View Full Version : When to use certain PAs?

Dec 11, 2013, 08:37 AM
So now that I have finished my Pandora Extreme(Lvl 3 pot, 50 ice, Shoot3/Fang soul/Shock1), I need to start practicing on keeping myself at full health. Those traps, gun things(such as in amb ta), ects are annoying, I obviously cant help myself against those until I destroy them. But my question is what situations call for certain GU pa's?

Aggressive monsters(like sharks)- elder rebellion? (knock up will help me keep them at bay)

Non aggressive(like oodans)- infinity fire?

Which monsters, in particular, should I focus each pa on?

I can always use heel stab(w/ yas9000) but rarely do I get a huge mob spawn that requires it. Just need to know this so I can get even better as GU cause its kinda hard to determine if the monsters is aggressive or non aggressive, especially since monsters move ALOT faster in SH.

Dec 11, 2013, 10:07 AM
Don't those only boost your damage by 5% dmg when at full health? And well, I generally use heel stab when mobs are in clumps, and infinite fire when they are more spread out.

If you want safety you want heel stab though, since the kicks and the shots make them fly in the air which makes them 1) Not hit you and 2) you can hit their weakspot easier when they are in the air (for most enemies, at least.)

For Gorongos I think infinite fire would be better since if you TPS mode your shots you can kill 2 within the span of one PA.

Dec 11, 2013, 10:14 AM
Infinite fire seems to work for most things, heel stab for the bigger mobs. I barely use Elder Rebellion, so I'm not too sure about its worth.

Dec 11, 2013, 10:25 AM
Elder Rebellion is useful when you want to stay mid-air, for quick burst damage, and act as Chain Trigger finisher.

Infinite Fire is my favorite as it give mobility and at the same time firepower (and lots of shots too), using this against fast enemies (as example, Hunar or Banther) is the best choice. IMO this is TMG signature PA ^^

Heel Stab is for multiple enemies, and to knock down some annoying enemies. But I've been using it less than the other two above as of late....

Also, don't forget Dead Approach for dashing capability.

Dec 11, 2013, 10:27 AM
Yeah, that's something important to note. Elder Rebellion is probably GU's 2nd best Chain Finishing PA, behind Messiah Time obviously. Infinite Fire's last strongest shots will go off right after the chain finish bonus expires, but Elder Rebellion since its faster can deal its last shots during the chain finish.

Dec 11, 2013, 10:43 AM
- Elder Rebellion
Personally, I used Elder Rebellion only on ......... those 4 last shooting cubes on Sanctum TA (the one right before Goronzoran). You can evade and attack those cubes all in 1 motion :3 Simply jump -> SRoll -> Elder Rebellion (very useful. Most useful usage I found for Elder Rebellion) ....... aim for cubes, while the wind will push you to evade almost every attacks from those 3 cubes (as long as you do your PA near the one that shoot lasers, you'll evade the attacks from other 3 cubes)

- Infinity Fire
For fast moving darkers or flying ones or easy to hit weakspot (Breahda, El Ahda, Wondas, Micda) ...... Weak but spread too wide (Gwanahda Tentacles) ....... also in situation if I need to kill them at range or I need to kill while moving

- Messiah Time
And Messiah Time for most bosses (well, I got PS3 joystick, so I can just turbo them with my foot (I don't wanna break my mouse due to mashing). I use joystick only for turbo (those button mashed only) btw ..... I use mouse and keyboard for movement + aiming (can't play the game except I went to tps mode, even for melee ==" )) ........ Those one eyed darkers ....... also after I used WarCry o.o

Mostly I used Heel Stab though.

Oh wait, I forgot to mention ...... I mainly tried for short (to melee) range o.o So, I didn't find Elder Rebellion useful >_<

Dec 11, 2013, 10:45 AM
Would elder be good to counter aggressive enemies tho? I notice that those enemies like the new darker birds(the one with swords) are annoying, and better off knocked up.

Dec 11, 2013, 10:58 AM
Well, ER does cause flinching with every shot so it has stopping power where the others don't.

Dec 11, 2013, 11:42 AM
If I'm dealing with enemies that don't attack very rapidly, I'll use Heel Stab. Especially in SH where things rush you pretty fast and do all of the mobbing for you.
Otherwise, I use Infinity Fire to be safe if I feel I 'could' get hit during Heel Stab. This gives you movement to dodge things, it's easy to cancel with S-Roll if something does threaten to hit you, and it's very good sustained DPS versus regular monsters for its PP cost.

(Back in VH, Infinity Fire just destroyed everything, so I didn't really use my other skills. In SH, I find the more damaging Heel Stab more useful to just drop mobs with one PA, then move on)

Bosses I go for Messiah Time if I have the openings for it. Otherwise again I usually stick to Infinity Fire.

On some bosses where they expose themselves for a short period of time, but not long enough to get close and position for Messiah Time, I'll use Elder Rebellion. The Burst Damage of the hits is stronger than Infinity Fire, so if a weakpoint is only exposed for a couple of seconds (Falz Elder's limbs for example, when weakpointed they don't even last for half an Elder Rebellion) I opt for Elder Rebellion.
For Chain Trigger, again I opt for Messiah Time, or if I can't position easily on a mobile boss, I'll use Elder Rebellion with it. Since it'll wear out before making use of the other skills.

You can use Deadly Approach if you want to move at quicker speeds, although you can probably quad-dash+assault buster to move faster.

Overall though, you'll probably only need to toggle between Heel Stab and Infinity Fire 95% of the time. They get the job done.

Dec 11, 2013, 03:03 PM
no one has mentioned the selling point of IR , which basically is the PA who takes the most benefit from ZRA1/2 since you can reposition yourself to be near enemies

Dec 11, 2013, 03:38 PM
no one has mentioned the selling point of IR , which basically is the PA who takes the most benefit from ZRA1/2 since you can reposition yourself to be near enemies

This, and the fact that it doesn't launch enemies, which makes it party-friendly. Also amazing for applying poison on Quartz's nose, allowing you to stunlock it until it dies.

Elder Rebellion is your safe DPS option. It lets you hover in the air, and it can launch enemies that might otherwise overwhelm you if you're solo. I wouldn't use this in a party unless you're confident you can kill the enemies. I always switch to IF or Messiah against things like Fordoransa. Precede it with Aerial Shooting, and you can fly really high, making bosses like Ragne a complete joke.

Messiah is an amazing boss-killing tool. It's even better if you can manage to hit the same boss at two angles. Arguably the best chain finish PA, and definitely the best downed boss PA.

Heel Stab's charged bullet spray can be used for mobbing. It can also be used to deal massive damage to a single enemy like Krabahda, Fords, etc. A charged Heel Stab to a kuklo crotch will break it and deal a ton of damage to the weak point. Unfortunately, not enough to OHKO it (for me at least) since SH came out, but another quick uncharged HS will finish it off. It's arguably better than Messiah as a Chain Finish PA if you can get both kicks in. Note that if you don't charge it, the kicks will do a lot more damage to make up for the lack of bullets.

Honestly, Dead Approach isn't even good for moving around. It's fun to do, but I end up getting passed up by walkers... It's not even good for damage, and you don't really need an enemy launcher when you have Elder. Sat Aim can be used to get off a quick hit after a chain finish PA, as SRolling will usually take too much time. Reverse Step is just bad I think? Bullet Squall is too unwieldy. If you can get all the hits to land on a weak point, go for it, but there's rarely an opportunity to use it.