View Full Version : Cirnopedia updated again today 11/6/2014

Nov 6, 2014, 03:17 PM

He's trying to catch up but will he be able to? I should had studied web design... Anyway this is what he did so far.

Added 2 dark themes, one for the Adorable Dark Falzes and another for Melphonsina.
Special thanks to SchwerMuta and Ylle for making these.

Added new weapons from PSO2es.
Added Weapon Camos to the weapon database which should fix the broken names.
Added a secondary potential to some weapons.

Added new gradient parts from the Costume Shop.

Added stuff from the Casino Prize Shop.

Room Goods:
Added stuff from the Casino Prize Shop.

Added new mag from the Halloween Bingo.

Added items from the Casino and a bunch of crafting items.
Updated Photon Art and Technique pages except for Twin Machineguns.
SEGA kept changing the values that various JP wikis I've checked have the Twin Machineguns page blank.

Added a bunch of stuff to the crafting materials, support items and room goods.

Added new partner characters and NPC rewards.
Details are still incomplete on some characters, especially the newly added ones.

Added information about the Casino and the Prize Shop.
Special thanks to SchwerMuta for writing the wall of text for the Casino Lobby.

Updated the Title pages but unlike last time, this is a complete update.

Please note that the latest AC and FUN scratches aren't included here yet. I'll start working on those immediately after this.
That's all for now. See you next mission~