View Full Version : Oni-hime Shiki Client Orders

Manta Oyamada
May 27, 2015, 12:40 PM
「強さ」の定義とは| What Is Strength?
Objective: Talk to Zeno (ゼノ ), Klaris Krays (クラリスクレイス), Quna (クーナ ) and Theodore (テオドール)
Note: Active EP3 Matter Board required

まずは力試しといきましょう | But First, A Strength Test
Objective: Defeat 1x Vol Dragon (ヴォル・ドラゴン)

ダーカーとの戦闘訓練 | Darker Battle Practice
Objective: Defeat 1x Zeshrayda (ゼッシュレイダ)

強固な盾剣を持つ龍族との力比べ | Dragon With A Sword and Shield
Objective: Defeat 1x Dragon Ex (ドラゴン・エクス)

機甲の要塞との死闘 | Armored Combat
Objective: Defeat 1x Big Vardha (ビッグヴァーダー)
Reward: Partner card Oni-hime Shiki

甲冑を纏う武者との勝負 | Armored Warrior
Objective: Complete Shironia Exploration (白ノ領域探索) on Very Hard+ with only NPC Oni-hime Shiki

狡猾なコンビネーションとの勝負 | Crafty Combination
Objective : Complete Facility Exploration (浮上施設探索) on VH+ with only NPC Oni-hime Shiki

弱点の把握が肝要 | Understanding Weak Points
Objective : Defeat one or more Level 41++ enemies of any type by attacking their weak point

侵食されたエネミーとの戦闘訓練 | Encroached Enemy Battle Practice
Objective: Defeat one or more Level 41++ boosted enemies of any type

May 27, 2015, 12:45 PM
Bumped (http://www.bumped.org/psublog/pso2-jp-maintenance-and-patch-5272015/) added her CO list after maint with description.

May 27, 2015, 08:18 PM
I'm not seeing Zeno, Quna or Theodore. Is it because I have to advance more in EP3? I'm still in chapter one.

May 27, 2015, 08:46 PM
They should appear. Have you set your active matter board to an Episode 3 one? If you're set to an Episode 1 or 2 one, it won't work.