View Full Version : huh... dont know what to do with my Ranger points

Sep 1, 2014, 12:41 AM
Soo... im a lvl 70 Gunner and currently leveling my Ranger subclass, and i found out that after the new skill tree, i got a lot of extra points since i don't have to waste so much on stat skills to get to the skills i really want... and now i maxed out all the skills i really want and have no idea where to put my points... so, basically what i have is:

Weak Hit Advance 1 and 2 maxed
Weak Bullet maxed
1 poin in Weak Hit Blast Bonus
Standing snipe 1 and 2 maxed
Some points in first hit
gravity granade
1 point in killing bonus
some points on power bullet and pp save bullet
1 point in bullet keep
and 1 point in the sharpshooter thingie (just 1 since i will main gunner eventually)

So... what now?, im really at a loss here, should i use traps or stun granade? or maybe some of the launcher bullets? i really don't think i would find them useful but i still have about 16 skill points to go and have no idea where to put them x_x should i fully go with stat boost??... maybe Dive Roll Advance could be useful? x_x help!

Sep 1, 2014, 01:40 AM
Well you could get Tactics Trap to make the Gravity Bomb recover PP.

Or just get R-Atk.

Not sure why you want only a few points scattered around everywhere, though.

Sep 1, 2014, 02:06 AM
well 1 point in some skills usually give you most of the skill, so i usually find its a good idea to spend just 1 in skills like first hit, when they are kind of useful but not enough to be worth many points. For example, one point in aerial advance for gunner will give me a 100% damage bonus when i shoot flying enemies. Its a good bonus for just 1 point, but putting an extra point would only raise that bonus to like... 103%, so 3% more to enemies in the air is not really worth 1 skillpoint to me, but the first one gives a big boost so i can spare it even if its not going to come in handy that often.

Anyway, yeah maybe the tactics trap is worth a point, will check it out, thanks!

Sep 1, 2014, 02:42 AM
But First Hit, Killing Bonus, PP Save Bullet, and Aerial Advance are all linear... each point is the same bonus

Sep 1, 2014, 03:20 AM
"1 point in killing bonus"

at least max this so you can spam shift period in aq/pse