View Full Version : Psyco Wand, Sting tip

Apr 1, 2001, 01:45 AM
DO any of you out there want to trade a Psyco wand ro Sting tip for...
Tempest Diska
Varista with 25% angaist native, 35% agaist machine and 35% agaisnt dark
Slicer of assasin with 15% agaist native, 40% agaist dark and 45% hit
2 god arms I think - and --
Imperail armor with 3 lots
Guaridn armor with 3 slots
Perfect frame with 3 slots
Gae bolg
scepter with 40% agaist A beast and 45% agaist dark
Dragon slayer +8

I'll give U all of these for one of the above mentioed items! Please resond... Tell me when u can get on and I'll give U the items and u ur's and... THANKS FOR READING!