View Full Version : Las Vegas 13* Series + Field Discussion Thread

Aug 24, 2016, 12:29 AM
So let's try and wrap it all up in one thread and avoid a million threads about "whats the pot for x guys?" every other day along with your impression on the new Field all together, let's discuss things. Thanks for the info from several people that have posted it in the Quick Questions thread, I am copy/pasting it here for convenience, any info not finalized or going through a more detailed processed is very much welcome to be posted here for editing and clarification.

--To Unlock the Vegas Field/Rideroid Quests, clear Kofi's "Tokyo Review" CO, after that grab Kofi's CO for the Vegas Field, clear the field (or you can clear the field first and then grab the CO which will auto complete the moment you grab it), go enjoy Rideroid--

--To avoid long waits on Rideroid quests, Block 29 is the place to go to start getting quicker runs. Other ships do this as well but Ship 02 seems to be all over the place. Help each other out and use the Rideroid Blocks (Block 29) to help speed up finding runs.--

--Your Rideroid Score dictates the drop pool at the end so the bigger the score the better the drops, grabbing Bronze/Silver/Gold medals and Star medals help as well but don't "necessarily" effect the drop pool so leaving a few people to grab these while majority of the mpa clears E-Trials (Example I've been seeing: 3 people collect, 9 clear mobs/bosses) is a more ideal pace now to get a better score outcome--

13* Weapon Series w/Pot3:

Stelk series:

Lv. 3 | PPの回復性能が20%上昇 PPの消費量が20%減少。
(20% PP Regen up, 20% PP consumption down)

Form series:

Lv. 3 | 通常攻撃時に斬撃が飛ぶ。
(Projectile Shockwave on attack) (you know when you swing the weapon)

Titan series:
Dual Blade

Lv. 3 | 抜刀時の被ダメージが 15%上昇するかわりに 与ダメージが15%上昇。
(When weapon is drawn, you take 15% more damage, but deal up to 15% more)

Yasminokov 4000F (Launcher)

Lv. 3 l PA・テクニック使用時にPP消費量が15%増加し、威力が15%上昇する。
(15% damage increase + 15% PP usage increase) (It's the Dark Falz 13*'s series Limit Drive pot which has been adjusted this past update, used to be 15%/30% but is now 15%/15% on DS,TMG and JB's)

Godhand NT + Astral Riser NT (Kid and Silvers 13* weapons)

Lv. 3 l ダーカー(13%)と世壊種(DA)(15%)に与えるダメージが上昇する。
(Damage dealt to Darkers increased by 13%, damage dealt to Darker Abberations increased by 15%) (Nemesis Pots)
Knuckles is RA equip-able, Rifle is FI equip-able


Aug 24, 2016, 12:37 AM
Stelk Launcher , Form Wand , Titan Partisan - most interesting options in my opinion
i think i'll test a wand for solo gameplay

Aug 24, 2016, 12:47 AM
Probably I'm taking Titan DB o-o Not sure how much raw Attack stat for it though.
Or maybe Titan Partisan once I finished Ray Katana + Ray DB (change DB to fire maybe)

Not sure for Wand (my Te's tree doesn't have a Wand-related skills).

That's it, I think.

Aug 24, 2016, 12:53 AM
a lot of ppl will be getting that wand post haste to test it, really curious about it myself, I wont bother with the stelk weapons at all, but those titan weapons are sure to be really good, will be picking up all 3 of those

Aug 24, 2016, 12:55 AM
btw, didn't they show 2 launchers? what was the other launcher?

Cyber Meteor
Aug 24, 2016, 01:02 AM
^ Yasminkov 4000H. A 4 cannon launcher looking like the one in the 1st resident evil game xD (that's what it reminded me of). i'm curious about its potential tbh

Aug 24, 2016, 01:08 AM
It's a drop too, I believe .....

Now where did I read that .....

Aug 24, 2016, 01:16 AM
I'll edit the post once I find out what the Yasminokov Pot is as well as the weapon base stats etc

Aug 24, 2016, 01:44 AM
I am just speculating based on what the thread says so far....

Drawing Comparison of a range of 100 Attack Power.

Throwing in the Math Question: Suppose two weapons existed and the skill tree for the player was the exact same in use to both weapons. One weapon was Austere with +100 more Attack Power, but +12% damage vs everything. The other weapon only has a +15% damage vs all. Compare the two weapons....

I wish to compare both weapons to each other.....

y = mx + b (Linear equation)

Since y = mx + b, then I can say y = y or mx + b = mx + b.

Austere = 1.12x + 100
Titan = 1.15x + 0

1.12x + 100 = 1.15x
100 = 0.03x

100/.03 = X
X = 3333.33

Plugging in X back into the equation (calculated up to 4 decimal places)
1.12 (3333.3333) + 100 = 3833.3332
1.15(3333.3333) = 3833.3332

If the difference in raw power (after units and everything is taken care of) is 100 points, then Austere is stronger when one has total power below 3833.3332 and Titan is stronger if the player has an attack power beyond 3.833.3332 due to raw percentages making more of a difference with the higher number.

I was just curious about it.
Again... This is just speculation on my part....

Aug 24, 2016, 01:47 AM
I am just speculating based on what the thread says so far....

Drawing Comparison of a range of 100 Attack Power.

Throwing in the Math Question: Suppose two weapons existed and the skill tree for the player was the exact same in use to both weapons. One weapon was Austere with +100 more Attack Power, but +12% damage vs everything. The other weapon only has a +15% damage vs all. Compare the two weapons....

I wish to compare both weapons to each other.....

y = mx + b (Linear equation)

Since y = mx + b, then I can say y = y or mx + b = mx + b.

Austere = 1.12x + 100
Titan = 1.15x + 0

1.12x + 100 = 1.15x
100 = 0.03x

100/.03 = X
X = 3333.33

Plugging in X back into the equation (calculated up to 4 decimal places)
1.12 (3333.3333) + 100 = 3833.3332
1.15(3333.3333) = 3833.3332

If the difference in raw power (after units and everything is taken care of) is 100 points, then Austere is stronger when one has total power below 3833.3332 and Titan is stronger if the player has an attack power beyond 3.833.3332 due to raw percentages making more of a difference with the higher number.

I was just curious about it.
Again... This is just speculation on my part....

TL;DR If Austere has 100 more attack than Titan, Austere still better.

Aug 24, 2016, 01:57 AM
Yeah Lina. :)
However, I can't simply throw a statement without at least throwing some theory behind it...
Wouldn't be my style you know.

Aug 24, 2016, 02:11 AM
Titan DB has 1522 base at +35 btw. 60 less than Austere.

Aug 24, 2016, 02:23 AM
huh did I do this math right..? I changed the 100 that was b in that equation to 60 and now my calculator says 2000 satk is the cut off on whether austere is stronger or titan is stronger

edit: wait that's backwords :V I meant 2300 ^^; 3 am math is fun

Aug 24, 2016, 02:37 AM
huh did I do this math right..? I changed the 100 that was b in that equation to 60 and now my calculator says 2000 satk is the cut off on whether austere is stronger or titan is stronger

edit: wait that's backwords :V I meant 2300 ^^; 3 am math is fun

Ah you want 60.

Austere = 1.12x + 60
Titan = 1.15x

1.12x + 60 = 1.15x
60 = .03x

60/0.03 = x
2000 = x

Now plug it into the equation...

Austere = 1.12 (2000) + 60 = 2240 + 60 = 2300
Titan = 1.15(2000) = 2300

If your attack power is greater than 2300, then Titan is better due to raw percentage, otherwise Austere is better. This would hold true if b = 60.

Great Job Pyrei ^_^

Edit: Wanted to remind people that in order to fully take advantage of "Damage vs All", the weapon itself must be balanced out to have PAs for all situations, otherwise the weapon design itself would be a weakness to take advantage of such a thing. For example, I use Twin Daggers for Bossing, so if such a dagger existed with the "Damage vs All" potential, I wouldn't be able to make much use of it, since for me I use them for Bossing.

Some weapons are great for bossing, while lousy for mobbing
Some weapons are good for mobbing, but lousy for bossing.
Few weapons are balanced for the two. These weapons are the ones to best take advantage of "Damage vs All" Potentials

Aug 24, 2016, 02:49 AM
hmm 2300 is pretty low tho, I mean a lot of ppl are near, at or above 4000 satk while siting in the lobby though these days but I guess its fine, not too many ppl have austere knuckles/partisan/db so its a good alternative to those

Aug 24, 2016, 02:55 AM
The math is wrong though. You forget weapon element and enemy def calculation and more importantly it's (x + (attack gap with ele included)) * (modifier of aus) = x * modifier of titan

Aug 24, 2016, 03:16 AM
There is a neat thing to this equation....

You said people are at 4000 Attack Power. Now we can break Equilibrium and apply 4000 S-ATK for X.

So now we end up having

Austere = 1.12 (4000) + 60 = 4540
Titan = 1.15 (4000) = 4600

4600/4540 = 1.013
In short, +1.3% increase.

Even facts and logic must be made clear.
Originally the comparison between the two weapons was rather small... 15 - 12 = 3%, however, with this 3% difference comes also a Raw Power offset that actually makes the weapon fall a lot closer to titan. The other way of seeing this as a problem is simply the scaling factor.

if b = 0, the difference would be 3%, but b != (does not) 0, nor should it or there would be no real reason for comparison....as it would be two of the same weapon but with different potentials. If we wanted to see the max-gain for this, we have several options. Some of them require long proofs, which I could demonstrate in this forum, but I don't want the community to slam me again thinking I was some illiterate fool, so I will dispense with the TL;TR post and simply write below...

Its a Limit ^_^ (yes, like in Calculus... but problems to find limits from real world problems aren't covered rigorously until Calculus V - Real Analysis because one really needs to know Differential Equations to get out of jams...)

The limit as X approaches infinity is 2.6%

Which means for an increase of 2.6% at most (when the difference of course is just 60 points) also means accepting sustaining 15% more damage from every attack that hits your character regardless its source. The choice is really up to the player.

Meteor Weapon
Aug 24, 2016, 03:22 AM

Aug 24, 2016, 03:36 AM

Well that was amusing.

Aug 24, 2016, 03:44 AM
Anyone figure out how to get lyrics playing during the free mission?

Cyber Meteor
Aug 24, 2016, 03:50 AM
Anyone figure out how to get lyrics playing during the free mission?

I'm wondering the exact same thing, i guess it's an error from SEGA, they forgot to enable them on free field, though i still need to check if they still play in story quest mission

EDIT: lyrics aren't playing in story quest mission anymore, they used to from what i recall

Aug 24, 2016, 03:51 AM
It wasn't day-night cycle?

Day - without lyrics
Night - with lyrics

or vice-versa / along that line??
I think Tokyo also use that pattern?

Aug 24, 2016, 03:52 AM
This map doe.


Aug 24, 2016, 03:52 AM
Ugh, the Rideroid control, my god.

Aug 24, 2016, 03:52 AM
Riding Quest is pretty fun so far. It's like an EQ you can fight whenever you want. The music definitely makes it, too.

Aug 24, 2016, 03:54 AM
The math is wrong though. You forget weapon element and enemy def calculation and more importantly it's (x + (attack gap with ele included)) * (modifier of aus) = x * modifier of titan


This is clarification only. You wish to increase the gap by taking into account Elemental Power of the Gap itself.

This would then make the equilibrium equation as....

y = mx + b, where y = y, or mx +b = mx + b

In our case, Not taking defense into account...

would it be

Austere = 1.12x + ((Gap) * (Elemental Percentage expressed as a decimal + 1)
Titan = 1.15x

Where as a 60% austere, would be .6 + 1 = 1.6 since you are hitting for +60% more damage, not for 60% of normal damage.

Then 60 would become 96 from 60 * 1.6 = 96

then we would have

1.12x + 96 = 1.15x
96 = .03x
3200 = X

Austere = 3584 + 96 = 3680
Titan = 3680

Defense has not been factored into this... The previous posts were without the modification to Elemental on the Gap Power. Thanks....
Still... Math for me is fun. :) Its a proof that the math can be correct and still be wrong if its not set up with enough precision.

Is this what you mean? Or do you mean to say that we apply the gap in power twice to do 60 + 96 = 156, and then run 156 * 1.12x = 1.15x? (like you originally stated) I am assuming that the Variable-X in your equation is the variable-b in mine. Is that alright?

You are being nice to me. Thank you.
Thank you for the help.

Aug 24, 2016, 04:00 AM
Ugh, the Rideroid control, my god.

It takes some getting used to. Once you're good at handling it, it runs like a champ.

Cyber Meteor
Aug 24, 2016, 04:03 AM
It wasn't day-night cycle?

Day - without lyrics
Night - with lyrics

or vice-versa / along that line??
I think Tokyo also use that pattern?

No, both night and day have lyrics, story quest mission happens in night Vegas and there were lyrics before, i just replayed the story quest today, they disappeared/aren't playing anymore now, so it's definitly a SEGA error. Tokyo too has lyrics for both :p

Aug 24, 2016, 04:05 AM
Lyrics play during the riding quest.

Aug 24, 2016, 04:12 AM
No, both night and day have lyrics, story quest mission happens in night Vegas and there were lyrics before, i just replayed the story quest today, they disappeared/aren't playing anymore now, so it's definitly a SEGA error. Tokyo too has lyrics for both :pThe lyrics never played during the story quest. I did it like 3 times before. x:

Aug 24, 2016, 04:19 AM

This is clarification only. You wish to increase the gap by taking into account Elemental Power of the Gap itself.

This would then make the equilibrium equation as....

y = mx + b, where y = y, or mx +b = mx + b

In our case, Not taking defense into account...

would it be

Austere = 1.12x + ((Gap) * (Elemental Percentage expressed as a decimal + 1)
Titan = 1.15x

Where as a 60% austere, would be .6 + 1 = 1.6 since you are hitting for +60% more damage, not for 60% of normal damage.

Then 60 would become 96 from 60 * 1.6 = 96

then we would have

1.12x + 96 = 1.15x
96 = .03x
3200 = X

Austere = 3584 + 96 = 3680
Titan = 3680

Defense has not been factored into this... The previous posts were without the modification to Elemental on the Gap Power. Thanks....
Still... Math for me is fun. :) Its a proof that the math can be correct and still be wrong if its not set up with enough precision.

Is this what you mean? Or do you mean to say that we apply the gap in power twice to do 60 + 96 = 156, and then run 156 * 1.12x = 1.15x? (like you originally stated) I am assuming that the Variable-X in your equation is the variable-b in mine. Is that alright?

You are being nice to me. Thank you.
Thank you for the help.
I kinda want to play the game so sorry if I am not explaining things.

Basic damage equation can be simplified to (attack stat - def + elemental added attack (let's say 1.0 modifier on it)) x G x W where G is general multipliers like fury etc we can assume are the same and W is weapon modifier.

In the end we divide G and simplify the whole bracket as real attack power and get (real attack stat of yours using titan + gap between it and austere) x 1.12 = (real attack stat of yours using titan) x 1.15.

X is just your attack power with titan there. To be honest it would be just easier for everyone to use damage calculator. Basically what I do is multiply your b by 1.12 on top of factoring elemental attack into it. It's needed since B is in the brackets and multiplied by 1.12.

And yes it would be gap x 1 + element % if both are the same element and element number.

Aug 24, 2016, 04:23 AM
So, I only see 1 Riding Quest.

Meteor Weapon
Aug 24, 2016, 04:56 AM
Well...this is sad lol


Aug 24, 2016, 04:59 AM
Another 13* rod. The drop rate in this map is amusing.

Aug 24, 2016, 05:19 AM
So, I only see 1 Riding Quest.There's only one at a time, they apparently change daily. It seems like they'd all be the same, just different maps though.

Aug 24, 2016, 05:30 AM
..... 1st run Ride Quest .... ☆13 Launcher o-o

Aug 24, 2016, 05:53 AM
I'm curious as to just how big of a multiplier it's possible to rack up in a single quest.

I think you'd only need maybe three people collecting medals during a bonus time, and just one to collect the random rainbow medals that show up.

Aug 24, 2016, 05:57 AM
Great drop rate lol?
And it's after 2930%

Sora Yuuki
Aug 24, 2016, 06:12 AM
Form series:

Lv. 3 | 通常攻撃時に斬撃が飛ぶ。
(Projectile Shockwave on attack) (you know when you swing the weapon)

So what's this mean for those that put points into the Rod Shoot skill? Two projectiles? Or is that totally moot and a way to get Rod Shoot in the event that no points were invested in it (sans damage amplifications from the skill of course)?

Aug 24, 2016, 06:27 AM
So what's this mean for those that put points into the Rod Shoot skill? Two projectiles? Or is that totally moot and a way to get Rod Shoot in the event that no points were invested in it (sans damage amplifications from the skill of course)?Rod shoot also recovers PP, so if they both work at once I could see that being useful. Considering the damage from Rod shoot is pretty good too, I see no reason not to keep it if you already like using it.

Aug 24, 2016, 06:34 AM
Who gives you the riding quest?, also when the boss comes? because i played it five times without him appearing.

Meteor Weapon
Aug 24, 2016, 06:50 AM
Tbh, I wished that projectile was part of a skill tree, or rings.

Aug 24, 2016, 07:04 AM


Aug 24, 2016, 07:05 AM
So whats the point in the shockwaves? Also is it constant 15% damage or do you need something to get 15% hence the "up to" part.

Aug 24, 2016, 07:27 AM
For wand, beam = more single target damage, dunno the exact number tho.

Ugh, each Illusia adds like 2% .__.

Aug 24, 2016, 07:32 AM
I like how none of my 13*s have came from runs above 1m points. 40129

Almost like it is an elaborate ruse.

Aug 24, 2016, 07:57 AM
The only ★13 I've picked up was from the only run where we got over 1M points.
RNG gotta be RNG.

Aug 24, 2016, 08:18 AM
So whats the point in the shockwaves? Also is it constant 15% damage or do you need something to get 15% hence the "up to" part.

Constant 15% at lv.3. The "up to" just meant you were getting less at lower levels.

Aug 24, 2016, 08:43 AM
The ride quest is actually pretty fun. It's gonna suck when people start getting snooty about it. Though, the coin collecting gives people who do bad damage something better to do.

Aug 24, 2016, 09:34 AM
Seriously, the boss is included in the map? I played 20 times and never show up in the free frield or riding quest.

Aug 24, 2016, 09:45 AM
The Riding Quest, together with the BGM, is one hell of an adrenaline rush.

Aug 24, 2016, 10:08 AM
So ...... it's changed daily?

The Riding Quest .....
It's night now .... Still A though

Aug 24, 2016, 10:39 AM
It's actually a pretty good Exploration. WIth CF, this one won't die immediately after a few days.

Controls on the Rideroid needs acclimatization though.

Aug 24, 2016, 10:58 AM
This Rideroid controls are the most cancerous thing i have ever seen in a video game. The worst is the non existing turn speed.

Aug 24, 2016, 10:59 AM
This Rideroid controls are the most cancerous thing i have ever seen in a video game. The worst is the non existing turn speed.

Try dashing first. If you're complaining about the Rideroid controls, then you haven't gotten used to them yet.

Aug 24, 2016, 11:18 AM
Rideroid controls make sense but eww 2% per Liberty and only the Wand seems worth it.

Aug 24, 2016, 11:35 AM
Is there a button to go down with the Rideroid like space/Jump? because is the thing I hate most.

Aug 24, 2016, 11:36 AM
Rideroid is janky af, but I've gotten used to worse. I just can't get over how ridiculous we look on the things.

Aug 24, 2016, 11:37 AM
Is there a button to go down with the Rideroid like space/Jump? because is the thing I hate most.

Dash down with Down+Space.

Aug 24, 2016, 11:37 AM
Is there a button to go down with the Rideroid like space/Jump? because is the thing I hate most.

Press down and space bar. It will drop altitude.

Aug 24, 2016, 12:14 PM
did a google search on yash4000f and found this pic:


could someone translate it please? something about 15% and pp?
or is it the newly changed limit drive pot? i think the pp consumption increase was lowered to 15% from 30% iirc from the broadcast

also if the total atk with +15 r-atk affix is 1605 then its the first chair with higher base atk than austere?!!

Aug 24, 2016, 12:17 PM
did a google search on yash4000f and found this pic:


could someone translate it please? something about 15% and pp?
or is it the newly changed limit drive pot? i think the pp consumption increase was lowered to 15% from 30% iirc from the broadcast

also if the total atk with +15 r-atk affix is 1605 then its the first chair with higher base atk than austere?!!

It's the new limit drive i think.

Cyber Meteor
Aug 24, 2016, 12:19 PM
Looks like Double Cannon/Yasminkov 8000C/ Blan FLuke potential, aka Limit Drive so : increase PP consumption of PA/Techs by 15% and dmg by 15% (lvl3), and yes!! Higher base atk than Austere, 1590 at +35 while Austere is 1587 at +40 :p

Aug 24, 2016, 12:22 PM
dawm so at least ra's get this to compensate for the weird launcher ring

getting 6 of them without sheets tho...

Edit: yash probably will be great as a wind chair to grind vegas with, keeping orbit light still and then switching yash over to ult amdu color

Cyber Meteor
Aug 24, 2016, 12:35 PM
I think even getting one would seem like a challenge as it doesn't seem it comes from Vegas field. Weapons that got that potent currently drop in Elder, Loser, Profound Invasion (2 falz), and PD EQ. JP wiki has still no weapon location for this one, so either it drops on Vegas but the drop rate is very low on that one or it's in those EQ like the others, though we got a PD 4h30 ago, so some ppl probably got it already

Aug 24, 2016, 12:45 PM
Launcher Yash4k dropped in Riding Quest (got it earlier) along with New Egg ☆13 which I don't use, because Su is just a subclass for Hu or Te

Cyber Meteor
Aug 24, 2016, 12:47 PM
oh ok cool then

Aug 24, 2016, 12:49 PM
5 to go lolz :-P

Aug 24, 2016, 12:53 PM
Not gonna use it ~~~~♪
Unless another drop .......
It can't be equipped by Gu too, I believe ...... I use launcher as sub (when dealing damage to Anga)
I also almost never used Ra ..... lolz
So in the end, probably won't even grind it even if it's at 60 ele (not enough money too)

Wished ☆13 can be traded / given ...... including the dreaded eggs .... for those who need it.

Aug 24, 2016, 12:55 PM
Dash down with Down+Space.

I was wondering how you were supposed to dash down. Thanks.

Las Vegas is an interesting field. I like that gameplay now uses the full vertical surface of the game. Rangers can stay on rooftops and snipe with relative safety.

I'm finding the rideroid to be very awkward to use though. Maybe it plays better with a controller than a keyboard.

If you are dashing around with a rideroid, sometimes it is difficult to judge whether you need to land on a roof or in a plaza. Sometimes the spawns are split over two surfaces.

Aug 24, 2016, 01:42 PM
Players can travel across the map using flying vehicles called Rideroids. They can travel at even faster speeds by pressing the [x] button on the Gamepad or the [□] button in PS4 when the JA ring appears. This will activate the [Just Timing Boost] which drains PP while the boost is active. Pressing those buttons from the back palette will make the Rideroid do an 180° turn.

Wait, you can TURN AROUND?

Dan Maku
Aug 24, 2016, 01:44 PM
How do I unlock the field outside of story mode? I've completed the story mission that takes place in Las Vegas, but I can't unlock the stage. D:

Aug 24, 2016, 01:45 PM
The Rideroid controls remind me of a slightly clunkier Space Cowboy.

Aug 24, 2016, 02:24 PM
TL;DR If Austere has 100 more attack than Titan, Austere still better.

TBH, we could of just used damage calc



This is before applying PA damage and passives.

As long as you don't mind the extra damage, which...if Fury Stance taught us anything, it's not that threatening... it slightly beats out Austere. For far less the work.

Orbit would still be better for knuckles though, I am sure.

Well...this is sad lol

Pretty sure the ring was intended only for TPS...

Aug 24, 2016, 02:39 PM
What's the size of Tourmalines? Only size not listed on the wiki >_>

Aug 24, 2016, 03:22 PM
TBH, we could of just used damage calc



This is before applying PA damage and passives.

As long as you don't mind the extra damage, which...if Fury Stance taught us anything, it's not that threatening... it slightly beats out Austere. For far less the work.

Orbit would still be better for knuckles though, I am sure.

Pretty sure the ring was intended only for TPS...

I could use a damage calculator, but I was taught by my professors and engineering team to never accept the use of a calculation program or tool without being notified of the proper mathematical algorithm, and viewing it as open-source first due to level of severe dependence people have on these tools. Mathematics up to some Integral Calculus, Vector Calculus... and even some Differential Equations I can calculate in my own head in seconds. It takes less time in my mind to calculate a solution to a simple linear equation than to:

1) Type or click on a link to a web page.
2) Get used to the interface of a web page.
3) Enter data and submit it
4) Receive an answer.

Your damage calculator will give you an answer.
My method (along with the help of others) gives me a solution I can mentally think out pretty quickly.

In fact it roughly takes me maybe 10 - 20x longer to actually write the solution.

Rather than be a douchebag, lets try the following....

In your mind... what is 4 x 4? I bet you as you read "four times four" or just glanced it... Sixteen came to mind instantly... and that it would take you 10x - 100x longer to write that 4 x 4 = 16 than the shadow of a second it took for Sixteen to come to mind. The way people can add, subtract, and multiply, I can mentally do some of my favorite areas in the higher maths.

I am sure you can figure out what 4 x 4 is 10 - 100x faster on your own than:

1) Searching the net or windows for a calculator
2) Inputting 4 x 4
3) Reading 16

Don't get surprised if you find people who can mentally do derivatives and integrals. Those get drilled into us when learning Elementary Calculus as much as children get their multiplication tables drilled into them....

Aug 24, 2016, 03:32 PM
For that slight potential increase in damage I'll just keep Austere because it has more going for it.

Aug 24, 2016, 03:52 PM
The 12* weapons from Vegas do not have a unique potential; they have for the most part old, rather obsolete potentials, and none can be used by additional classes. I'm not sure I get it... At least the musical instruments from Tokyo had a good potential for being single-class >_>

Aug 24, 2016, 04:14 PM
Ugh, they need to take out flying EC with the aliens, at first it was a bit fun but is a thing you want to repeat only five times more, the car chasing in tokyo was more fluid.

Aug 24, 2016, 04:58 PM
I could use a damage calculator, but I was taught by my professors and engineering team to never accept the use of a calculation program or tool without being notified of the proper mathematical algorithm
Or I could just be not arrogant and just use this calculator rather than acting high and mighty |D

Science is a matter of faith anyway.

Anyway, real reason I came back to this thread: http://4rt.info/psod/?rUUtG whoops I entered a 7 instead of 0. Got radar on the brains.

For that slight potential increase in damage I'll just keep Austere because it has more going for it.

You're looking at a very slight damage increase at that...you might get a 900 damage boost on a PA.

This is just so stupidly easy to get in comparison...

Aug 24, 2016, 05:42 PM
Rather than be a douchebag, lets try the following....
This is literally the pure essence of irony. This is also worthy of being a sig.


-So titan is basically austere for 15% extra damage received? lol. I can see why some people will have a problem with it( paper armor, cant dodge, glass cannons), but for not having to do XQ over and over and over again + the other ridiculous requirements is fine with me.

Aug 24, 2016, 05:53 PM
PSA, you can get Titles for scoring in Riding Quest that reward SG.

Aug 24, 2016, 06:02 PM
So one thing, the rewards from this map are only 13 weapons drops? I mean apart from that there isn't more to do?

Aug 24, 2016, 06:05 PM
Ugh, they need to take out flying EC with the aliens, at first it was a bit fun but is a thing you want to repeat only five times more, the car chasing in tokyo was more fluid.

Really? I've been able to finish those quickly and easily. It's probably just getting used to the controls that makes it fun.

Aug 24, 2016, 07:33 PM
I can't help but find it funny how Vegas's Lady Liberty has the personality of a dominatrix.

Rideroid is janky af, but I've gotten used to worse. I just can't get over how ridiculous we look on the things.

Would have looked more visually appealing if our characters posture while on a Rideroid was more similar to a motorcycle racer instead of the posture of someone riding a shopping cart.

Aug 24, 2016, 07:34 PM
So, anyone have the Wand yet? Do the waves explode?

Aug 25, 2016, 12:31 AM
Yay, more 12-player content that I'll basically never participate in! Just what I always wanted.

This game is at its most fun with 2-4 players. I really wish Sega would give us something worth doing for single parties other than just spamming AQ's. I generally don't enjoy multiparty play, which makes the whole field almost pointless to me when there are no single-party quests for it.

On the bright side, the Vegas field is a huge improvement over Tokyo visually. The music I've heard there so far (I don't think I've heard all of it yet) has been all right. I do really like the three-dimensional nature of the field a lot; fighting on top of rooftops and such makes the game feel a bit more alive, and for the most part seems to work fairly well.

Unfortunately, the Rideroid controls are incredibly counter-intuitive to me. I doubt I'll ever be comfortable with them; I've just played (and still play) too many flying games, and everything about how this thing is controlled feels wrong coming from that background. Also, having to hop on a Rideroid just to get back up to a rooftop after getting knocked off of it by one of the circus wagons is really annoying.

Aug 25, 2016, 12:31 AM
I can't help but find it funny how Vegas's Lady Liberty has the personality of a dominatrix.

That's Vegas for you.

Actually, I have to say, they've captured the spirit of the place pretty well.

Aug 25, 2016, 01:50 AM
Holy shit the ridearoid controls are just pure terrible, even when you get used to them the turning circle is like driving a cruise liner.

Aug 25, 2016, 02:04 AM
I think part of the problem people have with the Rideroid is that generally in games, flying thing = flying controls. The Rideroid controls like a car that just happens to be able to elevate.

Anyways. I absolutely adore Riding Quest so far. I've played it like, ten times and I'm still not tired of it. The fact that group efficiency is directly converted into a tangible reward as opposed to simply "you won't fail" or "you can repeat this EQ one extra time because time limit" makes it fun. I also like scoring points.

Also, the music is godly. But everyone knew that already.

Aug 25, 2016, 05:20 AM
The rideroid quest is going to suffer like most 12-man always available quests with a teleporter at the start; it'll be a ghost town within a week or two.

Aug 25, 2016, 05:42 AM
Just for lulz factor you could just free aim grantz to pop all the unidentified creatures when they spawn.

Aug 25, 2016, 06:22 AM
I didn't even know Riding Quests could be played with MPA's, haha. No wonder I only had, like, 2000 points.

Aug 25, 2016, 06:26 AM
Wait, Riding Quest isn't a 4 man content ?

Still want to test it once I'm back home, it looks hella fun.

Aug 25, 2016, 06:26 AM
12 man content. I enjoy it personally but I feel it will get the same treatment with no one doing it after a week or two.

Aug 25, 2016, 06:44 AM
I enjoy Riding Quests a bunch.
Rideroid controls are super unintuitive, tho I personally mostly blame the horrid turning speed. Much better once you get the hang of boosting.
The score attack system is a pretty fun bonus.
How long will they last? Well, probably like every new area : until the next one comes out with new maybe better stuff. In the mean time, it has some fairly easy to get new weapons and a fancy new pet who definitely looks better than the others. It's like an EQ with no limit! Heck, it's like the rare drop equivalent of leveling quests. And there's the CF to keep it relevant until then too. Also the music is great.
We'll see, but personally I'll keep running it.

Aug 25, 2016, 06:48 AM
12 man content. I enjoy it personally but I feel it will get the same treatment with no one doing it after a week or two.This is why I'm tired of all the 12 man content. I want more stuff like AQs and XQs, where it's 4 man but you can solo it if you want to without too much difficulty. I really like the ride quest and if they're going to keep adding more I don't want them to turn into UQs...

Aug 25, 2016, 07:13 AM
Well with UQs you can at least join whatever group, its the teleporter that'll kill this like others before. Obviously you couldn't do this kind of quest without a teleporter, but the problem is that even if its content that you could trivially do with 3 people you won't get people to activate the damn thing if the MPA is any less than 12. This results in you sitting around forever waiting for that 11/12 to fill up. :( It's obnoxious...

UQs you can least start whenever you want and maybe somone'll join mid run, or you can find a 4-man and just join along because you feel like it.

Aug 25, 2016, 07:21 AM
Well with UQs you can at least join whatever group, its the teleporter that'll kill this like others before. Obviously you couldn't do this kind of quest without a teleporter, but the problem is that even if its content that you could trivially do with 3 people you won't get people to activate the damn thing if the MPA is any less than 12. This results in you sitting around forever waiting for that 11/12 to fill up. :( It's obnoxious...

UQs you can least start whenever you want and maybe somone'll join mid run, or you can find a 4-man and just join along because you feel like it.There needs to be groups doing it for you to join them. :wacko:

Anyway, you know you can just start the teleporter yourself right? I've done that a few times with 10 or 11 people and haven't had anyone turn it back off, most people just assume someone else will do it. That said, this quest isn't worth the time with less than like two full parties worth of people because it requires splitting up to get a high score AND drop rate.

Aug 25, 2016, 07:45 AM
So... What was the point of this post?

He says that they arent bad weapons,but they are risky. Idk why he typed it like that though. Maybe his superior brain broke down or something :wacko:.

Aug 25, 2016, 09:30 AM
Holy shit the ridearoid controls are just pure terrible, even when you get used to them the turning circle is like driving a cruise liner.

you know how you have to double-tap the move button to get the JA Boost movement? you do that little breaking animation on the first press of the button, that is when you can make a tight turn.

Although this video is japanese, they do a really good job of demonstrating how to pilot it well, so you can learn quite a bit just by watching

Aug 25, 2016, 09:48 AM
its just me or this sheet is a lot harder to acomplish , i mean the process is too slow even with 250 RDB and 50/100 triboost O_O

Aug 25, 2016, 09:58 AM
Nah, the accumulation on Vegas Dominatrix is pretty low. It does make sense though, since it's not EQ gated.

Aug 25, 2016, 10:31 AM
its just me or this sheet is a lot harder to acomplish , i mean the process is too slow even with 250 RDB and 50/100 triboost O_O

I just do the Rideroid quest over and over, it doesn't boost the sheet rate anymore than regular Las Vegas, but the nature of the quest makes the MPA rush to kill as much as possible, so it feels faster.

I don't think it has every enemy you need for some of the files though, but it still helps.

on the topic of the rideroid, I've gotten used to the controls arelady, I turn by doing the boost, before you actually boost, turn the camera. If you're doing a 180 degree turn, just use the U-turn skill.

It caught me off at first because I figured it would control like the AIS but constantly moving forward, but I think I've got it down now after playing the rideroid quest a few times.

Aug 25, 2016, 12:49 PM


Jump + Z-aim, my man.

That damned flying go-kart has controls that are approximately at the limit of how bad they could be without having intentionally made them bad. I was expecting A.I.S. but with a dive button.


Vegas Dominatrix

Why are we calling it that?

Aug 25, 2016, 02:34 PM
Updated the original post on how to unlock the new field/rideroid quest as well as a sample strategy of getting the most score and RDR.

I assume people are calling Vegas Illusia a "Dominatrix" is because you know, shes sitting on a guy whos all fours and is basically her pet etc

Nightmare Vegas makes me laugh and rip Mother Trailer since it and Devils Trailer never last too long but that freezer attack is pretty nasty if you have both aggro'd on you

Aug 25, 2016, 07:11 PM
Just ran into Nightmare Vegas.


I don't get you, Japan.

Aug 25, 2016, 07:41 PM
I assume people are calling Vegas Illusia a "Dominatrix" is because you know, shes sitting on a guy whos all fours and is basically her pet etc

I said that Vegas Illusia has a dominatrix personality because of her dialogues which mostly consists of her using demoralizing words in a somewhat sexy, dominant tone of speech... but the sitting on the guy thing applies too.

Aug 25, 2016, 09:06 PM
I said that Vegas Illusia has a dominatrix personality because of her dialogues which mostly consists of her using demoralizing words in a somewhat sexy, dominant tone of speech... but the sitting on the guy thing applies too.

If that's the case... What does Nightmare Vegas, or as I'd like to call him, Vegas Illusio, say?

Aug 25, 2016, 09:18 PM
If that's the case... What does Nightmare Vegas, or as I'd like to call him, Vegas Illusio, say?


Aug 25, 2016, 09:59 PM

Just saying, they actually made a video just to tell people how to ride this thing.

Aug 25, 2016, 10:19 PM
I said that Vegas Illusia has a dominatrix personality because of her dialogues which mostly consists of her using demoralizing words in a somewhat sexy, dominant tone of speech... but the sitting on the guy thing applies too.
ah my bad I missed your post but if I knew what she was saying then I'd get the idea of course but ehh i doubt anyone is going to translate anytime soon

ehh nm watching the vid now, thanks for the translations

Aug 25, 2016, 11:59 PM
I feel like I know the voice behind Nightmare Vegas from somewhere, but I can't put my finger on it.

Aug 26, 2016, 12:59 AM
Making a comprehensive guide for Riding Quests is going to take a little time, since there are 12 different maps: 6 Vegas districts, split into Day and Night zones each. Each zone has specific spawn patterns for Emblems, which involves finding all the routes for Day Rides and finding all of the possible spawn locations for Night Rides.

As for actual strategy, it really boils down to having dedicated players for Emblem Time as previously mentioned, so that the rest of the MPA can focus on scoring points. The challenge lies in making sure the Emblem players can gather Emblems in the most efficient way possible.

I feel like you need three on Emblems in Day, since Emblems aren't clustered, so one person is too inefficient for Emblems.

Aug 26, 2016, 09:31 AM
The Vegas Illusia and Devil Trailer requirements on my Collection Sheets are proceeding a a glacial pace. I feel like I'm mostly seeing the Tokyo bosses whenever I have boost tickets active.

I'm getting better with the Rideroid, but it still feels more awkward than it needs to be. It would probably help if it was able to take turns faster.

As others have mentioned, I'm afraid the riding quest is going to be a ghost town by this time next week. It will be very difficult to get a group.

Aug 26, 2016, 06:24 PM
Making a comprehensive guide for Riding Quests is going to take a little time, since there are 12 different maps: 6 Vegas districts, split into Day and Night zones each. Each zone has specific spawn patterns for Emblems, which involves finding all the routes for Day Rides and finding all of the possible spawn locations for Night Rides.

As for actual strategy, it really boils down to having dedicated players for Emblem Time as previously mentioned, so that the rest of the MPA can focus on scoring points. The challenge lies in making sure the Emblem players can gather Emblems in the most efficient way possible.

I feel like you need three on Emblems in Day, since Emblems aren't clustered, so one person is too inefficient for Emblems.
ya i didnt realize how many districts there were but I want to say at least 3-4 people on emblems would be best while the rest of the mpa keeps on pushing through E Trials to make the UFO and Rare mob score appear

Edit: Original post now has Yas 4k Pot and Godhand/Astral Riser NT's info along with a simplified way of unlocking the Field/Rideroid quests

Aug 26, 2016, 06:47 PM
I think there should be one specific person who goes after the solo rainbow emblems.

So the way it would work is there's 3-4 people running emblems (maybe just two for the night rides). One of those people specifically grabs the rainbow emblems when they're up, either between spawns or during emblem time, while the others keep going after the normal emblems. This way you don't have 3 people going after that one rainbow emblem at the corner of the map. The last minute when a bunch of rainbow emblems spawn they should all treat it like an emblem time and all of them go after the rainbow emblems.

For the last 30 seconds or so, if a boss hadn't already spawned I think it would be best if everyone went after the rainbow emblems instead. I've had a lot of runs where people waste time spawning a boss with less than a minute left and we don't have time to kill it.

Aug 26, 2016, 08:27 PM
I wonder if dominatrix Liberty riding and using other nations' landmarks as tools is some sort of political commentary...

Aug 26, 2016, 11:14 PM
I wonder if dominatrix Liberty riding and using other nations' landmarks as tools is some sort of political commentary...

Whoa, didn't see that but now that you mention it, suddenly Vegas Illusia is a lot more entertaining.

Aug 27, 2016, 09:28 AM
The collection sheets seem a big buggy. I did a SH Forest run yesterday and saw a small progression increment on the Devil's Trailer panel on one sheet, but not on any of the others. Another person I was talking to reported seeing the same behavior on a Ruins ARKS mission.

Aug 27, 2016, 09:39 AM
The sheets show recommended enemies for the specific weapons, but the gauge is filled by killing any enemy who has the item in the drop table. The exception is where the gauge is locked to specific quests: getting a Psycho Wand as a drop from Elder will complete the gauge, but completing Elder EQ in general will never increase it - as the gauge is locked to Perennial Apocalypse. Same is not the case for common 9* weapons which are a part of Vegas sheets.

Aug 27, 2016, 10:14 AM
Wow I just tried the Vegas collection sheet and oh boy the rates... the worst of this is only for enemies 71+ level so I can't access with my 63 Hunter to them and the problem is the stupid decision to make subclasses no level more after a certain level so I have to choose between no leveling more my Hunter or farm the collection with my Ranger.

Aug 27, 2016, 10:38 AM
The thing that bugs me about these collection sheets is the boss rates. The rates for the normal mob ones are fine, but holy shit are the devil's trailer and Vegas Illusia ones a chore. It almost feels like they're balanced to work with the ride quest drop bonus, but they don't. :/

You could make the argument that it's not an EQ, but neither was Odin and the things on that were getting way more per kill.

Aug 27, 2016, 09:17 PM
The rates are SO BROKEN...What is this??? I need to get 6 spears to make it maxed out and at this rate i will need 3 months to get the spears...The Statue and the Truck rates are So Slow its a crime...Sega cant make one thing right nowadays every update its one fail after the other its like they dont have anyone there to test this shit...This is just absurd... and good luck if you have work and study because Sega decided to make it super hardcore and need to play 24/7 over and over again praying that the bosses appear...And even better its when you need the collection file and you need to play in vegas and an old ass EQ popups up and everyone just went to play EQ instead...

Aug 27, 2016, 09:37 PM
The rates are SO BROKEN...What is this??? I need to get 6 spears to make it maxed out and at this rate i will need 3 months to get the spears...The Statue and the Truck rates are So Slow its a crime...Sega cant make one thing right nowadays every update its one fail after the other its like they dont have anyone there to test this shit...This is just absurd... and good luck if you have work and study because Sega decided to make it super hardcore and need to play 24/7 over and over again praying that the bosses appear...And even better its when you need the collection file and you need to play in vegas and an old ass EQ popups up and everyone just went to play EQ instead...

You know the rates are balanced around spamming Riding Quest, right?

Aug 27, 2016, 09:38 PM
I think it took me longer to finish a Revolucio sheet than these have, it's true that the boss rates are horrible, but I'd burn out and not want to play anymore trying to finish those Revolucio sheets...

At least I'm not interested in these ones, so I've been able to save myself the hassle and just have them on to fill in the Premium sheet spaces.

Aug 27, 2016, 09:46 PM
You know the rates are balanced around spamming Riding Quest, right?And the odin ones were balanced around spamming his quest. Like I get where you're coming from, but getting less than a percent without boosters is ridiculous for boss kills.

Aug 27, 2016, 10:03 PM
I'm just sticking with Ray since I don't have a Te :wacko:

Aug 27, 2016, 10:07 PM
Opinion: District C is pretty nice, from a gameplay perspective. The lack of tall buildings means emblems are easy to spot and you can fly at a relatively low altitude without anything getting in your way. That said, it's kinda boring to look at. The parking garage is neat, but that's about it.

Aug 27, 2016, 10:13 PM
Opinion: District C is pretty nice, from a gameplay perspective. The lack of tall buildings means emblems are easy to spot and you can fly at a relatively low altitude without anything getting in your way. That said, it's kinda boring to look at. The parking garage is neat, but that's about it.

I like District A the best, it has the lower buildings and a nice "Arena" in the pond, but tall buildings all around the edges. I've gotten my best scores so far in District A.

I like flying across the map from one one edge to the other too, it feels fun with the view of the lower area between the taller buildings.

Aug 28, 2016, 12:02 AM
I'm just gonna call Area B "New York, New York" and Area C "South Fremont", because of their geographical parallels (and as a Californian, I travel to Vegas once in a while).

Aug 28, 2016, 12:05 AM
And the odin ones were balanced around spamming his quest. Like I get where you're coming from, but getting less than a percent without boosters is ridiculous for boss kills.

I treat those differently because in the FFXIV LQ, Odin is a scripted boss fight that is only supposed to spawn once at the end, thus you don't get to fight him a lot per run. Riding Quest is different because the crap rates are designed with the expectation that you encounter several Devil's Trailer and Vegas Illusia in one Riding Quest, which, as we know, doesn't always happen.

Aug 28, 2016, 01:58 AM
I disliked the rideroid thingie so much I felt the urge to post about it here, and I usually dont rant about things I dislike :/
Here is hoping amducias ultimate doesnt add some annoying gimmick and just follow same formula. Make enemies hit/tank harder if needed, but no annoying gimmicks please D:

Aug 28, 2016, 07:49 AM
Opinion: District C is pretty nice, from a gameplay perspective. The lack of tall buildings means emblems are easy to spot and you can fly at a relatively low altitude without anything getting in your way. That said, it's kinda boring to look at. The parking garage is neat, but that's about it.

District C is a bit boring, but I prefer playing it to the other two areas. Being able to fly at the same altitude over the whole area makes the Rideroid experience more tolerable.

Aug 28, 2016, 08:27 AM
Tested Le Rideroid for the first time, dude I had the feeling to input some Cheat Codes just like in the old games.

"Up Up Down Down Left Right Left Right Shift Click Space"

No free AC after this tho.

Aug 28, 2016, 10:54 AM
Anyone completed a CF for Vegas yet? The percentage increase per run is horrendous..

Aug 28, 2016, 11:55 AM
Anyone completed a CF for Vegas yet? The percentage increase per run is horrendous..

Did one the first day it came out

Aug 28, 2016, 02:31 PM
I wonder if the Vegas Free Field might wind up being easier than the Rideing Quest for this, I suppose it depends on how frequent Vegas Illusia shows up.

the Devil's Trailer part of the file can be cheesed with Forest/Desert/Caves VHAQs/SHAQs or Extreme Quests; it's just Vegas Illusia dropping the Bio weapons, which have no droppable location, that is the big problem here

Lumpen Thingy
Aug 29, 2016, 04:54 AM
Anyone know a good area to take care of the crow part of the CFs since Sega didn't want the crows to spawn in the riding quest for some reason?

Aug 29, 2016, 05:01 AM
Anyone know a good area to take care of the crow part of the CFs since Sega didn't want the crows to spawn in the riding quest for some reason?

You don't have to necessarily chase for them. Aside from bio pyrus, which can't drop normally, and Coleto weapons that are tied to Vegas Area, you can chase and drop the other weapons normally from other enemies

for example, ikutachi often drops from rockbear, visburn NT often drops from vol dragon and so on. It's a lot easier to find them this way !

Aug 29, 2016, 06:52 PM
Did the boost the rates? It feels like I'm getting way more progress now. I just did a run with only 3 devil's trailers and got more credit with only a 50% booster than I did yesterday after 5 with a 250% booster.

Aug 29, 2016, 06:55 PM
Ah yeah, we going places!

Aug 29, 2016, 07:20 PM
I get the impression that the RDR increase from scoring is supposed to effect the collection files.

Maybe they fixed it recently or something?

Aug 29, 2016, 07:55 PM
I figured someone would want to know.


Ignoring the obvious camo. The blast from the wand are capable of hitting more than one enemy.


The blast from the wand do not proc elemental blast. Only connecting with the wand itself does.

Wand Gear being activated does not make the blast stronger.

Blast damage is affected by just attacks and which swing of the melee combo fired it.

Only lv 1 potential in the picture. Still unsure if a normal dmg increase pot would just be better overall. Wand is only +10. Only seeing a max of 1.7k non weakpoint from the blast when my melee strike itself is capable of 10k without the elemental blast.

Aug 29, 2016, 08:52 PM
I get the impression that the RDR increase from scoring is supposed to effect the collection files.

Maybe they fixed it recently or something?I redid it and realized I was simply mistaken. It's still as bad as before.

Aug 29, 2016, 09:38 PM
Ok some observations about the Riding Quest because I've just spent the past 10 hours grinding this non stop and everything hurts, but I picked up so many 13* it's not even funny.

Key things to note:
Different maps have different spawns for different files. To give an example, District C had basically no tokyo birds but District A is full of them. So district C made completing the wand CF a nightmare, while A made it super easy.
Score doesn't appear to effect the drop rate. I've scored 900k and got two 13* at once and then scored 2.2mil and got not even a 10*. It honestly depends on what spawns during the quest, the more rare enemies or bosses the better. But you should be aiming for 1mil anyway because that's pretty much the standard.
The drop pool for 13* includes the Yamato ones (I got both S.CN Mantis and HFB Kamaitachi today), mostly because those drop from the rare enemy emergency code. I don't know if the train's 13* are there because I haven't seen any.
For the rideroid you can quick turn with the shift key (or if you're on ps4 it's on your second palette in 3 button mode) and you can drop but holding down and pressing jump. You can also toggle the TPS camera off while on it but it makes it a million times harder to steer.

For the Form Wand as I mentioned in the Techer thread, it's really hard hitting with the level 3 pot and 60 ele and works nicely with new ring to make Melee Techer a thing again, I love mine. It hits five times at melee range (1 strike, 1 wand gear and then 3 waves from the pot). Attack Advance doesn't stack with the potential though as it's not counted as an attack, however stances (wise stance, average stance, fury stance) all have an effect on it because they're based on the player. The form weapons go off the primary stat of your first attack, so for Wand it's s-atk, for Rod it's t-atk and for JB it's whatever strike you have set.

Here's a video of all three form weapons in action that's worth a watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-vtwWC68QA

Aug 29, 2016, 10:03 PM
Random question, do the lyric versions of the BGMs not play in the free field? It'd be a real shame if those were ride quest only songs, because I love them.

The Rideroid Quests will probably be a ghost town once the novelty wears off, but I'd still love to listen to those songs in game while doing other things in the Vegas field.

Cyber Meteor
Aug 29, 2016, 10:25 PM
The drop pool for 13* includes the Yamato ones (I got both S.CN Mantis and HFB Kamaitachi today), mostly because those drop from the rare enemy emergency code. I don't know if the train's 13* are there because I haven't seen any.
For the rideroid you can quick turn with the shift key (or if you're on ps4 it's on your second palette in 3 button mode) and you can drop but holding down and pressing jump. You can also toggle the TPS camera off while on it but it makes it a million times harder to steer.

There is train ghidoran so there are his drops (Wanda egg, Seiga weapons....), and the fact you got Mantis and Kamaitachi is due to fact the fact they're a drop from Tank 15 which appears in this riding quest too, however don't expect to get AIS weapons as they're exclusive to Yamato ^^

Random question, do the lyric versions of the BGMs not play in the free field? It'd be a real shame if those were ride quest only songs, because I love them.

Yes lyrics versions are riding quest only unfortunately

Aug 30, 2016, 08:51 AM
There is train ghidoran so there are his drops (Wanda egg, Seiga weapons....), and the fact you got Mantis and Kamaitachi is due to fact the fact they're a drop from Tank 15 which appears in this riding quest too, however don't expect to get AIS weapons as they're exclusive to Yamato ^^

Yes lyrics versions are riding quest only unfortunately

Well I did say the yamato ones spawn because they come from the rare enemies not Yamato :/ Seiga Launcher dropped for me today so the pool is of 3 different 13* sets, which is why the rate is higher than other ones

Aug 30, 2016, 10:40 AM
Finally got around to experiencing this mess first hand.

From what I'm told, no way to guarntee vega illusia showing up, making some COs a chore.

Made worse by the fact rideroid controls and handling has to have been designed by someone strung out on heroine 24/7

Haven't bothered with riding quests yet because rideroid controls give me cancer.

I don't mind most everything else. Tokyo is annoying, but holy shit vegas is a field I do not look forward to doing ever.

Aug 30, 2016, 10:42 AM
did 2 riding quest runs
got 13* tmg on first run and 13* partizan and 13* wanda on second run
Illusia rate is so bad, feels like it will be faster to get weapon as a drop

Sep 2, 2016, 09:19 AM
So... I felt like sharing my experiences with these Riding Quests after getting 4x Titan DB, 2x Stelk Launcher, 1x Form Wand & 2x Form JBs (out of only 4 CFs) in something like 200~300 runs (honestly hard to count, I might even have done more than that and probably got something like 30 13*, eggs included).

The maximum score I got was 2 700 000 on District C Night (obviously the best map to get points) and the maximum amount of Dominatrix I got was 5 + 1 rare (got over 10 or 12% increase on this one quest I think).

So basically, it's extremely worth doing. And once you get used to the Rideroid, it's pretty enjoyable. However there are few terrible things that ared based on RNG that makes this quest really irritable sometimes (and let's not talk about the fact you can leech the entire quest & drops without actually hitting one mob by AFKing on the TP at the start).
The "Chase" EC is completely retarded (even tho you can z-aim the mobs, which makes the EC kinda quick, but still slower than Fat UFO spawning), the points reward are extremely low compared to all other ECs and it can happen like 5 times in a row (seriously, it happened to me way too many times, even made me rage quit some few runs). Same for Rare Mobs EC, this shit is the real score multiplier EC, it's way better than collecting coins, however it's also based around RNG. My best score got 4 Rare Mobs EC, here we go, RNG got us a good score and not the skill of the players (cuz we took approximately 1 min to kill a Vegas Illusia...).

So it's either you're lucky with the run and you can enjoy the quest, of the run is completely trash and very upsetting. That's a terrible design, even tho the quest is kinda enjoyable, they should've at put mins & maxs on EC, like at least spawn 1 Illusia and at max spawn only 3 freakin' aliens dancing in the sky.

Oh, another thing, the quest is completely useless for some classes (any R-ATK based char and those who don't even have a CF weapon) so you're pretty much stuck with the same pubs every time and that's to say : a lot of melees, a shit ton of melees. And this quest is absolutely trash for melees : UFO are a pain in the ass, Train is a pain in the ass, Trucks can be a pain in the ass, freakin' Cougar should already have been deleted from the game, nobody likes Cougar anyway, and is a pain in the ass... And... lots of melees actually can't z-aim the Chase EC, so it's also a pain in the ass.

Anyway, after all this, I still quite enjoy doing the quest, but I don't really think I'm gonna do it anymore, got my +32 Titan DBs and it's good enough imo, or maybe I'll get a +32 Wand if I ever plan on goin' Te/Hu or something~

NB : I'm playin' only Bo/Hu DBs, that also might be why I feel like this about this quest.

Sep 4, 2016, 10:21 AM
Illusia rate is so bad, feels like it will be faster to get weapon as a drop

That was my thinking during the first week of release, but I haven't see any 13* weapons drop in ~50 runs of the riding quest since Wednesday's update.

Also, I'm finding it harder to get a Riding mission run started, even during peak times in between MPAs.

I don't blame anyone for not wanting to run these missions anymore. The spawn rate for Vegas Illusia has been terrible for me. I've been lucky to see one Vegas Illusia every few runs lately. Mostly it has just been nonstop alien organisms, Cougar NXs, and alien motherships for me.

I'd really like to finish up some of these Titan/Form weapons, but luck hasn't been on my side for the last few days.

Sep 4, 2016, 01:16 PM
I think it would be best to have everyone who wants to join all converge into the Rideroid Blocks (Block 29) that way it's easier on people seeing as other ships do this and Ship 2 for god knows why seems to like spreading itself out or not exactly finding a designated spot to run these or newer content.

Block 29 though for Rideroid quests will help out a lot instead of sitting there for 10mins+, this is granted word gets out to people and they converge there

Edit: updated original post a big about Block 29, hopefully this can help find runs quicker seeing as other ships on non JP peak hours still have a almost full block

Sep 4, 2016, 03:43 PM
That's something I've been thinking about, people keep using blocks 17/18 (on Ship2) for Rideroid, when there's already blocks specifically for the riding quests. It gets annoying when a block gets full (like b17 usually does) and you can't join an existing group.

Sep 4, 2016, 04:01 PM
I didn't even know there were blocks specifically for the riding quests. Thanks for pointing that out.

Sep 6, 2016, 10:15 AM
I don't think anybody actually uses the riding quest blocks, but at this point we might want to shift over there just so we don't see situations like 6/12 mpa on b17, a 4/12 on 18, and 2/12 on 19 as much

even if nobody is there, you should just make the mpa so it appears for other people when they check "join party in another block", it might attract some people.

worst case I rounded up 3 friends and still somehow did better as 4/12 than some of the real stinker 12/12 mpa's I've been in

the other downside is the delimma for EQs, but really the few that you HAVE to have a good mpa for these days is Magatsu, Demise, and Dispair, and only one of those actually happens randomly. but the hour before an EQ may see people leave the block just to make sure they get a 12/12 mpa for them, so don't get too disheartened by that

Sep 6, 2016, 12:42 PM
I like this quest despite its shortcomings. ^_^
For me, stuff like this is enjoyable.

What is NOT enjoyable is when you are going with RDR 250s and the two people who are there with you are running around with 3 Bots each....its pretty much a *facepalm*.. sure, don't get me wrong... I use NPCs, but I only use them when I Solo Areas with a locked room and everything, not when I am running XH maps trying to fill up a sheet.

I wish one could have a room option to not allow bot summoning during a round.

Sep 6, 2016, 12:49 PM
Agreed, particularly in newer areas. I have no issue if I run into someone with a full party of NPCs in Forest something, because it's rare to run into people in some of the older areas anyways, but in newer areas with relevant event quest, sheets, etc. it's blocking out more players, and making the whole situation less efficient.