View Full Version : Mission PLEASE HELP!

Saika Darkmoon
Mar 13, 2013, 07:48 AM
Hey I am a Vita player on ship2 i'm having a lot of trouble leveling and doing the Koffe quests if anyone on ship2 would care to help me then please do! I've been stuck at 22 for 2 days and i'm not even half way through 23 now :'(

Notes: Lvl 23 RAcast Ship 2, Vita / PC servers are B 201-219

Mar 13, 2013, 09:17 AM
What's your character name? What client orders are you having problems with? I can follow you around for a bit and give you a hand.

Saika Darkmoon
Mar 13, 2013, 09:28 AM
character name Levi, uh the main koffe CO's i just beat the first tundra mission and got her newest CO free tundra exploration i think

B - 208 is the least crowded right now on the vita / PC blocks so ill be in the middle of the mision counter area