View Full Version : Annoyance

Dec 6, 2004, 12:08 PM
I'm trying to study for my final exam in my Graphics Communication Survey class.....I'm in the library, and this group of (Not to sound racist or groupist or whatever...) Ganstas shows up (several of them are white, mind you)...about twelve or thirteen of them.

I shrug and continue looking up something.

They decide they want to be loud, and start yelling at the top of their lightburned lungs about how one of their girlfriends was "eatng their cum" or something last night and how several of them came and were throwing things at "poo-lice pigs" at a parkinglot, and then they were all laughing loud enough to make the windows in the room shake.

The librarians did nothing, save for one who came up to them and sat down with them, and began acting the same way. They did this for several more minutes, then I left, unable to concentrate there any longer, and I do not know if they are still there, but there were words thrwon around that I will not say because they are racially obscene and even that one C-word that can get you banned here.

Practically every other word was Fuck or C-word, they took every chair in the room for themselves, when I got up to get something from my bag, they took mine too, they gave random people passing by obscene gestures and gave the females rude comments.

Is this what society in america is becoming? And aren't libraries places for QUIET!?

Dec 6, 2004, 01:27 PM
sounds like a normal day at school to me...thats why i was so glad to finish

Dec 6, 2004, 01:35 PM
thats where the 'thug' society is going. dont worry though, they'll kill themselves off eventually.

Dec 6, 2004, 03:00 PM
Lets hope so.

At least I got it finished, the exam.....oy