View Full Version : Dark haze set requirements and mag

Aug 20, 2013, 12:09 PM
Is it possible for 1 character to wear Dark haze set (units and "partisan or rifle") with one mag, while subclass with Br?

I got a dewman male, trying to figure out how much stats my mag need if I am to make it use dark haze units and partizen when HU/BR and use haze units and rifle when RA/BR. Please tell me how to calculate the stats I need

(extra bonus if u can also make dewman wield dragon slayer or inferno bazooka, both need 650 S/R atk)

[Or another option is, I can utilize Br's skill "Braver Mag" so that my mag will just have the minimum S def required, other stats are dex, but how much S and R atk will I need to get from the HU or RA's skill tree?I don't like this option cuz Im prefer using Sp on other skills, not on raw atk on the skill tree]
[SPOILER-BOX] is this even a good skill tree?
http://ryuhiroshi.funpic.de/pso2/skillcalc.php?05wTb3Ikb3Ikb3Ikb3Ikb3Ikb3Ikb3Ik6bYb vlbInqnGXcBGDInfcAfDn000007b000008dBHQcFfGFINihcA0 000ib00000ib000000lb000000jebqB4SdnIksNJ20000
or http://nganngun.com/21bbb4

Aug 20, 2013, 12:53 PM
Probably not, because the units are so rare that the arm unit isn't even listed, the leg unit is 42m, and the rear unit is 52m.

But, let's assume you can afford 94m + the cost of the arm unit + the cost of actually finding it

The skilltree sim has a built in mag calculator for you, and the unit info window (and wikis) show that the units need 500 sdef. So a 60/60 male duman, with 3 points in sdef up 1 for just guard, will have 527 sdef. So that means you don't need to invest anything in your mag for those.

Aug 20, 2013, 08:17 PM
Probably not, because the units are so rare that the arm unit isn't even listed, the leg unit is 42m, and the rear unit is 52m.

But, let's assume you can afford 94m + the cost of the arm unit + the cost of actually finding it

The skilltree sim has a built in mag calculator for you, and the unit info window (and wikis) show that the units need 500 sdef. So a 60/60 male duman, with 3 points in sdef up 1 for just guard, will have 527 sdef. So that means you don't need to invest anything in your mag for those.

But RA/br does need s def
At the end of the day I would have a Duman with 3 classed and 1 mag, which can go unto Hu/br and wear dark haze set and dragon slayer, and go RA/br which can wear dark haze set and inferno bazooka

Aug 20, 2013, 10:18 PM
This belongs in guide/walkthrough subforum...


do your own homework. Haze set is 500 s-def

If you're actually dumb enough to put def on your mag, you might as well go king vardha its 10x cheaper.

Also, lol Ra Br

Aug 21, 2013, 01:06 AM
I get the impression that you like the Dragon Slayer

Edit: Ehh I'll write something a little more helpful...

Whatever crazy compromising hybrid skill tree/mag build you're planning to make just to use all of these items, DON'T!
There's a level cap rise, and a new difficulty just around the corner, causing whatever you plan now to become obsolete (and possibly your launcher and dragon slayer too, you should probably sell those soon....but that would mean you'd have to remove your sig, so I can see the dilemma :-?)

Lumpen Thingy
Aug 21, 2013, 01:28 AM
I have a great idea. Don't do ra/br or the tree your thinking of at all

Aug 21, 2013, 04:33 AM
sorry, had post wrong link, I put the right skill tree link now, please take a look tell me what u think about the skill tree