View Full Version : And so... The locking begins once more

Dec 17, 2015, 06:32 AM

Jeez do they really have to lock it again...

Dec 17, 2015, 06:41 AM
Lol Anga farm again? I thought this should happen right after the update...


So, which block is this? :wacko:

Dec 17, 2015, 06:43 AM
won't somebody please think of the children https://static-cdn.jtvnw.net/emoticons/v1/22639/1.0

Dec 17, 2015, 06:50 AM
This is done all over the XH blocks typically 25 and 26. I've also run into the people who won't even touch Anga til they have 250 points. I have yet to find any sort of proof that doing that actually improves drops for Anga.

Dec 17, 2015, 06:54 AM
This is done all over the XH blocks typically 25 and 26. I've also run into the people who won't even touch Anga til they have 250 points. I have yet to find any sort of proof that doing that actually improves drops for Anga.

any proof? like r u even 4 real

Dec 17, 2015, 06:59 AM
It's a good thing to lock farm MPA so they don't clash with group of people who just want to finish the quest old style.

Dec 17, 2015, 07:02 AM
any proof? like r u even 4 real

I haven't found any proof it helps because I can't find it. If you are going to be such a smart aleck why don't you show the proof.

Dec 17, 2015, 07:02 AM
Since it's a really efficient way to get those stones, it can't be helped. _(:3」∠)_

It's for killing bonus drops( or whatever it's called). Every enemy has killing points and every boss has extra drops according to the current points. In the early anga farming, 200 ~ 300 quest points were said to be the maximum( excluding the points which come from clearing E-trials). Not sure if 250 is the best, but it surely increase the chance.

Dec 17, 2015, 07:05 AM
It's for killing bonus drops( or whatever it's called). Every enemy has killing points and every boss has extra drops according to the current points. In the early anga farming, 200 ~ 300 quest points were said to be the maximum( excluding the points which come from clearing E-trials). Not sure if 250 is the best, but it surely increase the chance.

So it is like what happens when the Loser EQ shows up kill 5 of the Doritos for maximum drops, fair enough.

Dec 17, 2015, 07:09 AM
imo, it's pretty nice to lock mpa for specific purpose.
So, people can just choose, between normal running around or specific Anga farming.

And people who did lock the room, can also do it anywhere, not just on UltNab block.

Since I personally prefer normal running around for random group. Didn't like wasting time because 1 person doing Anga farming, making spawn all over the place, not to mention sometimes Anga won't spawn for a long time (until 1 Boost expires).

Or a group of people who leave once Anga is killed.

Wasting 1 Booster for 1 run only isn't nice.

Dec 17, 2015, 07:13 AM
This is done all over the XH blocks typically 25 and 26. I've also run into the people who won't even touch Anga til they have 250 points. I have yet to find any sort of proof that doing that actually improves drops for Anga.

the points here are points for enemy defeat ranking
only points from killing something is counted, E-trials points do not

"Your quest rank influences how many drops you get.
As defeating enemies is required for most missions' S-Rank criteria, you will get less drops from a boss encountered right after a mission begins compared to a boss at the end of the mission.
S-Rank gives you the most drops and therefore the most chances at Rare Weapons. Bosses, unlike common enemies, always drop at least Meseta. The minimum number of drops from a boss gem is four."

it does not increase the "drop chance" of a particular item, what it increase is the number of drops. there fore give you more chances to find certain items.

want to test it ? simple, kill some free field boss. one without any mob killed, and one with S-rank. you'll see the one without mob kill only drop 4 things, while the S-rank one drop 8

Dec 17, 2015, 07:16 AM

Jeez do they really have to lock it again...

locking is for private mpa
of course we don't want random people joinning our private 12/12 mpa and take up our friend's slots or mess things up

surely there are many public mpas you can join

Dec 17, 2015, 08:04 AM

Jeez do they really have to lock it again...

They need to lock MPA because with the password restrict for entire MPA, everytime you reset you will have a new Map to rush around for Anga, not the old MPA you just have rushed. And look Party Name, you will find 2029 or 2015 means that a Anga was found at 20h29 in JST or 20h15 in JST. The Password is easily to find in Comment Box, usually is あんが or あ....

Dec 17, 2015, 08:15 AM
Anga farm is actually good now
If the password isn't あ then I'd suggest a change of ship or get your english community interested, if they aren't stuck up that is.

Dec 17, 2015, 08:24 AM
Anga farm is actually good now
If the password isn't あ then I'd suggest a change of ship or get your english community interested, if they aren't stuck up that is.

or just use a hiragana/kanji chart and learn a bit.

Dec 17, 2015, 08:30 AM
Heh if it's happening on ship2 then I'm happy to have already farmed my 120 stones o0
Edit: Yup ship2 :\

Dec 17, 2015, 08:38 AM

Dec 17, 2015, 08:44 AM
@OP, whats wrong? seems like regular anga farm
learn to read

Dec 17, 2015, 09:33 AM
Is this why ppl ignore Anga? Because i'm playing UQ nabe yesterday and the keep evading Anga?

And say if u collect 250pts and kill Anga, the pts calculatiojn for rare become 9 0 again and you need to collect 250 more pts then kill Anga?

Dec 17, 2015, 09:44 AM
Is this why ppl ignore Anga? Because i'm playing UQ nabe yesterday and the keep evading Anga?

And say if u collect 250pts and kill Anga, the pts calculatiojn for rare become 9 0 again and you need to collect 250 more pts then kill Anga?

you don't need to "collect" again, it doesn't reset, if it reset you'd see usually 4 items drop from pair bosses - ever saw that happen? yeah, you didnt

Dec 17, 2015, 10:16 AM
I've written how the drop system works several times, but I never made a separate topic about it.
If you want proof, it's all here: http://pso2.swiki.jp/index.php?%E3%83%89%E3%83%AD%E3%83%83%E3%83%97%E6% 9D%A1%E4%BB%B6%E3%81%BE%E3%81%A8%E3%82%81
Sources are SEGA and magazines who interviewed SEGA.

Killing stuff increases number of drops. For max drops in other quests, people usually aim for above S rank.
But the max drops invisible number is separate from rank. It's just a rough guide.

When I used to do Ultimate with JP people, they wouldn't fight Anga until around 300-400 points.
Dunno what the number is now, but if they're locking rooms it will probably say in the description.
If not, then look up JP forums or just go with the flow.
JP people usually know what they're doing. If they're doing something, it's usually for a good reason.

Dec 17, 2015, 10:21 AM
@joozek @taigauc k thx for info

Dec 17, 2015, 02:03 PM
this should have been a thing right after the ares stone patch

Dec 17, 2015, 02:58 PM
Why is this even a big surprise? It's to keep people who can't follow rules out/people who are doing full point runs/only care about Anga. Simple as that

Dec 17, 2015, 03:04 PM
Why is this even a big surprise? It's to keep people who can't follow rules out/people who are doing full point runs/only care about Anga. Simple as that

there is always an hero who keeps on fighting anga while the rest of a locked mpa keeps grinding points :wacko: thank god he allows everyone to shave off 1 second off anga kill :wacko:

Dec 17, 2015, 03:15 PM
locking is for private mpa
of course we don't want random people joinning our private 12/12 mpa and take up our friend's slots or mess things up

surely there are many public mpas you can join

Not when it comes to Anga. Typically people would run till they find an Anga, put in instruction for how to join the MPA, and just wait for everyone to join and then do the point->Anga and go back to look for another Anga. Those ult stones were actually put into the game to counter this whole thing, but guess it's back to the old Anga farming all over again.

Dec 17, 2015, 03:35 PM
there is always an hero who keeps on fighting anga while the rest of a locked mpa keeps grinding points :wacko: thank god he allows everyone to shave off 1 second off anga kill :wacko:

that's actually how anga farming is supposed to go (unless they're like, staying in the original spawn block while the MPA is 5 cells away). one person tanks and does a bunch of damage to it while the rest farm points. you can pretty easily solo phase1 before 300 points.

Dec 17, 2015, 03:39 PM
that's actually how anga farming is supposed to go (unless they're like, staying in the original spawn block while the MPA is 5 cells away). one person tanks and does a bunch of damage to it while the rest farm points. you can pretty easily solo phase1 before 300 points.

yeah, i'm talking like bottom left corner vs upper right corner mpa vs hero :wacko:

Dec 17, 2015, 03:48 PM
With the amount of people that complain about how people do shit here, you'd think you'd be able to just make your own parties with how you want to do it.

But nah.

Dec 17, 2015, 04:04 PM
With the amount of people that complain about how people do shit here, you'd think you'd be able to just make your own parties with how you want to do it.

But nah.


Dec 17, 2015, 04:28 PM
How do these farming parties work? Do I just wait until someone has found an Anga and join their party and get 250 points together before killing the Anga? Or do I just join in and get 250 points with them and then kill the Anga?

Dec 17, 2015, 04:37 PM
How do these farming parties work? Do I just wait until someone has found an Anga and join their party and get 250 points together before killing the Anga? Or do I just join in and get 250 points with them and then kill the Anga?
that's the leech way :wacko: you should hunt anga yourself too and only check other parties if you didn't find anga within like 6-8 cells, re-do but it's basically join MPA, grind 250-300 points with MPA and then kill anga, don't go for anga till you see the leader of the MPA going for it tho

Dec 17, 2015, 04:39 PM
You could wait for someone to find one, or you can help find one and change your party title to something like あんが○:XX when you do find one.
XX represents the minutes of the hour to determine if an Anga is recently found or not.
Change to あんが× if there is no anga present.
Put the minimum of your password in the party comments. Generally, players have an idea of what to do already so putting in more at this point is unnecessary.

Whether you've joined a party or found an Anga of your own at this point:
Wait for at least 6 players before heading down and start killing stuff to get 250 points with other players. After that, you may proceed to kill Anga.
The 250 points are kill-points only so you exclude emergency trial points
Boss trials give 500 points
Killing random mob trials give 200 points
Although, there may be parties that do want 400 points or something, so do pay attention. If nothing is stated or said by the leader of the MPA, just assume it's 250.

After killing, roam around the map in an attempt to find a second Anga. Head back to campship to find another party if you've reached the enemy limit cap, found a big boss, or Anga bits code.

Dec 18, 2015, 02:23 AM
Head back to campship to find another party if you've reached the enemy limit cap, found a big boss, or Anga bits code.

I don't get it what you're saying. Do u mean we should use telepipe and remaking new room if we can't find the 2nd Anga?

Dec 18, 2015, 02:24 AM
I don't get it what you're saying. Do u mean we should use telepipe and remaking new room if we can't find the 2nd Anga?

And what is enemy limit cap?

Dec 18, 2015, 02:33 AM
After the room confirm there are no extra anga, they go back and go for another room.( if you are taking the roll of searching anga, you will make a new room.)

All maps has limit on spawning enemies. If you have too much enemies in the map, you can't get any E-trials, or new enemies.

Dec 18, 2015, 06:34 AM
there is always an hero who keeps on fighting anga while the rest of a locked mpa keeps grinding points :wacko: thank god he allows everyone to shave off 1 second off anga kill :wacko:

you didnt actually mean it like that did you ._.

Dec 18, 2015, 09:41 AM
you didnt actually mean it like that did you ._.
always appreciate the guy keeping Anga's attention but it makes me wonder if he even cares about full points (no?) but Anga dies so fast now that I sorta don't see a point to it anymore (especially after rebirth)

Dec 18, 2015, 09:56 AM
That's why you try to stay 3-4 blocks away from the group at all times rather than staying in one place. Staying 3-4 blocks away also ensures mobs don't spawn from the group heading back to fight Anga.

Dec 18, 2015, 11:42 AM
It's really sad the game reverted back to this state after the improvements they made to Ultimate mode.

It just goes to show that Eastern-style gamers will sacrifice all fun for the smallest incremental gain.

Just once I wish the majority would play the game like a game and not a goddam job.

Dec 18, 2015, 12:10 PM
Have you ever considered that people don't find Ultimate fun, and just want to get something out of it so they can continue having fun with their new shiny they really want?

Also I personally love Anga farming, it's like a bunch of people working together to help everyone get what they want. It's beautiful, really, and a lot more "together" than random ぐるぐる MPAs TBQH.

It's time to stop being selfish and realise the world doesn't revolve around you and your thoughts.

Dec 18, 2015, 12:30 PM
It's really sad the game reverted back to this state after the improvements they made to Ultimate mode.

It just goes to show that Eastern-style gamers will sacrifice all fun for the smallest incremental gain.

Just once I wish the majority would play the game like a game and not a goddam job.
Not getting rare at all after countless UQ run are not fun though.

Dec 18, 2015, 12:49 PM
It's really sad the game reverted back to this state after the improvements they made to Ultimate mode.

It just goes to show that Eastern-style gamers will sacrifice all fun for the smallest incremental gain.

Just once I wish the majority would play the game like a game and not a goddam job.

Nerfing enemy AI and HP to XH level did not make Nab UQ fun, primarily because people had become much more skilled and got much better gear by the time the improvements happened.

Old Nab was frustrating, new Nab is boring. It's as simple as that. They didn't have to change enemies, just adding new weapons and stones was enough.

Dec 18, 2015, 01:38 PM
I personally don't mind Anga farming as it is, especially considering how easy they made it to get Ares weapons now. My only complaint is that it's hard to find PUG MPAs in the higher blocks because most of the players are only there to camp for EQs, making premium almost a requirement if you want to farm.

Dec 18, 2015, 01:56 PM
Well, Z-0, if you find playing for a few minutes at a time and then scrolling through a bunch of menus to party-hop to be fun, then I would argue that you find mindless toil to be fun. It's not cheating, to be sure, but I don't think we envisioned ourselves playing this way when the game first released.

I get it that we're in this "All opinions are equal" era, but games and leisure were once thought to combat the mundane nature of mindless toil, not enhance it.

If you want a shiny weapon that bad, try a single-player offline game that gives you a nice reward and the same "I win" feeling, but in a reasonable amount of time and through diverse and interesting tasks.

If we keep playing MMOs this mundane way, they're going to keep making content that promotes this type of play.

I assert that many folks who play a game this way feel they must continue to do so to make their time investment "worth it." It's hard to let go. However, I've taken the last few weeks off to play Fallout 4, and PSO2 hasn't given me this same sense of fun in over a year.

I can't be so different from a normal person that I'm totally wrong here. I might be a bit more introspective and willing to admit to myself that I was not having fun, perhaps, but I can't imagine I'm alone here.

It's easy to deny my qualitative analysis of this situation. It's much harder to take a look at yourself objectively.

Dec 18, 2015, 03:22 PM
you didnt actually mean it like that did you ._.

i was relating to how they sometimes turn up dead :wacko:

Dec 18, 2015, 04:05 PM
i was relating to how they sometimes turn up dead :wacko:
oh lol. signs of a tank that cannot do their job i guess (or they had a bad day and mesed up)

always appreciate the guy keeping Anga's attention but it makes me wonder if he even cares about full points (no?) but Anga dies so fast now that I sorta don't see a point to it anymore (especially after rebirth)

i was pointing at the fact he said an hero lol

Dec 18, 2015, 05:23 PM
Well, Z-0, if you find playing for a few minutes at a time and then scrolling through a bunch of menus to party-hop to be fun, then I would argue that you find mindless toil to be fun. It's not cheating, to be sure, but I don't think we envisioned ourselves playing this way when the game first released.

I get it that we're in this "All opinions are equal" era, but games and leisure were once thought to combat the mundane nature of mindless toil, not enhance it.

If you want a shiny weapon that bad, try a single-player offline game that gives you a nice reward and the same "I win" feeling, but in a reasonable amount of time and through diverse and interesting tasks.

If we keep playing MMOs this mundane way, they're going to keep making content that promotes this type of play.

I assert that many folks who play a game this way feel they must continue to do so to make their time investment "worth it." It's hard to let go. However, I've taken the last few weeks off to play Fallout 4, and PSO2 hasn't given me this same sense of fun in over a year.

I can't be so different from a normal person that I'm totally wrong here. I might be a bit more introspective and willing to admit to myself that I was not having fun, perhaps, but I can't imagine I'm alone here.

It's easy to deny my qualitative analysis of this situation. It's much harder to take a look at yourself objectively.
Here we go, I'm casual, people should play the way I want blah blah People these days too hardcore...ELITISM MAH ELITISM!! shame on you for efficient rare farming methods!

You know what an MMO is, you know what your getting yourself into, you know what kind of grind the MMO's present these days, if you cannot handle these (or any other aspect of an MMO) then I highly suggest you stick to single player games like your telling Z-0

FO4 to PSO2, i dont like this comparison, just doesn't work at all

i was pointing at the fact he said an hero lol
ah lol misread it

Dec 18, 2015, 06:52 PM
Okay Kril:

I can't speak for everyone, but I imagine most gamers did not start out with MMOs, and most MMOs don't start out with the super grind.

I think we get tricked into it, and we're too ashamed to admit that we've fallen for such artificially lengthened content.

It's hard to go back and play a game that rewards us in a reasonable amount of time after enduring the psychologically abusive tactics of MMOs. I think some gamers don't feel they deserve to extract real enjoyment out of gaming sessions any longer, and are now mistaking "enjoyment" for something else.

Addicts don't think they're addicted to anything. Lots of abuse victims deny being abused.

Maybe MMO gamers, when playing games in such a repetitive manner that resembles IRL work, are in denial, and think they are being adequately rewarded for spending hours and hours doing the same thing.

Look, I have multiple characters decked out with good 13-stars and hundreds of millions of Meseta sitting in the bank; I can "handle the grind" if I must prove myself to you, but I know when I'm being mistreated as a gamer and a paying customer.

Dec 18, 2015, 07:18 PM
Oh man people with different opinions.

Dec 18, 2015, 07:25 PM
I enjoy grinding. I guess I'm a freak for that, but at the end of the day as long as you're having fun and it doesn't harm anyone else, what's the problem? I play any single-player RPG the same way I play PSO2 at any rate. PSO2 is my first MMO, so it's not like it altered anything about how I play.

If someone would rather run UQs regularly than run Anga farming, then good for them, but the primary point of UQs is just to get 13*s weapons and then be done with them forever outside of things like solo runs for the sake of self-imposed challenges.

Dec 18, 2015, 07:49 PM
I enjoy grinding also. When it comes to UQs I can do either or. If the block is locked Anga farming then I'll join the block in that. If they are doing normal UQ runs then I'll do that. Either way I either gain more stones to get weapons to fill the few things I am missing in my inventory or I can possibly get fodders to sell from Bayari, Siorg, and Diabo.

Dec 18, 2015, 07:57 PM
yeah, UQ drop rates are such garbage I know if i had to grind the ares stones normally i just wouldn't bother so it shouldn't be surprising that people don't just run in circles and hope anga pops up and maybe not realise you need enough points and kill it right off the bat
i never bothered grinding extreme quests for the elusive 11* that were the best for quite some time and also, right, that shit was so time gated and i don't think at that point we had the excube shop and even if we had for sure there was no way to swim in cubes like you can now so you couldn't even pop RDRs like you wanted for more stones
imo, the game in current state is much less grindy if you want a really good "endgame" weapon, segac went really forward with some stuff and the excubes shop allowing everyone to get RDR boosters along with grind/affixing boosters and FUN tickets enabling easier my shop access

oh, yeah, if there something that i have problem now is that lobby afking/block premium space/partying dependant on blocks, really splits the player base :-?:-?:-?:-?:-?:-?:-?:-?:-?:-?

Dec 19, 2015, 12:14 AM
i haven't played PSO2 yet, So i don't know for sure but are people locking there games? So no one else could join? I remember a lot of people doing that as well in regular PSO for solo reasons or mag feedings or even Rare weapon hunting.

Dec 19, 2015, 12:43 AM
i haven't played PSO2 yet, So i don't know for sure but are people locking there games? So no one else could join? I remember a lot of people doing that as well in regular PSO for solo reasons or mag feedings or even Rare weapon hunting.

YMMV, but people don't 'play' much outside of Emergency Quests, and when they do, it's usually solo or with team members. There's some game locking going on, and some open, but there's not *too* much in the way of randoms joining games outside of the lower difficulties. It's a bit of a different culture to original PSO- I'd join randoms all the time back then, but I wouldn't really think of doing that now.

There are multi-party areas- you're more likely to see more people in these. They'll be in their own parties, and interaction's basically going to be nil beyond being in the same area and going the same way, mind you.

Unless I'm invited to something, I pretty much always play in a locked game myself, because I like the freedom to come and go as I please without cutting someone out halfway through a run. My advice would be to find a team of like-minded individuals- you'll get some proper parties going that way.

Dec 19, 2015, 03:33 PM

Dec 19, 2015, 05:06 PM
The bit I hated about Anga farming was the downtime between Angas.. You'd hop on down, run around a bit, find nothing most of the time and pipe back up. Anyone else found an Anga? All 12/12 so restart, back to trying to spawn them. Compounded by the fact my boosters are running out during this, but I guess this isnt a problem anymore given how disposable Excubes are.

Having a 2nd person watching the counter probably alleviates this a lot... Suppose I prefer doing straight runs cause the amount of downtime I was having made me wonder if my Angas/hour might be as good or better if I was straight running it. That said, due to how good Ares is and their newfound stability of acquisition I can totally understand why people might subject themselves to anga hunting. Under normal conditions I'm sure its much better Angas/hour than straight running, generally and as pointed out the rewards for the rest of the quest are kinda naff.

Dec 20, 2015, 12:17 AM
Having a 2nd person watching the counter probably alleviates this a lot...

Yes, pairing makes it even more efficient, both for you and for the block. After finding an Anga, it's quite often being ninja'd and have to wait minutes for other players to come. Or there might be too many players searching anga, and the block has insufficient players checking the room list. You can also save your rare drop boost ticket by making a pair. You can make a new room by just hitting x or no or something.

I forgot to mention, but Anga only appears when the weather = PSE changes. Triggers for PSE as far as I know are, killing an enemy, landing to the map from a ship( maybe only the first time?), clearing an e-trial. So Searching for more than 4 (maybe 5) blocks has no meaning. When you are taking the searching role, just land on the map, search for 3 ~5 blocks, if there is no anga, then return to your ship. Don't forget changing the title after finding one, and after your room has 12 players. Zombie rooms make a lot of confusion!

Edit: In retrospect, maybe the weather has nothing to do with it's appearance, but you still have to deal with the spawning limit. You have to stick to the 3 ~ 5 blocks rule anyway.

Edit2: Can't find source for the weather kind of thing. Probably, it was just a rumor. xp

Dec 20, 2015, 10:50 AM
Soon Christmas runs will also get locked since people rush around trying to spawn bosses instead of killing all mobs resulting in damn NPC codes instead of boss codes and also leaving a Joke to kill a boss like Luther hunar etc.

Dec 20, 2015, 12:32 PM
The last few times I did Xmas 4 involved people trying to spawn bosses, ending up with nothing but Double constantly, with 0 Neros.
No exaggeration. 0 Neros in multiple runs of non-stop Falzes/Doubles. Yes, I used boosts. And many long stretches with nothing spawning at all.

Of course, no useful drops either. Poor EXP. Waste of time, almost no gain. Just boring as hell.
Double is so annoying and boring, too. Not fun to fight.

Dec 20, 2015, 12:36 PM
See? The way we're Anga farming, skipping waves in EQs, and multi-shipping / transferring...none of this is cheating, but we're cheesing the entire game.

Dec 20, 2015, 01:46 PM
I don't understand. You talk down on grinding, yet playing efficiently to reduce the grind to as little as possible isn't okay either?

Dec 20, 2015, 01:55 PM
I'm saying the whole situation is bad. Not enough non-grindy content, and joyless players who reduce everything into a manufacturing process.

Dec 20, 2015, 01:56 PM
And what if playing efficiently is what others enjoy?

Dec 20, 2015, 02:01 PM
Fine then, if you want to resort to " everything is opinion," then let's work with a generality: MOST people enjoy diverse and interesting tasks. This is not some outlandish assertion.

If someone played Mario Stage 1-1 over and over even after getting it perfect, we'd be like "WTF?" But in an MMO it's okay because you get something that makes you 1% stronger after 2,000 runs.

For anyone who lives under general economics, this is not a good use of time.

Let's face it: MMO makers know we are completionists with too much pride to walk away when we finally realize that reasonable progression has been quietly taken away. Instead, we resort to back-handed behaviors and douchey practices to continue progression at any cost. No more!

Dec 20, 2015, 02:14 PM
In an MMO it's okay because our runs our more engaging and dynamic than playing Mario stage 1-1 over and over again. And your math is quite off, 2,000 runs for 1% strength.

Perhaps MMOs are not the right genre for you and should try offline games?

Playing games efficiently is back-handed and douchey? Really?

Not a good use of time? General economics? Seriously?

Dec 20, 2015, 02:20 PM
Spending more time in menus than actually playing, and exploiting the game's spawn system, exiting, and remaking the game till you get what you want are dumb. It's basically the PSO2 version of piping, and nobody from PSO1 is proud of that.

"Man, I remember back in the day on PSO2 when, instead of taking a break and waiting for some better content, we navigated menus and played 2-minute runs to get shiny weapons that we had nowhere to go with!"

What a legacy.

Dec 20, 2015, 02:21 PM
Except you can't get what you want any other way, because SEGA doesn't let us.

Entirely their fault for making the game this way.

Dec 20, 2015, 02:28 PM
Okay, so maybe you're now seeing those are bad design decisions? And if that's basically the entire game now, then why are you accepting of it?

Have any JP players expressed dissatisfaction with the current state? I honestly don't know.

Dec 20, 2015, 02:41 PM
Okay, so maybe you're now seeing those are bad design decisions? And if that's basically the entire game now, then why are you accepting of it?

Have any JP players expressed dissatisfaction with the current state? I honestly don't know.

here is my strong opinion on this, TRIGGER WARNING:

if there is something that is allowing SEGAC for shitty design practices, it's players who don't actively abuse the design :wacko: i mean, why would some corporate care about players as long as they a) have player retention b) get new players c) players spending doesn't decrease :wacko:

Dec 20, 2015, 02:49 PM
Considering how often Sega was "forced" to take direct measures precisely because players were abusing mechanics to the best of their ability for a particular goal (Magatsu, Anga, BW3 Gal Gryphon), the above is 100% true.

It's true for all sorts of other games as well.

Dec 20, 2015, 02:51 PM
Considering how often Sega was "forced" to take direct measures precisely because players were abusing mechanics to the best of their ability for a particular goal (Magatsu, Anga, BW3 Gal Gryphon), the above is 100% true.

It's true for all sorts of other games as well.

what? people want rares? how could this be!

Dec 20, 2015, 02:59 PM
Let's make the majority of the game have completely random spawns
Let's make the only enemies capable of dropping desired items be completely random and spawn at any given time
Let's NOT make the rarest items tradable
Let's NOT make more maps with set spawns that will force you to play to the end in order to reach the enemy that drops the desired item!

Hi, this is PSO2. I'm sure we know of the problems, but let's face it, none of us that actually care about the bad designs of the game can do anything. It's pointless to rant about it now, really. You either quit or play it for the aspects you may still enjoy. If it weren't for the fact that I could change classes at any given point to mix things up, I'd have definitely quit by now.

Dec 21, 2015, 12:46 AM
I really hate the procedurally generated maps, it's meant to keep the game fresh but has the exact opposite effect. That plus the population decrease are probably the main reasons why the matching system just doesn't really function anymore for anything besides EQs and some other exceptions (TACOs, etc.).

Dec 21, 2015, 12:53 AM
I really hate the procedurally generated maps, it's meant to keep the game fresh but has the exact opposite effect. That plus the population decrease are probably the main reasons why the matching system just doesn't really function anymore for anything besides EQs and some other exceptions (TACOs, etc.).
The maps never really felt random after awhile though, at least you recognize layouts thrown randomly in the map after playing for so long.

Dec 21, 2015, 03:02 AM
I think there's no real meaning to the procedurally generated maps.
They just end up hindering whatever it is you're aiming towards.

PSO2 has non-generated maps, and funnily enough they seem to be the most fun.
Just have to wait for SEGA to realize that.
Or maybe it's just me that finds them the most fun? Challenge, Izanai, Sea Lab, TA, etc.

Dec 21, 2015, 06:16 AM
The maps never really felt random after awhile though, at least you recognize layouts thrown randomly in the map after playing for so long.
Sanctum teleporter.