View Full Version : Tradable 10 stars

Mar 3, 2013, 08:23 AM
In near future, we can trade some, but not all

Which ones can be traded? Armor and weapons

Mar 3, 2013, 08:31 AM
No one knows yet.

EDIT: Fixed, I can't read~
EDIT2: Fixed, I can't read, again ~REMIX~

General speculation is that Stone Shop exchange weapons and units and perhaps Matter Board 10*s won't be part of the system.

Note that the site specifies that some items won't be valid for listing in the My Shop or as valid fodder for getting a '10* Trading Pass'.

I mean I suppose it would make sense if both exclusions applied to the same items, but of course it could be something wildly different, cool, sweet and catchy! Seeeggaaaa.

Mar 3, 2013, 01:19 PM
Also the information provided is saying they're slated to be sellable at this point but there's been no information directly alluding to trading.