View Full Version : Zanba %.

Aug 20, 2004, 09:10 AM
I just traded for a zanba with % in Native/Abeast/and Hit.

I'm mainly curious to know if anyone has seen any duplicate copies of zanba's running around with % in those areas?

Aug 20, 2004, 11:20 AM
how high are the percnts?

Aug 20, 2004, 04:40 PM
The % are less than 40, but I don't know off the top of my head what they are. (I'm at work.) I was just curious if anyone had seen a 20% hit Zanba with native/abeast % in trade games.

Aug 20, 2004, 10:35 PM
that seems totally normal..

most hit hacked weapons have variables of 100/100/0/0/100 hit.

but always 100 hit. could be 0/0/100/100/100 as well.

but yours sounds completely normal.

Aug 20, 2004, 11:52 PM
20 hit zanba is as common a dupe as anything else.

Aug 21, 2004, 04:49 AM
of all of the zanbas I have seen.. I have only seen one with hit..and it was 15%

Sure 20 is as much a dupe as anything else, but those of you who know how to dupe, would you want a 100 hit zanba or a 20 hit zanba..

Aug 24, 2004, 04:01 AM
I bet it has (30,35,0,0,20)

And this is indeed the duped version. Not hack, but duped!
Just to let you know!