View Full Version : JP PSO2 Dengeki PSO2 for Episode 2

Jul 17, 2014, 06:28 AM
There's more guide info, and also ingame items, such as accessory fun point tickets

There's also interview with the staff regarding future plan
Yu Suganuma seems to know what he's talking about in the interview about balancing.


Jul 17, 2014, 06:43 AM
with regards to balancing does he say anything about techer?

Jul 17, 2014, 12:10 PM
I'm also interested in the balancing information. Would it be possible for someone to translate what it says?

Jul 17, 2014, 12:37 PM
Does anyone know any import online shops that sell the issue? I want it, but I don't want to use a proxy service. <_<

Jul 17, 2014, 12:55 PM
I went ahead and typed up the interview (as best as I could, since it's hard to read with the highlight, and it seems to be cut off in places) and whacked it into Google Translate:

Japanese text:

ーーカタナPA「シュンカシュンラン」の弱体など、クラス間のバランス取りにはかなり苦労されていると思い ますが、ばらんす取りに関してはどのあたりを重視して調整していうのでしょうか。

木村: 調整時に重視しているのは、DPS (1秒あたりの平均ダメージ量) とタイムアタッククエストな どのクリアタイムをクラス間でできるだけ平均化することです。 しかしながら、多くの新規コンテンツの配信 ベースに対して、そのバランス.調整が追いつかず、現状ー部のバランスが崩れてしまっています。 これに対 して、全体を大きく見直すため、長期の調整期間を設けて現在対応中です。 エピーソード3サービスインのタ イミングに合わせて、スキルツリーの構造、スキルの性能、PAやテクニックの性能に対して、上方修正と下方 修正を伴う大きなバランス変更をすべてのクラスで実施する予定でいます。

菅沼: 各クラスにおいてそれそれのプレイスタイルに合わせた色が出せるようしっかりと調整を 行います。


I think that is very hard and weak Katana PA of "Shunka Shun run", the balancing between the classes, but I would say by adjusting with an emphasis on what per terms of balancing.

Kimura: Are you focused on the adjustment at the time, it is to average as much as possible in class between the clear time, such as Time Attack Quest (average amount of damage per second) DPS. However, to the distribution base of new content many, the balance. Adjustment can not keep up, the balance of the status quo over Department is has collapsed. In contrast, to review the whole big, it is being addressed currently by providing a long-term adjustment period. You have plans to fit the timing of Episodo 3 services in the structure of the skill tree, the performance of the skill, the performance of the technique and PA, carried out in the class of all a big balance change with revised downward and upward revision.

Suganuma: The settings are firmly so that the colors to suit your style of play that it is put out in each class.

Jul 18, 2014, 01:39 AM
something about the structure of skill trees? i hope that means they are revamping them entirely rather than just tweaking prerequisites again