View Full Version : How to acquire Atlas Varua EX PLUS?

Jun 29, 2020, 08:52 AM
How do we obtain Atlas Varua EX PLUS? Can anyone explain from the beginning? Pls help. Thanks!! :-)

Jun 29, 2020, 09:21 AM
So, first, this is a quick question, please use the dedicated threads for such questions.

Now, there is no weapon named Atlas Varua Ex+ or Atlas Varua Ex Plus.
The "plus" comes from the new potential the Atlas weapons all received: instead of Immortal Soul, it's called Immortal Soul Plus.

To get this new potential, you take your Atlas Varua Ex (at +35), check Dudu/Monica and select Change Potential in the first menu.
It'll cost you 360 000 mesetas and 240 Lumminmech Emer Fragments to perform the change.

The Lumminmech Emer Fragments are farmed in Divide Quests.

Jun 29, 2020, 10:12 AM
The Lumminmech Emer Fragments are farmed in Divide Quests.

Are the fragments difficult to farm? Is the drop rate poor? Any advise? :-)

Jun 29, 2020, 06:36 PM
So, first, this is a quick question, please use the dedicated threads for such questions.

Now, there is no weapon named Atlas Varua Ex+ or Atlas Varua Ex Plus.
The "plus" comes from the new potential the Atlas weapons all received: instead of Immortal Soul, it's called Immortal Soul Plus.

To get this new potential, you take your Atlas Varua Ex (at +35), check Dudu/Monica and select Change Potential in the first menu.
It'll cost you 360 000 mesetas and 240 Lumminmech Emer Fragments to perform the change.

The Lumminmech Emer Fragments are farmed in Divide Quests.

We call them Atlas Ex+ because its easier to call this way because we know you're going to be using the Plus potential on it

As for Emer fragments, theyre not really hard to farm, run DQ with friends or team mates for 20-30 if youre struggling. I also think supply route is the best way for this on those floors.