View Full Version : Article: Sega's DSL/Broadband ISP to show EXTREAME SPEEDS

Jan 23, 2001, 09:38 PM
Spectre54 writes, "Sega has release it's new internet plans for this new year and for the years to come. Sega states that they will soon be providing in the States (I.E HERE!) what they've been providing in Japan for quite a while thanks to their parent company CSK, their own Broadband/DSL connections. These broadband connections will ALWAYS give gamers double digit pings (well under 70-80) meaning it only takes less than 80 milliseconds for information to to be sent and recieved by the gamers playing a game. Now here's where the EXTREAME SPEEDS come into play, Sega has planned for a 2005 release (probably when Sega releases new add-ons to upgrade our current DC units) a BRAND SPANKIN' NEW connection system:SUPER BROADBAND! S.B will give gamers single digit pings (only 1-5 milliseconds for information to be sent and recieved). Now here's some more good news for you Seganet users, Sega is in the planning stages of a new subscription free-be (much like how you get $150 when you order Seganet for 2 years), you could be getting those Dreamcast add-ons/a Dreamcast 2! after renewing your subscription of Seganet. The ERA of the Dreamcast and the Return of Sega is just beginning!"