View Full Version : Datamined content: New class - Summoner

Aug 25, 2015, 11:26 PM

As of the latest patch, there are now two entries for "pets".

VerificationPet  Test:Pet  enemy/db_en_veri_p.ice 2 enemy/db_en_veri_p.ice,enemy/db_en_veri_p_eff.ice

And, the newest one:

PetDogA  enemy/en_pe_dog_a.ice

By themselves, this doesn't really say anything. However, I checked and found an AI script for PetDogA, and here's where the damning evidence comes into play. Listed inside the script is this:


These are (internal) player attack names. No other enemy AI script has them. There are even three entries for NA's(Normal attacks), which all weapons have three of.

Full contents of pet_dog_a.ini.lua:
lua + O+ `   pet_dog_a.ini.lua LuaQ  r  J  A@AABI @ 
ʼn Ŋ E  Ƌɀƌ I@ @ @G I@
 A  "A @ I IȐI@ǑI EIɒI ʓ I@ I I I  I @ I I  I  I @ I I  I  I @ I  I I @  @    @    @  * *  I  @ I@ I @ E  Ai  PetDogA  Mode  Appear  Escape  Die  Peace  Attack 
AttackObject  Escort  Patrol  SearchCollision  Sight_01 
Collision  Shape  Sphere  Radius  B Offset  X   Y  Z  Type  Sight  Active  RaidRule  Close  *@ Settings  HpEvent  OnHp0per  FarRange  pA
PET_SHOCK  @ GetParentDist  CalcPetMode  Approach  RuleSearch 
RuleAlert  RuleBattle  RuleAfterKick  Turn  OnAppear  OnDebug  GetWaitTime  GetCoolTime  OnOrder 
AttackNormal  AutoAttack  AtkN1  AtkN2  AtkN3 
AtkPa5Return  DebugFunction  Test_Pa5  4 :   E F@ \  @@ 
MBE F] ^    Ai  GetParentPosition  GetPosition  math  sqrt > ]  6 @  A ܀@    @AA@  E F \           @@@   @A  @A B@ B    Ai  GetVariable  petmode  PetDogA  PET_FOLLOW  GetParentDist  TargetDistanceXZ  PET_FREE  SetVariable ` e  E FB \ X@ B   Ƃ  @ B   @    @ B   Ai  TargetDistanceXZ  SetDash  Approach m z  2 @@     @  A @  @  @ A @  @  @ @@B@ @  @  @    @   @@ @  @ A @    Ai  GetVariable  env.appear  EndMode  unique  Do 
AppearBar  jump  AppearJump  quick 
AppearAttack  Attack  Kick  Appear }  " @@@  A  @@   @ƀ    @   @   @  A @
 Ai  PetDogA  CalcPetMode  A 
Wandering *   @@   ܀  A  AA@  A  AA@  A  AA@   A  AA@ A  ƁA  AA@   A   AC@  Ɓ  @  ܁A @ A  A ܁A    BA@  B  A  A ܁A    B A B  D@     @  B  BA@   B   BBE@    E FF@ E FF@E FB   A \BE FB   A \B   Ai  GetVariable  rule  GetTotalDeltaTime  SetVariable   cool  back  petmode  PetDogA  PET_FOLLOW 
unpasablecnt  GetParentPosition  IsLinePassable  ? B print  tranport to parent 
ToVector3  CalcPetMode  A *@
PET_SHOCK  AddSubState 
AttackNormal  V @@  ƀ  ܀  @ @
 A@  A  @    B  E FC  \  B  C  B B  C  E F  \B  DAD  DD@   Ɓ A ܁B E FFB   A A @ E@ A  A    Ai 
HasTarget  TargetDistanceXZ  B GetPosition & GetTargetRandomPositionFromEnemyPoint  *@ pA Move 
ToVector3  GetRandomF  @ @@  Wait  ? PetDogA  FarRange  Approach  A SetVariable  rule   @  ܀  @@  E F \  A B  Ɓ  @ A @ ƁA  Ɓ  A  A ' A  ܁ @ Ɓ  @  DB    B    A !  AB ܁ E@   Ƃ  E F  \ B @ B@ B ̂FB  AF    B@ B  B  BG@   B  BG@    B  BG@  B  B C@ B@ B  B  BG@    B  BG@    B
 BG@  B  B  AFBD   AC@   C A ܂ E FFN   A B @ B@  B B  $  Ai 
HasTarget  TargetDistanceXZ  GetToTargetDegreeXZ  GetVariable  back  PetDogA  Turn  FarRange ? SetVariable  rule   IsTargetLinePassable   Approach  GetRandomF  @ *@ A
GetRandom  B Wait  GetWaitTime  ? A ?
NearRange  @@ Do  StepBack  pA StepLeft 
StepRight  Laugh  ?   X  A@@  E F \  @    AB ܁ AA@  B   ABBBY@ €  B@   B   AB  B@  B B  B@ B  B  C@    B D@   ƂB  E F  \ B  BE@    B   Ai 
HasTarget  TargetDistanceXZ  GetTotalDeltaTime  GetVariable  cool  PetDogA  Turn 
NearRange  @ SetVariable  rule  ? @@ Attack  Kick  Wait  GetWaitTime  GetRandomF   ? Do 
StepFront    0 @@  ƀ  ܀  @A@  A AA E FFF  AB@   A @ AB@   A @   C@    A   Ai 
HasTarget  TargetDistanceXZ  PetDogA  Turn  GetQuestEnemyActionLevel  Common  ActionLevel  Advance  SetVariable  rule  @ ? @@ Attack  Scratch  *  9 @@     A  A @ ƀ  @  AB B @ B   A  A @ ƀ  @  AB B @ @X @ @C@ ƀ  @  @    Ai  GetToTargetDegreeXZ  B
RotateAdjust  TurnJumpRight 
ף> Wait  PetDogA  GetWaitTime  > 
TurnJumpLeft  4B 4 Rotate . 0    3 5    < ?   @ @    print  OnHp0per B K   @܀  @@A @  @    Ai  GetQuestEnemyActionLevel  Common  ActionLevel  Advance L> M V   A @ @ @  @ @ A  A ^    A Ai  GetQuestEnemyActionLevel  Common  ActionLevel  Advance  `@ Y \    A@@  A    Ai  Do  AtkPa1 ] `    A@@  A    Ai  Do  AtkPa2 a d    A@@  A    Ai  Do  AtkPa3 e h    A@@  A    Ai  Do  AtkPa4 i m    A@@  A  @@   B A   Ai  Do  AtkPa5Begin  AddSubState  
AtkPa5Return p y  =  A@@  Ɓ  @    BA  B A  E F  \  BC    B B  C  E FC  \B  C   D BD  A  B   Ai  GetPosition & GetTargetRandomPositionFromEnemyPoint  *@ pA SetDash  Move 
ToVector3  GetRandomF  @ @@  Wait  ?
GetRandom  B *A Do  Grooming |   )  A@@  Ɓ  ܁  X B  AE F  \BE F   CB@   E F  \   \B 
 Ai  GetParentPosition  PetDogA  GetParentDist  @ A @ SetDash  Move 
ToVector3  GetRandomF  @@ ?    ,  A@@ E F\  AAA  E FF \  B  A  C  C@  B C@   B  BD@    B   Ai  GetVariable  rule  GetTotalDeltaTime  Common  BattleClaim  PetDogA  GetCoolTime  pA ?L>> @@ `@ SetDash  Do  Approach  AddSubState   AutoAttack    A  A@@  @@A @ A  A B A A  A  A A  A  A   AB  A A  AB  A A @ AB  A A @ AB  A A    Ai  TargetPointDistance  @  AddSubState  AtkN1  AtkN2  AtkN3  ? Do  AtkPa1  @ AtkPa2  @@ AtkPa3  AtkPa4   
 A@@  @@E F   \A    Ai  TargetPointDistance  @ LockAttack  AtkN1   
 A@@  @@E F   \A    Ai  TargetPointDistance  @ LockAttack  AtkN2   
 A@@  @@E F   \A    Ai  TargetPointDistance  @ LockAttack  AtkN3    "  A@@  Ɓ  ܁ A BA@   Ƃ  @ ܂  B A@   B  BB@  B
 Ai  GetParentPosition  PetDogA  GetParentDist  @ LockTargetPoint 
ToVector3  Attack 
AtkPa5Return  UnlockTargetPoint     @@  A @  @  A A @   Ai  Do  AtkPa5Begin  AddSubState  
AtkPa5Return [/spoiler-box]

Both pet "enemies" are surrounded by enemies which are listed as episode 4 enemies, indicating that these are episode 4 content.
Neither are listed as actual enemies in the .ski files, indicating they aren't actual enemies.
The AI script constantly references a 'parent' and the 'parent's location, which is precisely what a summon/pet would do.


Tl;dr: Either the new episode 4 class is 'Summoner', or we get actual pets. There aren't any other possibilities.

Aug 25, 2015, 11:28 PM
gonna give me a heart attack if you keep data mining all this good stuff, thank you (assuming this is the new class?)(maybic)

Aug 25, 2015, 11:29 PM
At some point, I had the feeling PSO2 was going to jump on the pet class bandwagon.
Never thought twice about it, though.

Might be interesting when combined with subclasses, depending on how they handle it.
Not expecting much though.

Aug 25, 2015, 11:33 PM
So then GunTecher ruled out? or still consider a GT just when you summon familiars they use ranged/close range attacks? too soon to ask but if they do ignore the GunTecher root it would pretty odd and cool at the same time

WoW tier pet camo's etc incoming...maybic

Aug 25, 2015, 11:37 PM
Doesn't seem that odd, especially if these are handled like some kind of semi-permanent Photon Blast, ala Anga.

Aug 25, 2015, 11:39 PM

Aug 25, 2015, 11:43 PM
In before AC pet skins/clothes/accessories.

If so, I hope they expand such a system to AIS like I suggested.

Dark Emerald EXE
Aug 25, 2015, 11:45 PM

Here's to hoping new race :P (not expecting that though)

Aug 25, 2015, 11:52 PM

Here's to hoping new race :P (not expecting that though)
PSU's Beasts will be the pets. We don't get to be them, we merely enslave them to do our bidding.

As I typed this, I thought, what if we enslave Lillipans to be these so-called "pets?"

I feel bad now.

Aug 25, 2015, 11:55 PM
PSU's Beasts will be the pets. We don't get to be them, we merely enslave them to do our bidding.

As I typed this, I thought, what if we enslave Lillipans to be these so-called "pets?"

I feel bad now.
As long as I can punt Lilipans as R or T based attacks, im just perfectly fine with this

Aug 26, 2015, 12:05 AM
The pet is quite clearly listed as PetDog.

Maybe it's a Gulf puppy. Or a mini Falke Leone.

Aug 26, 2015, 12:07 AM
There goes my hopes of getting Spreads or Slicers in episode 4.
I also guess Summoner might be my new unliked class. Never thought Braver would've been beaten.

Aug 26, 2015, 12:08 AM
;3286269']There goes my hopes of getting Spreads or Slicers in episode 4.
I also guess Summoner might be my new unliked class. Never thought Braver would've been beaten.

Who said that it wouldn't still get another weapon? What would the point of summoning be if you weren't allowed to do other things with other weapons while the summon out? Why bother using a summon to attack indirectly if you could just be more precise and attack directly yourself.

Aug 26, 2015, 12:11 AM
The pet is quite clearly listed as PetDog.

Maybe it's a Gulf puppy. Or a mini Falke Leone.
If it is more than just a run-of-the-mill style of pet, I hope it is a Photon Blast-esque "dog," like these being a refinement of the Photon Blast system. I feel it would fit more with the "summoning" aspect since that is essentially what we do with PBs, unless we get a PSO Ep.III style of card-based summoning.

Aug 26, 2015, 12:12 AM
It's clearly a new Dog race.
Inunians from planet Inu-tan.

Aug 26, 2015, 12:13 AM
R-Atk Weapon: One handed ranged weapon + 1 or 2 R-Mags/attack drones
T-atk Weapon: One handed tech weapon + summoned pet


Aug 26, 2015, 12:15 AM
Yes! Now I can be pogeyman master in pso2!

Aug 26, 2015, 12:15 AM
Will I be forever ten years old? :wacko:

Aug 26, 2015, 12:15 AM
It's clearly a new Dog race.
Inunians from planet Inu-tan.

Tan princess Shibe-hime wants us to protect the Siberian Fortress from Muttsgatsu.

Aug 26, 2015, 12:19 AM
Who said that it wouldn't still get another weapon? What would the point of summoning be if you weren't allowed to do other things with other weapons while the summon out? Why bother using a summon to attack indirectly if you could just be more precise and attack directly yourself.

Summon are usually magic-based so I'm sure it would be more of a tech class than anything range.
So Slicers and Spreads are 100% out of the question... okay 90%...

The only wep that is tech class that would go with summoning from past PS games would be the whip. Of course to whip your pet to do what you want them while your whip hurt enemies too.

While I did like Acrotecher in PSU (and of course the Whips are one reason why I did.... and the fast casting), I really rather see my slicers or spreads again.

Aug 26, 2015, 12:24 AM
So now we will be pokemon trainers!

The pokedex will be our weapon. It's useless on its own, but we can give orders (PAs) to our pets to attack, defend, cure, etc.

No need to buy new weapons (pets) as they will evolve naturally.

Wonder how will be the skilltree...

Dark Emerald EXE
Aug 26, 2015, 12:27 AM
Thought of Eve from elsword for some reason...

Aug 26, 2015, 12:51 AM
PSU's Beasts will be the pets. We don't get to be them, we merely enslave them to do our bidding.

As I typed this, I thought, what if we enslave Lillipans to be these so-called "pets?"

I feel bad now.


Now all those Capture trials suddenly make sense

Aug 26, 2015, 01:00 AM
I can imagine how frustrating it'd be to have to capture enemies as pets in a multi.

A few days ago, I did the free SH Mines daily. A Ragne spawned.
I killed him in about 3 Backhand Smashes. Only then does the game go "CODE: CAPTURE!"
I don't understand why they still haven't fixed that.

Aug 26, 2015, 01:20 AM
;3286287']Summon are usually magic-based so I'm sure it would be more of a tech class than anything range.
So Slicers and Spreads are 100% out of the question... okay 90%...

Slicers are tech weapons in PSZero, but pso2 already has talis, those slicers would just be a bouncing through enemies talis.

Aug 26, 2015, 01:27 AM
I'm still waiting on a class that uses a shotgun as one of it's main weapons.

Aug 26, 2015, 01:36 AM
Oh... Okay, summoner... hmm... good-- waaaait a second...

By means of using a summoned pet or being or a beast means...!-- *gasp* Beast Race! Half life 3 confirmed!--

Random japanese guy in a black suit: GDI SakuRei, get out of here! *gets captured by SoJ* (This person knew about our plan! Must be one of the spies of SoA! Send SoA a message, their server will still be... Delayed.)

Naoya Kiriyama
Aug 26, 2015, 01:43 AM
I'm still waiting on a class that uses a shotgun as one of it's main weapons.

You can always jerk around using Diffuse Shell PA with rifle. And there's your shotgun.

Aug 26, 2015, 01:43 AM
thats interesting, although we don't know what it actually going to be
good work, girl

Aug 26, 2015, 01:46 AM
We got S-ATK/R-ATK (Braver), S-ATK/T-ATK (Bouncer), I'm guessing Summoner will be T-ATK/R-ATK.

Aug 26, 2015, 01:49 AM
You can always jerk around using Diffuse Shell PA with rifle. And there's your shotgun.

Same could be said of Grenade Shell PA for rifles, but we still got launchers.

Aug 26, 2015, 01:52 AM
Hmm. Never was fond of Summoners in almost any game, though Phantasy Star games always had this effect on me for making exceptions. Even so, last thing I really want to deal with is all the randoms, friends, and their mothers hoping on the Summoner train. Don't want Summoners flooding up the Free Partner tabs either. Maybe I'm over-exaggerating things, but I'm a bit paranoid of the luring effect of the new cool hip magical classes.

Aug 26, 2015, 02:00 AM
Be a Summoner, take 3 Summoners partners. Instead of being 4 in the party, end up being 8 with the pets.

No XP bonus of course.

Also where is my datamined shotgun using Zalure Shells ? :(

Aug 26, 2015, 02:02 AM
That hopping on the bandwagon thing happens everytime there's a new class.
It's not a matter of the class itself, it's because SEGA only introduces one new thing at a time over a long period, so people have no choice.

Aug 26, 2015, 02:20 AM
Hipsters these days and their "these idiot kids hopping on band wagon of a class" it really doesnt make sense to me, I dont see how its a bandwagon if its just a BRAND NEW class and people want to try it out... I almost feel like its Bandwagoning to tell other people they're bandwagoning

Aug 26, 2015, 02:22 AM
Right? NOT playing a class just because "everyone else is doing it" is still letting other people affect what you do. It's no different than playing it because everyone else is doing it.

Play the class you want to, ignore what everyone else is. If you don't wanna, fine. o7

Aug 26, 2015, 02:29 AM
I don't think any of that is relevant. It's a new class after over a year.
Of course everybody is going to try it out.

Aug 26, 2015, 02:30 AM
I don't think any of that is relevant. It's a new class after over a year.
Of course everybody is going to try it out.

we were just speaking about what the Huntchez guy said "Even so, last thing I really want to deal with is all the randoms, friends, and their mothers hoping on the Summoner train."

Nitro Vordex
Aug 26, 2015, 02:30 AM
You know, I'm really trying to picture how this is going to work. Maybe with the PS4 migration and a new class, we might get a new engine, or a game revamp? Won't know until TGS I guess.

Aug 26, 2015, 02:35 AM
If they manage to make Episode 4 better than Episode 3, then i'll say : "Good job SEGA", but I will whine for some minor things of course, I am a PSO2 player afterall.

Aug 26, 2015, 02:36 AM
we were just speaking about what the Huntchez guy said "Even so, last thing I really want to deal with is all the randoms, friends, and their mothers hoping on the Summoner train."

Fine fine..

Last thing I want to deal with is all the randoms, friends, and their mothers hopping on the Summoner class.

Better? :wacko:

Aug 26, 2015, 02:39 AM
There is the word "mother" in your post.

My mother feels offended to be in a post about PSO2, remove it please.


Aug 26, 2015, 03:11 AM
Not sure how I feel about that to be honest. I don't think summoners fit PSO2 too well, but I'm open to being surprised.

Aug 26, 2015, 03:42 AM
I love pet classes in games, so if this turns out to be the case I'll be pretty happy.

Aug 26, 2015, 04:03 AM
If this pet weapon is the magic weapon for the new class, that would need to be one fancy dog. Probably like a photon being.

Considering though, it could ALWAYS cast spells from your pet, like a permanent talis that chases enemies you have locked on.


If the normal attack action is just commanding the pet to jump to the target, that sounds kinda boring though, like you're playing a dog instead of your character.

Aug 26, 2015, 04:09 AM
I'd prefer these to be class-exclusive shenanigans, as I wouldn't want pets affecting the battlefield more than mags already do. Too early to judge though, I'm aware.

Aug 26, 2015, 05:38 AM
I don't like this at all.
Besides usually not being fond of pets (only exception being my zookeeper Witchdoctor build in Diablo 3) it doesn't seem to have any really synergy with other classes.
All other classes are mainly focused on your own character (obviously) except for a handful general support skills like bo fields, wb and sd.

If summoner is focused on pet with little else, it will probably be not very compatible with other classes.
If pet is only part of the tree and it has some other skills that do synergize with other classes (i.e. skills focused on powering up yourself, etc.) you can spec ontop of a good pet build, it may work.

But honestly, with that much lag and such a huge visual clusterfuck, the last thing we need is to make it worse with pets.

You know, I'm really trying to picture how this is going to work. Maybe with the PS4 migration and a new class, we might get a new engine, or a game revamp? Won't know until TGS I guess.
That would be a dream come true.
If the game engine would be fixed that's a huge amoun of my issues with the game solved right then and there.
But I kinda doubt it, cause Sega.

Aug 26, 2015, 05:43 AM
Besides usually not being fond of pets (only exception being my zookeeper Witchdoctor build in Diablo 3) it doesn't seem to have any really synergy with other classes.
All other classes are mainly focused on your own character (obviously) except for a handful general support skills like bo fields, wb and sd.

If summoner is focused on pet with little else, it will probably be not very compatible with other classes.
If pet is only part of the tree and it has some other skills that do synergize with other classes (i.e. skills focused on powering up yourself, etc.) you can spec ontop of a good pet build, it may work.

Assuming it is a class at all, maybe the pet is able to use the same modifiers that we can. All the class would need at that point would be a skill that boosts critical (which all of the advanced classes seem to have) and it could easily run Fi/Su regardless of what attack type it used.


Aug 26, 2015, 05:46 AM
I'm leaning towards the class using a T-atk weapon to control the summon, but also cast techniques. Meanwhile, the class would also have an R-atk weapon which might be more powerful, but you also lose the ability to control the summon directly via previously-mentioned T-atk weapon's PA's.

Aug 26, 2015, 08:18 AM

[SPOILER-BOX]0:18 seconds into the video.

I'm guess that, as you use your weapon to attack enemies, this summoned beast fights alongside you, dealing damage as you attack. The beast's attribute depends on which tech you use to summon it(?). Finally, each PA are for the summoned beast only. Maybe it's set up the same way for Bullet Bows, Rifles, etc. where you can switch the weapon palette.

Idk, just a thought.

Aug 26, 2015, 08:38 AM
Pet commands might be a decent set of PAs for tech based slicer or whip, as Sega seems to like leaving tech weapons without unique PAs for the most part. Or the pet could be all skill tree hotbar controls, "attack my target", "attack closest target", "draw aggro" etc all from skill tree.

If this is going to be the only hybrid without a striking element, and stances are melee classes' hat, then maybe we won't have zero stance, charge stance or standing stance. Maybe the tree will all be pet and weapon boosters with a couple of conditional multipliers.

Which of course leaves room for needles and needle special bullets. Have the faith, Guntecher isn't dead yet.

Aug 26, 2015, 08:44 AM
Most likely it'll work like any other game where you summon the pet and it works besides you, and your subpalette gets over run with active skills that make the pet do special moves once in a while.

If we're lucky there'll be something that lets you remote control the pet with your weapon, in a way.

Aug 26, 2015, 08:51 AM
Since the other hybrid classes seem to be inspired from japanese themes, I'm guessing this class will be related to onmyouji?

Aug 26, 2015, 08:57 AM
Maybe it's like Ilios Proi where the pet attacks what the master is attacking, then you have active skills on your subpallete for the pet PAs

Aug 26, 2015, 09:04 AM
Since the other hybrid classes seem to be inspired from japanese themes

*cough*Bouncer*cough* ;-)

Aug 26, 2015, 09:52 AM
*cough*Bouncer*cough* ;-)

Ninja of course. Acrobatic rapid fire dual wielding spellblade class casting ninpo techs from their hotbar, double jumping and "she kicks high"? Samurai braver, ninja bouncer.

Aug 26, 2015, 10:07 AM
Ninja of course. Acrobatic rapid fire dual wielding spellblade class casting ninpo techs from their hotbar, double jumping and "she kicks high"? Samurai braver, ninja bouncer.

That seems rather like a case of applying the Bigger Hammer Theory to the square peg that doesn't want to go through the round opening.

Aug 26, 2015, 10:38 AM
New intro with the supposed pets then? o_O

Aug 26, 2015, 10:50 AM
Oh i see, Reborn, means everyone's now a dark falz! So pets are lolis inside lil anga costumes!

On a serious note: I did a quick check on es. No signs of summoners or pets.

Aug 26, 2015, 11:10 AM
Maybe a new weapo type perhaps? Es probably hsn't been updated with summoner stuff as well. Need to wait til end of 3 to find out more info.

Aug 26, 2015, 11:13 AM
That seems rather like a case of applying the Bigger Hammer Theory to the square peg that doesn't want to go through the round opening.

Look at the EP3 opening and tell me the casts aren't inspired by ninja.

Aug 26, 2015, 11:43 AM
People need to remember that the Phantasy star series, from PSO onward, has been an Action RPG. Seeing a summoner class in an action RPG, especially one with such quick pacing as PSO2, is actually quite an interesting idea. I wanna see how they'll pull it off.

Aug 26, 2015, 11:46 AM
shotguns confirmed

Aug 26, 2015, 11:52 AM
Does he have a torrent of blood coming out of his hip?

Aug 26, 2015, 12:38 PM
Look at the EP3 opening and tell me the casts aren't inspired by ninja.

Not seeing what CAST part and costume designs have to do with it, they're more due to the general "Nippon IN SPAAAAACE" schtick of Harukotan. And I'm kind of under the impression that the release of the quite explicitly samurai-ish Braver conversely didn't come with comparable levels of pseudo-Japanese paraphenelia.

Also high-flying acrobatic kicks are more Taekwondo if anything, just sayin'.

Aug 26, 2015, 12:41 PM
Anyone thinking Shadoogs/R-mags from the old series?
A spawn of semi-auto AI controled mini drones for Tech-gunner class sounds make sense to me.

Aug 26, 2015, 12:44 PM
It's pretty hard to say what is ninja anymore, since our current perception of them has nothing to do with what they originally were. If we were going for a historically accurate depiction of them, they'd be peasants with sharp stuff in their pockets.
Kind of like most 1980s kid movie protagonists, really.

Aug 26, 2015, 12:47 PM
It's pretty hard to say what is ninja anymore, since our current perception of them has nothing to do with what they originally were. If we were going for a historically accurate depiction of them, they'd be peasants with sharp stuff in their pockets.
Kind of like most 1980s kid movie protagonists, really.
Then that means that my childhood dream of being a ninja has been fulfilled! I'm poor and carry lots of sharp things, like my house and car keys, my utili-key, and a bunch of pens and pencils! Now to find a way to turn into a turtle-man.

Aug 26, 2015, 12:49 PM
I hope we can get Rappy pets.

Aug 26, 2015, 12:50 PM
It shouldn't be too hard to find a tortoise shell. From there, just weld the edges to a hinge, and use that as body armor.
The tough part is finding a teenage robot ninja gang with laser guns lead by an intergalactic brain alien in a cyber suit headquartered in a spherical skyscraper tank.

Hm... After typing that out, I'm not sure that 80s children's cartoon was historically accurate.

Aug 26, 2015, 12:51 PM
Anyone thinking Shadoogs/R-mags from the old series?
A spawn of semi-auto AI controled mini drones for Tech-gunner class sounds make sense to me.

... a Class using Attack Drones as Weapon?
That would make me drop Gunner and never look back.

Aug 26, 2015, 12:54 PM
We had those in PSU. It was boring there, but it might work better here.

Aug 26, 2015, 01:08 PM
If we were going for a historically accurate depiction of them, they'd be peasants with sharp stuff in their pockets.
Kind of like most 1980s kid movie protagonists, really.

That... would be a terribly historically *inaccurate* description of the bunch, you know... Factually they were just bushi specialising in espionage, reconnaissance and suchlike.

Aug 26, 2015, 01:11 PM
I think we can agree they don't wear jet boots that shoot fire when they kick while swords spiral about them, though.

Aug 26, 2015, 01:12 PM
Why are you guys debating ? It is clearly obvious that Bouncer is based on an alien technology. I mean, no humans had the idea to get two blades in each hands. :wacko:

Aug 26, 2015, 01:14 PM
When do we get Gojira class?

Aug 26, 2015, 01:21 PM
Why are you guys debating ? It is clearly obvious that Bouncer is based on an alien technology. I mean, no humans had the idea to get two blades in each hands. :wacko:

Not true, after being nerfed to hell Gunners decided to hold blades.

Aug 26, 2015, 01:27 PM
I think we can agree they don't wear jet boots that shoot fire when they kick while swords spiral about them, though.

No argument there. Pretty sure even the wilder fringe of martial-arts fiction is poor on flying magic boots used for both spellcasting and kicking in heads. ^^;

Why are you guys debating ? It is clearly obvious that Bouncer is based on an alien technology. I mean, no humans had the idea to get two blades in each hands. :wacko:

TD Fighters make sour faces at that, but more like IRL people rarely found the gimmick anywhere worth the amount of effort involved...

Aug 26, 2015, 07:44 PM

Aug 26, 2015, 07:50 PM

Don't worry, these types of threads all lead to this at some point on this website:

Aug 26, 2015, 08:00 PM
Don't worry, these types of threads all lead to this at some point on this website:

Well yeah, I would know. I make the vast majority of these threads.

Aug 26, 2015, 09:14 PM
What's that image from? Looks fun.

Speaking of new classes, someone uploaded this to MMOLoda - season 4 design concepts for Blaster class.

Edit: Forgot to elaborate that it's a fan-made drawing, not real. Sadly.

Edit2: Somehow misread Slicer and Slider. Sleep is important, people!

Aug 26, 2015, 09:39 PM
What's that image from? Looks fun.

Speaking of new classes, someone uploaded this to MMOLoda - season 4 design concepts for Blaster and Slider class.

So ..... the Bit is tech weapon? o-o
And Slicer the R-Atk one? o-o

Aug 26, 2015, 09:57 PM
Of all the things, this is the last thing I expected.

Shotguns would be nice though.

Aug 26, 2015, 10:13 PM
So ..... the Bit is tech weapon? o-o
And Slicer the R-Atk one? o-o

Seems like it.

Aug 26, 2015, 10:19 PM
What's that image from? Looks fun.

Speaking of new classes, someone uploaded this to MMOLoda - season 4 design concepts for Blaster and Slider class.

Are you sure that's official? Because going by the character design on the left, it doesn't seem like it.

Aug 26, 2015, 10:22 PM
That is definitely gotta be fan-made considering we have Muscle-Marlu there. I believe the file name is even "Ep.4 New Job Fantasy."

Aug 26, 2015, 10:27 PM
Oops. Yeah, I meant someone uploaded fan made concepts.
I didn't mean they were real. Sorry.

What's that flying through space train image from~?

Aug 26, 2015, 10:28 PM
Oops. Yeah, I meant someone uploaded fan made concepts.
I didn't mean they were real. Sorry.

What's that flying through space train image from~?
Yama no Susume, the second season I believe. If I recall, that is a dream sequence.

Aug 26, 2015, 11:03 PM

Aug 27, 2015, 12:22 AM
will only be cool if can cummon blade wolf or medabots.

I ain't fixin' that typo.

Jaqlou Swig KING
Aug 27, 2015, 12:30 AM
Damn, what a waste of a screencap then.

Aug 27, 2015, 12:35 AM
Good to see he's still alive.

Aug 27, 2015, 12:58 AM
Those tabs tho

Aug 27, 2015, 01:00 AM
Good news everyone! I found the AI script for VerificationPet:
[spoiler-box]lua $ # `   verificationpet.ini.lua LuaQ  b  J@ Š  ‰‰ A‚‰@‚‰€Aƒ‰ƒ‰A„‰„‰€B…I€ Š@ 
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AttackObject  Escort  Patrol  SearchCollision  Sight_01 
Collision  Shape  Sphere  Radius  B Offset  X   Y  Z  Type  Sight  Active  RaidRule  Close  *@ Settings  HpEvent  OnHp0per  FarRange  pA
PET_SHOCK  @ GetParentDist  CalcPetMode  Approach  RuleSearch 
RuleAlert  RuleBattle  RuleAfterKick  Turn  OnAppear  OnDebug  GetWaitTime  GetCoolTime  OnOrder 
AttackNormal  3 9   E F@ € \  @@ 
‚M‚BE FŒ‚] ^  €   Ai  GetParentPosition  GetPosition  math  sqrt = \  6 @  A €€@ € €   @AA@  E F€ \ ‚   €€ € €‚€  €‚€  š €@€@€@  € @A€ € @A B@ ‚ €B   €  Ai  GetVariable  petmode  VerificationPet  PET_FOLLOW  GetParentDist  TargetDistanceXZ  PET_FREE  SetVariable _ d  E FB€€ \‚ X@ €‚B ‚€  ‚ € @ B€   @€ € €  @€€ €B€ €   Ai  TargetDistanceXZ  SetDash  Approach l y  2 … †@@ €  œ€€   @  A€€ @  @€  @ €€A€€ @  @€  @ @€@B@€ @  @€  @    @€  € @€@€ @  @€ A @  €   Ai  GetVariable  env.appear  EndMode  unique  Do 
AppearBar  jump  AppearJump  quick 
AppearAttack  Attack  Kick  Appear | …  " … †@@†€@ €  A œ€  @@  €€ @€ €   @€   @€€€   @€  A @€ €
 Ai  VerificationPet  CalcPetMode  A 
Wandering ˆ › 
G … †@@ €  œ€€ €€  A€€ AA@€  A  AA@€  €A  AA@€   A  AA@€ A  ƁA €  BC@€ A   E FF@ €€E FF@€E F€ € ‚ AB \A€€€E F€ € ‚ A‚ \A€ €   Ai  GetVariable  rule  GetTotalDeltaTime  SetVariable   cool  back  petmode  VerificationPet  PET_FOLLOW  CalcPetMode  A *@
PET_SHOCK  AddSubState 
AttackNormal ž  V … †@@ € œ€  € € € š @ €€@
€ A@€  A  @€€ ‚  … †B € E FC€€  €\ƒ … †ƒB  œƒ€C € B€ œB … †‚C € E Fƒ  \€œB €€ DAD € DD@ €€  Ɓ A‚ ܁€B E FFB‚€ €  A A @€ E@€ A  A  €   Ai 
HasTarget  TargetDistanceXZ  B GetPosition & GetTargetRandomPositionFromEnemyPoint  *@ pA Move 
ToVector3  GetRandomF  @ @@  Wait  €? VerificationPet  FarRange  Approach  A SetVariable  rule   @ € €  @@€  E F€€ \ … †A€ B œ€ Ɓ  @€ A€ @€ ƁA €€ Ɓ € A  A €'€ A € ܁ €@€ Ɓ  @€ … †DB ƒ œ‚€  B€ ‚€   A €!€  AB ܁€ ‚E@ €€  ‚ € E F  \€ B @€ ‚B@€ B ‚FB  ‚AF  €€Ž € ‚B@€ B  B  BG@ €€ ‚ B €€€ BG@ €€  € B€ € BG@ €€ B € B€ €€Ž€€C@€ ‚B@€ B  B  BG@ €€ ‚ € B€€ €€ BG@ €€  € B€
€ BG@ €€ B € B€ € ‚AFBD  € ‚AC@ €€  C Aƒ ‚€ E FƒFN‚€ €  A B @€ ‚B@€  B B  € $  Ai 
HasTarget  TargetDistanceXZ  GetToTargetDegreeXZ  GetVariable  back  VerificationPet  Turn  FarRange š™™? SetVariable  rule   IsTargetLinePassable   Approach  GetRandomF  @ *@ A
GetRandom  B Wait  GetWaitTime  ? A €?
NearRange  @@ Do  StepBack  pA StepLeft 
StepRight  Laugh  ?  X  A@@€  E F€€ \ … †@œ€   € AB ܁€ ‚AA@ €€ B€  € ‚ABBBY@€ € € €€ ‚B@€   B € € ‚AB ‚€€ ‚B@€  B B  ‚B@€ B  B  ‚C@ €€  € B€ D@ €€  ‚B € E Fƒ  \€ B €€ BE@ €€ ‚ € B€ €   Ai 
HasTarget  TargetDistanceXZ  GetTotalDeltaTime  GetVariable  cool  VerificationPet  Turn 
NearRange  @ SetVariable  rule  €? @@ Attack  Kick  Wait  GetWaitTime  GetRandomF   ? Do 
  0 … †@@ € œ€  € € €  @A@ €€ A€ AA€ E FFF €€ AB@€   A @€ AB@€   A @ €š €€ C@ €€   A€ €   Ai 
HasTarget  TargetDistanceXZ  VerificationPet  Turn  GetQuestEnemyActionLevel  Common  ActionLevel  Advance  SetVariable  rule  @ €? @@ Attack  Scratch
   9 … †@@ € œ€ € €€   A € A @€ €  @€ … †A†B€ B œ€@ €€€B€€   A € A @€ €  @€ … †A†B€ B œ€@ @€X€ †@ €@C@€ €  @€ € @  €   Ai  GetToTargetDegreeXZ  B
RotateAdjust  TurnJumpRight 
ף> Wait  VerificationPet  GetWaitTime  €> 
TurnJumpLeft  4B 4 Rotate      € ! #    € * -   … @ œ@  €   print  OnHp0per 0 9   € € @€€  @@A @ €€ €  €Ž@ ž  €   Ai  GetQuestEnemyActionLevel  Common  ActionLevel  Advance L> ; D   A …@ †€@œ€€ @  @ @ €A  €A€ ^  €   A Ai  GetQuestEnemyActionLevel  Common  ActionLevel  Advance  `@ G J    A@@ €€ A  €   Ai  Do  Kick K N    A@@ €€ A  €   Ai  Do  Find O R    A@@ €€ A  €   Ai  Do  Grooming S V    A@@ €€ A  €   Ai  Do  Laugh W Z    A@@ €€ A  €   Ai  Do  Shock ] f  =  A@@€  Ɓ  @€€   … †BA€  œB€… †‚A € E F€€  €\ƒ … †BC „ œƒ€ € B€ œB … †C € E FC ƒ \€œB … †‚C  œ‚€ D€€… †BD € Aƒ ‚€ œB€ €   Ai  GetPosition & GetTargetRandomPositionFromEnemyPoint  *@ pA SetDash  Move 
ToVector3  GetRandomF  @ @@  Wait  €?
GetRandom  B *A Do  Grooming i o  &  A@@€  Ɓ € ܁ X‚ €B € E FB€€  \B€E F‚€ €  A@ €€ ƒ E FC ƒ \ƒ€ € € \B  €  Ai  GetParentPosition  VerificationPet  GetParentDist  *@ SetDash  Move 
ToVector3  GetRandomF  @ @@ €? r ˆ  6  A@@€ €E F\€ … †A†AA € E F‚F€€ \‚  B ƒ A  C œ  ‚C@€ ‚ B€ ‚AC@ €€  C Aƒ ‚€ A ‚€ €  A B  BE@ €€ ‚ B  €   Ai  GetVariable  rule  GetTotalDeltaTime  Common  BattleClaim  VerificationPet  GetCoolTime  pA ?L>> @@ `@ SetDash  Approach  GetRandomF  @ *@  A Attack  Scratch [/spoiler-box]

There's that SUMMONER_PA stuff again, on the only other 'Pet' entity, so that's another data point.

Aug 27, 2015, 02:43 AM
I would love for a mag to change into a partner machine and then to some special form and THEN merge with a photo blast! ooooHHhh...

Aug 27, 2015, 09:02 AM
So all that we know is that we'll be summoning some type of dog? I hope that's not it. Final Fantasy has spoiled me with its sea serpents and dragons, so being limited to a dog would be boring. (I say this as I play a Final Fantasy where Ifrit is a human sized totem)
The most fun thing to do would be to have it evolve, like a mag. Start off as a weak dog, then have different final forms based on your preference when you get to a high level. But if dog is all we have in the files, then dog's all we'll have for a while.

will only be cool if can cummon blade wolf or medabots.

I ain't fixin' that typo.

Huh. I know an erotic comic book that uses that pun.

Aug 27, 2015, 12:39 PM
What's that image from? Looks fun.

Speaking of new classes, someone uploaded this to MMOLoda - season 4 design concepts for Blaster and Slider class.

Edit: Forgot to elaborate that it's a fan-made drawing, not real. Sadly.

That's not "Slider class", that's Slicer weapon. But it doesn't matter

Aug 27, 2015, 01:32 PM
Seems to be very interesting, I really do hope that a new class gets added to the game.

Aug 27, 2015, 10:11 PM
That's not "Slider class", that's Slicer weapon. But it doesn't matter

Wow. I dunno how I made that mistake.
Must have been really messed up yesterday.

Aug 28, 2015, 01:34 PM
Not something I would have expected in PSO2. I'm pleased to be surprised.