View Full Version : Why is Rika's Claw called "Falclaw(s)" in PSU and PSO2?

Jun 27, 2014, 12:25 AM
I've noticed Rika is a character in Phantasy Star IV and uses claws so, she would obviously be the owner of this claw. The item description remained somewhat similar to what it said in PSO about a "legendary Newman" in PSU and I assume PSO2 as well.

Why the name change from Rika's to Fal?

Jun 27, 2014, 12:27 AM
It wasn't changed from Rika to Fal. It was changed from Fal (or Far, 「ファル」) in English localization of Phantasy Star 4.

Jun 27, 2014, 12:36 AM
It wasn't changed from Rika to Fal. It was changed from Fal (or Far, 「ファル」) in English localization of Phantasy Star 4.

So her original name is Fal and Rika is the localization? (confirming)

Thank you, btw.

Jun 27, 2014, 01:29 AM
No, just the weapon wasn't named after her in the Original I think.

Jun 27, 2014, 01:39 AM
So her original name is Fal and Rika is the localization? (confirming)

Thank you, btw.
Yes, her original Japanese name is Fal.

Jun 27, 2014, 03:11 AM
fal to rika
fantasy to jp name for eng localization ....ironic don't you think

Jun 27, 2014, 04:33 AM
Huh, guess I was wrong.
Didn't know they actually changed names in PSIV ...

Jun 27, 2014, 05:24 AM
Seems like all the PSIV localized names were much better than the original Japanese names, save for maybe 'Freyna.' I like that a bit more than 'Demi.'

Jun 27, 2014, 05:40 AM
The classics were absolutely full of name changes. Some were because of space limitations, some were... whims of the translators, hell if I know.

In PSIV, what I recall being changed:
Localization - Original (Japanese sources provided multiple romanizations)
Chaz Ashley - Rudy Ashleigh
Alys Brangwin - Lyla/Ryre Brangwen
Rika - Fal
Demi - Freyna
Wren - Forren/Fallen
Gryz - Pyke
Raja - Su Raja
Kyra Tierney - Shess Tierney
Seth - Siam/Shiam

All in all, PSIV suffered least, but still just as confusingly as all other four-letter names that got changed. I'm still confused over the essential name-swap that Anne and Amia got.

Anyway, as far as I know, this claw got flipflopped all over the place in localization.
PSO - Rika's Claw
PSU - Falclaw
PSZ - Rika's Claw

.... PSU's translators weren't very familiar with classic PS. They could have at least named it "Fal's Claw." (Also, before anyone says anything about Rutsu/Lutz, Japanese sources also flipflopped on that. Art book calls him Rutsu, interviews with subtitles call him Lutz.)

I'd say to expect much flipflopping in the future, as well. Consistency has never been the strong suit of SoJ OR SoA.

lol... This explains everything! Thank you.

I think the most hilarious part for me was that Phantasy Star Zero used Rika (I had no idea as I never encountered this item in this game) yet it came after Universe.

Either way, I'm going to purchase PSIV for my HD Graphics Model 1 Genesis. Woo!

Jun 27, 2014, 05:49 AM
Seems like all the PSIV localized names were much better than the original Japanese names, save for maybe 'Freyna.' I like that a bit more than 'Demi.'

My guess would be that not only did they do it for space. They also did it so the names were less foreign to american players. Not that they choose super common american names like Harry, Joe, Sally or Heather. Stuff like that.XD

Jun 27, 2014, 05:58 AM
I still have yet to hear a reasonable explanation as for why the English patch calls it a Falclaw. It's PSO2, not PSU2. Just use the damn name that was used in English every other game. PSZ called Love Rappies Rab Rappies but you don't see the patch calling them that.

Jun 27, 2014, 06:06 AM
Lavis Canon (or Kanon, if PSZ's translation is to be trusted, 「ラヴィス=カノン」 in Japanese), a saber, was translated as Lavis Cannon (which is usually romanised as 「キャノン」, although not in PSO, which must be the reason for the mixup) in PSO and PSU. Moreover, they translated the Double Saber version as Double Cannon, so, instead of a transforming weapon that you could identify by the name, you got swords called "Cannon".

Just because a translation was in every previous game, it doesn't mean that it's worth keeping.

Jun 27, 2014, 07:38 AM
you got swords called "Cannon".

this kinda cool how to improve gunslash dmg . let's build cannon in the sword.
yeah they got this concept from temjin since they decide to add v-on collaboration


Jun 27, 2014, 08:45 AM
I'm still confused over the essential name-swap that Anne and Amia got.
Yes that's most puzzling and doesn't even have to do with the 4character limitation, haha.

Art book calls him Rutsu, interviews with subtitles call him Lutz.
Rutsu is just the bad sounding, un-adapted romanization, like if they had written Faru instead of Fal. You can tell they're gonna be approximative with their english(and thus with their romanizations) when they say ファースト'faasuto' for both 'first' and 'fast'(Neifirst is neifaasuto, luckily they don't type that in the artbooks lol).

Jun 27, 2014, 08:48 AM
FYI it's THESS TIANNI. "She-esu" is too literal. "Shi" is often used in some romanized named in place of TH, since there is no "th" phoentical pronunciation in the Japanese language, sometime "shi" is used in place of "th"

and a better translation of Chaz's orginal name would be "Rudy Ashurei" IMO. I still *hate* that they renamed him "Chaz" *blech*

Jun 27, 2014, 09:17 AM
Lavis Canon (or Kanon, if PSZ's translation is to be trusted, 「ラヴィス=カノン」 in Japanese), a saber, was translated as Lavis Cannon
Ohhh! So that's what it was.
I was always confused why it was called that.

Jun 27, 2014, 10:06 AM
i always assumed it was called cannon because it shot out those beams but that makes alot more sense

Jun 27, 2014, 11:49 AM
Yeah, there are a total of four 「カノン」s in the entire PSO: Rouge, Belra, and the two Lavis variants. And, ironically, of them all, "Double Cannon" is the only one that makes any sense when translated.

But, yeah, it's incredibly unlikely that somebody actually meant them to be called cannons, as it isn't hinted in any of the descriptions. In fact, Lavis Canon's description explicitly calls it a sword (though a mysterious one).

Jun 27, 2014, 12:47 PM
I still have yet to hear a reasonable explanation as for why the English patch calls it a Falclaw. It's PSO2, not PSU2. Just use the damn name that was used in English every other game. PSZ called Love Rappies Rab Rappies but you don't see the patch calling them that.

Purists. ;) Why did they change the name in the first place? Fal/Farl is harder is even goofier sounding in Japanese but they got through it.

Jun 27, 2014, 12:53 PM
FYI it's THESS TIANNI. "She-esu" is too literal. "Shi" is often used in some romanized named in place of TH, since there is no "th" phoentical pronunciation in the Japanese language, sometime "shi" is used in place of "th"

and a better translation of Chaz's orginal name would be "Rudy Ashurei" IMO. I still *hate* that they renamed him "Chaz" *blech*

That's because Chaz is an awful name

Jun 27, 2014, 01:29 PM
PSZ called Love Rappies Rab Rappies but you don't see the patch calling them that.
That's because Rab is a terrible, terrible mangling of Engrish "Love"
A lot of "uh" sounds in English that are normally spelled with an O are spelled with the A sound in Japanese (L-uhve) so they use ラ (Ra, R and L are interchangable)

Then for the "v" part, they simply use ヴ (vu), however V and B are commonly interchangeable in written Japanese too.
So given the possibility that the translators were merely given a textdump of Japanese to translate without any context to go by, it's very possible they could mangle "Love Rappy" into "Rab Rappy" if they have no familiarity with the series.

Though I'm still mystified by the Al/Ar Rappy's naming convention. Maybe they were trying to go for "Alure Rappy"?

Jun 27, 2014, 05:38 PM
That's because Rab is a terrible, terrible mangling of Engrish "Love"
A lot of "uh" sounds in English that are normally spelled with an O are spelled with the A sound in Japanese (L-uhve) so they use ラ (Ra, R and L are interchangable)

Then for the "v" part, they simply use ヴ (vu), however V and B are commonly interchangeable in written Japanese too.
So given the possibility that the translators were merely given a textdump of Japanese to translate without any context to go by, it's very possible they could mangle "Love Rappy" into "Rab Rappy" if they have no familiarity with the series.

Though I'm still mystified by the Al/Ar Rappy's naming convention. Maybe they were trying to go for "Alure Rappy"?
I know Japanese, but thanks anyway. :p You're exactly right. I've actually spoken to the translator, Nob, and he had no context or experience with the PS franchise before Zero and he decided to make it Rab since he didn't make the connection.
I know why it's a bad translation, my point was just that if the patch-translator's reason for keeping the name was just because it was the same in PSU, it's inconsistent.

Oh, and I think the name Al Rappy comes from Algol the same way Rag Rappy was from Ragol.