View Full Version : The Legendary Lavis

Apr 6, 2003, 07:27 AM
Okay, heres the deal. February 2001- The Day that changed my life forever. PSO finally came out on DC. I became a lv 100 without cheating and my name became legendary. My almighty Lavis Cannon always at my side. I had fought hackers succesully and had lived through the age of the duper. v2 came feb next year and my char grew to lv 200. 3rd May 2002 saw the end of Zimon mk2 as I wiped him and sold on my precious DC. Beginning of March 2003 (noticing a pattern with the time of release I hope) and joy returned to my life, but no Lavis. Now I'm lv 36 or something and desparately seeking another beloved Lavis Cannon. Anyone got one to spare? I can make it worth your while...