View Full Version : Dengeki Interview --- New PA system & Craftable 13* weapons

Jul 22, 2019, 01:52 AM

From what I'm aware of in this article and friends, it sounds like 13* weapons will be overshadowing any 14* weapon and being on par (likely surpassing) 15* gear once this is released and people get to craft and build their weapon how they see fit especially the weapons that support SSA1-3.


 新しい機能の紹介などアップデート関連の情報はたくさんお届けします。本日も何度か話題にあがった新PA のお話もできるかと思います。PAと言っていいかは悩ましいところですが。新PAは通常のものと違ってPP を使って発動するものではないんです。使うのに準備があるぶん強力なので、ヒーロータイムフィニッシュや複 合テクニックが近いです。

The PA system (or what I like to call "Compound" PA's) is apparently a gauge for every weapon type that sounds like it exactly like compound techs; do dmg, fill gauge, use them (cooldown is unknown). While this sounds kinda cool it seems extremely lazy and something they could have released alongside past Compound Techs.

If its not for every weapon (which i need to re-read the article again) it may likely be a new Compound PA for each class

------NEW 7/28/19

Someone translated the rest of the info so heres that

visiphone near dudu
そうですね。ドゥドゥ(モニカ)の近くにビジフォンを置いてほしいという要望などもありました 。

recreating ep1-3 story to go with anime
シナリオスタッフ全員にはエピソード1~3すべてのゲームムービーを見ていただいたうえで、数カ月にわたっ て全体構成をやり直しているとのことでした。
キャラクターの登場時期や出番の多さも変わっていますし、登場しない惑星や、イベントの場所が変わっている 場合もあります。

increasing power of hunter
アンケートの内容を見ると、威力面での要望よりもモーションが遅いことへの不満が目立っていましたので今回 の調整項目とさせていただきました。

standing snipe no activation time
ポジショニングをしっかりしたうえでダメージを取っていくというスキルですが、これも発動させる時間がない というご意見もありました。過去にムービングスナイプを強化するなどの調整は入れたのですが、あらためて検 討を行いたいと思います。

phantom detonation ring similar to P weak bullet, as well as other class
起爆に関しては“L/Pウィークバレット”のような使い勝手にできればと。最近はスキルリング自体の配信もできていなかったので 、ファントム以外のクラスのものも含め、必要に応じて配信していきます

possible new system of EQ triggers that can be accepted anytime
スケジュールの設定など調整での解決ではなく、いつでも受注できる緊急クエストトリガーなど新しいシステム で解決していく必要があります。

13* crafting is NT only

13* crafted weapon the raw weapon stat is equivalent to 15*, but because potentials exist, it can become stronger than 15*
最後までクラフトを進めることで、★15相当のパラメータまで強化されます。★13以下の武器は潜在能力の 効果が高いものも多いので、ダメージだけでいえば★15のトップクラスまでは強くできると思い ます。

cant extend tact

new quest is 4-man ultimate quest,

yellow lasers is related to being able to clear the quest faster

it is easy to just clear it, but clear time and laser can make it faster. it is similar to "Final Fleet Interception Battle"
クリアするだけならそこまで難しくはないです。そこからクリアタイムやリザルトを詰めていくようなクエスト になります。“終の艦隊迎撃戦”のイメージに近いかもしれません。
quest gives clear titles and weapons as well as others, the quest result seems to have a large influence?
基本的にはリザルトの部分が大きいですね。クリア称号や武器以外のアイテムなど繰り返し遊んでいただけるよ うに、いろいろな報酬を準備しています。

can exchange 5 tokyo silver for a tokyo gold, expired keys can be exchanged, including the ones that expired now
(note that 5 tokyo silver gives more exp than a gold, but its about time efficiency)
もう1つの目的はボーナスキーの復活です。有効期限の切れてしまったボーナスキーも交換対象と なります。
ただ、今までに有効期限の切れたボーナスキーを捨ててしまった方も多いと思いますので、「有効期限が●●以 降のものを交換対象」のように期間の設定をさせていただきます。

it will be easier to obtain photon spheres in the future (or ultimate boosters?)
--アルティメットブースターについてですが、フォトン系アイテムの統一や輝石、魔石の調整の実施によって入手 しやすくなると思いますが、ドロップでの入手にかんしては緩和なども予定していますか?

New areas to get S1:augment intent, possibly as well as any other SSA that are locked behind single content too

the reason the new 14* all class talis was released is so people don't need to rely on selc foltz JB to get shifta

less than 30% of players have expert

the new PA for Bo and Hu dont use PP, it is closer to hero time or coumpound techs.
新PAは通常のものと違ってPPを使って発動するものではないんです。使うのに準備があるぶん強力なので、 ヒーロータイムフィニッシュや複合テクニックが近いです。

perhaps all classes could be getting one? it is only used by the class's main weapon. So Sword for hunter and Launcher for ranger
対応する武器のみですね。ソードの新PAならハンター、ランチャーならレンジャーといった具合です。詳細は 決勝会場をお待ちください![/spoiler-box]

Jul 22, 2019, 02:38 AM

im excited

Jul 22, 2019, 03:01 AM
I believe I heard that crafting can make it close / on par with top ☆15.
Would like to see how it goes tho, once it's implemented!
Qliphad come to mind .... and might gave extra protection .....

Oh, that "compound PA" seems interesting! :D

Jul 22, 2019, 03:14 AM
Still have quilphad and atra rods from my FoTe. This sounds kinda neat

Dark Mits
Jul 22, 2019, 03:58 AM
Most likely, crafted -NT will be close or better than current 15☆s at max extended level. We still don't know what the grinding requirements could be. The total cost to get through the levels and unlock max ExLvL could be in the area of 30000 Gold- and Saphard materials, while also requiring lots of excubes and a heavy wallet.

I am not against the above, in fact I do believe that crafting mats should become more expensive. Currently they are almost at 1k meseta per Gold- .

Jul 22, 2019, 04:59 AM
Dear sega, turn aste unicorn into an NT weapon, thanks.

Jul 22, 2019, 07:04 AM
Let's see if Sega goes fully insane and allows you to craft SSA slots onto weapons.

Imagine Qliphad with Strike/Shoot/Tech Boost (and the bonus ATK-stats from the potential work with the SSA like you would hope).


Jul 22, 2019, 09:29 AM
EDIT: Oh, and the "compound PA" thing is probably just meant to give the remaining non-tech/non-successor classes a similar burst mechanic to compound techs and hero/phantom finish. I do hope they're weapon specific though.


From what I'm aware of in this article and friends, it sounds like 13* weapons will be overshadowing any 14* weapon and being on par (likely surpassing) 15* gear once this is released and people get to craft and build their weapon how they see fit especially the weapons that support SSA1-3.

This makes me upset that it's only for 13*s because a bunch of my favorite weapons are 14*s as they tend to have the most interesting gimmicks. I don't see why they'd be doing this only for 13*s if the idea is supposed to be bringing them all up to 15* power.

Let's see if Sega goes fully insane and allows you to craft SSA slots onto weapons.

Imagine Qliphad with Strike/Shoot/Tech Boost (and the bonus ATK-stats from the potential work with the SSA like you would hope).

:wacko:I doubt that would work. That said, Qliphad with SSA slots would still be really good, simply because you'd be able to get more out of the limited stat slots.

Jul 22, 2019, 09:39 AM
i wonder how powerful i can make the seikaiser weapons . hell even my old AIS rifle which i had since ep 4 until the april campaing
(now using atlas EX rifle)
i wonder if the Demonia series will have an update that makes them at pair with the resonant weapons

Jul 22, 2019, 07:27 PM
I actually think being able to add an S1 slot OR an S2 slot OR an S3 to a weapon could be pretty interesting. Being able to add all three would be criminal, though, with how some of the 13*s are. Think of Nemesis-NT weapons that start with a 17% damage multiplier.

Well, with the addition of S1, S2, and S3 slots, we could restore Gix weapons to their former glory with their 20% multipliers, great for classes that don't use automate like Hr and Ph. Just make sure to never switch weapons ever again. :-P

No, I am not holding my breath for Sega to do this.

Jul 29, 2019, 12:47 AM
a follow-up to the recent Dengeki Interview about crafting:

"13* crafted weapon the raw weapon stat is equivalent to 15*, but because potentials exist, it can become stronger than 15*
最後までクラフトを進めることで、★15相当のパラメータまで強化されます。★13以下の武器は潜在能力の 効果が高いものも多いので、ダメージだけでいえば★15のトップクラスまでは強くできると思い ます。"

I wish Sega wasn't so dam predictable sometimes, I mean COOL crafting is back but why do they need to usurp Atra EX and Lightstream? the only other reason I can think of is that they're releasing another power creep maybe a month or two after the crafting update, heck it may allow crafted weapons to be good until the next end of Episode gear releases. I just dont know anymore. I hope you got those old 13* NT's laying around, especially Invade NT

Here is the rest of the info from Dengeki Interview if you haven't already seen it, just general overview:

visiphone near dudu
そうですね。ドゥドゥ(モニカ)の近くにビジフォンを置いてほしいという要望などもありました 。

recreating ep1-3 story to go with anime
シナリオスタッフ全員にはエピソード1~3すべてのゲームムービーを見ていただいたうえで、数カ月にわたっ て全体構成をやり直しているとのことでした。
キャラクターの登場時期や出番の多さも変わっていますし、登場しない惑星や、イベントの場所が変わっている 場合もあります。

increasing power of hunter
アンケートの内容を見ると、威力面での要望よりもモーションが遅いことへの不満が目立っていましたので今回 の調整項目とさせていただきました。

standing snipe no activation time
ポジショニングをしっかりしたうえでダメージを取っていくというスキルですが、これも発動させる時間がない というご意見もありました。過去にムービングスナイプを強化するなどの調整は入れたのですが、あらためて検 討を行いたいと思います。

phantom detonation ring similar to P weak bullet, as well as other class
起爆に関しては“L/Pウィークバレット”のような使い勝手にできればと。最近はスキルリング自体の配信もできていなかったので 、ファントム以外のクラスのものも含め、必要に応じて配信していきます

possible new system of EQ triggers that can be accepted anytime
スケジュールの設定など調整での解決ではなく、いつでも受注できる緊急クエストトリガーなど新しいシステム で解決していく必要があります。

13* crafting is NT only

13* crafted weapon the raw weapon stat is equivalent to 15*, but because potentials exist, it can become stronger than 15*
最後までクラフトを進めることで、★15相当のパラメータまで強化されます。★13以下の武器は潜在能力の 効果が高いものも多いので、ダメージだけでいえば★15のトップクラスまでは強くできると思い ます。

cant extend tact

new quest is 4-man ultimate quest,

yellow lasers is related to being able to clear the quest faster

it is easy to just clear it, but clear time and laser can make it faster. it is similar to "Final Fleet Interception Battle"
クリアするだけならそこまで難しくはないです。そこからクリアタイムやリザルトを詰めていくようなクエスト になります。“終の艦隊迎撃戦”のイメージに近いかもしれません。
quest gives clear titles and weapons as well as others, the quest result seems to have a large influence?
基本的にはリザルトの部分が大きいですね。クリア称号や武器以外のアイテムなど繰り返し遊んでいただけるよ うに、いろいろな報酬を準備しています。

can exchange 5 tokyo silver for a tokyo gold, expired keys can be exchanged, including the ones that expired now
(note that 5 tokyo silver gives more exp than a gold, but its about time efficiency)
もう1つの目的はボーナスキーの復活です。有効期限の切れてしまったボーナスキーも交換対象と なります。
ただ、今までに有効期限の切れたボーナスキーを捨ててしまった方も多いと思いますので、「有効期限が●●以 降のものを交換対象」のように期間の設定をさせていただきます。

it will be easier to obtain photon spheres in the future (or ultimate boosters?)
--アルティメットブースターについてですが、フォトン系アイテムの統一や輝石、魔石の調整の実施によって入手 しやすくなると思いますが、ドロップでの入手にかんしては緩和なども予定していますか?

New areas to get S1:augment intent, possibly as well as any other SSA that are locked behind single content too

the reason the new 14* all class talis was released is so people don't need to rely on selc foltz JB to get shifta

less than 30% of players have expert

the new PA for Bo and Hu dont use PP, it is closer to hero time or coumpound techs.
新PAは通常のものと違ってPPを使って発動するものではないんです。使うのに準備があるぶん強力なので、 ヒーロータイムフィニッシュや複合テクニックが近いです。

perhaps all classes could be getting one? it is only used by the class's main weapon. So Sword for hunter and Launcher for ranger
対応する武器のみですね。ソードの新PAならハンター、ランチャーならレンジャーといった具合です。詳細は 決勝会場をお待ちください![/spoiler-box]

added this to the front page too

Jul 29, 2019, 01:28 AM
"13* crafted weapon the raw weapon stat is equivalent to 15*, but because potentials exist, it can become stronger than 15*
最後までクラフトを進めることで、★15相当のパラメータまで強化されます。★13以下の武器は潜在能力の 効果が高いものも多いので、ダメージだけでいえば★15のトップクラスまでは強くできると思い ます。"

What even are some good crafted 13*s? Most of them seem to either have meh potentials or just no ssa slots.

Dark Mits
Jul 29, 2019, 01:36 AM
I wish Sega wasn't so dam predictable sometimes, I mean COOL crafting is back but why do they need to usurp Atra EX and Lightstream?Let's not be that hasty yet. As I mentioned above, the grinding requirements to manage to make 13* NT extended to a level that surpasses current 15*s will take a lot of time and materials. Players will need to have many crafting stations (not just the basic 3) and a plethora of both gold- materials AND Lilliparia to get to max extend craft level within the first week. For the majority of players, especially those who have not bothered to level crafting at all to get reduced cooldowns AND to also stock up on materials, it will be a pipe dream.

I know that we can send crafting requests to others. But I doubt many people will prefer to extend other player's weapons before their own :D

visiphone near dudu --ok

recreating ep1-3 story to go with anime --they are changing Omnibus again?

possible new system of EQ triggers that can be accepted anytime --I don't understand, but this sounds like a QoL improvement

13* crafting is NT only --This shows hasty design. Why not allow all -NT weapons up to 13*...

13* crafted weapon the raw weapon stat is equivalent to 15*, but because potentials exist, it can become stronger than 15* --Well, we'll have to check for 13*s that have better potentials then. And not everyone has been hoarding old equipment.

cant extend tact --Summoner once again is the forgotten child

can exchange 5 tokyo silver for a tokyo gold, expired keys can be exchanged, including the ones that expired now
(note that 5 tokyo silver gives more exp than a gold, but its about time efficiency) --1 Tokyo Gold gives around the same exp as 3,5 Tokyo Silvers. At the same time, you get a lot more Excubes and other materials from doing Tokyo Silver. While a QoL for people who are burnt out with having to run Tokyo Silver 30 times per week, personally I will stick to doing Tokyo Silver.

Why not remove keys entirely and just give a flat 10x exp modifier to every other content in the game?

less than 30% of players have expert --If everyone is an expert, noone is. 30% is too much already. No, I am not elitist because I do not have it myself due to lack of skill[/spoiler-box]

Jul 29, 2019, 01:51 AM
What even are some good crafted 13*s? Most of them seem to either have meh potentials or just no ssa slots.
Invade NT will basically be the top 13* NT again since it does support SSA 1-3. I'm not sure what else aside I guess Slave/Nem but they don't support SSA's

Let's not be that hasty yet. As I mentioned above, the grinding requirements to manage to make 13* NT extended to a level that surpasses current 15*s will take a lot of time and materials. Players will need to have many crafting stations (not just the basic 3) and a plethora of both gold- materials AND Lilliparia to get to max extend craft level within the first week. For the majority of players, especially those who have not bothered to level crafting at all to get reduced cooldowns AND to also stock up on materials, it will be a pipe dream.

You can bet those people who do craft are already sitting on plenty of Lilipariums and Gold crafting materials to work on the craft Lv'ing once the update hits (along with all the crafting machines), I don't see why multiple people first week wouldn't meet the max craft to start letting people request them. As for people still working on their crafts or just starting, they got a long road ahead of them

well i think they'll do both, i mean your gear priority before others if youre the one crafting for them. either way its a win win for them especially with weekly room visits

Jul 29, 2019, 01:52 AM
Still mad 14*s aren't craftable. There's a bunch of 14*s with pots I like, but they just don't compete with Atlas EX or Lightstream because their numbers aren't big enough.

Jul 29, 2019, 02:24 AM
Still mad 14*s aren't craftable. There's a bunch of 14*s with pots I like, but they just don't compete with Atlas EX or Lightstream because their numbers aren't big enough.
JT plus with craft mastery and 15* stats would literally be a 16*. 14* crafting would also invalidate upgrading Atlas to ex and ares to austere.

Jul 29, 2019, 02:44 AM
Orbit NT could be interesting. 13% pot with 3 SSAs' worth of APPR and 200% regen on top. Especially for Phantom weapons that sheathe when you cast a tech.

Jul 29, 2019, 11:28 AM
Unless crafts have the option the add at least some SSA slots, the good pot 13*(iPads, Slave/Nems, Orbit) dont have any by default, so they wont be that much better than the current 15*. Depending on how much extra ATK is added, is also possible they may still be weaker overall.

Not very hyped as it is currently, I prefer to have some freedom with SSA beside the extra damage, and the old pots arent good enough for me to give up muh SSA ):

Jul 29, 2019, 11:42 AM
I still don't see anything worthwhile other than Qliphad, Ceres, and maybe Invader for this cause.

Dark Mits
Jul 29, 2019, 12:18 PM
I still don't see anything worthwhile other than Qliphad, Ceres, and maybe Invader for this cause.Checking Potentials alone, the most powerful ones seem to belong to Nemesis-NT and Slave-NT (17% power and a minor additional on/off bonus). Then you have Gix which maxes gradually to 20% but resets back to 6% if you get hit. Mars has 12% power, plus 5% on bosses with added PP recovery. Aura, if you get 8slots on the weapon, has 16% power + 30% passive PP recovery and 23% attack PP recovery.

But considering also S-Ability slots, it looks like Invade-NT will be the "winner".

Jul 29, 2019, 12:47 PM
Still mad 14*s aren't craftable. There's a bunch of 14*s with pots I like, but they just don't compete with Atlas EX or Lightstream because their numbers aren't big enough.

i know , the demonia series needs S-slots for compete with resonant weapons , unless sega have plans for an upgrade :/

Jul 29, 2019, 04:08 PM
Can't wait to extend my Lightning Espada-NT rainbow set.

I don't like the word 'crafting' because people refer to crafting when upgrading/exchanging weapons at Zieg. They say I crafted my Lightstream weapon/units and Buy Val weapon from player shop and craft it to Atra.

Jul 29, 2019, 05:14 PM
Can't wait to extend my Lightning Espada-NT rainbow set.

I don't like the word 'crafting' because people refer to crafting when upgrading/exchanging weapons at Zieg. They say I crafted my Lightstream weapon/units and Buy Val weapon from player shop and craft it to Atra.

Not every weapon will reach Lightstream tier even at the highest craft level and its like any other weapon, if it supports S1-3, it basically wins, if it doesnt, it basically loses

Jul 29, 2019, 05:57 PM
For raw power it's most likely the PSO2es weapons like this one with a 21% pot and an S2: https://pso2.swiki.jp/index.php?%E7%A6%8D%E8%B9%B4%E3%83%94%E3%83%AA%E3% 82%AB%E3%83%8D%E3%83%88

Bluesy Requiem NT has a 22% pot, Fornis TMG has 20% and lifesteal so they'll be strong candidates for best in slot.

Jul 29, 2019, 06:16 PM
cant wait to switch to gix sword on hero and just completely forget about any other weapons again.

also the new PAs being locked to a single weapon type of each class is incredibly lame, like cmon, whats the point of even having different weapon types if they're just going to pretend only one exists for each class.

Jul 29, 2019, 07:21 PM
For raw power it's most likely the PSO2es weapons like this one with a 21% pot and an S2: https://pso2.swiki.jp/index.php?%E7%A6%8D%E8%B9%B4%E3%83%94%E3%83%AA%E3% 82%AB%E3%83%8D%E3%83%88
Fornis TMG has 20% and lifesteal so they'll be strong candidates for best in slot.

where are you getting that Fornis has 20% dmg increase from? They're all 14% dmg on the pot

cant wait to switch to gix sword on hero and just completely forget about any other weapons again.

Why Gix? and this is assuming every weapon somehow gets the same crafting stat at the end and seeing how Invade NT will be general better (while profound has a higher base, i think the crit from Invade NT's PT is way more helpful than a flat 10%) why bother with Gix anymore?

I'm also waiting for Takemi to come preaching that crafting Dia weapons will be God Tier weapons for Hero

Jul 29, 2019, 07:28 PM
Why Gix? and this is assuming every weapon somehow gets the same crafting stat at the end and seeing how Invade NT will be general better (while profound has a higher base, i think the crit from Invade NT's PT is way more helpful than a flat 10%) why bother with Gix anymore?

I feel they're just saying they'd use Gix because of how effortless Gix Sword's potential becomes because Hero is able to use techniques therefore able to skip "Don't use mate or your 20% DMG boost goes away". I do recall lots of Hero's using Gix when it came out, most likely because at the time it was still a higher end weapon.

Jul 29, 2019, 07:30 PM
I feel they're just saying they'd use Gix because of how effortless Gix Sword's potential becomes because Hero is able to use techniques therefore able to skip "Don't use mate or your 20% DMG boost goes away". I do recall lots of Hero's using Gix when it came out, most likely because at the time it was still a higher end weapon.

oh no i already knew that but im saying why use that over other weapons that are genuinely better?

Jul 29, 2019, 07:45 PM

Jul 29, 2019, 08:07 PM
where are you getting that Fornis has 20% dmg increase from? They're all 14% dmg on the pot

Weaponoid Booster(?) or something, I think.

Pot3 from swiki :
(与ダメの1%吸収 1ヒットの吸収上限50)

Jul 29, 2019, 08:15 PM
Weaponoid Booster(?) or something, I think.

Pot3 from swiki :
(与ダメの1%吸収 1ヒットの吸収上限50)

oh i was just checking like 8 random weapons and only the TMG's showed off the Weaponoid Potential (i guess because a character got made from Fornis TMG's) so thats why I was getting confused since I didnt see it on Sword or Rod

Jul 29, 2019, 08:23 PM
Now it makes me wonder ... how to get those Weaponoid Booster .... I think I have 1 so far, from E-Trial drop.
I assume mostly PSO2es? And with extra low rates?

My Atra already at 22% (10+4+4+4), if I remember it right .... but if the stats from craft is good, might be better to go for that Fornis (for more Healing (50) too) _(:3」

Jul 29, 2019, 08:36 PM
Now it makes me wonder ... how to get those Weaponoid Booster .... I think I have 1 so far, from E-Trial drop.
I assume mostly PSO2es? And with extra low rates?

My Atra already at 22% (10+4+4+4), if I remember it right .... but if the stats from craft is good, might be better to go for that Fornis (for more Healing (50) too) _(:3」

ya theyre from playing Es but idk how the rates are, I assume theyre not all that bad to farm

Well it's already like I said, every weapon is going to have different base stats so we cant assume max craft for every 13* is going to be the same but as for Fornis over Atra Ex ehh i mean its only 20 extra HP and if you're a good Gu and you make mistakes, recovering HP shouldnt be that big a deal for you. My opinion I wouldn't bother dropping Atra Ex over a max crafted Fornis TMG's....for now at least but that would also require me (or you/whoever) to be playing Es for those boosters.

really even if only certain 13*'s become top tier over or on par with 15*'s (Lightstream/Atra Ex), I wouldn't even consider investing into them unless it's a class I wouldnt mind having geared up with old gear laying around because I'm going to play it safe and wait on higher tier 15*'s to get released again. Not falling for this bait and switch

Jul 29, 2019, 10:47 PM
Why Gix? and this is assuming every weapon somehow gets the same crafting stat at the end and seeing how Invade NT will be general better (while profound has a higher base, i think the crit from Invade NT's PT is way more helpful than a flat 10%) why bother with Gix anymore?

I mean invade with just all damage focused SSA's is about 21-22% dmg increase with its pot+SSAs unless im missing something, which isnt too high above gix, but gix i think would be way easier/cheaper to make for Hr.

though both of these i think gets beat out by lightning espada NT which has a 23% dmg increase on its pot for on-attribute and also heals

assuming all 13* crafts end at the same dmg then unless I'm wrong, I think that means they should all be relatively close in damage.

basically I agree that invade is probably better, but the difference in cost makes gix a bit more enticing to go with.

Jul 30, 2019, 01:55 AM
I mean invade with just all damage focused SSA's is about 21-22% dmg increase with its pot+SSAs unless im missing something, which isnt too high above gix, but gix i think would be way easier/cheaper to make for Hr.

though both of these i think gets beat out by lightning espada NT which has a 23% dmg increase on its pot for on-attribute and also heals

assuming all 13* crafts end at the same dmg then unless I'm wrong, I think that means they should all be relatively close in damage.

basically I agree that invade is probably better, but the difference in cost makes gix a bit more enticing to go with.

from what little math i did (3/3/3 on Invade) it wasnt that massive a difference so I suppose I can see your point, getting Gix or Invade NT might be a pain for others who dont have it but in this case of Hero I think this would work out fine since you're relying on Resta and Zanverse so you wont ever have to deal with the dmg reset but for other classes will most likely have to use Invade NT if possible.

again again though, its not likely the max craft stats will be the same for every weapon

Jul 30, 2019, 01:26 PM
Invade-NT could be strong depending on max extension base attack values and how much you're willing to spend on them.

some examples:
1.12 × 1.0506 × 1.04 × 1.04 = 1.2726884352% (8s + ≥200atk - s1:x boost, s2:skilled strike 2, s3:skilled strike)
1.12 × 1.04 × 1.04 × 1.04 = 1.25984768% (8s - s1:augment intent, s2:skilled strike 2, s3:skilled strike)
1.12 × 1.035 × 1.04 × 1.04 = 1.25379072% (7s - s1:augment intent, s2:skilled strike 2, s3: skilled strike)
1.12 × 1.0506 × 1.03 × 1.03 =‬ 1.2483313248‬% (8s + ≥200atk - s1:x boost, s2:des, s3:vital intent)
1.12 × 1.04 × 1.03 × 1.03 = 1.23573632% (8s - s1:augment intent, s2:des, s3:vital intent)
1.12 × 1.03 × 1.03 × 1.04 = 1.23573632% (?s - s1:skilled strike, s2:skilled strike, s3:skilled strike)
1.12 × 1.035 × 1.03 × 1.03 = 1.22979528% (7s - s1:augment intent, s2:des, s3:vital intent)

Jul 30, 2019, 06:56 PM
The weapons that come to mind are Form/Vades and Bullet Kunai.

Jul 30, 2019, 09:10 PM
The weapons that come to mind are Form/Vades and Bullet Kunai.

True. The Vades Rod could beat that 14* shoot rod if the damage is h8igh enough (Though the hitstop and boosted normals could still beat Vades Rod).

Jul 30, 2019, 10:06 PM
again again though, its not likely the max craft stats will be the same for every weapon
right yeah, though considering how lazy content has been lately I wouldn't be too surprised if they were lol

Jul 31, 2019, 06:39 PM
from what little math i did (3/3/3 on Invade) it wasnt that massive a difference so I suppose I can see your point, getting Gix or Invade NT might be a pain for others who dont have it but in this case of Hero I think this would work out fine since you're relying on Resta and Zanverse so you wont ever have to deal with the dmg reset but for other classes will most likely have to use Invade NT if possible.

again again though, its not likely the max craft stats will be the same for every weapon

nah gix will be trash for hero easily since any weapon swap auto resets its latent and 1 weapon only hero is not good. invade nt is easier to get by a mile and compatible with weapon swapping and due to the nature of its ssa high slotting invade is an easier task. invade also has the bonus of being unconditional damage meaning its compatible with demonia recharges but with that in mind it might not matter by then as i suppose the new hero buffs should be out by then?

Jul 31, 2019, 09:45 PM
nah gix will be trash for hero easily since any weapon swap auto resets its latent and 1 weapon only hero is not good. invade nt is easier to get by a mile and compatible with weapon swapping and due to the nature of its ssa high slotting invade is an easier task. invade also has the bonus of being unconditional damage meaning its compatible with demonia recharges but with that in mind it might not matter by then as i suppose the new hero buffs should be out by then?

no idea if those Hero buffs were kicking in around then or not but I was going to stick to Invade NT if I ever decide to get those crafted since ya they're easy to get and dropping in the current LQ's. I completely forget Gix resets when you switch too since I haven't used them in years.

Aug 1, 2019, 12:02 PM
Not every weapon will reach Lightstream tier even at the highest craft level and its like any other weapon, if it supports S1-3, it basically wins, if it doesnt, it basically loses

Lightning Espada-NT potential increase power by 23%, so how does it lose compared to ssa weapons? You would need Invade-NT with at least two 4% and one 3% ssa while you lose 3atk affix slots.

Aug 1, 2019, 12:17 PM
As far as I know, there are almost no good Weaponoid Potentials that exist on 13*s.

Also, I like how no one has mentioned Ripper/Slayer affixes. Which is 7% each on 13*s.

Aug 1, 2019, 03:22 PM
As far as I know, there are almost no good Weaponoid Potentials that exist on 13*s.

Also, I like how no one has mentioned Ripper/Slayer affixes. Which is 7% each on 13*s.

Theyre non transferable and require more RNG for them to drop with high slots and good affixes so theres no real point on relying on these

Aug 1, 2019, 04:08 PM
Lightning Espada-NT potential increase power by 23%, so how does it lose compared to ssa weapons? You would need Invade-NT with at least two 4% and one 3% ssa while you lose 3atk affix slots.

you have to match element or have a lightning weak target which in this day and age conditional latents really have no place especially ancient oath/fornis style latents

Aug 1, 2019, 08:52 PM
Theyre non transferable and require more RNG for them to drop with high slots and good affixes so theres no real point on relying on these

Ripper/Slayer is transferrable. It's 20% for 3 copies.

Aug 1, 2019, 10:28 PM
Member what a pain it was to EX max a weapon rarity?

I member.

Seriously thought, EX maxing any weapon rarity always gave out the same ATK results, meaning a 1★ max EX weapon would have the same ATK as an 11★ max EX weapon. This leaves 2 possibilities:

1- 13★ won't follow the same crafting rules (which would make sense since they are more powerful to start with)
2- Every other weapon rarity will be get new EX level to reach that same potential (doubtful, but imagine crafting old 10★ weapons to get modern ATK, these had great Pots back in the days)

Aug 2, 2019, 03:43 AM
Ripper/Slayer is transferrable. It's 20% for 3 copies.
guess i was thinking of the other ones and while 70% on boost week, i guess if you care about crafting you'll do it but im sticking to my guns and going to wait until the craft craze is over so i can get in on the new power creep and not waste meseta and materials to bother with crafting.

Member what a pain it was to EX max a weapon rarity?

1- 13★ won't follow the same crafting rules (which would make sense since they are more powerful to start with)
2- Every other weapon rarity will be get new EX level to reach that same potential (doubtful, but imagine crafting old 10★ weapons to get modern ATK, these had great Pots back in the days)

none of this is even confirmed or you're just making stuff up. oh wait, you blocked me, cant see this post either ho ho TAKEMI!!

Aug 2, 2019, 01:44 PM
It's only confirmed that 13* is more expensive. Trailer showed that it's 560k, 20 Gold, and 16 Fragments at Level 1. Stat scaling is also different because it goes up to 15*, so.

They didn't say anything about bumping up other rarities. They only confirmed that OT weapons won't get the upgrade, so 12* and 13* OT is still dead.

Aug 2, 2019, 03:12 PM
It's only confirmed that 13* is more expensive. Trailer showed that it's 560k, 20 Gold, and 16 Fragments at Level 1. Stat scaling is also different because it goes up to 15*, so.

They didn't say anything about bumping up other rarities. They only confirmed that OT weapons won't get the upgrade, so 12* and 13* OT is still dead.
RIP Niren Orochi, lol.

(Could have been relevant again for Magashi UH, heh)