View Full Version : How are the prices for player stores in ship 02?

Jun 30, 2014, 07:45 PM
Back on ship 06, I use to buy lots of rare Force and Techer weapons for 1050 a pop for Mag food. On ship 02, standard price seems to be twice as that. Is this normal or is it just because people started playing again?

Jun 30, 2014, 07:51 PM
Nothing has changed. Nobody has really been on to change anything. Since I've been on I've been running a lot of Chaotic Silence with the Japanese blocks.

Jun 30, 2014, 07:55 PM
Nothing has changed. Nobody has really been on to change anything. Since I've been on I've been running a lot of Chaotic Silence with the Japanese blocks.

Doesn't quite answer my question so let me rephrase it. Is it common for rares Force and Techer weapons to be sold at 1050 bucks on ship 02?

While I'm at it, I've never asked, are shops per ship or per block?

Jun 30, 2014, 08:31 PM
No. Per ship.

Jun 30, 2014, 08:46 PM
Nope. On ship 2, standard prices for force/ranged weapons 8* and 9* are at typically least 3150. There sometimes is a few that go for 1050 that you can gobble up, but better gobble those up as soon as you see them or they'll be gone really quickly. 6* generally go for 1050.

Jun 30, 2014, 08:50 PM
from what i have heard prices in general are higher on ship 2 compared to other more populated ships

Jun 30, 2014, 09:04 PM
from what i have heard prices in general are higher on ship 2 compared to other more populated ships

From what 2ch is saying, Ship 7 has the highest price
Ship 2 is the hacker/english ship

1鯖 廃人鯖。最強厨。俺より強い奴に会いにいく。SHレベル帯に人口が集中。修羅の国。
2鯖 外人鯖。ハッカー厨の実験小屋につきよく落ちる。外人との異文化交流やスリルを味わいたいそんな人向 け。
3鯖 ニコ生鯖。生放送厨。生放送に出られるって素敵ってならアリか
4鯖 FSS鯖。FSSブロックがある。(ファイブスターストーリーという漫画の作者永野護氏がいる)人口 増加中
5鯖 豚小屋鯖。平穏に過ごしたい人向け。特徴がないのが特徴。 別名「社会人鯖」の異名を持つ。
6鯖 限界集落鯖。人口が極端に少ない。さっさと他鯖へ逃げ出し推奨。
7鯖 見抜き鯖。しょうがないにゃあ。服の物価が高め。
8鯖 イチタロー鯖。公式pso2ニコ生一太郎氏がいる。アフロの旦那を筆頭に旧PSU民が集結
9鯖 過疎村鯖。人口流出続く。なぜか箱と旦那が多い。
10鯖 無料厨隔離鯖。無料プレイにこだわる非プレミアム民が多い。物価高め。

Jun 30, 2014, 09:12 PM
Nothing has changed. Nobody has really been on to change anything. Since I've been on I've been running a lot of Chaotic Silence with the Japanese blocks.

Actually, Soul Receptor units have pretty much tripled in price since PSO2es isn't back up yet.

Jun 30, 2014, 09:13 PM
From what 2ch is saying, Ship 7 has the highest price
Ship 2 is the hacker/english ship

1鯖 廃人鯖。最強厨。俺より強い奴に会いにいく。SHレベル帯に人口が集中。修羅の国。
2鯖 外人鯖。ハッカー厨の実験小屋につきよく落ちる。外人との異文化交流やスリルを味わいたいそんな人向 け。
3鯖 ニコ生鯖。生放送厨。生放送に出られるって素敵ってならアリか
4鯖 FSS鯖。FSSブロックがある。(ファイブスターストーリーという漫画の作者永野護氏がいる)人口 増加中
5鯖 豚小屋鯖。平穏に過ごしたい人向け。特徴がないのが特徴。 別名「社会人鯖」の異名を持つ。
6鯖 限界集落鯖。人口が極端に少ない。さっさと他鯖へ逃げ出し推奨。
7鯖 見抜き鯖。しょうがないにゃあ。服の物価が高め。
8鯖 イチタロー鯖。公式pso2ニコ生一太郎氏がいる。アフロの旦那を筆頭に旧PSU民が集結
9鯖 過疎村鯖。人口流出続く。なぜか箱と旦那が多い。
10鯖 無料厨隔離鯖。無料プレイにこだわる非プレミアム民が多い。物価高め。

OK, since I just found out that it only cost me 350AC and not 700AC to switch ships, I think I'll go back to my old ship 06.