View Full Version : Falzes chat room

Jun 2, 2014, 05:43 AM
- Persona, Apprentice, DoubleM, DoubleF joined the conversation. -

Elder: Hey gyus, I've created hte group an put you i it. Wats up?
Apprentice: You finally bought a mobile phone, about time, Oldie, cheers.
Elder: Cmno Im still laerning Adn I my figners aer so big I hit al
Elder: l keys. Man this is gonna eb toghu
Persona: 'ello
DoubleM: It's not that difficult, Elder-san
DoubleF: It's not that hard, gramps!
Apprentice: Are we gonna read the same thing twice when you write, you two? Seriously. ¬¬
Persona: lol
Elder: xDDdD
DoubleM: Well, you know, we're like this always
DoubleF: You know, this is our behaviour.
Apprentice: ¬¬ pffff
Persona: Gonna pop up in some ship, brb.
Elder: so I kikc yuo rom the gropu?
Persona: ?
Apprentice: *facepalm No, old man, don't kick him so he'll keep in touch
Elder: but he's leaving
Apprentice: he'll be back, and then he'll read our messages
Persona: When I'm back I'll read you
Persona: Ninja'd
Elder: Ok ok. This is new to me
DoubleF: I remember when you still typed everything in caps
DoubleM: Do you remember when he wrote everything LIKE THIS?
Apprentice: seriously you 2...
Persona: well, brb
Apprentice: o/

Apprentice: So, what phone did you grab, Oldie?
Elder: That... I had a problem in the sotre
Apprentice: ? Your fingers?
DoubleF: your large hands?
DoubleM: your big fingers?
Elder: yes. Im tringy tish tyni thing but Im gona order a big touchscreen i think
Elder: so i can hit a single key, becus tihs thign is very tiny ot me
Apprentice: xDDD
Apprentice: There's no mobile for you, Elder. Your hands are way too big.
Apprentice: You'll have to chat with a 29" touchscreen lolololol
Elder: ¬¬ suht up, blondie
Apprentice: xDD
DoubleM: lol
DoubleF: lol
Apprentice: ok ok lol, j/K
Persona: back
DoubleF: wb :3
DoubleM: wb :)
Persona: gods, no, don't wb me again lol
Apprentice: LOOOOOOOOL
Elder: hahah!
Apprentice: a bunch'a bravers with a ranger I guess
Persona: maybe yes maybe no
Apprentice: please be more precise?
Persona: /afk
Elder: o_O
Apprentice: what a jerk with the "mistery" thing... anyway, Elder
Elder: yes?
Apprentice: gonna appear *again* in the sandy planet and I'm gonna grab some of your minions k?
Elder: sure
Apprentice: gonna need 540 Zesh, 121029 crabs, some cyclops...
DoubleM: grab Wolgahdas
DoubleF: get Wolgahdas
Elder: what the? so many? why so many?
Apprentice: Bravers.
DoubleF: shunka is a pain
DoubleM: Shunka hurts

Jun 2, 2014, 06:20 AM
Lol this awesome ryudp thanks and I know Elders pain... damn buttond

Jun 2, 2014, 07:07 AM
Elder: got a BIG touchscreen, no more typos, gusy
Elder: except for that one hahaha
Apprentice: lol cg, Oldman
Persona: nice
DoubleM: grats
DoubleF: congrats
Elder: it was a pain to write with the other tiny thing, really
Apprentice: That was... *sunglasses*
Apprentice: Elder's Pain ■-■¬
Persona: lol
Elder: ¬¬
Apprentice: awww, c'mon, Oldie just kidding!
Elder: ¬¬X
Elder: Always the same joke with the Pain.
Elder: Pain this Pain that. Stop it already
Apprentice: Soooooorry, Elder. Besides, you almost ASKED for the joke this time
Elder: ,..
DoubleM: she's right this time, accept it
DoubleF: accept it, she's now right
Elder: oook, whatever you say ¬¬
Elder: It's actually my fault for naming my sword like that, geez

Apprentice: soooo, anything funny happenning today?
Apprentice: Odie?
Apprentice: *Oldie?
Apprentice: Maskie? Twins?
Apprentice: ...
Persona: 'sup?
Apprentice: I'm bored
Persona: didn't you say you were invading today?
Apprentice: nah, later.
Apprentice: I'm still organizing my army. They're still calving *^^*
Persona: gross
Apprentice: ¬¬ Your face is gross. Oh, sorry, you have no face XP
DoubleM: gross
DoubleF: gross
Elder: gross...
Apprentice: ......

Jun 2, 2014, 09:33 AM
This is definitely an enjoyable read

Jun 2, 2014, 09:40 AM
This is hilarious, can I some...

Jun 2, 2014, 02:28 PM
lol, getting ideas for this takes its time xDDDD

Elder: Guys, gonna go out for some drinks, wanna join?
Persona: Where you going?
Apprentice: Invading atm. Have fun <3
Elder: Wherever the heck I want, I'm omnipotent hahah >:D
Elder: To that planet Earth, they don't know us there, and can have drinks quietly
DoubleF: Earth is still pretty, we shouldn't destroy it... yet.
DoubleM: I still like planet Earth, its destruction can wait.
Persona: k, brt
Elder: It's still a nice place. It has some cool creatures to corrupt :D
Persona: I see where you got the inspiration for the Zeshrayda
Apprentice: Yes, he attached a turtle to a starfish lol
Persona: lol
Elder: hahah I was inspired that day, yea
Elder: so, anybody elsr coming?
Elder: *else
DoubleM: we gonna stay here
DoubleF: we're going to stay
DoubleF: we're taking photos in Apren's invasion
DoubleM: we are in a photoshoot in Lilipa
-- DoubleM sent CAM00435.jpg --
-- DoubleF sent CAM00436.jpg --
Apprentice: you could lend a hand
Apprentice: you might want to help me
Apprentice: am I speaking your language now? Am I cool already?
Elder: that duck face, Twins lol
Persona: hey, is the Vibras saying hello? xD
Elder: hahah
Apprentice: nah, it's dying :/
Apprentice: but look at the corpses and the destroyed towers, mwahahah look at me, I'm 3\/1L lol >:3

-- Apprentice changed his or her name to "3\/1L and beautiful MHAHAHAAHAHAHHAAHAH" --

Elder: 4 out of 5, not bad not bad.
Persona: laaame lol 5/5 or gtfo (j/k)
3\/1L and beautiful MHAHAHAAHAHAHHAAHAH: ¬¬
3\/1L and beautiful MHAHAHAAHAHAHHAAHAH: nah, you right tho.

-- 3\/1L and beautiful MHAHAHAAHAHAHHAAHAH changed his or her name to "Apprentice" --


Apprentice: you already in Earth gettin drun-- having a nice cup of something?
Apprentice: :3
DoubleM: lol
DoubleF: xD
Persona: teleported
Elder: yeah, we teleported
Apprentice: you drinking too, maskie?
Persona: yup
Apprentice: O_O pics. NOW
DoubleM: :o
DoubleF: :O
-- Elder sent maskedmanbeer.jpg --
Apprentice: ....
DoubleF: ...
DoubleM: ...
Apprentice: ¬¬XX pf, no fair with that STRAW
Apprentice: we don't even know if you got a face
Persona: lol
Apprentice: w/e
Elder: hahah, you coming?
Apprentice: yeah, brt
Elder: we're waiting
Persona: k

Jun 2, 2014, 02:43 PM
-PS1_Falz entered the chat- (http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110921041248/phantasystar/images/5/50/Darkfalz.png)
PS1_Falz: The hell is this?

Jun 2, 2014, 04:00 PM
Just throw in all the Falz.

Fun read

Jun 2, 2014, 04:22 PM
Just throw in all the Falz.

Fun read

^ This unless you wanna keep restricted to pso2 Falzes only

Jun 2, 2014, 04:28 PM
Originally it was intended to be pso2 Falzes only but, hey, this is FKL! xD
Hum, if you had Apprentice as a chat friend, besides trying to cyber with her, how could her name be shortened? Apren? Apps? Apie? ...Apple!?! o_O

Jun 3, 2014, 07:16 PM
Elder: I've put another Dark Falz in the group, guys
Persona: 'elloo
PS1_Falz: Hello, falzes, how's it going?
DoubleM: here, having breakfast
DoubleF: here we are, eating
Apprentice: o/
PS1_Falz: Colossus, I'm still in my 1000 years sleep, I don't think I'll be too active in the group, eh?
PS1_Falz: I need more power
Apprentice: How many years to go?
PS1_Falz: uhmm... 973 or so
PS1_Falz: I'm curious, Colossus, how do you type with those fingers?
Elder: I bought a big touchscreen
DoubleM: He has a 29" touchscreen, right?
DoubleF: Right! He has a 29" touchscreen
Apprentice: it's bigger than my TV
Persona: lol
Elder: I watch TV on it too :D
PS1_Falz: Interesting. I got a tablet and have no problems with it.
PS1_Falz: when I'm not sleeping, gathering POWER
Apprentice: you watch TV on it? you CAN actually PLAY soccer ON it
PS1_Falz: ??
Elder: c'mon, blondie
DoubleF: again with that?
DoubleM: that subject again?

-- PS1_Falz changed his/her status to "9xx years of sleep. Need POWER" --

PS1_Falz: changed, hehe.
Persona: lol will you change it in 100 years?
Persona: it'll be "8xx"
DoubleF: lol
DoubleM: xD


DoubleF: We wonder one thing, guys
DoubleM: yes, we want to know a thing
Persona: ?
Apprentice: what is it, twins?
Elder: mmh?
DoubleM: Is it casual that Elder goes to annoy the Arks every time that idol in green sings?
DoubleF: Does Elder like Quna's songs?
Persona: xD ??
Elder: It's a strategy
Apprentice: XDDDDDD gotcha, oldie
Apprentice: you like her
Apprentice: c'mon, ask her for a date
Apprentice: ;3
Elder: Arks are busy watching her, so I ambush them in the middle of the performance
Elder: They're so surprised for the attack... it's funny to see their reactions
Elder: like... little ants running away from a danger
Persona: c'mon, old man, what a excuse
Persona: ants? lol
Apprentice: LOOOOOOOOL that's bulls*it oldie
Apprentice: she's cute, you'll make a weird couple, but it may work xDDDDDDDD
Elder: It's an attack strategy as I said.
Apprentice: go with her on a date...
Apprentice: give her some beers, wine...
DoubleF: grope her
DoubleM: touch her
DoubleF: xD
DoubleM: lol
PS1_Falz: grope? he can lift her with half of a single hand lol
Persona: hahaha
DoubleF: he doesn't answer, he's probably upset
DoubleM: he's probably offended, he's not responding
Elder: strategy
Apprentice: The age difference might be a problem here lol

-- Apprentice changed his/her status to "DF Elder wants a little gurl" --

Persona: lol, Appie

Mega Ultra Chicken
Jun 3, 2014, 11:15 PM
Marry me. Just... marry me.

If PSO1 Falz were in this... would it be the horrifying first form (http://www.shinforce.com/elite/phantasystar/gallery_pso/gallery4/wp-PSO-480-1024.jpg) or the technicolor phantom final form? (http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y219/Black_Majik/PhantasyStar%20Online/PhantasyStarOnline119DarkFalzForm3.jpg) I have a feeling that the latter would have trouble typing, though...

And PSU Falz... might be the Butt Monkey of the group, but I dunno.

Jun 4, 2014, 02:41 AM
Marry me. Just... marry me.

If PSO1 Falz were in this... would it be the horrifying first form (http://www.shinforce.com/elite/phantasystar/gallery_pso/gallery4/wp-PSO-480-1024.jpg) or the technicolor phantom final form? (http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y219/Black_Majik/PhantasyStar%20Online/PhantasyStarOnline119DarkFalzForm3.jpg) I have a feeling that the latter would have trouble typing, though...

And PSU Falz... might be the Butt Monkey of the group, but I dunno.

Probably 1st form, because of the "grossly deformed" figure of Falz's host having normal hands and fingers, although I don't know what it'll do if his phone falls to the floor :S