View Full Version : Another Character Votey Thingy

Feb 24, 2016, 02:37 AM
Didn't see a thread on this, so... yay voting!

Choose your next president favourite male/female/non-gender-specific beast and we'll get themed items and such.

Dudes (http://pso2.jp/players/event/pso15anniversary/charavote/male/#voteTab)
Llllladies (http://pso2.jp/players/event/pso15anniversary/charavote/#voteTab)
Enemies (http://pso2.jp/players/event/pso15anniversary/charavote/enemy/#voteTab)

Today I chose dude Persona (because he's cool), Claris Claes (because more FOney gear please) and Goronzoran because... well, whatever his item is could be cool.

Feb 24, 2016, 02:39 AM
Reminder that you able to vote 2 for each category, don't let your favorite NPC and boss lose.

Feb 24, 2016, 02:49 AM
Chroto'n'Aki eeevery time. Good designs and favorite characters.

....What did they do about the favorite enemy last time? I know Huey and Katori got weapon camos, but I don't remember the enemy item?

Edit: ... 2? ... I don't like anybody else though. Blegh.
We got a mag device based on [Loser].

I went [Persona] for both along with Melrondia and Casra.

Feb 24, 2016, 02:50 AM
Voted for myself three times! Along with Regias, Maria, and DF App.

Feb 24, 2016, 02:53 AM
Huey/Jan - Matoi/Melrandia - Ringuarda/Big Varder


Feb 24, 2016, 02:58 AM
Wow, we can vote 2 times per day? I didn't read the rules this time. (¦3 っ )っ

omg luther is in the male char poll voting for him everyday
I'm voting for Double (F) because I'd be interested in what kind of weapon would come from a DF winning. Blu Ringahda only because DF Loser already won last year (and cuz I love its design anyway.)
I guess for my second votes I'll use them on... Saga and I dunno who else. Quna and DF Loser. . 3.

Feb 24, 2016, 03:20 AM
Voting Luther and Shion. Will enough votes bring them back?

Feb 24, 2016, 03:21 AM
Lol Lottie isn't even listed. Fuck this contest.

Feb 24, 2016, 04:04 AM

Feb 24, 2016, 04:19 AM