitech F310 (which kinda acts like one) is close enough, right?), I think I understand where the problem comes in now.

The only particular issue I have left is, well... What kind of control setup would you need to be using in order for this to be a major issue? Just using the defaults (which I'm perfectly fine with, though I can understand if someone wanted to use something more suited to their play style), I'd only have a problem if I was charging a Technique off my sub-palette and tried to dash/roll/Mirage Escape mid-charge, and unless I'm caught in a bad spot trying to cast a support Technique (which is the only kind of thing I keep on my sub-palette which would potentially cause an issue with evading; I usually get blind-sided instead of hit dead-on anyway), I'd never run into any issues (which is why I didn't even know about it until now).

Hey, it's late(/early), I'm tired, and I could be here all night/morning coming up with combinations of functions that would be incredibly frustrating to put together on the triggers.

tl;dr: Huh. The more you know, eh? I must've been lucky that I never got into a situation where I would've noticed this, despite playing FO-mains with support Techniques on my sub-palette (they usually get me from my blind spot anyway).[/SPOILER-BOX]

edit: You know, since I doubt anyone will actually bother looking into it, I'll just link microsoft's own site on the topic http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ee417014(v=vs.85).aspx
Posted earlier (and I already perused that link when it first popped up), but thanks.

And wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DirectInput
Now some of the info on that page I didn't know. Thanks for that. Learned a bit.

And XBCD, one of the solutions for wired xbox 360 controllers but not wireless xbox 360 controllers http://vba-m.com/forum/Thread-xbcd-0-2-7-release-info-updates-will-be-posted-here
Too tired/lazy to see if it'd have any use for my Logitech F310 (current guess says "probably not"). Not like I'd have any real use for it, anyway. Might be useful for others, though.

The only other unresolved question is:

May I ask what that "Xinput+" program even is?
because I've never heard of it, Googling it didn't seem to work, and I'm curious to know what kind of use it would have.

Mar 5, 2013, 09:22 AM
[SPOILER-BOX]The only particular issue I have left is, well... What kind of control setup would you need to be using in order for this to be a major issue? Just using the defaults (which I'm perfectly fine with, though I can understand if someone wanted to use something more suited to their play style), I'd only have a problem if I was charging a Technique off my sub-palette and tried to dash/roll/Mirage Escape mid-charge, and unless I'm caught in a bad spot trying to cast a support Technique (which is the only kind of thing I keep on my sub-palette which would potentially cause an issue with evading; I usually get blind-sided instead of hit dead-on anyway), I'd never run into any issues (which is why I didn't even know about it until now).

Hey, it's late(/early), I'm tired, and I could be here all night/morning coming up with combinations of functions that would be incredibly frustrating to put together on the triggers.

tl;dr: Huh. The more you know, eh? I must've been lucky that I never got into a situation where I would've noticed this, despite playing FO-mains with support Techniques on my sub-palette (they usually get me from my blind spot anyway).[/SPOILER-BOX]

[SPOILER-BOX]This mindset is a problem in the PS community (indeed, all communities, but it's particularly common here). "It's not a big deal for me, so why care about fixing it?"

Even if it wasn't a big deal for anyone, it's a very easy problem to fix, and is only even a problem because of laziness and a lack of adopting modern standards. For christ's sake, this has been a problem since 2005. Anyone want to really try to explain to me a rational reason for why Sega should be releasing new games that refuse to adopt standards created eight years ago? Sega being inept is a problem. Sega being unwilling to change is a problem. This and other things combined are not things you can casually laugh off as "not a big deal." The lack of proper support displays an incredible lack of polish on PSO2 that many people here would probably giddily crucify other companies for.

I don't mean to point fingers at you specifically here, although I know it comes off like that. It's just so many people are all too eager to give blatant unprofessionalism a pass simply because of who's at the helm.[/SPOILER-BOX]

Anyway, my gamepad is set up to roughly mimic a dark souls setup, since I play melee so much with it. That means normal attack is RB, PA is RT, and guard is LT. Guard and palette swapping for guns and force weapons are the same button. So, my ranger and force weapons get normal attack and then 2 PA's. The third is unusable if I'm using my controller. Which I don't usually, but on the odd occasion I'd like to I don't get to. It is obnoxious and pretty insulting to the fans that they still launch games that refuse to adopt such old standards.

Also, I don't know what xinput+ is, but there are lots of little programs made by fans for games that don't support 360 xinput stuff, so it's probably one of those. One could probably be created for this game if gameguard didn't shit all over everything that so much as added 2+2.

Mar 5, 2013, 01:18 PM
My link also stated the design flaw/choice of the 360 controller while used as a directinput device. It's one third of the text in the link I posted.

And the program I'm talking about is Xinput Plus (https://sites.google.com/site/0dd14lab/xinput-plus)

Sure it could be GG, blocking it, but it's also something that only works if the game supports Xinput.

I was gonna add that you are using a directinput device in a 360 mode using its directinput enumeration.

Mar 5, 2013, 04:09 PM
I will update this tonight [after work]

Also, Try and stay on topic. Or try and be clear with your feeback so there isnt so much explanation.

Mar 6, 2013, 05:56 PM
There REALLY needs to be a "Team or Friends" filter for parties. There's Friends, then there's Team. Checking both filters to people who are in your team AND are your friends.

I usually want someone that's in EITHER, not BOTH. Why there isn't an option for either is way beyond me.

Mar 6, 2013, 10:46 PM
Ask if they would consider trading using a mailing system like they do in Vindictus. Trading would then be possible between non-premium (free) players, however, in order to mail, it would require a meseta fee of some sort.

Mar 7, 2013, 11:48 AM
Ask if they would consider trading using a mailing system like they do in Vindictus. Trading would then be possible between non-premium (free) players, however, in order to mail, it would require a meseta fee of some sort.

Maybe you can only trade with people on your friend list, like item mail sending to teammates in PSO:BB?

Mar 7, 2013, 04:18 PM
I guess I'll do cosmetic stuff.

I want Autowords that respond with certain kinds of E-trials (Duel, Protection, Attack, etc), as well as Autowords when a partner dies. The NPCs have them, why not us?

Mar 7, 2013, 04:25 PM
I'd like the addition of the weapon category to the pickup notification for rares broadcast to everyone else in the party, as well as recoloring our own pick up notifications for rares just like the party notification.


blablablakanjiican'tread ?スペシャルウェポン blablablakanjiican'tread
blablablakanjiican'tread ?スペシャルウェポン 「ソード」 blablablakanjiican'tread

In this case, it says ?SPECIALWEAPON [SWORD]

Mar 7, 2013, 04:35 PM
Would be neat to have an option to lock your shop so only your friends and team members can buy from your shop.

Mar 7, 2013, 04:37 PM
I believe they've said they'll never allow that to happen, for the exact reason you'd want it to happen.

If you want to safely trade things they want you to have to buy premium.

Sorry, pretty much everyone wants it too but they won't budge :/

Mar 7, 2013, 04:44 PM
I believe they've said they'll never allow that to happen, for the exact reason you'd want it to happen.

If you want to safely trade things they want you to have to buy premium.

Sorry, pretty much everyone wants it too but they won't budge :/

Yeah it sucks. :/

Mar 7, 2013, 06:14 PM
I believe they've said they'll never allow that to happen, for the exact reason you'd want it to happen.

If you want to safely trade things they want you to have to buy premium.

Sorry, pretty much everyone wants it too but they won't budge :/

I don't see what the problem is... I never encountered any mishaps in Vindictus when mailing an item between other players. It is my understanding that Vindictus has a lock on certain things that aren't tradeable, like weapons/armor that have been grinded for example (I think PSO2 is pretty much doing the same thing already?) .

Even if SOJ won't consider it, maybe SOA/SOE might for the western release?

Mar 7, 2013, 06:39 PM
Heres two i can wish for, lol (I didnt see these in the first post..)

Allow premium users the ability to trade 10*'s between each other in a 1:1 ratio

Allow any weapon to be used as a camouflage

Mar 7, 2013, 06:44 PM
^ If those two aren't already on the list, in that specific way, they should be and we should all send it in right away.

Mar 8, 2013, 03:46 PM
New request are up

Mar 8, 2013, 03:51 PM
That teammate one doesn't seem to really be what I meant. How about you just say

"Change party restriction options to: [friend only] [team only] [friends in team only] [friend or team only]"

Mar 8, 2013, 03:54 PM
That teammate one doesn't seem to really be what I meant. How about you just say

"Change party restriction options to: [friend only] [team only] [friends in team only] [friend or team only]"

okay. yeah i wasnt 100% sorry

Mar 8, 2013, 03:57 PM
That teammate one doesn't seem to really be what I meant. How about you just say

"Change party restriction options to: [friend only] [team only] [friends in team only] [friend or team only]"

「次のものへの変更パーティー制限オプション:[友達のみ] [チームだけ][チームだけの友達][友達かチームのみ]」

Mar 8, 2013, 04:13 PM
「次のものへの変更パーティー制限オプション:[友達のみ] [チームだけ][チームだけの友達][友達かチームのみ]」

Fixed to fit what already exists in the game, and what seems clearer to me (pending fixes by actual japanese speakers).

「次のものへの変更パーティー制限オプション: [フレンド限定] [チームメンバー限定] [チームにフレンド限定] [フレンドかチーム限定]」

My miniscule japanese vocabulary expanded by two kanji while doing this.

edit: input from a friend, で doesn't really fit as well as に does (that's the part I wanted input on)

Mar 8, 2013, 05:22 PM
So I have a suggestion. Some of you may not like it but tough shit I guess.

"Allow us to get abducted in the Advance quests but don't take away the capsules."

Mar 8, 2013, 08:23 PM
Mega, you didn't catch my suggestion. I'll add more, because of that. >:c

Make us Autowords for Changeover codes, different autowords for PAs and Techs, and maybe an autoword when a PSE burst finishes.

Mar 9, 2013, 12:56 AM
Fixed to fit what already exists in the game, and what seems clearer to me (pending fixes by actual japanese speakers).

「次のものへの変更パーティー制限オプション: [フレンド限定] [チームメンバー限定] [チームにフレンド限定] [フレンドかチーム限定]」

My miniscule japanese vocabulary expanded by two kanji while doing this.

edit: input from a friend, で doesn't really fit as well as に does (that's the part I wanted input on)


Mega, you didn't catch my suggestion. I'll add more, because of that. >:c

Make us Autowords for Changeover codes, different autowords for PAs and Techs, and maybe an autoword when a PSE burst finishes.

I saw it, translated and nver posted it lol. its up now.

Mar 9, 2013, 09:52 PM
I want a better game protector than GameGuard.
I want Jellen and Zalure as debuff magic for Force and Techer.
I want Shifta and Deband to last longer when used.
I want missions to award experience points to my subclass, provided the subclass has the level requirement for the mission. (The second bit is to prevent people taking their lv1 Fighter/Gunner/Techer subclass into quests like Subdue De Malmoth on VH and raping the boss with a lv40-55 class to earn loads of EXP.)

Mar 10, 2013, 10:44 PM
I want all rappies that are high enough level to drop Piko Hammers or any other rappy exclusive 10* weapon.

And it looks like my other suggestions didn't make it in due to the stupid arguing D:

Mar 10, 2013, 10:53 PM
I want change over codes to give me the rewards for the code I just cleared, in case I don't feel like fighting my 8th change over ragne in the last hour but still want the exp I took the time to clear the code for.

I want bosses to never change over into code capture. Ever.

Mar 10, 2013, 10:55 PM
Fights Ragne
Right as I killed it
Melitta: Uh we want to capture it!

Me: Fuck you

Mar 11, 2013, 01:50 AM
I want all rappies that are high enough level to drop Piko Hammers or any other rappy exclusive 10* weapon.

And it looks like my other suggestions didn't make it in due to the stupid arguing D:

Which one did i miss?

Mar 11, 2013, 04:08 AM
i want more things to be account based. right now its just lobby actions. i want accessories account based too.

BlueCast Boy
Mar 11, 2013, 05:08 AM
Well with all the new scratches, My storage is stiff coz of how many parts are stored in my storage, well could'nt hurt to increase the main storage to 250~300 or at least a 3 day storage extension ticket from FUN Scratch.

Mar 11, 2013, 05:46 AM
Allow us to CHOOSE which blocks to login to, rather than randomly land, THEN choose.

Mar 11, 2013, 08:30 AM
I want an option that toggles the ability for other players to modify the effects of my techniques, like Zondeel.

Seems like this got lost a while back, I'm still interested in getting this change.

Mar 11, 2013, 11:58 AM
i want more things to be account based. right now its just lobby actions. i want accessories account based too.

Seems like this got lost a while back, I'm still interested in getting this change.

Be more specific, sorry if i missed lol.

Mar 11, 2013, 11:59 AM
"I would like to see accessories and voices to apply to all applicable characters on the account, just like Lobby Actions."

Mar 11, 2013, 01:49 PM
Male casts should get to change their skin color with a color change ticket, without paying AC, the same way female casts can.

"I would like to see accessories and voices to apply to all applicable characters on the account, just like Lobby Actions."

To the people who will naysay this request by saying that some won't work on all race/genders: Then just don't enable those items for the wrong race/gender. Hurf fucking durf. Enable the universal ones across the entire account, and if something is female only don't enable it for the males. If something is male only - oh wait nothing in the entire game is male only. (Except voices and heads, those can be male only, same rules apply.)

Mar 11, 2013, 05:28 PM
I want to be able to combine CAST parts of the same set in to one item.

Does that help, BlueCastBoy?

Mar 12, 2013, 11:58 PM
New request are up.

BlueCast Boy
Mar 13, 2013, 12:03 AM
I want to be able to combine CAST parts of the same set in to one item.

Does that help, BlueCastBoy?

Well yeah but there many series of parts I use diffirently sometimes :(
Also I'm getting alot of Error 630 out of nowhere, hope SEGA would fix that.

Mar 13, 2013, 12:17 AM
Ive been thinking of 3 new features:

- I want to request assistant from players in the lobby while in camp ship.
[ it has become common for people to ask "Looking for party" in the lobby rather than to make one and wait for players to join]

- Allow all party members to be able to make player invites while the party leader gives the confirmation.
[For when a party member has a friend that wants to join but the leader is no where around to invite.]

The third one is a concept, A Hunter cover/guard system, which makes hunters able to act as a shield while ranger and techers attack from behind. maybe someone could add on to this idea so i can make a better translation

Mar 13, 2013, 12:38 AM
I want to request the option to bind 1 action to two different keys (many games have this feature, WoW, LoL, for example).

Mar 13, 2013, 12:52 AM
Requesting that, when equipping costumes and units, that they actually are "equipped" and not still remaining in the inventory (i.e. on your character but not in your bag).

It'd be nice if this went for weapons too.

Mar 13, 2013, 01:45 AM
1) Please have Color Change Ticket buyable with 1 EX Cubes
2) Please add into the game Main Character Costumes from Phantasy Star 1 (Master System), Phantasy Star II costumes , and Phantasy Star: End of the Millennium character costumes. This would be a great tribute to the 25th Aniversary of the first Phantasy Star.
3) Please add into the game more weapons from the 16-Bit Phantasy Star Games, such as Nei Sword, Nei Shot (launcher), Laconia Sword, Laconia Axe (partisan), Silver Tusk (daggers).
4) Special Arks Quest similar to PSO like Central Dome Fire Swirl (Burning Rangers tribute quest where player puts out fires and rescues NPC's) and a quest like Rappy's Holiday with mini games, and other Fun Arks Quests that don't require fighting enemies.
5) Please add-in Lobby Soccer that all players can play in the Lobby.
6) Please add a Casino in Blue Night Club/Red Night Club . Slot Machines and Roullette to bet a small about of FUN points to win alot more Fun points.
7) Please add to the game Slicer weapon catagory and twin/dual Saber catagory and PA's.
8} Music Disks of the music from Phantasy Star 1, 2, and Ps:End of the Millenium (SEGA ROCK) arranged versions.

Mar 13, 2013, 02:09 AM
I will post my opinion and request too :O

I want to get rid of new classes and make old ones gain their full potential (I don't think it will happen, but ok, next...)
I want to see no more new classes (current classes is already ripped fine enough from originals)
I want to give back natively force techs Jellen and Zalure to forces
I want to be able to equip weapons of subclass (if no getting rid of new classes is planned)
I want that search for friends and team members parties should show friends and team members on all blocks, but not in current only
I want that weapon potentials would be HELPFUL and USEFUL by holder, instead of current junk like...
Elder Rod (Crest of Carnage - Boosts S-ATK and R-ATK by 60 when HP is 50% or lower.)
S-att and R-att boost is SO EXTREMELY useful for force when his HP < 50%. As soon as force have HP < 50% he should start to use meele attacks and too sad rods isn't shoot
I want that every weapon have some potential
I want major change of bonus transfer system. Current system is crazy and don't math to profit from bonuses. I will NOT become a game God even if I will have 8 custom added bonuses, but we hardly can add even 3. So, at least - make bonuses on target gear NOT disappear or increase usability of bonuses
I want instant death status effect back (to Megid and / or as weapon bonus)
I want to get rid of Confusion status effect, because in meaning it similar to Mirage. Megid -> Instant death, Wind -> Poison and Light -> (joined into one Confusion and Mirage)
I want that developers will finally fix bug with selecting text in chat log. In some areas of chat log I can't select text with mouse. Mouse pointer do not become like this "I"

Mar 13, 2013, 02:34 AM
I will post my opinion and request too :O
- I want to get rid of new classes and make old ones gain their full potential (I don't think it will happen, but ok, next...)

I believe that wouldn't EVER happen simply because of the sub-class system. You must have at least two classes for each role (ranged, melee, tech) so you're able to make "pure" class combinations, or else then you'd have to hybridize no matter what, and as much as I love hybrid classes, there's people who dislike them. Allowing you to choose a class twice and be for example a Force/Force would be conceptually retarded, and wouldn't really be as profittable as choosing two different classes, since most of the skills don't overlap.

- I want to see no more new classes (current classes is already ripped fine enough from originals)

Aside from the previous paragraph, I do agree that they should stop adding new classes and focus on the current 6. I believe one problem with PSU class system was that they added too many extra classes in AotI without "perfecting" the vanilla game ones, and this resulted on many class roles overlapping and some classes being entirely outclassed by others because of that.

I don't want the game to be reduced to only 3 classes, but I wouldn't like seeing it get over 12 classes, each one with just 2~4 weapons, some of them shared. I'd rather have them add new weapons to existing classes, and MAYBE when we have a good selection in our hands, think about adding new ones for new build concepts.

- I want to give back natively force techs Jellen and Zalure to forces

To be honest, this would be something interesting although considering how monsters are in the game it'd be hardly useful unless you can debuff bosses. I'm up for getting new abilities, and I'm sure we will be getting more, I doubt we'll be stuck with the ones we have for years. I suppose debuffs would most likely be included at some point.

Mar 13, 2013, 02:41 AM
To be honest, this would be something interesting although considering how monsters are in the game it'd be hardly useful unless you can debuff bosses. I'm up for getting new abilities, and I'm sure we will be getting more, I doubt we'll be stuck with the ones we have for years. I suppose debuffs would most likely be included at some point.

Jellen is affective on anything, including falz Elder, presumably Zalure would be the same.

And I agree on no new classes (for now). New classes are what broke down maplestory.

Mar 13, 2013, 02:51 AM
They better make buffs and debuffs last longer then, or else whoever goes the support TE build is going to be the most stressful role in the game.

Mar 13, 2013, 02:59 AM
They better make buffs and debuffs last longer then, or else whoever goes the support TE build is going to be the most stressful role in the game.
Something everyone can agree on, but to what extent?
I'd say 2 ticks for 1 min total uncharged, 4 ticks for 4 minutes total charged.

I remember reading somewhere that megiverse should actually be a short buff that acts as HP drain, something like how the monoliths in Ruins operate.

Mar 13, 2013, 03:01 AM
I'd say remove the dumbass tick system, or give techer a skill so each tick = full buff, new ticks = reset to new full buff.

Then we can look at longer durations (which are also needed, and should ideally be tied to disk level and now a skill)

Mar 13, 2013, 03:02 AM
I'd say remove the dumbass tick system, or give techer a skill so each tick = full buff, new ticks = reset to new full buff.

Then we can look at longer durations (which are also needed, and should ideally be tied to disk level and now a skill)
Eh, I like the tick system but maybe that's just me.

Mar 13, 2013, 03:20 AM
"You can have a buff but only if you stand in this tiny area for a while, and keep coming back to the tiny area or say fuck it all together."

Yeah it's kind of terrible. Longer duration won't really fix it. You'll still need to crowd around the FO, or have the FO stop what it's doing and throw a talis at each one of you, every couple minutes, instead of 1 minute. Nobody will bother with it then, either.

Mar 13, 2013, 03:33 AM
I don't really see an issue with having to wait for the ticks. There are many occasions where people doesn't move that much, that paired with Territory Burst you should be able to catch them for that time. I understand that not having them would be good, of course, but I'd rather have extended duration than the ticks away.

One thing that I always found funny from this game is that everybody is supposed to be a killing powerhouse, even support TEs. "having the FO stop what it's doing..." well, maybe not FO since it's supposed to be an offensive mage, but in every other MMO I've played the idea is that the support class hardly kills and is all the time supporting. Unfortunately support in this game is not that extensive, and that's the main problem here, but still.

Mar 13, 2013, 04:36 AM
What alternatives would you suggest instead of a tick-based system then?

A single-tick straight out buff?
Or a continous buff time increase the longer you're in the field (i.e. like cetus proi).

Mar 13, 2013, 05:12 AM
I wish the buffs were changed back to the way they were in PSU, where you casted them and they stuck, no ticks or anything.
The ticks wouldn't be that bad if buff range was larger. But sometimes, especially in boss fights, it gets really hard to catch everybody with all 4 ticks with the limited range. This can be really annoying when it comes to resta and somebody has 10 HP, you try to heal them, catch them with the first tick but after that they run away, or have to dodge an enemies or a boss and don't get the rest of the ticks and can't be fully healed.

I LOVED to play Acrotecher in PSU, but in PSO2 it's more a hassle because of the ticks and support isn't that useful. I do have a Te/Fo that I use mainly for support in fights, but it is not nearly as fun as it was in PSU, with things like giresta, monster debuffs and high SE effect technics, and of course the super fast casting thanks to TCSMs.

Mar 13, 2013, 07:59 AM
Funny because I hated acro and master classes in PSU. They might bave been fun to play, of course, but conceptually I feel that they ruined the class selection from vanilla PSU. For me it seemed like Acro classes were just some not-too-much-though classes to sell more copies of AotI... Basically, I felt that they were unnecesary. Acrotecher pretty much crapped the role of Watechers and Guntechers separatedly: they took over the role of a melee/tech class while they absolutely destroyed the little supportive capabilities that Guntecher might had been conceptually aiming to from the beginning. Acrofighter was just a Fighgunner with a re-rolled S-rank selection and cards, which was the only weapon they had that FI didn't.

In my opinion, they could have given the casting speed bonus to Guntecher and make them the support class, the attack speed bonus to fighgunner, and S rank T-mags and Single-handed melee weapons to Wartecher to turn it into a real melee/tech hybrid and not just a fighter with Resta. And in case of Master classes, the same, why having to go with just 3~4 weapons for the higher numb4rz when one of this franchise's strong points is the fact that each class has the mastery over many weapons?

That's my opinion, of course. But you can't deny that SEGA didn't seem to have much idea of what the fuck were they doing considering the weapon choices they did narling the end of the game. Double sabers to GT? Axes to WT? Puh-leeaase...

Back to the topic, as I said previously, the problem is that in this game it seems that it's mandatory to be an offensive character at all costs no matter what class you choose. In any other game, a class like Techer would be considered to be the nurse of the team, and the game would revolve on having the support character busy enough taking care of the party to have to worry for actually touching enemies. It comes to my mind games as silly as Ragnarok Online, where the Priest is one of the most overpowered classes in the game because it's able to turn a simple character into an inmortal killing powerhouse with just a couple buffs. And it's one of the most stressing classes in the game, at least for someone like me who doesn't enjoy support.

And yes, Techer has also the other side of the coin as a melee-magic fighter with Wand gear. Same as in Ragnarok Online you can be a demon slayer Priest and actually be able to literally one-shot any demon or zombie-type enemy (because you have a skill that it's specific function is to "kill in one hit anything that is unholy"). But you can't be both at the same time unless you go hybrid and end with the proverbial refrain that all hybrid lovers like me have to deal with: Jack of all trades, master of none.

Mar 13, 2013, 10:06 AM
What I would like to see is bonus EXP and Mesta for quest. Like 10%-20% more for No Damage (Percent scales based on difficulty. These would come up after you select your quest. Hell, these could even be client orders.

No Damage Bonus:
Full Map Exploration Bonus:
Full Enemy Elimination Bonus: Basically, anything over 100% will be added into EXP ad Mesta. So if you get 150%, you get 50% more EXP
Emergency Code Completion: The more you complete, the more bonus you get. Like 2-5% per completion.

Another suggestion: Allow subclass players to multi-equip. For an example. Hunter/Ranger can use rifles, etc. However, the weapon will take on the stats of the class it belongs to.

Mar 13, 2013, 10:09 AM
Quest clear bonuses would be great. Stuff like "Kill everything that spawns," "Load entire map," and "Don't hit any dead ends." You couldn't do all of them in one run, of course.

It'd apply bonus exp and stuff to the subclass, ideally. At the very least quest clear experience should match quest clear meseta, and then be applied a second time for your subclass, all like 1400 of it :disapprove:

Mar 13, 2013, 11:18 PM
Allow us to CHOOSE which blocks to login to, rather than randomly land, THEN choose.

it would be nice but imagine everyone trying to go to block 20 all at once logging on. Beside this would be the equivalent to premium player able to get pushed into full blocks

Mar 14, 2013, 01:17 AM
it would be nice but imagine everyone trying to go to block 20 all at once logging on. Beside this would be the equivalent to premium player able to get pushed into full blocks
I can't, because I'm not on said ship >:D
Quests should really give EXP and not only meseta.......why is there an EXP section in the first place if it's always 0?

Mar 14, 2013, 02:11 AM
Increase buff duration and make it so Hard rares never appear in Very Hard and possibly increase the drop rate on 10 stars, 3 weeks going on 4 without a 10 star is a load of bs if you ask me so i dont "have to" use a 250% booster to pick up more 1k rares

or make it so its guranteed a 10 star if you use a 250% rare booster no matter how crappy the 10 star is, at least you got something out of it and not more Vroalets and Talis Legacys

Mar 14, 2013, 03:11 AM
well, they're "rares" for a reason.

The problem is not their drop rate, the problem is the drop rate paired with the inability to trade them. And since the new system to buy them apparently requires you to own a sacrificial 10* to be able to buy them I don't see it getting much better.

I do agree with not having hard mode rares in VH though.

Mar 14, 2013, 03:15 AM
Yeah, the 10* buying thing is a bandaid. The pool you can draw from to get the item you want goes from just THAT 10* item, to ANY 10* item. Those are WAY better odds, yeah, but they're still not really reliable. If we had a bracket of way more common 10* items it'd be better, but ideally they'll just cave and let us use iritista weapons to redeem for trading. Then, hopefully, the value of the 10* will be in the work to find it and the cost of premium, not both of those and finding your own 10*.

That said...matter board 11 has 2 10*'s on it - and those are forced to drop after a set number of kills. So, worst case scenario, doing a bunch of forest AQ's basically assures you a single 10* drop (because never getting enough common banthers is so incredibly unlikely that... actually, I feel bad for the few thousand people who will only find rockbears and rare banthers)

Mar 14, 2013, 08:03 AM
The ability to have your subclasses to level up with you. Like they get 50% of your EXP (you still get the full EXP).

Mar 14, 2013, 08:17 AM
make item effects last longer for premium players. ex. rare drop rate +250% 30 mins for non premium 1 hour for premium.

Mar 14, 2013, 08:45 AM
The ability to have your subclasses to level up with you. Like they get 50% of your EXP (you still get the full EXP).

Definitely subclasses should gain experience somehow. But I think instead of what you said it'd be more encouraging that they worked a bit like class levels in PSU, simply giving a subclass experience reward on mission completion, and depending on the rank you got.

That, and being able to equip subclass weapons and/or a better selection of baseline standard series of class-free weapons would make me forgive SEGA for all their fuck-ups in PSU's class system.

I would actually prefer the second option: have another "brand" of 1~6* weapons that are specifically designed for sub-classing. Hunter weapons that give TATK, Fighter stance bonuses or an increased damage bonus on weak spots, etc.

Mar 14, 2013, 08:48 AM
I demand an interactive mini-game filled lobby. Next I want arcade cabinets to be in them featuring old sega genesis games.

Mar 15, 2013, 03:50 AM
More translations are up. Quite a lot now so im pretty amazed lol. im the ONLY ONE translating these so bare with me as i try and keep this up to date.

ADVICE: in-game terminology takes a while to look up and add into translation (Zalure... デフディール, etc) if you are able to find translations of these it will greatly help and speed these up.

i would stay away from requesting specific items and weapons as though dont tend to trend a lot on the PSO2's Q&A site from japanese players ( i want varista handguns from PSO1) i will however tranlate them regardless.

if i skip a request now it means it may be to...."strict" (e.g. remove Force class from the game) try and balance out the request (e.g. make force less stronger more supportive.)

or..i havent gotten to it yet..( i tend to back track the entire thread I AM VERY COMMITTED!! lol)

Mar 15, 2013, 06:07 AM
A million thanks, could you please translate this?

1) "Please put into the game an Arks Quest with gameplay similar to "Burning Rangers", and put in other Arks Quests with fun, themed gameplay that does not involve fighting enemies."

2) Make enemies a stronger and faster when there is 12 players are in the Multi Player Area

Mar 15, 2013, 06:05 PM
Increase a secondary def stat to each class. At present each class has a primary, secondary, and tertiary ATK stat. For instance, hunter has SATK, RATK, and TATK, while fighter has SATK, TATK, and RATK. These are obviously supplemented by stat ups for the primary stat, plus the mag, so the differences in secondary and tertiary stats are pretty negligible.

But classes only have a primary def stat. They have their main def, and the other two are the same lower amount.

I say change that so there's either a similar system to the atk setup, with primary/secondary/tertiary amounts, or even just increase the appropriate stat to the main stat's amount. What does this do?

1. More diverse unit options.
2. Better class balancing (HU has more defensive options, in the form of vader units as the most obvious ones for finally having a good set with hp, sdef, AND rdef)
3. Better subclass balancing. Techer will no longer give mediocre tdef when subbed on force, since its tdef would be increased.

The problems then become that some classes may be a bit tankier than intended due to more unit accesses, but force already has good units with the snow banther set and so does ranger with the vader set so that's not a big deal. The main change will be cosmetic, force/techer getting more tdef, and hunter/anything getting more options that it really badly needs.

Mar 18, 2013, 12:33 PM
Sorry about the double post, but I've had a good idea and just thought of what's needed to make it work

Aura units should be sub units and wildcards for set bonuses if you have more than 50% of a set equipped.

http://pso2.swiki.jp/index.php?%E3%82%BB%E3%83%83%E3%83%88%E5%8A%B9%E6% 9E%9C#cd99c31d
(A piece is a unit OR a weapon)
1 falz piece + 1 aura = nothing (1/3 < 50%)
2 falz pieces + 1 aura = falz 3 piece set bonus (2/3 > 50%)
2 falz pieces + 2 auras = falz 3 piece set bonus (2/3 > 50%, but 2/4 is NOT greater than 50% so this does not qualify for the 4 piece set bonus)
3 falz pieces + 1 aura = falz 4 piece set bonus (3/4 > 50%)

http://pso2.swiki.jp/index.php?%E3%82%BB%E3%83%83%E3%83%88%E5%8A%B9%E6% 9E%9C#k0b6ee24
1 Fegali unit + aura = nothing (1/2 is not greater than 50%)

This makes it impossible to do one of the 2 piece sets and 3 piece sets at the same time, because just 1 part of the 2 piece set would be 50%, or 1 part of a 3 piece set would be less than 50%.

Would making them sub units be OP? I don't think so, no. Would allowing different def options be OP? Again, no, because aura units offer basically no base HP or PP bonuses, throwing the basis of the set you're completing out of whack. The only conflict right now would be with the falz units, and I don't think it would be a problem at all (60 extra sdef vs. 0 extra sdef...not a serious gain there). They would be filler until someone can obtain the last part of a set. More importantly, they would allow players to use a pretty graphic WITHOUT gimping themselves.

But what if someone uses 3 auras at once? Won't that be a graphics overload? No, just show one graphic at a time, in order of rear before arm before leg.

Also, add all darker enemy part weapons to the ragne set bonus listing. Dagunslash, gwanahda weapons, all of them. Reasoning: Mizer weapons are on the varder set bonus list.

Mar 18, 2013, 02:11 PM
Two more that are wishful thinking....

During advance quests, stop enemies de-spawning whenever a code is completed/failed. (seriously sega, a limited spawn area and you still leave that de-spawning 'feature' in? gg)

Allow the leader of the party to toggle 'red' weapon drops on or off before the start of an advance quest (because, lets face it, getting 50+ of them in one day, especially dropping from enemies that drop awesome 10*s gets real tiring real quick)

Mar 23, 2013, 01:55 AM
Some more:

I want a more advanced Storage Search (or visiphone ability name search) system, with the use of operators to exclude or search for particular combinations.
(E.g. Search for weapons with "Power III", but filter out those with any "soul")

Also custom color coding/labelling/tagging of items for sorting purposes.

And.......very minor, but I also want the option to change your party/PB node color.
(To elaborate, you know how when you're in a party, each player has their own color next to their name and on the radar? Yeah that.)

Also make it so that when you set partner NPC PB Instructions to chain, it doesn't reset to 'release' everytime you login or change blocks.

Make it so changing blocks does not require re-loading the entire lobby.

And maybe more customisation to Friend Partners, if at all possible, something like FFXII's gambit system

Mar 23, 2013, 01:57 AM
i can has tux for females?

Mar 23, 2013, 02:53 AM
Add Rare sub-units.

Mar 25, 2013, 10:18 PM
Ive been sick but now im back to update this thread. Please bare with me as i have been informed that there are a few incorrect translations in some of the request.

Once i get those done i will gladly add the new ones. i ask that you continue to help me send these to the main Request site.

Mar 25, 2013, 10:20 PM
I would like a particle effect graphical option.

Requiem Aeternam
Mar 29, 2013, 07:44 AM
Got a few more changes I'd like to see.

* Severely reduce the max number of Big Vardha, Tranmizer, Cataransa and Quartz Dragon kills needed for the Matter Board 6 drops. Looks like we need to kill at least 20 of them for a guaranteed drop :nono:
* Add PP Charge Revival skill to Techer Skill Tree.
* The ability to preview any weapon in the shop preview even if your character is unable to equip it.
* The ability to change our in-game ID using AC.
* The ability to change our character's name using AC.
* The ability to purchase a character slot permanently so we don't have to continuously pay to remake a second character.

Mar 30, 2013, 05:10 PM
Auto Camera for Gamepad users.

Mar 30, 2013, 06:49 PM
Going to get negative response to this but:

1. Make PB's more useful/powerful by doing one or any combination of the following:
a. Make PB Power scale to mag level (or stats)
b. Make PB power scale to main class level.
c. Make PB power scale according to target.
d. Make them quicker to charge.
e. Just outright make them stronger (Is there any point for a lvl 55 character using a PB that does <10k if they can do a similar amount in much much much less time?)

2. Quick time events or combat sequences for certain boss fights (Or even PA's) via the access/interaction key ('E'), particularly in certain grab moves.

Mar 30, 2013, 07:20 PM
I would like the Launcher Main attack explosion to be toned down graphically. It is too similar to Divine Launcher PA Explosion

Mar 30, 2013, 10:15 PM
change i assumed was coming but never did, I'm typing something and party leader changes mission or goes to lobby or etc. and the loading screen wipes out everything i typed+^_^+ other games don't have this issue, SAGAC please fix+^_^+ also, idle stance (when your character stands still) we should have a ticket that unlocks other ways of standing in the esthe shop (like the hover/run option for casts), i tried standing like a PSO2 character at work today, only managed 10 minutes+^_^+ oh, and PayPal for payment method would be very nice+^_^+

Mar 30, 2013, 10:17 PM
also, idle stance (when your character stands still) we should have a ticket that unlocks other ways of standing in the esthe shop
While you're at it, make the HU/FI stances actually change combat stance :3

Apr 6, 2013, 07:00 AM
Give Twin Daggers more than one all-class weapon. <_<

Apr 6, 2013, 01:01 PM
I want to be able to transfer the affixes over from my weapon when I trade it in for the upgraded version in the Pyroxene Shop.

...But they won't do that since Dudu is their cash cow. :(

Apr 6, 2013, 01:13 PM
Please adjust the balance between Force stats. At level 66 (FOcaseal) and level 79 (FOcast), cast FOs end up getting higher R-Atk than T-Atk on their FO classes.

Plus I just think it's ridiculous how everything is supposed to be balanced yet there's such a huge difference (well not like HUGE, but still) between even human and newman (for T-Atk stats, specifically).

Apr 6, 2013, 01:17 PM
Give everyone equal base stats and modify damage by smaller amounts instead.

edit: Actually nevermind, sega would say "Smaller amounts? Okay, we'll do a 9.9% penalty instead of 10% penalty"

Apr 6, 2013, 01:40 PM
You have too much faith in sega. 20% penalty is their speed. :P

Apr 6, 2013, 06:44 PM
Please allow us to recycle element stones for Advance Quest Capsules.

Even at a ratio of 10:1 I'd be happy.

Apr 8, 2013, 02:03 AM
Please give keyboard users an easier way to escape out of grabs via movement rotations.

Apr 8, 2013, 02:45 AM
nerf technique range
make lvl 11+ pa discs sellable.
make S/D advance not suck.

Apr 8, 2013, 02:54 AM
Since my thread about it got closed (I think some mod took the "let's stop the silly argument" too seriously, I meant to a particular exchange with someone, not the whole thread <_<) let's give it a try here.

Allow for multiple weapon camouflages to be equipped simultaneously. The current system only allows for a single camo, which means that you can't reskin more than one weapon type at a time. Moreover, you can't decide which weapon to reskin, if you equip a camo, all weapons of the camo's type are reskinned. My first suggestion, going for simplicity, would be just to add one "camo slot" for each existing weapon type. That way at least you'd be able to equip multiple weapon camos that wouldn't conflict one with another since they'd affect different weapon types.

Ok, that's the "main" suggestion, let's call it the "minimun requirement" for my suggestion. This wouldn't address the fact that you can't choose which weapons to reskin, or reskin weapons of the same type with different camos, but I consider that secondary to the issue, do from here on, all suggestions are of "less priority".

To adress that issue, one alternative would be that instead of having slots based on weapon types, we would have six slots, mirroring our weapon equipement section. We would equip our camos there in the same way that we equip our weapons, and each slot would show restrictions depending on what weapon is equipped on that slot in particular. So you go to the custom section, camo section. There a window pops with your 6 slots in a similar way that when you go to the weapon section you see there what weapon is equipped and its PA/Techs.

Each slot shows what type of weapon is equipped on it, and you select that slot and can apply a camo. You can apply a single camo to multiple weapons in the same manner that you can equip a weapon multiple times. Ideally each weapon slot should be considered independently, which means that you can apply different weapon camos to a single weapon at the same time if that weapon is placed in more than one slot. For example, if I have an Umbra stick and three rod camos (lets call them camo 1, 2 and 3) If I equip the rod in three different slots, I'd be able to apply camo 1 to one slot, camo 2 to another and camo 3 to another, even being the same weapon itself.

Another alternative that I've seen suggested, would simply be to add a "camo" menu element on all weapons, and be able to apply them on each weapon independently. This would be an intermediate solution since it would allow to use multiple camos at the same time, it would allow to reskin each weapon independently, but you wouldn't be able to reskin the same weapon with different camos, in case you're using it in multiple slots. Still a good idea, of course, but I'd prefer the previous one.

Apr 8, 2013, 03:39 AM
Oh, i would like seeing some things too:

-Making more useful/powerful Shifta and Deband and not only an enjoyment of techers (Or guys who carries TE as a sub). Furthermore, make more powerful Shifta and Deband Advance.
-Making more varierity of game modes like as Challenge Mode, the GAMs and everything which occurs... but in other words, more varierity in the game.
-Making difficulties which parties are really needed.
-Making more free class weapons...
-Making more free class weapons which gives you T-ATK in swords and guns for making more easy some hybrid builds for playing it. This idea is copied of Darki's post (http://www.pso-world.com/forums/showpost.php?p=2938003&postcount=222).
-The possibility of grinding your subclass at the same time of your main class.
-For solo players, making a solo mode like One Person's Blue Burst while a player is creating a party.

Apr 8, 2013, 03:53 AM
-For solo players, making a solo mode like One Person's Blue Burst while a player is creating a party.

Could you explain this?