View Full Version : PSO 2 Southeast Asia - Play?

Jun 9, 2014, 07:17 AM
Hi there everyone,

Long-time PSO Player here and heard that PSO2 with full-english was released in SE Asia, but they have blocked IP Addresses from USA, UK, etc.

Is there any way to by-pass this and play? Or a thread that acts like a guide I could go to?

Lastly Is the SE Asia version of PSO2 better than the JP Version? I would prefer everyone [and the game] to be fully in english = )

Thanks! :-D

Jun 9, 2014, 07:21 AM
Nope. SEA version sucks balls.

Jun 9, 2014, 07:39 AM
1.) Is there any way to by-pass this and play? Or a thread that acts like a guide I could go to?

2.) Is the SE Asia version of PSO2 better than the JP Version? I would prefer everyone [and the game] to be fully in english = )

1.) Similar to this thread (http://www.pso-world.com/forums/showthread.php?t=219610) but for the SEA version instead.

2.) Defiantly better, plus you aren't IP blocked from it.
You'll get more updates, more content & almost everyone and their mother is playing the JP one. There's also Eng patches (the large version) that can translate all of the dialogue.

Jun 9, 2014, 07:39 AM
Even the Taiwan version that is in Chinese is better.

Jun 9, 2014, 07:40 AM
No sea's pso2 is about two years behind the JPN servers when it comes to content along with the ip block. If you could invest in a VPN service that has you pay for fast connections. But there is still the chance for lag spikes along with ping issues. So in the nutshell SEA PSO2 might but in english but it is more of a pain in the behind to be able to play the game without issues. Just go with JPN servers all you need to do is apply the english patches and you good to go. No IP Blocks, no high ping or lag( if you got a good ISP) and no need for a fast VPN.

Jun 9, 2014, 07:41 AM
Even the Taiwan version that is in Chinese is better.

Very true, avoid $ea where everything requires you to pay real money like it has $tds

Jun 9, 2014, 07:43 AM
No, Asiasoft is the worst gaming company that exist do not support them.

Jun 9, 2014, 07:44 AM
1. I guess a VPN should do the trick.
2. This guide (http://www.pso-world.com/forums/showthread.php?t=219610) might help, I think.
3. Almost 90% of the people there won't be using English; you have Thai, Tagalog, Mandarin, Cantonese, Chinglish, Malay, Indonesian, etc... go figure.

Nope. SEA version sucks balls.
And this.

Jun 9, 2014, 05:59 PM
Even if you decide to VPN in to SEA to play the Official EN version, understand that the infrastructure that supports the Internet in South East Asia isn't as good as Japan's infrastructure. So depending on how far away you are, expect disconnects and login screens every 15 minutes+^_^+ Better to play JP version if you can and use the EN patches til US/EU versions are launched someday+^_^+

Jun 9, 2014, 06:03 PM
Don't play SEA version. The translation is just... weird, there are a lot of really bad changes to the game, and they went insane with microtransactions for EVERYTHING apparently.

Also they're WAAAAY behind the JP version and what they do have is worse.

Jun 10, 2014, 02:17 PM
VPN as everyone said. It's still in open beta as far as I know, but I did run around a bit. Since it's so early, it's hard to tell how bad Asiasoft will be about service, but it looks identical to early JP servers for now. (Except already having a few odd things early, like the bomb diffuse E-trial.) Current level cap is 40, highest area is Tunnels/Underworks.

And the translation ISN'T as bad as everyone says it is. There were a few nonsensical changes made by Asiasoft such as the unholy "Wizard" class, some items, and all support techs. But other than those, it's pretty damn good. Pretty much all of the story dialogue and NPC chatter is good and definitely makes more sense / takes more interesting liberties than the patches do. Plus NPC names are more in-line with what the Japanese credits state. (It was so glorious seeing his name spelled "Chroto"!)
But on the topic of translation, if you actually pay attention, there's actually a very obvious quality gap between things that look like they're from earlier and later in the game, such as Astarte/Ashtalt. So if you ask me, I think they're using two different translations at the same time. (Unused official translations that were sitting around since NA/EU's delay + Asiasoft's own?)

Is that a reason to play there? No. If you don't live in SEA, don't bother beyond taking a peek at the dialogue. If you live in SEA and VPN gives you too much lag, you might want to consider it, at the very least. (I'd still say no.)

Also, from my time on SEA's ship 2, I can say that JP's ship 2 actually has more English being spoken in it. <_< (Though there was some guy yelling at everyone to speak English.)

This is one of the more accurate posts I've seen about the SEA version thus far. The translation is actually pretty good minus a few small details, but it's hardly noticeable. Most of the players all speak English and so far the community is very nice to each other.

Jun 10, 2014, 11:04 PM
well, i got bad history with majority (not all thought) sea mmo region publisher , might say bit trauma. so i still prefer having PSO2NA (if they does release it) than goes to PSO2SEA. not blaming the community thought, you stil lcan find gems among the trolls if you try. just the publisher make me meh...

still... lolicountry pso2 is best thought... despite i cant speak moonrunes but a little (maybe just greeting haha)