View Full Version : Big Vardha Extermination

Apr 11, 2014, 12:23 AM
How the heck does this supposed to work. First time I walk in I get blasted and die and due to Friend Partners they can't Moon me... Second try I walk in and run to the side and destroy everything on that side... do the same on the other side... finally after about 25 minutes I get him low and then I get to the Core... Get hit once can't get up until the next hit is on me... die a single Kamikaze Arrow spam from victory...

I have to finish it to get the license for Sky place... I simply don't think I can do it with Friend Partners simply due to the no Moon Atomizers... I had a clean 15 minutes left when I died so I know it's possible but it just feels like a waste. This is Normal Mode BTW.

Does anyone have any tips or strategies I can use to make this fight not stupid. For reference I'm a BR/RA. I also need tips on leveling up I'm at 24 right now and if I can finish this dumb quest I'd be 25. Anything above Subdue Mammoth thingy I get EXP Penalty for Hard Mode. I want to get past Hard Mode so I can hopefully play with other players as everyone is either Normal Mode or Super Hard Mode not much inbetween. And English wise most people are V-Hard and S-Hard so catching up is lonely without IRL people to play with.

Apr 11, 2014, 12:37 AM
Ask a teammate or a friend for help? A high lvl player would easily take out this boss in 1 minute.

Apr 11, 2014, 12:39 AM
From what you are saying, the issue is Vardha kill time?

Edit: Hold on a sec............you're sub is RA.......get a all-class rifle and get weak bullet from the RA skill tree. Use weak bullet when it's up on weak spots and switch to your main weapon and wammo you'll steamroll bosses.

-He has resistance against ranged attack (not too big though) so using a katana to break non-threatening parts is a go.
-Threatening parts, master shot them down one by one.
-Use weak bullet when you can since you have Ranger sub. (get a rifle though so that you can use it)
-Any time where he lines up to his original position or on the side of the ship, get off the ship a.s.a.p. (original position will normally 1 hit kill and side position is a lazer sweep)
-Break his wind tunnel part a.s.a.p. if you are looking for the fastest kill time which will require a weak bullet on it. After that, he's basically a sitting duck.

Apr 11, 2014, 12:39 AM
Things you could do:

1. Upgrade your armor
2. Upgrade your weapons
3. Find people to help you
4. Keep trying.

Don't stop moving or you could die fairly easy to Vardher. I've never fought him in normal mode, but you can't really stand still when you're fighting him in the upper levels.

Apr 11, 2014, 12:45 AM
For vardha, you can break the rocket pods at the back, the two above his head, the six around the deck level and that saves so, so much hassle in terms of random damage. After you break the core cannon, its just a case of jumping on top and hitting it till he dies

Apr 11, 2014, 12:45 AM
Solved a man by the name of Herro came and rescued me!

Apr 11, 2014, 05:35 AM
This is actually my favorite boss in the game, well, only if I have a party and am a ranged/tech class. xD

If you are ranged/tech, it's super easy and fun.
You just quickly go to the side of the tank, make sure to always move and never stay on a red target mark.
Destroy all of the guns on that one side, then aim to destroy the missiles in the back(if you're a tech, you can probably reach them from the floor even).
Then you pretty much just destroy what's left from a safe distance, without fear of getting missile'd.

Also, try to avoid going in front of the tank at all costs. I died and failed twice in a row doing this, and had to stay dead there waiting for a low level friend to kill it. My poor bots kept reviving an dying on the spot. :(