View Full Version : XboX Looking for a Legit chainsawed...

Jun 10, 2004, 07:26 AM
Ive been cruising the caves looking for a chainsawed but i have yet to get one, now im looking to trade for one.

Percents dont matter to me but if it has good percents i will be inclined to offer more.

Heres some of the beter things i have to offer

Varista +25
Yamato +40
Red daggers
Red DIska (not name, forgot secodn word)
57x photon drops
Tons and Tons of Grinders
Stag cutlery
Grass assasin arms
Boomas arm
Rappys wing
Rappys fan
Boomas claw

Few other things...

All i want is a legit Chainsawed, I can be on anytime friday (this is posted wed). Just tell me when to be on and where to be. Thank you ahead of time for anyoen who wants to trade me.

and if you really want it i have a gay hacked spread needle with 127 percent to Hit, Dark, and machine,

Jun 28, 2004, 01:33 PM
i think i have one but unfortunately my parents cancelled all my xbox live stuff.damn them