View Full Version : Do You Prefer Gamepad or Keyboard/Mouse For Z-Aim/TPS Perspective?

Apr 15, 2015, 02:11 AM
So I've always wondered what the community generally thinks of regarding ease of access to buttons as well as best use of controls when it comes to using TPS (Z-Aim) Perspective in this game. As the perspective switch is only necessary for Rangers, Gunners, Forces, and Techers, I'm curious as to how people have adapted over the years and which style you personally adopted in-game: gamepad or keyboard/mouse input?

Do note, I'm not asking which is the better input over the others for everything: only for TPS perspective where that extra bit of accuracy and player skill comes more in handy as it's all manual aim.

Personally, I started this game using a keyboard/mouse. To me, that view still feels natural in that range of mode as using a gamepad in TPS feels like it forces my fingers into awkward positions (I have really long fingers, so it's not particularly the best feeling in the world, and it does hurt after a long time of playing CQs, for instance ^^;).

For that reason, I've been leaning more towards using keyboard/mouse for those moments I do use those other weapons, and gamepad for the rest of the time that TPS isn't stressed as much. For instance, if I made a FO/TE, I'd probably use keyboard/mouse while playing that character, but I'd likely play with gamepad for the duration of my time on my current FI/BO.

What do you guys prefer?

Apr 15, 2015, 03:22 AM
both. i use the mouse in my right hand for aiming and a pad im my left for movement when using tps mode.

Apr 15, 2015, 03:33 AM
Been KB/Mouse for too long now. Don't like not having buttons available and such, plus I rather have WADS over a stick, more precise for me.

The only weapon that doesn't have a use for TPS is poor little old sword, xD Unless you're casting techs with that new XH Loser one.

Apr 15, 2015, 03:35 AM
Keyboard + Mouse (TPS mode), even for melee (lost some PA's usability because of it though, like Symphonic Drive or other chasing PA) ^^; My scumbag brain won't respond much in auto-aim .....

Well, for hitting Bibras horn's core and Hunar's sword, I need to switch to auto-aim since it moves too much (sometimes managed to apply WB with TPS mode) ..... though it did make me killed (while in auto-aim mode) .... twice last time, before I can apply 1 single WB :wacko: The reason I level my WB to Lv1 :wacko:

Apr 15, 2015, 04:00 AM
Keyboard + Mouse, i am using TPS Mode when lock-on don't want to lock what I want. I am also using TPS for more precision as Ranger, sometimes Gunner, Force's Foie.

Keyboard is cool because you just have to press a button and POP, you activate a stance/skill/monomate.

Apr 15, 2015, 04:12 AM
99% KB+M since i don't find using gamepad comfortable.

TPS only when equipping rifle, launcher or bullet bow, but not all the time -- i switch on TPS and regular camera depending on situation or the attack i want to pull off.

Apr 15, 2015, 05:24 AM
1. K+M, since I find having gamepads too restrictive when I first played PSO2 as a Fo back then what with having too little subpalette space for items, techs and stuff.

2. I use both TPS and regular camera mode depending on the situation, even as a ranger. Also this camera mode when AQ grinding as katana braver

Apr 15, 2015, 07:32 AM
both. i use the mouse in my right hand for aiming and a pad im my left for movement when using tps mode.

Either this or full gamepad, too used to phantasy star games since ps2 and psp to change now e.e

Apr 15, 2015, 09:01 AM
both. i use the mouse in my right hand for aiming and a pad im my left for movement when using tps mode.

Oh my~ I should try this out sometime. Sounds really nice!

I think I'm used to gamepad more because of how much I used to play Phantasy Star Online: Episode I & II on the GC, so it stull feels like the natural way for me to play. Going into it at first, I used to have an issue with palette swapping, but I don't have that issue any longer, really, as I found ways to place the most important items, class skills, and techs close together on each subpalette. The only thing I hate about this is that I have the old Xbox 360 controller that has a pretty annoying Dpad, but I'm used to it now.

I'll most likely go back into trying keyboard and mouse controls when I go back to either of those four classes (Ranger, Gunner, Force, or Techer). Heck, I should also add Braver to that list! lol

But I do agree that using the TPS perspective as a melee class also makes taking down some enemy weak spots a lot easier as you have more control with a wider range of movement via keyboard and mouse. When I try using TPS perspective next time, I'm going to alter horizontal and vertical sensitivity to see if I can find a sweet spot for myself.

Apr 15, 2015, 09:08 AM
Gamepad for standard combat as any class, but if I need to play sniper, say, for specific aimed techs or for applying WB I'll use TPS and use the mouse for that, but I don't use it at anywhere close to a dangerous range for me, because I very strongly dislike having so much of my view of whats around my character cut off, and unable to see impending attacks from the sides or behind.

My area memory tends to be bad as well and as a side effect I tend to bump into things a lot of get generally snagged on terrain, miss otherwise easy jumps, and navigate all around very poorly in TPS mode, its why I strongly try to avoid FPS as well, so little idea of what my surroundings are, I get disoriented far too easily.

Apr 15, 2015, 11:22 AM
I pretty much just use a controller since my keyboard is a compact one that makes even just using WASD to move super uncomfortable; for TPS, I remapped the controller completely to be more like the first Mass Effect since the default configuration just didn't feel right.

Apr 15, 2015, 12:00 PM
I use the mouse on Rodos for the harpoon and long distance ilbarta (rodos/towers/gunships) or grants (magatsu). Everything else I'm comfortable with the gamepad, but I don't play ranger. Also I have hopes the Steam controller will help me discard the mouse completely for those precision moments (and I'll love the back buttons for the tip of my ring fingers!).

Apr 15, 2015, 12:51 PM
I use my gamepad for a super majority of things, but for hotkeys and subpalette activation, and TPS mode; I use my mouse and keyboard and gamepad.

Apr 15, 2015, 01:06 PM
It depends on the setting I'm in.

Thought at least 70% of the time I'm in Z-Target for better shots.

Perfect Chaos
Apr 15, 2015, 02:34 PM
My mouse alone has more buttons than most gamepad controllers, so there's no point in using a gamepad for me when the mouse offers much more precise aiming (plus having a keyboard just gives a bunch more keys for various stuff).

Apr 15, 2015, 02:40 PM
Yeah, I think anyone in their right mind understands the advantages of mouse over an analog stick for aiming in most situations, particularly with no aim assist/auto aim of any sort.

Still, I personally TPS with controller on this. But then, I've done a fair bit of console FPS play in my time. I won't try to argue its superior because its absolutely not, but it all comes down to what the individual can do in some respects. I've smoked my fair share of PC players using their m/kb on PC shooters while playing controller myself despite the notable handicap.

Apr 15, 2015, 03:20 PM
I play strictly with Game Pad, but mouse is definitely better for TPS aim. It's not a major issue, thanks to this games excellent lock-on system, though.

Apr 15, 2015, 04:24 PM
Most games i preffer kb+mouse but on PSO2 i like xbox 360 controller.

Apr 15, 2015, 05:48 PM
360 controller since I'm comfortable with it. My PC is right next to my bed so it makes more sense than reaching for my kb and using the mouse on it.

both. i use the mouse in my right hand for aiming and a pad im my left for movement when using tps mode.
I do this sometimes.

Apr 16, 2015, 05:24 PM
both. i use the mouse in my right hand for aiming and a pad im my left for movement when using tps mode.

I'm going to have to try this too. I enjoy the precise movement of the gamepad, but i do find the more precise aiming of the mouse a lot easier for tps mode. I do prefer the gamepad for anything that doesn't require tps though.

Apr 16, 2015, 06:01 PM
I imagine this (https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1384390939/grifta-morphing-gamepad/description)is going to be a godsend for people who do controller and mouse when/if it gets released.